In Lliurex/Ubuntu/Linux there are three types of users
- The user ROOT or the super-user. This user is the owner of the system. In Lliurex/Ubuntu the user ROOT is hidden, and can't be used to log in the system. Lliurex/Ubuntu keeps this user for himself out of security reasons: root is a such a powerful user that it is too hazardous to grant acces to it to common (and sometimes stupid) users. But we can execute commands in the terminal as the superuser with the sudo command, (as we have just made before when we executed sudo nautilus)
- Admin users: They can access all the computer folders both in write and read mode and can execute actions that require privileges as install and uninstall programs
- Users: They are only allowed to read and write their personal folder and its subfolders. They can only read other folders. They can not perform actions that could harm or damage the system or affect other users like modifying the computer settings or install/uninstall programs
Every user logs in the system identifying himself by a username and a password.
The first time the user logs in, Lliurex creates a personal environment for him/her, wich entails:
- A personal folder (inicio) and its sub-folders: Escritorio, Descargas, Documentos, Música Vídeo, Imágenes. Only the owner user and root have access to these folders
- A customizable desktop theme: this means a wallpaper, fonts, and a set of icons and menus the user can customize.
To create a user select aplicaciones->administración de lliurex->Configuración de lliurex and select the icon Cuentas de usuarios:
To create a new user
- Click on the button desbloquea (number 1 in the image above), and enter your admin password to unblock the users managagement.
- Click on the cross button to add a new user (number 2 in the image above),
- In the field nombre enter the user full name (first and last name). Later write a username, in this exercise enter the first name all in lower case letters.
- Choose a language clicking on the place signaled by arrow 1 in the image above. Change the current value, if it is Spanish select Valencian and vice versa
- Introduce the user's password clicking on the place signaled by the arrow 2. All the password will be the same: “cabanyalfruit”
- Click on the user icon (red arrow in the image above), to select a user image
- Repeat the process for all the users in the company
Recursos humanos
Regina Roma
Renato Ramos, Remedios Riba
Concepcion Clos
Consuelo Cadiz, Constantino Catalan
Ventura Valencia
Veronica Viñas,Velasco Vela
Gestión administrativa.
Gemma Gutierrez
Gerardo Gomez, Germán Garmendia
If you check the /home folder content you'll see a new folder for every user created
Upload to Moodle the file /etc/passwd. Use Nautilus en mode admin ( enter sudo nautilus in a terminal) to get to the file
Use Nautilus in admin mode to open the /home folder. Maximize the Nautilus window make a screen capture of your desktop showing as many of the users you have created as possible as it is shown in the picture above. Upload the screen capture to moodle.