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Emotional intelligence - Benefits of social skills

SUBTITLE: Benefits of social skills





1 Emotional intelligence

2 Interpersonal intelligence

3 Multiple intelligences

4 Social skills

5 motivation


By the end of this LU you will understand the benefits of social skills


Social skills are quite important four our daily lives. They make things easier.  Social skills make us react appropriately in each situation. This ability is not only really handy in our private life, but something key in our professional careers.  Sometimes it is not easy to know how to react in an environment we have little relation with. Having strong social skills won't make us native in that environment, but it will give us more resources to act in those situations.

Well developed social skills tend to raise our self esteem. It also functions with daily social situations, things that can seem small, like knowing how to act or react with a bus driver,...

One of the most important aspects of social skills is the nobverbal communication. Developing social skills can make it easier to understand nonverbal communication. This aspect is key in how we relate to the world. 

In our careers , social skills will make us more efficient at work. Indeed, high self esteem and good communication are important parts of our productivity. Having confidence in our social skills will make us less anxious about social situations, like having to attend a dinner at an upcoming meeting with an important client.

Having a developed set of social skills will make us more happy and satisfied with our lives and with a better mental health. It will also make us more proficient in cooperative teamwork and give us better career prospects.

Other benefits associated with teaching social skills include:



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