This is a Clilstore unit. You can .
Subject: Natural Science; Language: English; Level: 2nd primary
Aims of lesson:
Language aims:
Language support:
I will help students using different flashcards of different fruits and vegetables, although I will bring them in order to motivate them. In each flashcard there will be the name to memorise. Moreover, I will include an individual informational page where it will appears pictures of different ingredients and their names, their adjectives, simple structures, etc...
Procedure and methods:
I will organise students individually, trough groups and pairs. Generally, I will use two methods: task assignment and problem resolution, which will be reflected in the activities I will explain later.
I will use an individual control sheet or rubric during the whole lesson to evaluate students’ activities and behaviour too. In addition, I will use a group control sheet or rubric to evaluate group activities. However, students will be evaluated too by themselves answering different questions to find out if they have understood the whole lesson. They will evaluate lesson in general through a little test.
1st HOUR
In the first hour, I will begin this lesson showing students a short video of different food and its name to make students recognise their names. After this introduction, I will divide class in groups and I will hand out various flashcards of the same ingredients they have watched before in the video with the main goal that every group write their names.
Once they have this done, the next activity will be by groups as well. Each group will have to describe an ingredient chosen by them before using basic adjectives such as colour and size, therefore other groups will have to guess what food it is. Likewise, each group will have to draw and paint its ingredient.
Finally, in the last part of this hour, I will show a video-song of food in order to students practise basic structures of “I like; I don’t like; Do you like?”. After watching this video, I will show the same flashcards I have shown before with the objective students practise it.
2nd HOUR
To begin this part of lesson, I will start with a little introduction, handing out to all groups letters in which it will contain a picture of daily meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each group will have to paint their picture and once they have finished, themselves will join all pictures to create a story and they will paste these pictures in a cardboard. Then, have to write in every picture daily meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. After this activity, they have to write simple sentences following this example: “I like fish for dinner”; “I don’t like hamburger for breakfast”; “Do you like pear for lunch?” After this activity, to strengthen daily meals I will show a video-song of daily meals.
In the next activity, every group will have an imaginary restaurant, so they have to complete a “Restaurant menu”. They will use a cardboard in which they will include the different daily meals with a list of food and price of each one. Therefore, students will work in a globalised way.
To conclude this hour, the last activity will be prepare healthy food, specifically: salad. In order to work healthy habits, I will begin this activity playing online game of classify food: healthy and unhealthy food. After this video, pupils will understand what is healthy food, and salad is an example of that. So students will prepare a salad following the steps of video of how to make a salad.
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