This is a Clilstore unit. You can .
A poem: "About a boy"
Read the poem and find 25 irregular verbs. Put down the three forms for each verb.
I knew a boy.
He wasn’t good.
He always broke
All things he could.
He sold all presents
That he got.
He threw all books
His father bought,
Forgot all things
His teachers taught.
He wasn’t smart at all
They thought.
But when he grew
He understood
The way he chose
Was not so good.
He felt so bad.
He hardly slept.
He went to school
That he once left.
Soon he became a smarter man
His journey into books began.
He took a book,
He made a note
And in a year
His book he wrote.
It was the best thing he had had.
That’s what he told, that’s what he said.
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