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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

My Town 2


This unit begins with a review of the vocabulary acquired in the unit My Town

Pre-task: If you recognize this building, say their name.

What is this?

This is a.........


What is this?

This is a........

What is this?

This is a.........

What is this?

This is a.........

What is this?

This is a.........

What is this?

This is a........


Now that we have learnt the buildings of my town, we will know what we do in each of them.

Task 1: Watch the video.



Task 2: Watch the video again and repeat.


LIBRARY - I borrow books from the library.

MOVIE THEATER - I watch movies at the movie theater.

PARK - I play in the park.

POOL - I swim in the pool.

POST OFFICE - I mail a letter at the post office.

RESTAURANT - I eat at a restaurant.

SCHOOL - I learn a lot at school.

SUPERMARKET - I buy food at the supermarket.

TOY STORE - I buy toys at the toy store.

TRAIN STATION - I catch a train at the train station.

ZOO - I see animals at the zoo.

MAP - A map is a picture of a place.



We already know what we can do in many buildings of our town, but, let us know some more.


Task 1: Watch the video.




Task 2: Watch the video again and repeat.


BAKERY - I buy bread at the bakery.

BANK - I keep my money in the bank.

BOOKSTORE - I buy books at the bookstore.

BUS STOP - I catch a bus at the bus stop.

CAKE SHOP - I buy cake at the cake shop.

COFFEE SHOP - Daddy drinks coffee at the coffee shop.

DENTIST - I go to the dentist when I have a toothache.

DOCTOR'S OFFICE - I go to the doctor's office when I'm sick.

DRUG STORE - I buy medicine at the drug store.

FLOWER SHOP - I buy flowers at the flower shop.

GAS STATION - Mommy buys gasoline at the gas station.

HOSPITAL - I go to the hospital when I'm sick.



Clilstore LESSON 1. TASK 3LESSON 2. TASK 3Sing the song

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