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2-hours CLIL module: refraction and reflection













 Hi guys today I'm going to show you that science is not only labs and the interesting things that we can do with so many little things. So now, what do we need to carry out this experiment? We need some milk, matches a glass of water and a laser pointer.

Firstly we're going to try viewing the way of the light from the water. Well to see propperly the experiment we're going to switch off lights. Unfortunately we can´t see the way of light throughout the water but if we add some milk it could be totally different. Only a little bit remember it
We have to remove as well. Now we can see without problems the way of light throughout the water with milk because the milk is an obstacle for the light of the laser.

On the other hand, secondly if we switch on the match and we keep the fume of the match inside, we can see now something incredible, awesome, is that the light is changing its direction when it arrives at the fume and if we change the angle of the light it could be totally reflected as well.

When light arrives at the media of different indexes of refraction, different density or different speed its direction changes. This phenomenon is known as a refraction. But light can be reflected as well with high angle in this case this phenomenon is known as total reflection. Snell`s law says it and relates the angle to the normal to the indexes of refraction.

Well guys this is all for today and remember:with the small things you can become the biggest scientist



Before starting, consider using rapid-fire quick questions to check and secure basic knowledge and understanding from previous grades (examples are given in the Quick Quiz on the right). The quiz can be done as a whole class and should take no more than a couple of minutes. Alternatively, the could join in groups of four or five and choose one candidate for each one and write their answers on the smart board which will allow them to check their answers and the more wright answers they have, the better their final mark will be. In that case the activities will take them a little be longer. Besides, by this way they make an effort to express themselves in the L2 language and give opinions. Providing them with some expressions for giving opinions in the target language, before starting with the contents of the lesson, could be useful.


 Finding key words

Once they finish the quiz they have to find the most repeated words (which will be probably the key words of this unit) within the quiz and make a glossary. In addition, they can find out more key words of this topic by using the terminology extractor “translated labs”. Students can either use laptops in the same room or going to the ICT room.




Activities prior to listening/watching a video

- Checking misconceptions through do it yourself diagrams

This is another activity to check misconceptions in the students. It should take 5 minutes. We could encourage the learners to draw the beams of light in different medias and then check their answers interactively on the smart board. They can do it in a piece of paper and then either one volunteer or the teacher will show the answer. This is an awesome task to carry out for many reasons: they have more freedom as they have nothing else in front of them as well as it gave them the opportunity to identify one of the most painful things of the topic they struggle with: Is light made of only one beam?



 Activities after listening/watching a video

- Debating, Fill the gaps with words listed below and label diagrams already represented

In extended activities, which should be done after watching the video, they will be able to check their previous ideas and correct their misconceptions. Before doing them, they will debate their ideas and conclusions about the video. Thus, they will see which areas of speech, language of communication they struggle with. For these tasks they may need until the lesson to finish.




Clilstore 2-hour lesson module activities.pdf

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