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Morden Aviation

6.1 Historically, State agreements between military aviation units and ANSP have focused on the needs of
State defence, security and emergency procedures as well as military readiness and response requirements. There is
now a clearly defined need to establish procedures that support the efficient integration of military and civil aviation in
day-to-day operations.
6.2 Collaboration begins with good communication. ATM stakeholders should meet regularly to better
understand the needs, desires, constraints and challenges that each operator and service provider faces in operating
within State airspace. Good communication and mutual understanding enable building collaboration upon a solid
foundation. Good civil/military communication and collaboration are the key to success for ATM around the world.
6.3 ATM stakeholders should approach and decide on each change-process on a collaborative basis.
Optimized decision-making is the result when the interests of all ATM stakeholders are represented and the impact of
the required changes is weighed and balanced against the needs and issues of military, civil and State aviation.
6.4 Aviation operations of all types contribute significantly to the economy of a State, and, as such, their
growth needs to be protected and encouraged. In this regard, each State will benefit from a strong commitment to
civil/military collaboration. Collaboration on the design and management of State airspace, technical requirements, and
data and information collection and dissemination will allow civil aviation to flourish and military aviation to perform their
required missions. Further, aviation is a global business with an economic impact that crosses State borders. Strong
State commitments to civil/military collaboration will be conducive to international harmonized approaches to aviation
and the building of national and international agreements that benefit State and international civil aviation stakeholders
6.5 This circular provides several examples of successful State civil/military collaboration resulting in benefits
to airspace management and ATM system operations. These examples demonstrate that collaboration:

a) attains higher levels of safety;
b) increases airspace capacity;
c) enhances national security; and
d) increases operational efficiencies through:
1) interoperability of civil and military aircraft;
2) reduction in distances flown;
3) establishment of optimal flight profiles; and
4) reduction in fuel consumption and carbon emissions. 

6.6 Not only does collaboration have a positive impact on day-to-day airspace management but it also allows
for improved planning and execution of future technical and operational concepts. Collaborative assessments of costs
and benefits will allow States to meet the future demands of civil and military aviation with much greater certainty. As a
result of collaboration, States will likely be encouraged to consider common requirements for technology, capabilities,
performance and procedures to meet future ATM demands.
6.7 This guidance should be considered as the first attempt to show a path forward. It not only indicates the
strategic direction of ICAO, but also attests to the readiness of numerous global and regional partners in the aviation
industry, military entities, ATM, and aviation service provision to engage in a mutually rewarding collaborative effort. 


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