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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

The superhero of the periodic table


Problem 2:

  1. Choose one element by having it randomly from either the Alien elements your teacher provides you.
  2. After each team has an element, identify our chemical symbol that corresponds to your alien element
  3. Keep your card and use the properties your element has to sketch a superhero. Design a superhero based on the characteristics of that element to use for a new animation comic.
  4. Looking at your teacher’s example model
  5. You must come up with a name for the superhero that relates to
    • If you want to draw by hand
    • If you want to use some software as "glogster"
    • If you want to use recycle materials to build it
    • The name of the character
  6. It should include the element's symbol and atomic number, as well as a short description of the hero's powers and properties.
  7. If you want to look for more information, you can use the interactive periodic table clicking on the website "interactive periodic table".

Problem 3:  prepare a presentation

Each team have to present their design of an element superhero. Require the presentations to include the explanation about: the name of the superhero, how the superhero's look relates to the element, how the superhero's powers relate to the element.

That’s all for now! 

You only need to click on "The end".

Clilstore glogsterinteractive periodic tableThe end

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