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Project- My summer holiday.

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                                                                                          Date: 22nd of May                       

Topic: My summer holiday.


go --------went                              catch-----------------caught

have -----had                               make-----------------made

take ------took                             eat -------------------- ate

swim -----swam                           see---------------------saw     



Workbook-ex.2 p.70


Katie didn't find a postcard.

She found a shell.



Katie didn't buy clothes.

She boughts postcards.



Katie didin't swim in the sea.

She looked at the stars.


Workbook-ex.2 p.69






Read  about Tim's summer holiday.

Tim's holiday- Student's Book p.91

  1. When did Tim go on holiday?
  2. Where did he go?
  3. What was the weather like?
  4. What did he do?
  5. Did he buy postcards?
  6. Did he like it?




I like biscuits. I like cakes.


I like biscuits. I don't like cake.



At the weekend I played football. I swam in the sea.


At the weekend I played football. I didn't swim in the sea.




-my sister, my aunt, my uncle

-swim in the sea, catch fish, not take pictures, go to museum



  1. When did Peter go on holiday?
  2. Where did he go?
  3. Who did he go with?
  4. What did he do?
  5. Did he like it?






Write about your holidays - Workbook ex 2 p.72

Answer the questions given in the Student's Book p.91


  1. When did you go on holiday?
  2. Where did yu go?
  3. Who did you go with?
  4. What did you do?
  5. Did you like it?


Good job!

Miss Agnes :)


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