Title: | Agallamh: Mary Ellen Stiùbhart |
Owner: | GuthanNanEilean |
Short url: | https://clilstore.eu/cs/713 |
Summary: | Administrative procedures for summer school (Ceòlas). Mary Ellen Stewart is the administrator of the summer school. She describes the tasks that need to be done leading up to and during the week. |
Language notes: | |
Language: | gd |
CEFR level: | B2 (35) |
Word count: | 439 |
Media: | ( 2:15) |
Created: | 2012-09-10 22:00:00 UT |
Changed: | 2013-04-18 21:43:32 UT |
Licence: | Creative Commons BY-SA |
Views: | 2721 |
Clicks on words: | 212 (since 2014-03-18) - List of clicked words |
Likes: | 0 |
Raw unit (unwordlinked) ⇒ Google translated
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