This is a Clilstore unit. You can .
Download from Moodle your personal template for this unit. In this file (the template) you will find all the texts needed in order to carry out the exercices.
For each exercise, locate its text in the template, and follow the steps shown in this document to achieve the required result.
To locate the text of an activity press the keys ctrl+f and write EJERCICIO x in the search toolbar, where 'x' (is the number of the exercise), on the left bottom corner of the LO Writer window. Then tap the key enter (intro)
All the activities must be carried out in your template. So it's important to keep this file safe. When you finish an exercise, make a back up copy of the template with the name of the exercise.
Upload the file to Moodle once you finish.
Most of the activities use the format toolbar. The format toolbar is this bar shown in the image below, on the top of the LO Writer window
Open your template and go to the fist page.
In this activity you are going to learn how to use the keyboard. Write the text shown in the image below, using the keyboard. Pay special attention to special characters as ª, ' € ...
When you finish, select Archivo -->Guardar como and save the file as ejercicio1.odt
Open your personal template and locate the space reserved for the exercise 2 (it is in the 2nd page) (shown in the following image)
Check out the text alignment. In write, by default the text aligns to the left. Select the first paragraph, and apply to it justified alignment. Use the button justificado shown as selected in the image below, from the format tool-bar
Selet the second paragraph and align it to the right using the button alinear a la derecha
Align centered the third paragraph
Save the file as ejercicio2_write, (Archivo→Guardar como). In the image below you can see the expected result
Open your personal template
Locate the text for Exercise 3
Select the whole text, and change the font to Liberation Sans size 12. Use the format toolbar.
Select the title (“INTERNET”) and change its size to 16. Underline it , change the text to bold (negrita) and shaded (sombreado). Use the format buttons shown below for bold (negrita) and underlined (subrrallado) to format the text. To apply a shadow to the text use formato->Carácter->efectos de fuente and check the option sombra
Select the words INTERNET, ARPANET, TCP/IP y WORLD WIDE WEB and change them to capital letters. To make this:
Select the words,
Drop down the the contextual menu, clicking the selected word with the left mouse button,
Select Cambiar uso de mayúsculas→Mayúsculas. Keep in mind that these words may appear several times in the text. Use Ctrl+F to locate the words instances
Select the text between brackets (entre paréntesis) and change It to Italic (cursiva). Use the button from the format toolbar
Select the first paragraph and change it to red color. Change the second to blue, the third to green, and the fourth to yellow. Use the text colour button in the format toolbar
Select the name of people in the text (Tim Berners, -Ray Tomlison) and emphasize them, changing them to bold (negrita) letters.
Save the document as Ejercicio3.odt. In the image below you can see the results expected
Locate the text for this activity in your personal template. It's an article from a newspaper called “La veu de Xativa”
Format the article headlines (La veu de Xativa) with a DejaVu Sans, size 20, bold, shaded, blue font. . Use formato->Carácter->efectos de fuente and check the option sombra in order to shade the text
Format the newspaper address, with a DejaVu Sans, size 13, bold blue font
Add a new line between the address and the rest of the text. Place the cursor at the end of the address and press enter
Format the article text with a Open Sans, size 12 font. Apply justified alignment to it.
The number 2 in “m2”, in the clause “En Xàtiva se recogieron 250 l/m2”, should be a superscript (superindice) letter. Select only the “2” and click on the button superscritpt in the format toolbar, o select the option formato->carácter->posición->superindice
Use the indentation (sangria) sliders in the ruler shown below, to set the text indentation, as shown in the expected result picture at the bottom of the exercise. This is the ruler, just under the format toolbar, and the identation sliders are marked by a red arrow
5. Select the address and set to 9 cm its indentation on the left. Pull the left sliders to the right, and place it in the 9 cm position as shown in the picture below.
6. Select the three paragraphs of text in the article. Select the menu option Formato→Parrafo→ Sangria y espacio. Set the following indentations (show the picture below):
First line: 1 cm.
Before the text: 0 cm.
Afer the text: 3cm (take into account that we are measuring 3cm from the right margin, this the same that 14 cm from the left margin)
7.Save the file as ejercicio 4.odt
Locate the text of this exercise in your personal template
Set the font to FreeSans size 12 for the whole text. Apply Justified alignment
The title (La chica que hacía autostop) font must be set to size 14, bold and aligned to the center
Set the following indentations (for all the paragraphs in the main text):
- Indentation First line:.............. 3 cm
- Indentantion on the left (before the text):................ 1 cm
- Indentation on the right (after the text)........... 14cm ( 3 cm from the right margin if you use the formato->parrafo window).
This is the expected result:
Save the document as Ejercicio5.
Open your personal template and locate the text corresponding to the exercise 6.
Set the following indentation (selecting the paragraphs and selecting formato | parrafo | sangrías y espaciado):
1st paragraph: sangría antes del texto 2 cm.
2nd paragraph: primera línea -2 cm, sangría antes del texto 2 cm.
3rd paragraph: primera línea -2 cm, sangría antes del texto 2 cm.
4th paragraph: sangría antes del texto 0 cm.
The result should look like the the image below:
Open your personal template and locate the text corresponding to the exercise 7.
Set for the whole text the font DejaVU Sans, size 10, and set justified alignment.
For the article title (“Dioxido...”) set a font type DejaVU Sans, size 12, bold and underlined. Set centered alignment.
The number 2 in CO 2 must be a subscript (subíndice). To format it, select the number and press the button subindice or select the option
Set an indentation of 2cm before the text for the whole article.
Set for the whole article, an indentation of 15cm, (2cm from the right),
Set an indentation of 2 cm for the first line in each paragraph
Select all the text and apply a space between lines of 1,5. Use the interlineado button as shown in the image below.
We are going to frame the text in a black box. Select the menu formato →parrafo→bordes and set a line in the four sides clicking on the icon marked by a red arrow in the image below. Set the space between the text and the box to 1 cm.
The headline ”Dioxido de Carbono” is left out of the box. Rewrite it again inside the box and format it again
In the picture below, is shown the expected result. Save the file as ejercicio7, (Archivo→Guardar como).
Locate in your personal template the text corresponding to exercise 8
Format the whole text with font FreeSans, size 12, justified alignment.
Format the title with font FreeSans, size 14, bold, underlined,and centered alignmet.
Select the numbered paragraphs and select the menú Formato->Numeración y Viñetas. Select the tab Numeración and click on tipo 1, (as shown in the image below).
In the tab Posición the option Alineación a 1 cm (to set the number postion) and Numeración seguida por tabulador in 1 cm (this sets the distance between the text and the number). Finally select sangrar en 1 cm
Select all the numbered paragraphs and set 0,10 cm of space over the paragraph ( formato→parrafo→sangría y espaciado). Place the cursor between the number and the text (in the numbered lines) Insert a tab (pressing the tab key) to apply this changes.
The expected result is shown in the picture below
Save the document as ejercicio8.odt
Locate in your personal template the text corresponding to exercise 9
Format the whole text with FreeSans, size 12, justified alignment, 1,25 cm first line indentation, 2cm after the text indentation.
Format the title with centered alignment, bold, and underlined green color letters
The 1st y 2nd paragraph must have 0,20 cm of space above them.
Select the menu Formato-> Numeración y Viñetas. Select the tab Viñeta (bullet in english), select the second arrow type as shown in the picture below.
Select the in the tab Posición the option Alineado a 0,65 cm (location of the bullet) and Numeración seguida por 1,25 cm (location of the text). Place the cursor between the bullet and the text (texto viñeteado) Insert a tab (pressing the tab key) to apply this changes in position and alignment.
Save the exercise as Ejercicio9.odt.
Locate in your personal template the text corresponding to exercise 10. You can see the result expected in the following picture
Notice that our goal is to format the text as a list of items in four indentation levels (cuatro niveles o capas).
The fist level items are numbered with simple figures, 1,2,3....
There's a second level of items, featuring a bigger indentation and numbered with letters, A,B,C, , in addition of the number of the first levelitem they belong, that is: 1.A, 1.B, 1.C,…. 2.A,
There's a third level, still with a greater indentation, and numbered with numbers, in addition of the numbers and letters of the levels over them 1.A.1,1.A.2, 1.A.3,...1.B.1,
Finally the fourth level uses greek letters, and the same indentation of the third level. Although, in comparison with this level, the distance between the text and the numbers is shorter
Select the menu Formato->numeración y viñetas→ Opciones.
A) Set the 1st level options Numero: 1,2,3.
B) Set the 2nd level options: Número: A),B),C) , Mostrar subniveles (2).
C) Set the 3rd level options: Número: 1,2,3 , Mostrar subniveles (3).
D) Set the 4th level: Numero α,β, Ɣ , letras griegas minúsculas.
Como resultado de las acciones anteriores el texto aparecerá así:
Notice as all the text is formated in the first indentation level, which is correct for the line 1, but not for the line 2, which should be formated as second indentation level according to the image above showing the result expected. To move this line to the second indentaion level, place the cursor between the number and the text and insert a tab pressing on the key tab
Save the file as ejercicio9, (Archivo→Guardar como).
The next paragraph (line 3) should be in third indentation level. So place the cursor between the number and the text and insert two tabs in order to move it from first level to third level
Insert the needed tabs in each line to move them to their proper level, as shown in the image below.
Save this exercise as exercise10
Locate in your personal template the text corresponding to exercise 11. You can see the text in the following picture. There are two copies of this text, one for each part of this exercise
Select the text and open the click on the menu formato →columnas. Set 2 columns, space between the columns 0,5, and separation line between columns
The result expected is shown in the image below
In formato->columnas select three columns and no separation line between columns.
Uncheck the option “anchura automática” . Set a space of 1cm between first and second column and 0,5 between second and third.
We are going to set a Capitular letter in the first paragraph (Letra capitular en el primer párrafo). Check the box Mostrar letras capitulares in the tab Iniciales destacadas from the menu Formato ->Párrafo.
Save the file as ejercicio11, (Archivo→Guardar como).
First part
Locate in your template the text corresponding to exercise 12
Our goal in this exercis is to add tabulators to the text, in order to format a table as shown below
Select the menu ver→carácteres no imprimbles This option makes visible some characters that are not printed or visible on the screen, but affect how the text is formated. For example
Salto de párrafo. It is inserte when you press the key enter. It marks the end of paragraph |
Blank space (espacio en blanco). It is inserted when you press the space barr |
Tabulator (Tabulador). It is inserte when you press the key tab |
Separate the words Inserting tabulators, (press the key TAB). In the image below each arrow character is a tabulator. It's very important to use tabulatorss (tabulaciones) instead of spaces to separate the columns in a table. If you use blank spaces, when you print the table, the cells won't be correctly align and the appearence of the table will be patchy
As you can see, the tabs move the text evenly, separating it around 1cm each tab, But we can change that, and use the rule (la regla) to distribute the tabs position wherever we want.
Select all the table text. Keep the selection and click on the rule in the positions 4,8, and 12 cm. Every time you click the rule, it appears a little symbol, with an "L "shape. These symbols are tab position markers. The tab characters place themselves in the vertical of a L Marker, forcing the text to move whith them.
Look at the image above. It shows how the text aligns verticaly on the right of a tab marker. But it isn't what happens in the table. On it there are a column (TIenda) aligned to the right. the column Producto and cantidad are aligned to the center. The column precio, is formed by numbers, and the decimal dot is aligned centered with a marker.
In order to get the expected result you must delete the tabulators in 4,8,12cm. Click on them, keep the left mouse button pressed and drag them down, off the ruler,
Select the center aligned tabulator. In order to do it, click on the icon of selection of type of tabulation, on the left of the ruler (see image below, it is signaled by a red arrrow). Everey click on the icon changes the selected type of tabulators. The center tabulator is shown in the image below:
Select all the text in the table and insert centered tabulators in the positions 4 and 8 (it's important you take care of keeping selected al the text in the table while you insert the tabulators, otherwise they won't produce any effect).
Insert a decimal tabulator at 12 cm. The icon of decimal tabulator is shown in the image below
Finally format the text. Use the font Free sans 12, bold, italic (inclinada) for the column headlines and, and Free sans 12 for the rest of the table.
Second part
Use tabulations in order to get the format shown in the image. Don't worry about the horizontal dots lines. We will insert them later.
To insert the horizontal dots lines between tabulators use Formato →párrafo→tabuladores and select the option carácter de relleno for each of the tabulators
Save the file as exercise 12 and upload it to moodle
Locate in your personal template the text corresponding to the exercise 13
Primero despliega el panel haciendo clic sobre el botón mostrado por la imagen en la esquina superior derecha
Select the menu style and formats, or press F11
Select some lines of the text in green color (green color, acording the table below, must be formatted with the style Encabezado 1). Select todos los estilos in the drop down menu, in the bottom of the estilos y formato pannel (see image below). Then select the style Encabezado 1 and press enter. Immediately You'll see how the format of the selected text changes, getting the features of the style encabezado 1
Apply to the text the following styles acording their color in the table below. Remember, there are five style types: Estilos de párrafo, estilos de carácter, estilo de marco, estilos de página and estilos de lista. Before assigning a style you must select the type os style. For example encabezado 1 is a paragraph style while lista 1 is a list style
We are going to modify the text format just modifying the style assigned to it. We are going to modify 6 different styles in the document.
Select the menu estilos y formato.
Place the cursor over the style Encabezado1, and deploy the contextual menu, clicking the mouse right button. Select the option Modificar estilo
Set for Encabezado1, the next changes
✔ Font FreeSans 22 (tab tipo de letra)
✔ Justified align (tab alineación)
✔ Letter Color dark blue (tab efectos tipográficos)
Note: In this version of LLiurex the font size in the paragraph style window is set up in a percentage
To set the font size in points, just write the size and "pt", for examle 22pt
Modify now the paragraph style Encabezado2,
✔ Font FreeSans 18
✔ Justified align
✔ Indentation first line 1 cm
✔ Letter Color dark blue
Modify the paragraph style el Encabezado3, este estilo ya aparece lo modificaremos y lo adaptamos de esta forma a nuestras necesidades, las unidades didácticas
✔ Font FreeSans 14
✔ Justified align
✔Indentation first line 1,5 cm
✔ Letter Color dark grey
Modify the paragraph style cuerpo de texto,
✔ Font F FreeSans 12
✔ Justified align
✔ Indentation first line 1,5 cm
✔Letter Color authomatic ✔ Separación silábica (formato | Parrafo | flujo de textos |división de palabras and check automatica)
Select the style type list clicking in the icon shown in the image
Modify the style Lista_1,
✔ Imagen de flechas de color azul
✔ Modificar las solapas posicion a alineado 1 cm y sangrar en 1 cm
Modify Lista_2
✔ Bullet: marca de graduación
✔ Modify alineado a 2 cm and sangrar en 2 cm
C) Header of page
If the header isn't enabled in the text of the exercise, you can enable it using formato | pagina | encabezado And then set the checkbox Activar encabezado
In the left margin write: IES EL CABANYAL, VALENCIA
D) Footer of page
If the footer isn't enabled in the text of the exercise, you can enable it using formato | pagina | pie de página And then set the checkbox Activar encabezado
Centered in the foot of page must appear :
Página número de total de páginas:
Uplod the activities file to moodle
Short url: