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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.


In mission 3, you are going to learn what the Energy Balance is and we will learn about useful healthy eating habits. 

eating healthy

1. Warm-up. Do the PRE-LISTENING activity to activate previous knowledge.


2. Watch the following video to understand the concept of Energy Balance:

3. Once you have watch the video, do the POST-LISTENING activity. Check you understanding by saying whether the sentences are true or flase. 

4. Practice: Click on "Your Energy Balance" below, fill in the data and find out aout your specific daily energy requirements. 

5. READING: Click on "Healthy Habits" and read the article about nutrition and healthy habits. This reading will be very useful to help you write your assignemetnt.

6. Assignment: Write a 150-200 word essay where you explain your food habits, your body mass index, your personal energy balance and the physical activity you do every day. To finish, write what aspects of your life you could improve to have a healthier lifestyle. Upload your essay onto Google Classroom to complete mission 3. 

Clilstore PRE-LISTENINGPOST-LISTENINGYour Energy BalanceHealthy Habits

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