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So here we´re going to find the area of a rectangle. In the formula that we use to find the area of a rectangle is ´A´ is equal to the base times the height. ´A´ stands for the area, the ´b´ stands for the base and the ´h´ stands for the height.
The base is equal to the length of the bottom or the top of the rectangle since the bottom and the top have the same length and the height is equal to the length of the of the side of a rectangle and since both sides have the same length the height is equal to the length of either side of the rectangle so let´s get started right away with an example, so…
Here we have a rectangle with a bottom side with the length of four inches which also means that our top side has length of four inches and the length of the side of our rectangle is three inches which also means that the other side of the rectangle is also three inches and the base is equal to the length of the bottom or the top of the rectangle since the bottom has a length of four inches then our base is going to be equal to four inches and the height is equal to the length of the side of the rectangle since the side of the rectangle has a length of three inches our height is going to be equal to three inches.
And now, after we have our base in our height we can just everything into our area formula: the area is equal to the base and we know that the base of the rectangle is four inches so I´m going to plug in 4 inches for our base and this is all multiply our height and we know that our height is equal to 3 inches so I´m going to plug in 3 inches for the height. And now, the only thing that we have to do is multiply 4 times 3 is equal to 12 and we can´t forget about our units area is always express un square units such square feet or square meters or square yards since we were given inches in this particular problem our units are going to be square inches.
Now I want to show you an illustration just so this makes a little bit more sense what I want to do is: I´m going to divide this base which has a length of four inches. I´m going to divide it in four equal intervals of one inch and now I´m going to the exact same thing for the height since the height has a length of three inches. I´m going to divide the height into three equal one inch intervals so now, you can see that we have a bunch of squares with the base and the height of 1 inch. So the area of each square is 1 square inch and look how many square inches we have. We have one square inch, we have two square inches, we have three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve square inches this is just a little illustration to show that the area is equal to 12 square edges.
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