In this section, we describe how to link (connect) Wireless transmitters to Wireless receivers. All links in SE Wireless are routed via the controller:
Note the following:
Max. number of Wireless products: approx. 64, depending on the pattern of use.
Before you can link Wireless transmitters to Wireless receivers, you must first have inserted them in IHC Visual.
– see the section entitled ‘Insert products’.
Wireless product linking
Go via the menu bar: Select ‘Controller’ – ’Link Wireless products’.
The following dialog box will appear: On the left, you can see the Wireless products that you have inserted in IHC Visual’s installation window:
The yellow ! indicates the Wireless products that you have not linked.
Product properties
When you have highlighted a product, here you will be able to see: Name, Note, Identification code, Product type and Serial number:
All Wireless products have their own serial number. The number will not be shown until you have linked the product.
Wireless properties
The signal strength is shown here. The more of the field that is filled in, the better the signal.
Link all: Here, you can link all products at once.
Link: Highlight a product in the left-hand window (e.g. ‘Dimmer’ in ‘Kitchen’). This enables you to link one product at a time.
Unlink all: Here, you can unlink all Wireless products at once.
Unlink: When you have highlighted a product, you will be able to unlink this particular product here.
Product list: Here, you print out a list of Wireless products in your installation. You can use this when you
want to link the products (see below).
Link all Wireless products at once
In the above menu box: Click on ‘Product list’. The programme will now show the list of products that you want to link, e.g.:
- Print the list on your printer. You will link the products in the sequence in which they appear in the list.
- Close the list. This will take you back to the Wireless product linking menu box.
- Here, select ‘Link all’.
In this case, the dialog box shown below will show the first Wireless box that you want to link:
Sound notification (above menu box): You can decide whether your PC is to give an audible indication (a sound) each time you attempt to create a link. The PC can make two sounds:
- One sound for a successful link
- Another sound if an error has occurred.
You can test the sounds using the ‘Test’ button. - Press the physical product’s programming button A:
The LED, B, will now illuminate red. - Within five seconds: Click on button 1:
The LED B will now flash red.
The product’s LED will stop flashing red after a few seconds.
The entire product has now been linked to the controller. - The next product is now ready to be linked. Carry out points 6-7 for all Wireless products in the
listed sequence until there are no more products left.
Link one Wireless product at a time
In the menu bar: Select ‘Controller’ – ’Link Wireless products’.
Highlight a product. The ‘Link’ icon will now be shown in bold.
Click on ‘Link’.
- Press the physical product’s programming button A:
The LED, B, will now illuminate red.
5. Within five seconds: Click on button 1:
The LED B will now flash red.
The entire product has now been linked to the controller.
Wireless properties
In the above menu box: Highlight a product and click on ‘Test Wireless’.
Battery level: Here, you can see the battery level.
If the battery has been removed, the last measured level will be shown.
Test Wireless: Here, you can test the signal/communication with the product:
Click on the ‘Test – Wireless’ button
Click on 1-key input for example. You will then be able to see the strength of the communication signal. The example here shows a signal strength of 40 (the maximum strength is 48 – should not be less than 10). You can also see that a message was received at 16.52.
Unlink all
In the menu bar: Select ‘Controller’ – ‘Link Wireless’.
Click on ‘Unlink all’. You can now remove the linking for all products.
Unlink one product
In the menu bar: Select ‘Controller’ – ‘Link Wireless’.
Highlight a product and click on ‘Unlink’. You can now remove the linking for this particular product.
Wireless test kit
- Insert the test unit into IHC Visual by right-clicking on a location, e.g. ‘Garage’ and selecting ‘Products’ > ‘Special products’ > ‘Schneider Electric Wireless signal strength test equipment’ and click on ‘OK’.
- Select ‘Controller’ > ‘Link/test Schneider Electric Wireless products’.
- Highlight ‘Schneider Electric Wireless signal strength test equipment’ and click on the ‘Link’ button.
- Press ON on the test unit (I-key). In IHC Visual, check that a green tick appears in link status. Click on ‘OK’.
Important: Do not click any more on the test unit. The remainder of the test will be controlled from IHC Visual. - Click on the ‘Test’ button on the right in IHC Visual. After a short while, the test unit’s LED will illuminate. It will flash briefly about every five seconds throughout the test each time the signal is updated. You can now go round with the test unit in your hand and check the quality of the Wireless signal via the colour of the LED. The signal strength in RSSI can also be read in IHC Visual.
- When the test is complete, click on ‘OK’ in IHC Visual. The test screen will close and the test unit will switch off.
(The numbers 1-4 below refer to the numbers on the screendump above):
In the installation window (on the left): Point at the sensor (input) that is to activate the function block. In this case, ‘Top left button’ on ‘Low current press switch’ in the location ‘Lounge’.
Hold down the mouse button and drag the input over to the required input on the function block, in this case ‘Input, on/off’.
Now point at the required output in the function block, in this case ‘Output for light’.
Hold down the mouse button and drag the function block over to the physical output, in this case ‘Output in Light socket’.
Amongst our function blocks for light control, you will find some with special outputs for scenes.
You connect such a function block’s scene output to several output products (sockets or light sockets with/without a dimmer switch). You can then activate a particular light setting with a single press of a low current press switch for example, :
As an input product, you can in principle select anything. Normally however you would select a low current press switch or a remote control.
As an output product, you can select the products that have a scenario output – indicated by
The following products have outputs for scenarios:
- All Wireless products with outputs (relay or dimmer function)
- The dataline products ‘Light socket’ and ‘Socket’ under the group ‘Output’.
The scenario outputs of function blocks are also indicated by
Example of a scenario
We will use the upper key on the Wireless low current press switch ‘Switch 4-key’ to create two scenarios in a bedroom:
A press (top left) activates scenario no. 1, ‘Bedtime light’.
The Wireless product ‘Light socket dimmer 2-key operation’ (for ceiling light) is dimmed in five seconds to
0% luminosity (off).
The Wireless product ‘Socket’ (for bedside light) is switched on.
A press (top right) activates scenario no. 2 ‘Get up light’, which includes the same two products:
The light socket output is increased to full strength in one second.
The socket is switched off.
The completed scene setup is shown below:
The procedure is:
In the installation window: Insert the three Wireless products in ‘Bedroom’.
Link the three products (In the menu bar: Select ‘Controller’ – ‘Link/Test Wireless’ – ‘Link all’).
In the function window: Insert the function block ‘1.1.03. Get or save a scenario’.
Right-click on the function block, select ‘Properties’ and rename it to ‘Bedtime light’.
Drag ‘Press (top left)’ over onto the function block’s scenario output.
Drag the function block’s scenario output over onto the light socket’s output and fill in the dialog box which automatically appears:
Light level: Using the arrow key, set this to 0% (off).
Ramp time: The adjustment to 0% should take one second. - Drag the same function block’s output over onto the socket’s output ‘Scenarios’.
a) In the dialog box that appears, set the socket to ON.
b) We have now created the scenario ‘Bedtime light’. In the corresponding way, we create ‘Get up light’ with the same function block, where we set
- the dimmer to: Light level: 80%, ramp time: 5 seconds.
- the socket to OFF.
Save scenario
This input on the scenario function block is used to save a set scenario for later use.