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Analysing communication challenges - Pardon, did I get you right?





Expected Learning outcomes:

By the end of this learning unit, you will be able to analyse possible communication challenges and get to know how to tackle these problems. 


What is important for conversations and communication in general is that the recipient must understand you. No matter how well you communicate, if the other person does not understand what you are talking about, the conversation will not be effective. Accordingly, communication depends on everyone involved. Also, in the end, it is only relevant what my interlocutor has understood and not what I have said. If my counterpart misunderstands me and acts accordingly, it is no longer relevant what I said, but how it was received. 

Here's what we should keep in mind:

"mean ≠understand

say ≠ hear

hear ≠ understand

understand ≠ agree

agree ≠ act." (Alter, 2018, p. 9).

In summary, this means saying something the way you mean it. Subsequently, my counterpart must understand it in the same way and then be able to act accordingly. Expectations are an important factor in this context. If people's expectations are not taken into account, this can be a reason for conflict. It can be frustrating when you have hoped for something from a conversation and this is not fulfilled. Here are some questions you can use to analyze your expectations:

In addition to the expectations that all parties have, communication challenges are often about perspective. We can't always put ourselves in the other person's perspective. It may take support from the other person to really understand how they see things. It can also be helpful to explain your own perspective in more detail to make your point. Communication and especially the understanding of the person you are talking to can be greatly improved by actively trying to understand the other person. Often we are of the opinion to know the only truth. But unfortunately this is not the case. We all see things from our personal perspective and therefore see many things very subjectively. It is therefore worthwhile to change our perspective and to deal with other opinions, ideas and points of view.



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