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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

Solids around Us

Solids around Us

Mathematics is The Queen of Science. Geometry is one of its units. In this webquest  You will discover how useful geometry can be. 

Remember! Mathematics is not your enemy.

You will see examples of the existence of solids in our life, especially in architecture and articles of everyday use. You will have to do some tasks with volumes, areas of solids.

Task 1. Match into pairs solids with names.


Task 2. You will see some buildings that associated with solids. Try to connect building and place.


Task 3. Split into 4 groups. In order to recall formulas of volumes and areas solve press button Exc 1. You have 20 minutes for this task.


Task 4. The word  ”box"  is usually associated with an ordinary, rectangular, rectangular shape. However, it is enough to take a closer look at the shop shelves and see the richness of polyhedrons and other shapes presented in the packaging of the products we use on a daily basis. Can you give the full mathematical names of all the figures in our packaging gallery?



Task 5.  It is a Christmas time. You bought the  presents for family and friends. You have 4 kind of boxes: cube with 30 cm of edge, cylinder of radius 20 cm and height 30 cm, cuboid 8 cm x 10 cm x 20 cm, and cone with radius 15 cm and  height 20 cm.

Is it possible to cover each of these boxes with sheet of decorating paper 50 cm x 100 cm? Give an answer and show calculations.

Task 6. Take the  pictures of different things at your home which are prism or pyramid. Prepare presantation or poster to the next classes.



CLIL assessment              






Not satisfactory


Students know each of kind of solids and appropriate formulas

Students know more of the solids with formulas

Students know some of solids and can use some of formulas

Students don’t recognize solids and formulas


The team worked well together and completed the task on time

The team experienced problem working together but manage to solved them on its own

The team experienced problems working together which prevented good team work.

The team experienced problem with team working and didn’t manage to solve them


Student can choose and use all  formulas with appropriate solids

Student can choose and use most of formulas with appropriate solids

Student can choose and use some of formulas with appropriate solids

Student can’t choose and use formulas with appropriate solids

Competence (language)

All needed vocabulary is known. Student don’t have any problems with content of tasks

Student knows more part of needed vocabulary, has small problems with content of tasks

Student knows very few words from needed vocabulary, has problems with content of tasks

Student doesn’t know vocabulary, has big problems with content of tasks


Clilstore Exc 1

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