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Plant life cycle 1 hour

  1. Plant life cycle, part of the Biology subject from 1st year of Bachillerato.

By Luis Antonio Santos Serrano

In this last unit of the plant block, the life cycle of plants, we end the study of plants by going deep in reproduction, a dispensable function for the life of an individual, but fundamental for the perpetuation of the species. We will analyse the life cycle of mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Stopping in each one to study the reproductive structures and how they are evolving to adapt to the environment and to be more competitive, from the spores of the mosses to the angiosperms with flower, seed and fruit. We will compare asexual and sexual reproduction and how this knowledge is applied in biotechnology, agriculture and gardening. We will discuss the ethical and socioeconomic aspects of these applications.

We close the block dedicated to plants with the study of the different life cycles in each botanical division, relating the structures and physiology of reproduction. We will check the advantages of sexual reproduction on asexual and its applications in agriculture.



1. CONTENT – Learning outcomes for this lesson

Flower and pollination                   


Relate the main processes and structures of reproduction in plants.



Learn vocabulary related to plant reproduction. Build sentences to explain the processes of plant reproduction.



Listening: Watch a video, listen to my explanation and others pupils answers.

Reading: Exercises.

Writing: Exercises.

Speaking: Initial and final review, talking about the activities.



They have to be able to explain the purpose of each part of a flower and the steps for sexual reproduction in plants.



Initial evaluation: Oral tests, short questions at the beginning of the class to review previous lessons.

Final Evaluation: Oral tests, short questions at the end to check if they have been paying attention.



Strategy: To carry out this topic, I will not only explain the contents to the students, but also do activities and encourage the participation of all my pupils by asking questions and I will try to give an individualized treatment as possible, so that the student feels part of the process of learning.


Student’s role (how is this lesson learner-centred?)

Encouraging students collaboration to complete the tasks.

Engaging students into learning. We will use different activities, like individual tasks, group tasks, video.






Text book. Press clippings. Laboratory practice guide. Activities.

Projector for documentaries and slides.

Computers and Internet.


10. SESSION OUTLINE: We are using a Power Point presentation with all the content.


THEORY (all this content will be in a ppt and in their booklets. I will explain everything and then give them a couple of minutes to fill in the gaps, after that I will ask every student to read one sentence with his/her answer)


Flower structure

A flower is a bunch of leaves specialised in reproduction.


Sexual Reproduction in Plants

1.The stamen releases pollen.

2.Pollination: Pollen is carried by wind, water, gravity or animals to the stigma of another flower.

3.The pollen moves from the stigma down through in a pollen tube the style depositing sperm in the ovary.

4.Fertilization: When the sperm joins and egg cell.

5.When the eggs have been fertilized, the ovary and surrounding tissue start to enlarge to become a fruit and the fertilized eggs become seeds.



Clilstore Initial evaluationActivitiesTest

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