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Project: A day in a life of a waiter moje

                                                                                           Date:  ....     of    ...                                                               

Project: A day in a life of a waiter

Today is ...........................


    1. He helps people. He works in a hospital. He is a ................
    2. He arrests criminals. He works in a police station. He is a ..........
    3. He works in a restaurant. He serves food at the table. He is a ...........


This is Mrs Ania...



A day in the life of  .................... ( a waiter, a doctor, a student, an artist, an office worker,...)


1. Draw activities that a friend or a family member does every day (minimun 3 pictures)

2. Colour in your drawings

3. Draw clocks showing what time your friend or family memeber does each activity.   

    Wykonaj pracę starannie, schowaj ją do teczki, dbaj o nią, poproszę Cię o jej zaprezentowanie.                                                                              

Great job!

Miss Agnes 

Clilstore Clock

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