The unit is composed of five lessons with a length of an hour.
Introduction: Top chef (vocabulary and songs of the unit)
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Restaurant corner
Lesson 4
Final Lesson: At the restaurant
Lesson 5
Final Assessment
The aims of the unit are divided in two groups: Objectives and Contents.
v To value the importance of trying different food.
v To know which kind of food is good for our health,
v To express likes and dislikes.
v To express in L2 which food is necessary for good nutrition.
v To respect and value their own culture, food and traditions as well as other foreign cultures.
v Food vocabulary and the adjective hungry.
v Interrogative form Do you like...? And the answers Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. Third singular person (He likes/ she doesn’t like).
v Food preferences.I like…/ I don’t like…
v Give and ask for a favor, instructions…
The skills and competences the learners must acquire in this unit can be divided into four main groups:
- Know the vocabulary food of the unit.
- Understand instructions.
- Use the interrogative form: Do you like…?
- Learn the importance of a healthy diet.
- Organize food in the suitable group.
- Be able to identify meals correctly.
- Express opinions (likes and dislikes).
- Respect and have a positive view of the foreign country culture, food, traditions, language…
- Value English as a vehicular language.
- Accepting mistakes and corrections.
- Target vocabulary: food vocabulary, action verbs...
- The adjective hungry.
- Express preferences: I like…/ I don’t like.
- Useful expressions: May I go to the toilet, please?
I want…, please, Could I have…?
- Lesson 1 : Top chef
- We watch the video of the song “Do you like broccoli Ice cream?” to introduce the unit.
- Then, the teacher and students go to the assembly of the classroom and show the flashcards of the unit.
- Food grouping: with the flashcards, students will group the different meals and took the opportunity to discuss the importance of a healthy diet.
- The teacher will present them the question Do you like...? With the help of food flashcards because they do not know this vocabulary yet. To answer these questions, s/he will also introduce them Yes, I do and No, I don’t, drawing a big smiley face and a big sad face on the board.
- The students will listen to the story recording while they look at the picture. Once heard, the teacher will explain the expression we’re hungry.
- Lesson 2: Bingo!
- Odd-one out The teacher sticks on the board a series of cards connected with a semantic field and the pupils must guess which one is wrong.
- The teacher will play a recording where appear several food and will encourage the students to repeat each food word as it is named. The teacher will play it again hanging on the walls these food cards so that children point out the correct word when it is pronounced in the recording. Without collecting the flashcards, the teacher will play the Food song and they point out the correct flashcards again.
- Bingo food.
- Lesson 3: Restaurant corner
- Build our restaurant corner. In groups, students have to prepare the menu for a restaurant because in the next lesson we will work with a role-playing in which they have to order the dishes.
- Then, they choose the name of the restaurant and we prepare the restaurant corner for the next lesson.
- Lesson 4: At the restaurant
- At the restaurant: in this activity, the students have to prepare the dialogue and order the dishes in the restaurant. In order to motivate them, the teacher brings some special decoration for the activity (tablecloth, flowers, and special clothes for the children…).
- At the end of the activity, the teacher explains the activity for the final lesson in which they have to prepare a milkshake. If they have time, in pairs they start to write how to prepare their own milkshake.
- Final Lesson: Milkshake
- As the unit is called Top Chef, in the final lesson the students are going to be cookers. In pairs, the have to prepare a milkshake. Previously, the teacher asks for the material so they have everything ready for the activity.
The must aim of the activity is that the students have to understand the orders of the teacher and all the vocabulary of the unit, so it is really useful for the assessment.