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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

Electronic devices, technological knowledge.

The purpose of this Two hour lesson CLIL is to foment a correct and healthy use of information technologies and interpersonal communication.

The electronic devices are present in our daily life and the students use them constantly during several hours every day but, do they know which benefits have the electronic devices from a education perspective? Is necessary to address the importance of the technology in students’ life.

2. Language Aims.

Pupils will need grammar and vocabulary acquisition to complete the tasks and to aid comprehension, especific vocabulary and structure will be given to the students in order to reach the language requirements.

Also students have to develop speaking skills. Speaking between the students and the teacher will be worked during the lesson.

Teaching activities.

- Activity 1

We will support this Teaching Unit which has as a main aim to learn how to use correctly the electronic devices, showing to the students real cases about wrong uses of electronic devices and their consequences.

Firstly we will watch this video:

It is a short film produced by Charlene de Guzman, a young audiovisual director.

The video is two minutes long and is starring by Charlene, she show through the video how their friends live pending on their phones, always reading and sending messages, uploading photographs, recording videos, instead to interact with the people who is arround them.


- Activity 2

At the end of the video a number of questions will be asked to the students. They have to answer them individualy.

- Which is the message of the video?

- Do you agree with the message transmited? Why?

- Do you identify yourself in any of the situations showed? Which one?

- Which form do you think the technology affects to the social live?

- Think about your behaviour with the technologies . Would you like to change something in your behaviour? Explain at least one.


Then, we will do a pooling with the students’ answers, it will be a thoughtful debate.


Useful phrases and structures to communicate.

In my opinion/ I think that…

I agree/ don’t agree because…

I would like to...

What it means was…

It sems to me…

I understand what you say but…


- Activity 3

The students will have to do a diary in which they will write down the hours that they spend using the electronic devices during their routine activities.

The students will have to write on this diary along all the Teaching Unit. The porpouse is that they be aware of the hours they spend in front of a screen.


- Activity 4

To conclude the session the term of Nomophobia will be introduced to the students and they will have to do the following test:

This test realized by researchers from Iowa State University help us to determinate our grade of Nomophobia.

In the next class we will talk about the results obtained by each one and we will do a common valoration.


Session 2.

- Activity 1.

For to start the session the teacher will ask to the students about the disease that refers to be addicted to the smartphone and then we will do a common valoration with the results obtained in the test.


- Activity 2.

In this activity the students will be grouped in couples and they will have to search on internet a number of existing health risks due to the abuse of technology.

They will have to search at least 10 illnesses, to describe them and elaborate an Office writer document that will be delivered to the teacher.

Here there are some examples:

- Phone headaches.                    - Deep vein thrombosis.

- Sleep disorders.                         - Obesity.

- Carpal tunnel syndrome.          - Hearing loss.

- Cervival pain.                              - Cervical pain.

- Phantom Ringing Syndrome.


- Activity 3.

To raise awareness among students that abusing technology not only affects to our health, also affects to our social life, the teacher will show to the students the next video:

LOOK UP. When you are too busy looking down, you don't see the chances you miss.

This video called “Look up” was realized by Gary Turk and published on youtube where it has achieved more than 57 million of visualizations around the world.

Gary with this video doesn’t pretend to condemn the social media, otherwise he encourages to take a break in people's life in line, in order to experiment real connexions. He pretends that people be more aware that everyday we are more and more inmerse in technology without paying attention to who and what is around us.

The main purpose of these videos is that the students get identify themselves with the situations showed. They have to recognise the behaviors that appear in the short films as real behaviors that take place in our society.

This is the message that the teacher want to transmit to the pupils.



The instruments that will be used to assess the learning outcomes in these activities unit will be the followings:

Daily observation: The teacher will take note of how the students work during the sessions. This take of notes can be done by an excel sheet or google sheet (google drive) due they are really easy to use and you can access to them from any computer and update the notes taken.

Also the use of these sheets allow to check the class attendance.

The work of each student will be assessed in every class with the following rubric.

Individual tasks and group tasks: The teacher will assess learning outcomes like the capacity of search information, the capacity of summarise and analyse information, the vocabulary used and the written expression.





Clilstore Look upI forgot my phone

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