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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

My body (2 hours CLIL lesson)


LESSON 1 (1 hour)

First, the helper of the day ask who is here today? And who is not? using "the attendance chart" (5 mi

Afterwards, the helper complete "the circle time center" with the help of the peers (10 min)

Then, I cheer the students to sing and dance the "Hello!" Song (2 min) (Click on the video below this line to hear the song)


After that, I introduce the central topic of the lesson ("the body parts") and the vocabulary that students will learn through a Prezi presentation created by me and named “The body parts”. I show the student where each body part is located by pointing it out and saying its name. (Click on "PREZI PRESENTATION" to see this resource) (15 min.)

Also, I say the name of a body part out loud and ask the students to move it. The movement creates a link between the child's mind and body because the name is processed from thought into action, which increases the chances of retaining the name in the child's memory. (10 min.)

Next, I provide flannel body part pieces: head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, neck, chest, waist and legs, feet, arms, hand, hair… and we talk with the children about what their bodies have. As each child mentions a part, give them the flannel piece to put on the flannel board. (15 min.)

At the end of the lesson, we sing and dance the "Goodbye song" (3 min). (Click on the video below to hear the song).

LESSON 2 (1 hour)

Again the helper of the day ask who is here today? And who is not? (5 min) and complete "the circle time center" with the help of the peers (5 min) 

Also again, I cheer the students to sing and dance the "Hello!" Song (2 min) (Click on the above video to hear the song) 

Afterwards, I tell the students we are going to listen to a song to help them review their body parts. I play the “My Body” Song video and I repeat the video if needed (Click on the video below to hear the song). (10 min)

Then I review body parts with the students going over parts that I feel weren't gone over in the body part song. After, I introduce the body tracing activity to the students: I have a student trace me on a piece of paper and help me label my body parts. Then I display my outline and review each body part—head, arms, legs, chest, hands, and feet—with the students. (10 min)

Next, I organise the children in 4 groups. One member of each group lay down on a large piece of paper, and I help them to trace their body on it. Then, the children have to write the name of the child, decorate it and copy the parts of the body on it (20 min.)

Finally, I display students' work on the walls of the classroom (5 min)

At the end of the lesson, we sing and dance the "Goodbye song" (3 min). (Click on the video below to hear the song).


In another lesson the students have to complete the” My Body worksheet“ and I collect the worksheet once they're done working. I review it to assess their understanding (Click below to see the worksheet)



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