Details for unit 3867

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Summary:The main aim of this activity is to revise and test the knowledge acquired by the students after (or perhaps before) the teacher gives them the required information in the unit ‘The Universe’. This activity could be included in the Science subject of the fifth primary school course. The proposed task consists of playing a video on the website Youtube where a song about the planets of the solar system is being sung while the illustrations of the planets and the general structure of the universe are shown. At the same time, students will be provided a page with the transcription of the song in which there are some gaps to be filled with the correct words of the song. It is also provided a small clue about the grammatical category of the word that they have to write in order for them to be able to complete the song. Therefore, not only the topic of the universe is checked or tested, but also the use of the target language, in this case English, is powered and encouraged through highly contextualized activities.
Language notes:Specific vocabulary about the universe: The names of the planets, adjectives and adverbs to describe them. KEY WORDS: The Planets, the Solar System, The Universe
CEFR level:A1 (5)
Word count:222
Media:video ( 3:48)
Created:2016-04-02 11:30:44 UT
Changed:2016-04-14 08:47:55 UT
Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA
Clicks on words:10789 - List of clicked words

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