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Create confidence and tolerance - Understanding assertiveness




  1. Assertiveness
  2. Confidence

3  Self-Care

4  Communication

5 Needs


In this learning unit, you will learn the basis of assertiveness.  What is it ? How can I promote it?


Everybody has needs and feelings, and sometimes we don't know how to show them. We might be afraid of doing so. People who have this kind of behaviour are labelled as passive. People who do not appreciate others' needs and impose theirs on the rest are labelled as aggressive. Both aggressive and passive people had a lack of communicative skills. This lack of communication skills is relevant for our professional profiles. The counterpart to passive and  aggressive people are the assertive people. These people are the people who can know their needs, know how to express them at the same time that they can understand and respect other people's needs. Gaining assertiveness is key  for improving our professional profiles.

Assertiveness was initially explored by the South African psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe. According to him, someone could not be  both assertive and anxious at the same time.

Assertive people , according to Dr Suripatty, tend to have high self esteem; to  feel free to express their feelings, thoughts, and desires; to be  able to initiate and maintain comfortable relationships with other people; to know their rights; to control their anger in an chill maner, often talking about it and to to compromise with others, rather than always wanting their own way.

Passive people tend to have a high respect for others, but low respect for themselves. They tend to avoid conflict, they usually never say no. They inhibit themselves from sharing their own wants. Having a passive attitude tends to generate distress on the self and it does not generate positive work environments.

Passive Aggressive people tend to have a low respect for others and for themselves. They tend to express their needs in non direct ways, they also tend to avoid responsibilities. They often damage work environments.

Aggressive people have a high respect for themselves, but a low one for others. They impose their wants on the rest, they tend to not take care of the needs of their coworkers.

Assertiveness joins high respect both for others and for ourselves. They express their needs and wants in respectful ways. They take care of the needs of the rest of the people.

Aggressive people tend to exploit others, while passive people tend to get exploited. Assertive people, on the other hand, tend to be fair with the people.

Some of the benefit of being assertive are 

As you can imagine, assertiveness is a key trait for having a set of social skills to be used in your career

In the next LU related to assertivity you will start learning how to boost this trait on you.


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