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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

Types of internal combustion engines

1. Introduction

An internal combustion engine is a machine capable of transforming the chemical energy of a fuel and thermal and mechanical energy.

2. Classification of engines

Internal conbustion engines can be categorized:

According to the type of fuel used:
-Gasoline engines: It is based on the Otto cycle (ignition engines triggered)

-Diesel engines: It is based on the diesel cycle (compression ignition engines)

According to its operating cycle:

- Four-stroke engines (4S)
- Two-stroke engines (2S)

According to the movement of the piston:

- Alternative engines
- Rotary engines

Activity 1: In groups of two people look at the workshop mechanic the types of engines explained in class and justify the why of the choice. At the end of the class there will be a common placement.

3. New trends in engines

Internal combustion engines have advanced a lot in the last few years in many ways. However, the new rules of anti-pollution and reduction of emissions (increasingly more stringent), necessarily means that we have a future plan with engines that are more efficient and that contaminate as little as possible.

Here you have some videos to understand better the main idea of this point.




Finally, throughout the history of humanity, thanks to some crazy ideas have been discovered many things. Let us take an example from our ancestors! Do not forget our dreams!


 Activity 2: Develops a research work (report) on new trends in automotive combustion engines. Make a presentation of the work, you can use the resources you want. You will have 15 minutes for the presentation.






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