How is the 2nd Euclid Theorem demonstrated?
Can you apply it?
And ... WHO was Euclid?
Here you can see
- the demonstration,
- the application
- ... and a bit of history
of this Theorem
Learn its history
Understand the demonstration
Apply in exercises
- First of all press the botton TRIANGLE'S NAMES
- Euclid history: press the botton HISTORY below
- With your class mate press the botton demonstration and explain each other every step, then control with the app pressing the botton demonstration exercise
- Write on the tablet EUCLIDE your doubts and try to help other groups
- Press the botton VIDEO and answer to the questions when it is asked to.
- Copy the MAP and change or add in your group. Send a copy to the teacher.
Control the checklist "CHECK"
The assessment will be by "MARKS"

At the end of this unit the student know how the Theorem was demonstrated, how to apply it and a bit of history.