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Emotional intelligence - Managing self-motivation




1 Emotional intelligence

2 Interpersonal intelligence

3 Multiple intelligences

4 Social skills

5 motivation



By the end of this LU you will understand how to manage self-motivation. 


Self-motivation is the force that keeps us pushing to go on. It is our internal drive to achieve, produce, develop and keep moving forward. When you want to give up, your self-motivation is what pushes you to go on. 

Self-motivation is complex and is linked with your level of initiative in setting challenging goals for yourself. We need to take into account four factors to build a stronger self-motivation:

  1. Self-confidence and self-efficacy: being self-assured means setting challenging goals for yourself and you are resilient when you encounter challenges. Self-efficacy is the belief in your own ability to succeed and achieve the goals you set for yourself.

By developing a general level of self-confidence, you will believe in yourself as well as recognise and enjoy your success. 

  1. Positive thinking, and positive thinking about the future: it is closely related to self-motivation. If you think that something will go wrong or you won’t succeed, this may influence things so that your predictions will come true. This is particularly true if you need to work hard for success, or if you need others’ support in order to accomplish your goals. 
  2. Focus and strong goals: Setting goals is like making a promise to yourself. Part of the strength of this is that it gives you direction. Another part is that you want to keep it.
  3. A motivating environment: Finally, it is important to surround yourself with people and resources that will remind you of your goals and motivate you internally. In other words, they will help you get motivated externally, which is different from the internal motivation we have discussed so far.

Here are the best ways to stay motivated, no matter how much you feel like giving up:





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