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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

Discover Poland


Task 1


Have you ever visited a really interesting or beautiful place?

What was so special about it?

Why would you recommend it?



Task 2 

Watch this short video and answer the questions. 


Task 3

Match these words with pictures




Task 4

Fill in the blanks with the words/expression from the list. 

(a learning apps exercise -> a leaflet advertising an interesting place in Poland)


Task 5

Work in groups of three. Create a leaflet advertising an interesting place in Poland (80-100 words). You should include some photos/videos of the place, you can base your work on the example provided above. You can use Canvas or any other application you know.

You can use the resorces (see the link below) 

Your work will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

a)Relevant content 

b) The style 

c) The number of words 


Criteria champion adept freshman
Task completion  5/5 tasks 3-4/5 tasks 1-2/5 tasks
Cognition (correct answers) 90%-100% 50%-89% 20%-49%
Communication Really involved Somehow involved Not involved much
Community Excellent team work Good team work Poor team work
Competence Excellent use of IT apps / Creativity / Presenting information Good Excellent use of IT apps / Creativity / Presenting information Poor Excellent use of IT apps / Creativity / Presenting information


RESOURCES (there will be a link)





Short url: