This is a Clilstore unit. You can .
Open LO Calc. Open your student template. Open the sheet 6.1 dades
Select the range A5:A24 from the sheet dades.
Press the keys Ctrl+F3 or select the menu option Insereix | noms | defineix to open the window Defineix els noms. Write edats in the box nombre. Now we can use the name edats to reference the range A5:A24
Put the cursor in A5 in the sheet gràfics and write =edats. The cell will take the same value than the cell A5 in the sheet dades ("De 95 anys i més")
Follow the same steps to define:
The name homes as the name of the range B5:B24 from the sheet dades
The name dones as the name of the range C5:C24 from the sheet dades
Open the sheet gràfics and write:
In A4 write =edats
In B4 write =homes
In C4 write =dones
In A5 write =edats
In B5 write =-homes (Notice the negative sign in the formula. Later, when we build a chart from these data, this negative signe will make the bars for the column homes be placed in the left part of the chart)
In C5 write =dones
Select the range A5:C5 and extend it to the row 24
Select in the sheet 6.1 gràfics the range A4:C24
Select the menu option Insereix | diagrama. (or use the button This will start the charts wizard
Select a bar chart ( Barres), variant Apilat and click in següent
In the wizard 2n step (interval de dades), leave the default options and click in Següent
In the wizard 3rd step (Sèrie de dades) leave the default options and click in Següent
In the wizard 4th step (Elements del diagrama) int the box titol write: Piràmide de Població and click in Finalitza
Save the document using the save button or Archivo | guardar. Never use Save as (archivo | guardar como ) otherwise the previous versions in your document will be lost.Save a version and call it 6.1.1
Click anywhere in the sheet and come back to the Chart
Click in the area of the chart, to select it as shown in the image below and select the option Posició i mida from the contextual menu
Change the position and size settings as shown in the image below
Double click on the chart (Notice the change in the chart)
Double click any of the bars in the chart. The dialog window Sèrie de dades will open. In the tab Opcions ,set spacing to 0% and click d'accord
Click with the right button the vertical axes ( Y) and select the option Format d'eixos, or select the main menu option Format | Eixos | Eix Y
In the tab Caràcters, set the font size to 9 points in the box Mida
In the tab Números, disable the checkbox Format de la font and, in Codi de format, write 0;[black]0, as shown in the image below and click D'acord
Click with the right button the horizontal axes ( X) and select the option Formato d'eixos or use the main menu option Format | Eixos | Eix X
In the tab Caràcters, set the font size to 9 points in the box Mida and click D'acord
In order to place at the ages in the axis of the diagram select the tab Posicionament and in the drop down list bloc Etiquetes select the option Comença fora.
The result must look like this
Save the document using the save button or Archivo | guardar. Never use Save as (archivo | guardar como ) otherwise the previous versions in your document will be lost. Save a
version and call it 6.1.2
Give aditional format to the image
Save the document using the save button or Archivo | guardar. Never use Save as (archivo | guardar como ) otherwise the previous versions in your document will be lost.Save a version and call it 6.1.3
MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR ACTIVITIES FILE. Open the file browser Nautilus using LLocs | inici. Open your calc activities folder. Select your Calc activities file and copy it (ctrl+c) and paste it (ctrl+v) in the same folder. This will create a perfect safety copy of your activities file, keeping in it the versions. Carry on working with the original file.
Select the sheet 6.2 Clima. Create a table as the one shown below. You must type (manually) the rainfall (PPT) and temperature (Tmax and TMIn) statistics in the table.
In a previous activity you defined a list of months in valencian language so, to write the column C, mesos, write Gener in C4 and extend it to C15
To work out the average of temperatures Insert in E4 the formula =MITJANA(A4;B4) and extend to E15.
Save the document using the save button or Archivo | guardar. Never use Save as (archivo | guardar como ) otherwise the previous versions in your document will be lost. Save a version and call it 6.2.1
Select the range C3:E15
Click in the menu Insereix | Diagrama . Calc will open the charts wizard.
1st step (tipus de diagrama): choose as chart type Columna i línia and click in Següent
2n step (interval de dades) leave the default options and click in següent
3rd step (Sèrie de dades) leave the default options and click in següent
4t step (Elements del diagrama):
As title set : Diagrama ombromètric
Check the box Eix X and write Temperatura mitjana(ºC)
Check the box Eix Y and write PTT (mm)
Click In Finalitza
Save the document using the save button or Archivo | guardar. Never use Save as (archivo | guardar como ) otherwise the previous versions in your document will be lost.Save a version and call it 6.2.1
Click on any cell in the spreadsheet and then click on the chart again to select it.
Click, using the right button, on the chart to open the contextual menu and choose the Posició i mida option
In the Posició i mida tab of the dialog, type width 12 cm and height 10 cm.
Press the button OK
Double click on the chart to access the formatting options.
Select the menu option Format | Eix | Eix Y ,and select the Escala tab:
Uncheck the Automàtic box corresponding to the Maximum value to represent
Enter the value 120
Press the OK button
Select the menu Insereix | Eixos
Check the Eix secundari / Eix Y box
Click OK
Select the menu option Format | Eix | Eix y secundari, and select the Escala tab
Uncheck the Automàtic box corresponding to the Maximum value to represent
Enter the value 60
Press the button OK
Save the document using the save button or Archivo | guardar. Never use Save as (archivo | guardar como ) otherwise the previous versions in your document will be lost. Save a version and call it 6.1.3
Keep in mind that, in the ombrothermic charts, the values of rainfall are represented on twice the scale of the temperatures
Select Format | Llegenda
Select the tab Position
Select Posició / Baix ( at the Bottom)
Click OK
Select Format | Títol | Títol (Eix Y)
Click in the Alineació tab
Change to 0º the writing direction
Select the Tipus de lletra tab. Change the font size to 10 points and the Typography to Bold (negreta)
Click OK
Select Format | Títol | Títol (Eix X)
Click in the Tipus de lletra tab
Change the font size to 10 points and the Typography to Bold (negreta)
Click OK
Select Format | Eix | Eix X
Select the etiqueta tab and change the value of direcció d'escritura to 90 degrees
Change the size of the letter to 10 points and the Typography to Bold (negreta)
Click on the title of the Y axis to select it
Click again with the right button and, from the options, choose Posició I tamany
Change Posició X to 0.80 cm
Change Posició Y to 0.84 cm
Press the OK button
Similarly, change the position of the X-axis title to X=9.40 cm and Y=0.45 cm
Double-click the area of the diagram and right-click again and, from the options, choose Position and size
Change X Position to 1.50 cm
Change Y Position to 1.50 cm
Press the OK button
Double click on the line that represents the temperature
In the Options tab, activate Alinea la línia de dades a / 2n eix Y (Secondary Y axis)
In the Line tab, change the Width to 0.1 cm
Click OK
Finally, ask Format | Àrea del diagrama
In the Area tab, change the color to Yellow 1
Click OK
Save the document using the save button or Archivo | guardar. Never use Save as (archivo | guardar como ) otherwise the previous versions in your document will be lost.Save a version and call it 6.1.3
MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR ACTIVITIES FILE. Open the file browser Nautilus using LLocs | inici. Open your calc activities folder. Select your Calc activities file and copy it (ctrl+c) and paste it (ctrl+v) in the same folder. This will create a perfect safety copy of your activities file, keeping in it the versions. Carry on working with the original file. Don't upload it to Moodle until you end the last activity
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