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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

Touch art: 5th to 7th session

You will work in threees along the 5th, 6th and 7th session. The groups will be formed by the teacher. The task will be different in each session.


Each student must to describe their design to the other two students. You should to use the vocabulary of the Language Support Document, especially the words relating with dimensions and shapes. You can view the Language Support Document clicking on the link.

When all students in the group have made ​​their oral descriptions , all three must agree on a single text that describes all designs. Everyone should finish the session with a copy of the text . That copy will be included in the final portfolio of each student.



This session will be a training of the Touch Art Contest. The rules of this contest can be studied in this link

You will continue working in the same threes. This time you have to practice the contest inside the group. In turns, each student, blindfolded, should to touch one of the printed objects and describe it. The other two students will assess the description using the rubric of the contest.

At the end of the session, each student must to have in his portfolio, two rubrics filled by peers. Moreover, you should ensure that all the components of the group can make good descriptions. In the next session you will depend of your peers. Good luck!



Today is the day. Wellcome to the Touch Art Contest. You can read the rules of the contest in this link. The session will be conducted by the teacher, who will choose one student of each group to participate.

The aim of the contest is to asses the oral descriptions of the objects made blindfolded.

The teacher will use the rubric of the contest.


Clilstore SyllabusOpening session2nd to 4th sessionAssessment session

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