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A tabulación is a special character inserted when the user types on the key tab:


Población según nivel de instrucción. Recuentos. Población de 10 años y más. Cataluña. Distribución por comarcas. Año 2001.
(Fuente: Idescat. Banco de estadísticas de municipios y comarcas []).

	No sap llegir		
	o escriure	%	Total
Alt Camp	812	2,53	32082
Alt Empordà	1998	2,24	89349
Alt Penedès	2428	3,34	72609
Alt Urgell	236	1,36	17381
Alta Ribagorça	56	1,75	3202
Anoia	1922	2,29	83893
Bages	3150	2,24	140359
Baix Camp	2958	2,28	129538
Baix Ebre	1417	2,35	60295
Baix Empordà	2275	2,46	92617
Baix Llobregat	17617	2,85	618834
Baix Penedès	1242	2,26	55026
Barcelonès	37546	1,96	1916434
Berguedà	566	1,63	34808
Cerdanya	175	1,36	12836
Conca de 	217	1,28	16933
Garraf	1972	2,04	96571
Garrigues	196	1,12	17575
Garrotxa	906	2,09	43348
Gironès	2802	2,3	121871
Maresme 	8158	2,57	317722
Montsià 	1297	2,48	52386
Noguera 	539	1,71	31606
Osona	2619	2,27	115579
Pallars Jussà	126	1,14	11026
Pallars Sobirà	47	0,83	5674
Pla d'Urgell	463	1,72	26946
Pla de l'Estany	572	2,62	21805
Priorat	106	1,24	8540
Ribera d'Ebre	352	1,77	19870
Ripollès	512	2,16	23723
Segarra	258	1,56	16591
Segrià	3086	2,06	149821
Selva	2547	2,42	105363
Solsonès	213	2,07	10284
Tarragonès	3925	2,4	163577
Terra Alta	189	1,66	11368
Urgell	356	1,27	28049
Val d'Aran	54	0,78	6890
Vallès Oc.17115	2,61	656106
Vallès Oriental	6965	2,44	285933
Catalunya	129990	2,27	5724420

If your pasted data looks like this....

.... then you have to insert by hand the tabs replacing the blank spaces (represented by a little point) by tabs.

There are two ways of using the tabs... graphically, using the ruler or setting the tabs coordinates

Formating the tabs using the ruler

This is the easier way but also the less acurate of formating a page with tabulators

First, you'll have to select the type of tabulator (using the selector tab shown in the image below, in the left corner of the ruler)

There are four tabulators:

To begin with, select all the text except the headlines (the two first paragraphs).

Everytime you click on the horizontal ruler, a new tabulator will be created in that position, for the selected text, and of the type of tabulator selected on the left corner. Insert a "right " tab at the position 6, a "decimal" tab at the position 10 and a "right" tab at the position 14.



Notice how the text aligneation has changed after inserting the tabs. Once inserted, you can move the tabs just dragging them to the left or to the right in the ruler, and this will change the alignment of the text.

If you want to delete a tabulator, placed by mistake, just put the cursor on it and drag it down out of the horizontal ruler.


Newspaper columns

A dialog appears where you can set columns with different options: Insert two columns separated by 0,5cm and click d'accord


Select again Formato|Columnas… and set a separation line between columns.


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