Title: | Agallamh: Chris Lawson (Eachdraidh is Seirbheisean) (tro Teachertube) |
Owner: | caoimhinsmo |
Short url: | https://clilstore.eu/cs/2057 |
Summary: | Development of the genealogy service in Harris and current activities. Centre director Chris Lawson explains the background to how the Seallam! centre came into being. She goes on to describe the various services on offer in addition to genealogy tracing, including book sales, and exhibitions, and gives an indication of the level of interest there is both locally and from visitors, particularly noting linkage to St Kilda. |
Language notes: | Unscripted authentic speech at natural pace, exhibiting characteristic "performance errors" - false starts, pauses, repetitions, etc – giving a historical account and describing services and uptake levels. |
Language: | gd |
CEFR level: | B2 (35) |
Word count: | 1289 |
Media: | ( 7:02) |
Created: | 2014-02-05 12:10:00 UT |
Changed: | 2014-04-28 16:14:00 UT |
Licence: | Creative Commons BY-SA |
Views: | 2932 |
Clicks on words: | 3 (since 2014-03-18) - List of clicked words |
Likes: | 0 |
Raw unit (unwordlinked) ⇒ Google translated
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