This is a Clilstore unit. You can .
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Date:1st of June
Topic: Lions are strong, but tigers are stronger.
1.Look at the pictures of animals, identify and name them out loud.
2.Which of these animals are
Możesz puścić nagranie z płyty CD (na początku roku szkolnego wszyscy uczniowie zabrali do domu płyty CD, które otrzymali do podręcznika Get Smart 3 Plus)
1. Hippos are big. Elephants are big.
Which of these animals are bigger?
Elephants are bigger than hippos.
2. Horses are fast. Cheetahs are fast.
Cheetahs are faster than horses.
3. mice / cats
Which of these animals are smaller?
Which of these animals are taller?
___________ are faster than ______________
___________ are bigger than ___________
___________ are smaller than ___________
big - bigger tall - taller
fat - fatter strong - stronger
hot - hotter fast - faster
thin - thinner small - smaller
Justunka _9_ Hania _9_ Pola __
Berka _9_ Ida _9_ Miki _9_
Maciek _10_ Janek _9_ Alek _10_
Miss Agnes 37
old, young
__Miss agnes_____is older than ________students from class 3a_________________.
__Students from 3a____ are younger than _______Miss Agnes_______________.
Write 2 sentences about your friends and 1 or 2 sentences about yourself.
___________is older than ________
__________ is younger than ______
I am older than ............
I am youner than ............
Good job!
Miss Agnes :)
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