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Maltese Prehistory


Task 1

Complete the activity below.


Task 2

Complete the activity below.


Task 3

Watch the video and answer the questions below.


  1. What sort of locations does Joel visit?
  2. How old is the oldest Maltese temple?
  3. How many rooms does each temple have? 
  4. Were the original temples decorated in any way? 
  5. What two things do the temples predate? 
  6. What was found in the temples by archeologists? 
  7. What does megalithic mean? 
  8. How heavy are the heaviest stone blocks used in the temples?
  9. What was the difference between stone on the outside and the inside of the temples?


Task 4


Between around 5500 and 4500 years ago, the Maltese Islands were inhabited by an extraordinary society which left us a large number of elaborate structures that are still standing today.

The temples of Ħaġar Qim, Mnajdra and Ggantija, as well as a dozen other sites confirm the theory that Malta was a "Sacred Island". Archeologists think that the temples were an international centre of worship, with visitors from other lands coming in at all times of the year. The local population’s job was to take care of these religious buildings.

Important findings, such as the elongated skulls excavated from the Hypogeum of Ħal Saflieni indicate that the ancient temple builders had very different features from other Mediterranean people in that era. Their knowledge of astronomy and construction still baffles scientists. It is also believed that around 2500 BC, the temple builders vanished completely from these islands, abandoning their beloved temples and dwellings. Why did they leave? What happened to them? Where did they go?

Task 5

What do you think? Try to answer the questions raised in Task 4 Why did they leave? What happened to them? Where did they go?

Task 6

“In the previous exercise you might have used sentences such as:

They might have been Egyptian.

Maybe it was a religious building.

They may have made animal sacrifices.

What words in these sentences are used to express an opinion or speculate? Can you think of any other words or expressions with the same function?”


Answers for Task 3

  1. World Heritage Sites
  2. 3600 BC
  3. 5
  4. They were plastered and painted
  5. The wheel and metal tools
  6. Animal bones and ashes
  7. Big stones
  8. 20 tons
  9. The outside is a harder stone, the inside is a softer stone that allows decoration, patterns, pitted marks.

Possible answers for Task 6: Maybe, perhaps, could be, could have been, might be, might have been, may be, may have been.


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