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Complexity and Creativity

SKILL: Dealing with complexity



1 complexity

2 creativity

3 address

4 flexibility

5 innovation



By the end of this Learning Unit you will understand the concepts and the relations between complexity and creativity and you will realize how their interconnection is helpful in everyday life.


In our daily lives we are constantly faced with moments of uncertainty and ambiguity. On an individual, organizational and social level we have to deal with complexity. Our realities are increasingly interconnected and we are embedded within changing environments. In response, we need to understand how to deal with complexity and to manage insecurity


Developing skills to deal with increasingly complex and uncertain change processes is fundamental. For example, companies that want to be innovative, have been forced to adapt to a constant stream of change. 


On an  individual level, complexity manifests itself in daily life: the pattern of life is intertwined with risk, unpredictability, disempowerment, and lack of action. Daily life is subject to and dependent on large-scale technological, infrastructural, industrial, political, economic, and social structures. 

Creativity is an effective response to change for individuals, organizations and communities: it is linked to flexibility, which is a fundamental resource for coping with new situations, opportunities, interruptions and ruptures specifically, for dealing with the changes that are part of our contemporary life. Creativity is a skill that can be learned, through the use of flexible thinking. 


Creativity is a driving force, necessary within the cultural evolution that faces rapid adaptations from one generation to the next.


Moreover, in the organizational future, creativity is the key to productivity: it is a skill and the driver of innovation. Creativity is the ability to produce new ideas, patterns of thought and action. It is a capacity which is potentially applicable in all spheres of life. 


Creativity, moreover, is a competence that different organizational systems should develop because of its key role in innovation. It goes  beyond conventional ways of thinking and practicing, and is a key resource in both reactive and problem solving activities as well as in proactive and inventive processes.


In conclusion, the complex issues and heterogeneous, interconnected systems we are dealing with in contemporary life and societies require new approaches. Current problems and difficulties cannot be solved without some degree of innovation and creativity.

Society is increasingly changing and, as a consequence, we have to develop those skills that help us to deal with insecurity. Creativity is a necessary resource to create new ideas, models of thought and action. 


Test 1: True or False 

Creativity is an effective response to change for individuals, organizations, and communities. (T)

There is a need to develop skills to act on and address insecurity a. (T)

Creativity is linked to flexibility. (T)

Creativity is not a skill that can produce new ideas, patterns of thought and action. (F)

Test 2: Multiple choice (Correct answer: a)


Creativity is key:


  1. for productivity
  2. for inactivity
  3. for unproductivity
  4. none of the above

Test 3: Gap fill 

On an individual level, ... manifests itself in daily life: the pattern of life is intertwined with risk, unpredictability, depower, and lack of action. Daily life is subject to and dependent on large-scale technological, infrastructural, industrial, political, economic, and social structures. (complexity)

The ... is a driving force, necessary within cultural evolution that faces rapid adaptations that follow one generation to the next. (creativity)

Test 4: Multiple choice (Correct answer: b)

Today's reality in which we live over the years has become:


  1. less interconnected 
  2. more interconnected
  3. unstable
  4. none of the above


Language Point


Sentence construction

Read the sentences below:

  1. Creativity is linked to flexibility.
  2. Flexibility is an important resource.


Sentences consist of a subject, a verb and an object e.g.




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