Title: | The means of transport |
Owner: | Yaiza |
Short url: | https://clilstore.eu/cs/5308 |
Summary: | The singing walrus presents "Song of transport for children". In this song, children learn the different types of transportation: car, train, plane and more. This song is great for learning English. |
Language notes: | |
Language: | en |
CEFR level: | A1 (5) |
Word count: | 151 |
Media: | none |
Created: | 2017-04-22 16:45:24 UT |
Changed: | 2017-04-22 17:08:32 UT |
Licence: | Creative Commons BY-SA |
Views: | 731 |
Clicks on words: | 1 - List of clicked words |
Likes: | 0 |
Raw unit (unwordlinked) ⇒ Google translated
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