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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

Introduction to Energy


Stage 1

Try to mentally work out the answer to each of the questions below:


Do you know where the light of a bulb comes from?

Do you know where the energy is produced?

Do you know if the energy could be destroyed?

Do you know if the energy could run out?

Have you ever seen a windmill? What is it for? How does it work?

Do you know how to save energy at home or school?

Do you know why energy saving is so important?

Do you know the meaning of renewable and non-renewable energies?


Stage 2

Now watch the video in the link provided (video 1). It is about Energy and its title is "A guide to the energy of the Earth". You can take notes while you are watching the video. After watching the video, you will be asked to do two exercises:


Exercise 1:

This exercise has 5 multiple choice questions and 1 gap fill exercise. Look at the questions below and answer them in your workbook.


1.1-Which are the earth’s physical systems?


a)     Troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere.

b)    Atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.

c)     Mesosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.


1.2-How is part of the energy lost to the surroundings?


a)     As colour, light, sound, vibration or movement.

b)    As heat, light, sound, vibration or movement.

c)     As sound and light.


1.3-Where does the energy of our planet come from?


a)     From internal (geothermal and rotational) and external (sun) sources.

b)    From internal (geothermal and rotational) sources.

c)     From external sources (sun).



1.4-Which are fossil fuels?


a)     Lignite, coke and natural gas.

b)    Petrol, oil and coal.

c)     Coal, oil and natural gas.



1.5-Fill in the gaps with the suitable words.


Energy, sunlight, carbon, fossil fuels, power plants, energy, electricity, heat, fossil, fuels. turbines, magnetic, wire.

Fossil fuels contain_________ that plants captured from________   long ago and stored it in the form of_________. When we burn ________     _________in_________   ________ we release this stored________ to generate ________.

To generate electricity, ________ from burning _______   fuels is used to power ______ that rotates magnets, which, in turns, create ______ field changes relative to a coil of wire causing electrons to be induced to flow in the _____.


1.6-Which of these are forms of renewable energy?


a)     Solar, wind, water, geothermal, biofuel.

b)    Solar, wind, water.

c)     Carbon, Solar, wind, water, geothermal.


Exercise 2:

It is an on-line exercise (5 multiple-choice questions and 5 open answer questions). 

Go to the link by clicking on the button "exercise 2".


Stage 3

This third task consists of a multiple choice online exam about Energy. You will launch the Socrative Student App through the link provided (exam_online), then  please, to do the exercise click on "student login” and fill in your name and room 38010226.

You will have to mark the correct answers. More than one response may be correct in each case. You will receive the right answers and an explanation if they are wrong. 


Clilstore Video 1Exercise 2exam_online

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