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This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

Farm and wild animals



There are many animals in the world! Do you remember farm animals we learned last year?

In this lesson you will review farm animals and learn about wild ones.

Then you will learn about animal features and you will talk about your favorite animal.


In this webquest:

  • You will review farm animals
  • You will identify wild animals
  • You will listen and sing a song about animals
  • In small groups you will match animal definitions to right pictures
  • In small groups you will watch a video and answer questions
  • In small groups you will talk about your favorite animal 
  • You will write your favourite animal and what it can do
  • You will present your favorite animal and its feauters at the class

Tasks for the wall class

  • Start by clicking Wordart, find and pronounce farm animal words

  • Click on the wild animal word to discovery the pictures Wordart

  • Listen and sing the song


  • Match the animal words to the right pictures



  • Watch the video and answer the questions


Task for the small groups

Talk about your favourite animal. Write it and what it can do.


In the end, present your favorite animal at the class.

Evaluation How well did you do in this project? Go to the green button marked evaluation and find out how you got on.

Click the green button marked to uncover the final comment.

Clilstore RubricChecklistConclusion

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