
For students


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Unit Views Clicks Created Changed Licence Owner Language Level Words Media Time Buttons Files Title Summary Likes
35017411052016-02-112016-02-17BY-SAthunderbufferEnglishC1-1869Clip for users with effective operational efficiency of the English language0
6449584882018-01-25BY-SAfredEnglishC1-1217 7:0012How I built a jet suit0
768840952019-08-302019-08-30BY-SALorenzoEnglishC1-766War of the Current0
295010463682015-05-28BY-SAfredEnglishC1-2376Yassmin Abdel-Magied: What does my headscarf mean to you?Unconscious bias is a prevalent factor driving culture, causing us all to make assumptions based on our own upbringings and influences. Such implicit prejudice affects everything, and it's time for us to be more thoughtful, smarter, better. In this funny, honest talk, Yassmin Abdel-Magied uses a surprising way to challenge us all to look beyond our initial perceptions.0
21261590322014-06-10BY-SAMohab MahmoudالعربيةC1 144119:20" كيف تصنع مذبحة ناجحة؟"The article is about the time when The SCAF was ruling Egypt.0
8728260202020-08-222020-08-22BY-SArafaseizEspañolC1 238411:184"Solamente descansaré el día que esté nuevamente al lado de mi hija"Objeto Digital de Aprendizaje para la Memoria, basado en el testimonio de una mujer víctima del conflicto armado colombiano2
247112831172015-02-092015-02-24BY-SAfredDanskC1 6941. En introduktion til CLILEn introduktion til CLIL0
25521559272015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 7841. Introducción al CLIL0
25641357462015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 6971. L-Ewwel Kapitlu: Introduzzjoni għal CLIL0
257622093662015-02-23BY-SAfredItalianoC1 8121. Un’introduzione al CLIL0
253813771002015-02-202015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 7861. Εισαγωγή στο CLIL0
654183592018-03-03BY-SARGPEnglishC1 15671/6 The Rules Of Abstraction With Matthew CollingsFirst broadcast: Sep 2014. Documentary in which painter and critic Matthew Collings charts the rise of abstract art over the last 100 years, whilst trying to answer a set of basic questions that many people have about this often-baffling art form. How do we respond to abstract art when we see it? Is it supposed to be hard or easy? When abstract artists chuck paint about with abandon, what does it mean? Does abstract art stand for something or is it supposed to be understood as just itself? These might be thought of as unanswerable questions, but by looking at key historical figures and exploring the private world of abstract artists today, Collings shows that there are, in fact, answers. Living artists in the programme create art in front of the camera using techniques that seem outrageously free, but through his friendly-yet-probing interview style Collings immediately establishes that the work always has a firm rationale. When Collings visits 92-year-old Bert Irvin in his studio in Stepney, east London he 0
534156712017-04-232017-05-02BY-SAMario MuñozEnglishC1 89512 hour CLIL module - Mario MuñozThe 2 hour CLIL module includes 2 explanatory videos, links to exercises, an activity and a quiz.0
53791132122017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAcarsettEnglishC1 722 8:1922-hour CLIL module: Introducing Picasso and the Cubismthis CLIL unit allow our students to get to know some details of Picasso's life; understand notions like "cubism", "abstract", "angle", recognise the most important pictures of this author; prepare a Picasso-like painting online; give a short presentation;0
255318661002015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 8562. ¿Por qué CLIL?0
2565101842015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7582. Għaliex CLIL?0
2472139832015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 7992. Hvorfor CLIL?Hvorfor CLIL? En vigtig grund til at introducere CLIL er at hjælpe undervisningssektoren til at forberede nutidens elever til nutidens arbejdsliv såvel som morgendagens. Unge mennesker skal være parate til at møde anderledes udfordringer, end deres forældre eller bedsteforældre måtte.0
257731321632015-02-23BY-SAfredItalianoC1 8952. Perché il CLIL?0
25411379122015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 8842. Γιατί CLIL0
25421372702015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 13242.2.1 Συχνές Ερωτήσεις Εκπαιδευτικών / 2.2.1. FAQs for Teachers0
25541369722015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 13532.2.1. Preguntas más frecuentes de los profesores:0
2473139922015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 11492.2.1. CLIL Lærernes FAQs (Ofte stillede spørgsmål)0
25791160552015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 13392.2.1. FAQ per docenti0
256612531012015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 12632.2.1. Mistoqsijiet li jagħmlu l-għalliema0
2580695712015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 4682.2.2. FAQ per studenti & Come coinvolgere i genitori0
2474105302015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 4692.2.2. FAQs for elever og Hvordan involveres forældrene0
2567110802015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 4402.2.2. Mistoqsijiet li spiss jagħmlu l-istudenti0
2555846502015-02-232015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 4952.2.2. Preguntas frecuentes de los estudiantes & Cómo involucrar a los padres0
2543108972015-02-232015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 5062.2.2. Συχνές Ερωτήσεις Μαθητών & 2.2.3. Πώς να εμπλέκονται οι γονείς0
137914882362013-09-13BY-SAKentAndersenEnglishC1 256815:203 reasons we still haven’t gotten rid of malariaWe’ve known how to cure malaria since the 1600s, so why does the disease still kill hundreds of thousands every year? It’s more than just a problem of medicine, says journalist Sonia Shah. A look into the history of malaria reveals three big-picture challenges to its eradication. Science historian Sonia Shah explores the surprisingly fascinating story behind an ancient scourge: malaria.0
24753334742015-02-092015-02-24BY-SAfredDanskC1 6923. De fem C’er1
256814031042015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7113. Il-5 K0
25564309432015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 7693. Las 5Cs0
25815070282015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 7853. Le 5 “C”0
25441719572015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 7703. Τα 5Cs0
167411142082014-03-04BY-SAsongbirdEnglishC1 26744 lessons in creativity0
2557163132015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 6154. El enfoque CLIL0
2569111662015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5484. Il-Metodu CLIL0
2582174872015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 5894. L’approccio CLIL0
24771232672015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 4814. Tilgangen til CLIL1
2545122212015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 5534. Η Προσέγγιση CLIL0
25589039162015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 8004.2. La Zona de Desarrollo Próximo (ZDP) y el andamiaje0
258371811472015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 6834.2. La Zona di Sviluppo Prossimale (in inglese ZPD - Zone of Proximal Development) e lo scaffolding0
2570119712015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 6544.2. The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) u Scaffolding0
25466171982015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6834.2. Ζώνη Επικείμενης Ανάπτυξης (ΖΕΑ) και Ικριώματα (Σκαλωσιές)0
247810775302015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 6214.2. Zonen for nærmeste udvikling (ZPD) og stilladsering0
255987352015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 8964.3. Autonomía del estudiante0
25711070882015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 8434.3. L-Awtonomija tal-Istudent & Interazzjoni & Il-Ħin tal-Ħsieb tal-Għalliema0
2584146242015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 8914.3. L’autonomia dello studente / Interazione / Tempo di riflessione per gli insegnanti0
2479138522015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 8124.3. Læringsautonomi, Interaktion og lærerens tid til refleksioner0
254713691092015-02-232015-02-24BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 9244.3. Η Αυτονομία του Εκπαιδευόμενου, Αλληλεπίδραση, Ώρα Σκέψης του Εκπαιδευτικού0
8401190342012-10-312012-12-04BY-SAmariargEnglishC1 3192400 KV Cable Project - TestingA 140 km long 400kV line between Århus and Aalborg was built in 2002-2004. The video deals with the work of constructing the line and shows the techniques and materials required0
25601366352015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 12485. Ejemplos de clases CLIL0
24801133152015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 9475. Eksempler på CLIL lektioner1
25852535312015-02-242015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 11275. Esempi di lezione CLIL0
2572136512015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 10635. Kampjun tal-lezzjonijiet CLIL0
25481438202015-02-232015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 11245. Δείγματα Μαθημάτων CLIL0
256112101952015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 8186. Evaluación0
248112007332015-02-092015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 6896. Evaluering1
2573117012015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7476. Evalwazzjoni0
25869771022015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 7556. Valutazione0
25491418952015-02-23BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 8216. Αξιολόγηση0
25627371032015-02-232015-02-24BY-SAfredEspañolC1 9156.2. Evaluación del CLIL en la práctica.0
2574128432015-02-232015-02-24BY-SAfredMaltiC1 8276.2. L-Assessjar tal-CLIL fil-Prattika0
25871632242015-02-242015-02-24BY-SAfredItalianoC1 8676.2. Valutazione del CLIL nella pratica0
25351174172015-02-202015-02-24BY-SAfredDanskC1 7676.2. CLIL bedømmelse i praksis1
25501100362015-02-232015-02-24BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 7546.2. Αξιολόγηση CLIL στην Πράξη0
6538448272018-03-032018-04-15BY-SARGPEnglishC1 517468 Painting Styles of Abstraction0
2206970542014-08-212014-09-10BY-SAfredEnglishC1 175525A demo of wireless electricityEric Giler wants to untangle our wired lives with cable-free electric power. Here, he covers what this sci-fi tech offers, and demos MIT's breakthrough version, WiTricity — a near-to-market invention that may soon recharge your cell phone, car, pacemaker.0
23949241882014-11-26BY-NC-NDfredEnglishC1 347918:001A new ecosystem for electric carsForget about the hybrid auto — Shai Agassi says it's electric cars or bust if we want to impact emissions. His company, Better Place, has a radical plan to take entire countries oil-free by 20200
22749161032014-09-13BY-SAPRHEnglishC1 1141A park under NY city0
8593208262020-05-182020-05-20BY-SAKata_KataEnglishC1 343 2:185A short film on archaeological findingsStudents guess content of video based on pre-presented vocabulary, react to content, and work on language points2
791328652019-11-062019-11-06BY-SAcmcpherson147EnglishC1 1052 6:09A short intro to the studio school0
332927044032015-11-172021-12-13BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 144511:552A' Bhean-Uasal NicÌomhair à Cnoc an t-Soluis air a' BhacA noble Lewis lady, (known - outwith her earshot - as Bean Dhòmhnaill Ailig 'Fat"), undertakes a long journey to Tibet, for a special meeting with a special person... Norman Maclean narrates the gripping Gaelic tale right through to its scarcely predictable conclusion. Part of his Sgeulachdan Thormoid collection.0
6542361102018-03-03BY-SARGPEnglishC1 540 3:16Abstract vs. Realistic Art0
542745192017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAIsayankovichEnglishC1 243Activities0
5436387982017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAIsayankovichEnglishC1 611Activity 2: My glossary0
5430353222017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAIsayankovichEnglishC1 661Activity 3: Famous architects0
7693377362019-09-092019-11-22BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1892 9:3711Ailish Bhreathnach - Litir ghearáin chuig The Irish TimesSan agallamh a craoladh ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta i 2015, labhraíonn Seán Bán Breathnach le hAilish Bhreathnach faoi litir a scríobh sí chuig The Irish Times mar fhreagairt ar ionsaí a rinne Eanna Coffey ar an Ghaeilge tamall roimhe. In this Interview broadcast on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta in 2015, Seán Bán Breathnach speaks to Ailish Bhreathnach about a letter that she wrote to The Irish Times in response to Eanna Coffey's recent attack on the Irish language that was published by the paper.0
11235226532023-01-112023-01-12BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 1059 8:373Aire air Sunnd: Artefacts & StoriesThe Digital Fèis was a celebration of community heritage spread over two days in September 2022, held at the old Carinish School, now headquarters for Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath, the North Uist Historical Society. Digital activities involved digitising artefacts from the community, recording stories, listening to Gaelic voices, and exploring heritage places through virtual reality. A cèilidh was also held with music and drama from young people of North Uist. Part of the Ideas Fund "Aire air Sunnd" project, in which the Universities of Aberdeen, St Andrews, and the Highlands and Islands team up with Island Voices to provide research support for well-being initiatives on the island. The recordings in this video were made by the St Andrews digitisation team. They have now been placed on the Island Voices YouTube channel to enable auto-translatable subtitling.0
4428316211382016-06-052016-06-05BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 982 7:272Àiridh na h-Aon Oidhche, le Tormod MacGill-EainMaster raconteur Norman Maclean tells the spine-tingling Gaelic tale of Àiridh na h-Aon Oidhche, a local landmark out near Rueval in Benbecula, and reveals how it got its name... He relates the story for Mary Morrison, an enthusiastic community participant in the Island Voices/Guthan nan Eilean project.0
6042598862017-10-18BY-SAfredMaltiC1 10801Ambjentali, URL tat-testGħandu jkollok għarfien ta’ Ir-responsabbiltajiet u l-mod ta’ kif tuża l-materjali Kif għandek tirriċikla u tnaqqas l-iskart Kif tagħraf materjal perikoluż u skart speċjali Prekawzjonijiet u proċeduri ta’ x’tagħmel bi skart perikoluż Sostenibbiltà fl-għażla u l-użu ta’ materjali0
73531767992019-02-182019-04-14BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 166712:46An Ceilidhiche0
193613201192014-04-282014-04-28BY-SADúchGaeilgeC1 565An Coimisiún ReifreannIs cur síos atá anseo, i bhfoirm agallamh raidió, ar obair an Choimisiúin Reifreann.0
104023043052013-02-242013-05-16BY-SAniallclilstoreGaeilgeC1 1115 1:452An GhaeltachtNa Gaeltachtaí0
8476246342020-03-252020-03-25BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1388 5:151An Ghearmáin, Éire agus prátaí.Sa mhír seo, labhraíonn Helen Ní Shé ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le Dáithí de Mórdha ó Ionad an Bhlascaoid Mhóir i nDún Caoin faoi aip nua, German Traces, a sheol Institiúid Goethe a dhíríonn ar an cheangal stairiúil idir Éire agus an Ghearmáin. Tá caint ann leis faoi bhua Dháithí i gComórtas an Phráta. In this clip, Helen Ní Shé from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Dáithí de Mórdha from The Blasket Centre in Dunquin about a new app recently launched by Goethe Institut that focuses on historical links between Germany and Ireland. There is also a discussion about Dáithí's success in the Potato Competition.0
103120191992013-02-182013-02-18BY-SAniallclilstoreGaeilgeC1 10131An GúmAn Gúm agus polasaí aistriúcháin0
10041687552013-02-07BY-SAniallclilstoreGaeilgeC1 1892An Phóg Dhéanach agus Faire na ReiligeNótaí filíochta0
735218651472019-02-182019-04-15BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 642 4:48An t-Seann Fhiadh0
23682195892014-11-11BY-NC-NDfredEnglishC1 196610:002Animal behaviorHank and his cat Cameo help teach us about animal behavior and how we can discover why animals do the things they do.1
621674162017-12-07BY-SAfredDanskC1 5791Anmeldelse af arbejdsulykker, anden delDu bør have en grundlæggende forståelse af: *Hvorfor og hvordan skader, ulykker og visse sygdomme skal indberettes til Arbejdstilsynet *Hvorfor ulykker skal rapporteres til arbejdsgiver *Nødvendigheden af at registrere alle ulykker som medfører skade uanset art i virksomhedens logbog med ulykkesregistreringer *Hvornår skal arbejdsskader og ulykker anmeldes0
621573852017-12-07BY-SAfredDanskC1 5691Anmeldelse af arbejdsulykker, første delDu bør have en grundlæggende forståelse af: *Hvorfor og hvordan skader, ulykker og visse sygdomme skal indberettes til Arbejdstilsynet *Hvorfor ulykker skal rapporteres til arbejdsgiver *Nødvendigheden af at registrere alle ulykker som medfører skade uanset art i virksomhedens logbog med ulykkesregistreringer *Hvornår skal arbejdsskader og ulykker anmeldes0
1180855122024-02-062024-02-13BY-SAquinnj09GaeilgeC1 769 3:052Aodh Mac Laifeartaigh 2Is é agallamh raidió idir Áine Ní Chuirreáin agus Aodh Mac Laifeartaigh. Tá siad ag caint ar chluiche peil Ghaelach a imríodh ag an deireadh seachtaine (Dún na nGall i aghaidh na Mí). Comhscór a bhí ann. Dúirt an t-anailísí go raibh ádh ar Dhún na nGall comhscór a fháil. Scóráil Micheál Ó Murchú pointe sa nóiméad deireanach. Shocraigh na cainteoirí go mbeidh an fhoireann sásta leis an toradh. Phléigh siad fosta réimeas traenála fhoireann Dhún na nGall. This is a radio interview between Áine Ní Chuireéan agus Aodh Mac Laifeartaigh. They are talking about a Gaelic football match that was played at the weekend (Donegal versus Meath). It was a draw. The analyst said Donegal were lucky to get a draw. Micheál Ó Murchú scored a point in the last minute. The speakers concluded the team would be happy with the result. They also discussed the Donegal team's training regime.0
152516501452013-12-072014-05-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaeilgeC1 165 4:16Ar Éirinn Ní Neosfainn Cé hÍ - amhránAmhrán dá chasadh le Maria McCool0
4734115332017-02-06BY-SAfredDanskC1 5931Arbejde i højden. Anden delDu bør have en grundlæggende forståelse af: • Vigtigheden af at anvende det mest egnede adgangsudstyr til opgaven • Kun at anvende stiger og trappestiger hvor opgaven har lav risiko og er af kort varighed • Hvilke sikkerhedsforanstaltninger der skal tages ved brug af: Stilladser, personlifte, faldsikringsudstyr etc.0
4733101082017-02-06BY-SAfredDanskC1 4351Arbejde i højden. Første delDu bør have en grundlæggende forståelse af: • Vigtigheden af at anvende det mest egnede adgangsudstyr til opgaven • Kun at anvende stiger og trappestiger hvor opgaven har lav risiko og er af kort varighed • Hvilke sikkerhedsforanstaltninger der skal tages ved brug af: Stilladser, personlifte, faldsikringsudstyr etc.0
4737101952017-02-10BY-SAfredDanskC1 6371ArbejdsudstyrDu bør have et grundlæggende kendskab til: Kun at anvende det arbejdsudstyr du er blevet oplært i og autoriseret til at bruge Vigtigheden af at kontrollere udstyret inden brug At rapportere enhver defekt og mangel og ikke anvende defekt udstyr Sikker brug af forlængerledninger0
539435942017-04-242017-04-25BY-SAIsayankovichEnglishC1 14Architecture: favorite buildings0
841547982020-03-102020-03-11BY-SAnavandijkNederlandsC1 2576Argumentatieve vaardigheden en leesvaardigheid: voorbereiding op de derde toetsweek (4 vwo)1
1226109292013-07-16BY-SAfredMaltiC1 330 3:29At The Science LabStudents at this school take part in various extra-curricular activities such as sports, Drama, choir, school band, gymnasium, every year over 150 students participate in such activities as the Christmas Convert, The Talent Show, Prize Day Activity, Crib competition and they also have their own School Council. Life at St. Thomas More Boys Junior Lyceum is very varied and exciting. They also help students make use of their available resources and to use them in planning their activities and everyday lives. By means of these classes, students also become more in contact with their national heritage and later become more tolerant to different cultures. Overall, students are given the opportunity to be more creative, original, and efficient and intellectual, and to improve their decision-making skills and problem solving abilities. The library is like the artist’s palette. It offers the students an opportunity to broaden their vocabulary and culture. At the library, students can find all kinds of books in both M0
2686694502015-03-302015-03-30BYliudvikaskEnglishC1 3801Benefits of Sports0
1451133312011-12-052012-03-08BY-SAcelebSvenskaC1 453Bensinmotorns grundfunktion och Fyrtakts och tvåtaktsprincipen0
577228798012017-05-212017-05-21BY-SAcaoimhinsmoEald EngliscC1 2430610:53Beowulf0
10063181392021-12-142021-12-14BY-SAmaster dlaFrançaisC1 831Bienvenue Chez MoiLa unidad se centra el practicar más en profundidad el vocabulario del slang en francés así como la cultura francesa. De esta forma, los alumnos podrán entender desde una perspectiva francesa lo que consideran los franceses sobre ellos mismos dependiendo de la situación geográfica en la que estos de encuentren.0
456190672016-10-26BY-SAjose2700DanskC1 1811BiobrændselGroen Energi0
384988362012-06-222012-06-27BY-SAfredEnglishC1 884Birke Baehr: What's wrong with our food system11-year-old Birke Baehr presents his take on a major source of our food -- far-away and less-than-picturesque industrial farms. Keeping farms out of sight promotes a rosy, unreal picture of big-box agriculture, he argues, as he outlines the case to green and localize food production. Birke Baehr wants us to know how our food is made, where it comes from, and what's in it. At age 11, he's planning a career as an organic farmer0
307225863662015-08-202016-10-26BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 550 4:092Blàr ChàirinisNorman Maclean tells the story in Gaelic of the Battle of Carinish in 1601 - as if it was yesterday. And, master storyteller that he is, he brings it right up to date with references to current singers who still mine this rich cultural heritage.0
118113972012013-06-28BY-SAfredEnglishC1 2855Bob Mankoff: Anatomy of a New Yorker cartoonThe New Yorker receives around 1,000 cartoons each week; it only publishes about 17 of them. In this hilarious, fast-paced, and insightful talk, the magazine's longstanding cartoon editor and self-proclaimed "humor analyst" Bob Mankoff dissects the comedy within just some of the "idea drawings" featured in the magazine, explaining what works, what doesn't, and why.0
18221016462014-03-272014-04-19BY-SAAlexEnglishC1 203613:23Body parts on a chipIt's relatively easy to imagine a new medicine, a better cure for some disease. The hard part, though, is testing it, and that can delay promising new cures for years. In this well-explained talk, Geraldine Hamilton shows how her lab creates organs and body parts on a chip, simple structures with all the pieces essential to testing new medications — even custom cures for one specific person. (Filmed at TEDxBoston)0
114022595212013-05-032013-05-03BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 574 3:452Bóthar an ChladaighSa mhír seo labhraíonn Aodh Mac Ruairí ó Rann na Feirste faoin obair chloiche atá le feiceáil sa cheantar agus faoin scéim a ceapadh sna 1940í leis an bhealach thart ar Rinn na Mona a dhaingniú. Ba iad fir áitiúla a rinne an obair ar son na Comhairle Contae agus bhí scil ar leith ag baint leis dóigh a ndeachaigh siad i mbun oibre.0
470098272017-01-272017-01-27BY-SAfredDanskC1 6581Brand og nødsituationer. Anden delDu bør have en grundlæggende viden om: Hvad du skal gøre i tilfælde af en nødsituation på arbejdet Typer af ildslukkere som er til rådighed og typer af brande de kan bruges på Vigtigheden af førstehjælp i forbindelse med en ulykke0
4699100382017-01-272017-01-27BY-SAfredDanskC1 5011Brand og nødsituationer. Første delDu bør have en grundlæggende viden om: Hvad du skal gøre i tilfælde af en nødsituation på arbejdet Typer af ildslukkere som er til rådighed og typer af brande de kan bruges på Vigtigheden af førstehjælp i forbindelse med en ulykke0
1848847622014-04-02BY-SAmandk1977EnglishC1 266116:484Bring on the learning revolution!I was here four years ago, and I remember, at the time, that the talks weren't put online. I think they were given to TEDsters in a box, a box set of DVDs, which they put on their shelves, where they are now. 0:28 (Laughter) 0:30 And actually, Chris called me a week after I'd given my talk and he said, "We're going to start putting them online. Can we put yours online?" And I said, "Sure." 0:39 And four years later, as I said, it's been seen by four ... Well, it's been downloaded four million times. So I suppose you could multiply that by 20 or something to get the number of people who've seen it. And, as Chris says, there is a hunger for videos of me. 0:57 (Laughter) 1:00 (Applause) 1:05 ... don't you feel? 1:06 (Laughter) 1:11 So, this whole event has been an elaborate build-up to me doing another one for you, so here it is. 1:18 (Laughter) 1:21 Al Gore spoke at the TED conference I spoke at four years ago and talked about the climate crisis. And I referenced that at the end of my last talk. So I want to p0
332625214892015-11-172021-12-13BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 446 4:062CabhagThe story of Cabhag's canine heroics in an unsettling encounter on a misty mountainside - as told by Norman Maclean in his Sgeulachdan Thormoid collection for Island Voices.0
2398200210382014-12-032021-01-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeC1 420 2:3311Caithimh Aimsire in ÉirinnDaoine áirithe ag caint ar chaithimh aimsire a bhíonn in Éirinn.0
839720211222020-03-022021-09-09BY-SApizzoccherialeItalianoC1 192852Canaletto e i vedutisti del '700 a Venezia.(LSSEV)0
2177857302014-06-272014-09-10BY-SAtonileedsEspañolC1 389 3:361Canción del Pirata, de José de EsproncedaCanción del Pirata0
80433561542019-12-042019-12-04BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1414 7:201Caoirigh na Japs - Cúlra an amhráin faoi chaibidil ag Lochlainn Ó TuairiscSan agallamh seo, labhraíonn Máirín Nic Con Iomaire ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le Lochlainn Ó Tuairisc ó Chló Iar-Chonnacht faoi Leabhar Mór na nAmhrán agus faoi amhrán ar leith, Caoirigh na Japs, agus na leaganacha éagsúla de atá tagtha anuas chugainn. In this interview Máirín Nic Con Iomaire from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Lochlainn Ó Tuairisc from Chló Iar-Chonnacht about their publication Leabhar Mór na nAmhrán ('The Great Song Book') and in particular about the song Caoirigh na Japs ('The Japs' Sheep') and the different versions of it that have come down to us.0
392665762016-04-07BY-SAsusaEnglishC1 4712Capuchin Monkeys Reject Unequal PayFrans de Waal shows us a task he gave Capuchin monkeys to see if they responded to a sense of fairness. Frans de Waal is a Dutch primatologist and ethologist. He is the Charles Howard Candler professor of Primate Behavior in the Emory University0
6272460102018-01-10BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeC1 32 1:30Cartlann Chonradh na Gaeilge i nGaillimhCur síos ar Chartlann na Gaillimhe0
9794145462022-03-022022-03-03BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1173 7:3311Carval: Croo Adam, yn Tuittym as e Hroggal0
839535822020-02-292020-03-09BY-SATestiFraItalianoC1 8931Che cosa studia l'antropologia?Si tratta di attività di ricerca per comprendere quale sia l'oggetto di studio dell'antropologia,1
4347548112016-05-012016-05-01BY-SAemma.abbateEnglishC1 231715:152CLIL Biotechnology: Genome study and bioinformaticsThis is a CLIL science Lesson on Genome.Secrets, disease and beauty are all written in the human genome, the complete set of genetic instructions needed to build a human being. Now, as scientist and entrepreneur Riccardo Sabatini shows us, we have the power to read this complex code, predicting things like height, eye color, age and even facial structure — all from a vial of blood. And soon, Sabatini says, our new understanding of the genome will allow us to personalize treatments for diseases like cancer. We have the power to change life as we know it. How will we use it?0
25361225192015-02-202015-02-20BY-SAfredDanskC1 328CLIL Guidebog: Terminologi1
5603945412017-05-042017-06-12BY-NC-NDalquigalEnglishC1 1112 5:491Climate Change ExplainedIntroduction to global warming. All the rights for this video are reserved to the original author of the audiovisual content 'The Daily Conversation'.0
735518661302019-02-182019-04-14BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 160115:24Coinneach Tormod Mo Dhuine0
829925512020-02-122020-02-12BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 840 3:30Coiriúlacht ThrasteorannSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta lena comhghleacaí Áine Ní Bhreisleáin faoi ghadaithe atá i mbun coiriúlachta ar an dá thaobh den teorainn idir an Tuaisceart agus Dún na nGall. In this clip Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to her colleague Áine Ní Bhreisleáin about robbers who are engaged in criminality on both sides of the border between the North and Donegal.0
801234212019-11-262019-11-26BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1748 7:46Colaistéaról - Comhairle shláinte ón Dochtúir Séamus Ó BeirnSan agallamh seo labhraíonn Seán Bán Breathnach ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an Doctúir Séamus Ó Beirne faoi cholaistéaról agus an ról a imríonn sé sa chorp. Tugann sé comhairle faoi na bealaí ar féidir fadhbanna sláinte a bhaineann le colaistéaról a sheachaint. In this interview Seán Bán Breathnach from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Dr Séamus Ó Beirn about cholesterol and its role in the body. He gives advice about how to avoid cholesterol related health problems0
11204176602022-11-172023-01-29BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 278318:212Còmhradh air Blàr ChàirinisThe video-recorded story of the Battle of Carinish is related by Norman Maclean. Members and supporters of Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath (the North Uist Historical Society) then discuss this version and compare it with others they have heard. Part of the "Aire air Sunnd" well-being project, supported by the Ideas Fund, with input from the Universities of Aberdeen, St Andrews, and the Highlands and Islands.0
11280194282023-01-292023-02-01BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 204113:192Còmhradh air crìonadh nan cladaicheanMembers and supporters of Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath, the North Uist Historical Society, listen to and talk about Ruairidh na Càrnaich's Gaelic discussion of Uist coastal erosion with John MacInnes, as presented on the Tobar an Dualchais website. Part of the Ideas Fund "Aire air Sunnd" project, in which the Universities of Aberdeen, St Andrews, and the Highlands and Islands team up with Island Voices to provide research support for well-being initiatives on the island. The full details of the recording of Ruairidh na Càrnaich are as follows: Cunntas Air Crionadh Nan Cladaichean Ann An Uibhist A Tuath, Roderick MacDonald, (contributor), John MacInnes, (fieldworker), ref: SA1958.171.B4, the School of Scottish Studies Archives, the University of Edinburgh. Permission, which is gratefully acknowledged, has been granted for this use only.0
117824112023-12-112023-12-11BY-SAmaster dlaEspañolC1 560Cómo evolucionan los idiomas0
801932642019-11-302019-11-30BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1226 4:27Comórtas na mBailte Slachtmhara - Ullmhúchán Choiste na Ceathrún RuaSan agallamh seo labhraíonn Máirín Nic Con Iomaire ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le hAnna Ní Chualáin ó choiste áitiúil na mbailte slachtmhara faoi tslí a ndeachaigh an coiste i mbun oibre agus faoi na dúshláin atá sáraithe acu go dtí seo. In this interview Máirín Nic Con Iomaire from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Anna Ní Chualáin from the local tidy towns committee about how they began their work and about the challenges the have overcome to date.0
112958802023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 8734Consumer Behaviour0
21211188262014-06-092014-06-09BY-SA1808125EnglishC1 516 5:41Context lord of the flies0
113137702023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 524Control0
833437462020-02-162020-07-07BY-NC-SArafaseizEspañolC1 590 3:0721COOL - ¿Qué es la poesía?En este vídeo, la poeta española Elena Escribano nos cuenta qué es para ella la poesía0
8333613502020-02-162020-02-17BY-NC-SArafaseizEspañolC1 500 1:304COOL - Bécquer y la poesíaEn este vídeo varios actores y actrices famosos recitan el famoso poema RAIMA IV de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer0
8337337112020-02-162020-02-16BY-NC-SArafaseizEspañolC1 915 6:162COOL - Formas poéticas: el sonetoUn vídeo para aprender la estructura de un soneto con ejemplos.0
80727142602019-12-172023-07-25BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishC1 125233COOL - Gardens of MaltaIn this unit students read about two locations that are not usually part of the typical touristic package: the Msida Bastion Historic Garden and Sa Maison Garden. These gardens present some interesting features of Malta's history, especially features that are related to the Birtish era.2
80595741162019-12-102023-07-25BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishC1 2075 1:5622COOL - Malta's Wayside ChapelsThis unit presents four of Malta's wayside chapels. These little chapels dot the Maltese countryside and offer a fascinating glimpse into Malta's history and folklore. Students read the texts describing the chapels and watch a short video clip, allowing them to identify the chapels.1
80497854522019-12-062022-04-01BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishC1 1496 6:3931COOL - Maltese Prehistoric TemplesIn this unit students are introduced to the Maltese prehistoric temples. They watch a video which briefly describes a few of the prehistoric temple structures, namely the cave complex known as the Xagħra Circle, Ġgantija Temples, Tarxien Temples and the Hypogeum of Ħal Saflieni. Students can also read the transcript to the video to deepen their understanding.1
833544082020-02-162020-02-16BY-NC-SArafaseizEspañolC1 482 3:492COOL - Partes de la guitarra clásicaVídeo demostrativo de las partes de la guitarra española0
80239373162019-12-022023-07-25BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishC1 1661 8:2413COOL - The Maltese LanguageIn this unit students watch a video about the historical origin of the Maltese language and learn about the Semitic and Romantic influences on its development.1
7210476122018-11-272019-01-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 2512COOL (Clil Open Online Learning)1
98001641822020-07-012022-03-10BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 941Coorse lhaih 2021-221
156791222013-12-302013-12-30BY-SAcrisnavarroEspañolC1 75 3:303Corto «Doble chek»Cortometraje que ilustra cómo la aplicación de Whatsapp puede producir rupturas de pareja a causa del síndrome del doble check. Comedia0
7712378672019-09-162019-09-16BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1995 8:04Cosán Ros a' MhílSan agallamh seo, labhraíonn Peadar Ó Cualáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le Barry Ó Fátharta, Cathaoirleach Choiste Pobail Ros a' Mhíl faoi fheachtas an phobail brú a chur ar Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe cosán a thógáil ar mhaithe le sábhailteacht coisithe sa cheantar. In this interview, Peadar Ó Cualáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta to Barry Ó Fátharta, Chairperson of Ros a' Mhíl's community committee about the local community's campaign to have a footpath constructed for the saftey of pedestrians in the area.0
831726072020-02-132020-02-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 969 4:16Cuairt Uachtarán na hÉireann ar ShasanaSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta lena comhghleacaí Áine Ní Bhreisleáin faoi chuairt Uachtarán na hÉireann Micheál D. Ó hUiginn ar Shasana. In this clip Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to her colleague Áine Ní Bhreisleáin about the President of Ireland Micheál D. Ó hUiginn's visit to England.0
769432502019-09-10BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1405 5:33Cúrsa Oiliúna PhléaracaSan agallamh seo labhraíonn Peadar Ó Cualáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le Bairbre Nic Dhonncha, Oifigeach Ealaíne Phléaraca, faoi chúrsa traenála atá a reáchtáil ag Pléaráca chun bunoiliúint a chur ar dhaoine óga i ngnéithe éagsúla de thionscal na teilifíse. In this interview, Peadar Ó Cualáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Bairbre Nic Dhonncha, Pléaraca's Arts' Officer, about a training course being run by Pléaraca to provide basic training to young people in various aspects of the television industry.0
111630856672013-04-232013-04-28BY-SAcelebEnglishC1 588 1:013Customising a Big RigThis unit is specially designed for truck mechanics. They will use their prior knowledge about wiring and fitting lights to vehicles, and will be working on a plan to customise a Big Rig.0
18371547462014-04-012014-09-26BY-SAfredEnglishC1 1168 7:35Dan Cobley: What physics taught me about marketingPhysics and marketing don't seem to have much in common, but Dan Cobley is passionate about both. He brings these unlikely bedfellows together using Newton's second law, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the scientific method and the second law of thermodynamics to explain the fundamental theories of branding0
651154612018-02-202018-03-06BY-SArulesforlifeNederlandsC1 211De Romantiek 3 "De romantische held"0
6201737272017-11-292018-02-13BY-SArulesforlifeNederlandsC1 6267De romantiek De opera0
171812701062014-03-112014-03-11BY-SARasaZEnglishC1 255914:38Denise Herzing: Could we speak the language of dolphins?For 28 years, Denise Herzing has spent five months each summer living with a pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins, following three generations of family relationships and behaviors. It's clear they are communicating with one another — but is it language? Could humans use it too? She shares a fascinating new experiment to test this idea.0
805339032019-12-072020-08-03BY-SAPRESIDENZAItalianoC1 1041 5:5231Destinato ai musicisti: approfondisci la musica classica italiana attraverso Antonio Vivaldi (LSSEV)Pensata per i musicisti di altre nazioni che stanno imparando la lingua italiana per conoscere di più il repertorio classico, questa unità è uno strumento per imparare il principale vocabolario italiano della musica e per scoprire Vivaldi, grande violinista e compositore.0
809244552020-01-052020-08-03BY-SAPRESIDENZAItalianoC1 1462 2:0544Destinato ai musicisti: manoscritti, opere, concerti di Vivaldi; nascita di un mito (LSSEV)Da cosa dipende il successo di Vivaldi? perchè ascoltiamo la sua opera classica "Le Quattro Stagioni"? Questa unità permette di riflettere sulle ragioni di questo successo e sull'attualità del musicista rispetto alla sensibilità contemporanea. Gli approfondimenti, pensati per musicisti, permettono di cogliere alcuni aspetti di questa genialità e di arricchire il vocabolario tecnico in lingua italiana. Questa è la seconda unità su Vivaldi e si correla con quella relativa a Scarlatti e Pergolesi.0
7944450432019-11-122020-04-07BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanதமிழ்C1 274532DharaniAt the International Language Fest on Indigenous and Endangered Languages in Shillong, Meghalaya, Dharani explains in Tamil the subject of her research paper - the works of Bama, and her representations of the speech of Dalit communities in Tamil Nadu.0
66081202112018-03-222018-03-22BY-NCannso2208DeutschC1 4214Die vier JahreszeitenDieser Webquest beinhaltet eine Gruppenarbeit mit vier Gruppen zum Thema Jahreszeiten. Die Gruppenthemen gliedern sich in Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler suchen Informationen zur Jahreszeit, zu der Natur, den Tieren und den Monaten.0
21001068382014-05-27BY-SAMrs. SmithEnglishC1 271215:00Dog-friendly dog training0
332824441842015-11-172021-12-13BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 549 4:382Dòmhnall Phàdraig agus Màiri Claire40 years married "as happy as two shoes". Màiri Claire knows how to deal with her partner's crisis of confidence... Part of Norman Maclean's collection of "Sgeulachdan Thormoid".0
22081001602014-08-222014-09-10BY-SAfredEnglishC1 141410:321Don't insist on English!In her talk, longtime English teacher Patricia Ryan asks a provocative question: Is the world's focus on English preventing the spread of great ideas in other languages? (For instance: what if Einstein had to pass the TOEFL?) It's a passionate defense of translating and sharing ideas. (Filmed at TEDxDubai.)0
113727371532013-04-302013-05-07BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 841 4:123Eairdsidh agus Nìall CaimbeulBenbecula residents Neil and Archie Campbell reflect on what they've seen and heard during their short stay in Ranafast. Filmed as part of the Scottish Island Voices Project visit.0
19171317452014-04-142014-10-29BY-SAProfessorUPVCatalàC1 358 2:3121El cotxe elèctricConsumeix com una planxa; es carrega com un mòbil; és silenciós i no contamina. Arrenca el cotxe elèctric? Els vehicles elèctrics són una alternativa per desplaçar-se de manera més sostenible per les ciutats. Però la seva velocitat punta és escassa i la durada de les bateries limitada. Quin paper juguen els automòbils híbrids davant d'aquests inconvenients? Empreses del sector ja comercialitzen al nostre país els primers models d'aquests vehicles, que combinen el motor convencional amb l'elèctric, tal i com ens explica Ricard Bosch, investigador del Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica de la UPC.0
872933282020-08-222020-08-23BY-SArafaseizEspañolC1 562 1:052El Festival de Poesía de Medellín y la pazObjeto Digital de Aprendizaje para la Memoria, relacionado con el Festival de Poesía de Medellín y con la función de la poesía dentro del proceso de paz en Colombia3
38820213802012-06-252019-12-15BY-SAlsnEnglishC1 1489 9:06Electrical Cars0
473171182017-02-032017-02-03BY-SAfredEspañolC1 7471Electrotécnica, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos sobre: Las consecuencias de la corriente eléctrica en el cuerpo humano Los tipos de toma de corriente utilizados en las zonas de obra La necesidad de que las personas que trabajan en instalaciones eléctricas sean competentes El uso de interruptores diferenciales para una protección adicional contra descargas eléctricas Los procedimientos de aislamiento seguros cuando se trabaja con sistemas y equipos eléctricos Trabajar solo con tensión en circunstancias excepcionales* Trabajar con fibras ópticas de forma segura0
473262832017-02-032017-02-03BY-SAfredEspañolC1 9221Electrotécnica, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos sobre: Las consecuencias de la corriente eléctrica en el cuerpo humano Los tipos de toma de corriente utilizados en las zonas de obra La necesidad de que las personas que trabajan en instalaciones eléctricas sean competentes El uso de interruptores diferenciales para una protección adicional contra descargas eléctricas Los procedimientos de aislamiento seguros cuando se trabaja con sistemas y equipos eléctricos Trabajar solo con tensión en circunstancias excepcionales* Trabajar con fibras ópticas de forma segura0
4678957102017-01-122017-03-30BY-SAfredMaltiC1 66711Elettrotekniku, URL tat-test tal-ewwel parti0
4679846132017-01-122017-02-22BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7801Elettrotekniku, URL tat-test tat-tieni parti0
1201132022013-07-15BY-SAfredEuskaraC1 293 2:58Elikadura nahasteakGaur egungo elikadura nahasteak: Izaera, arrazoiak, ondorioak eta sendabideak0
1044811942022-05-062022-05-06BY-SAMAgnesSEnglishC1 16Elon Musk's Companies through the Eyes of would be Economists0
5203791292017-04-182017-04-18BY-SAangelscarreguiCatalàC1 337Emocions encadenades. Mercé Bellfort0
29731682192015-05-302015-05-30BY-SAcarmulaCatalàC1 53520:1011EnergiaAquest mòdul ajudarà els estudiants a entendre com en genera l’energia elèctrica i l’impacte mediambiental d’aquest procés. També afavorirà al desenvolupament de la consciència ecològica i a fomentar consums energètics sostenibles.0
601547422017-10-02BY-SAfredEspañolC1 5781Equipo de trabajo, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Usar el equipo de trabajo para el que haya recibido formación y autorización de uso La importancia de llevar a cabo comprobaciones en el equipo antes de usarlo Informar de cualquier defecto y no usar equipo defectuoso El uso de sistemas de reducido voltaje para abastecer el equipo eléctrico manual en zonas de construcción El modo de uso seguro de los cables alargadores0
601641852017-10-02BY-SAfredEspañolC1 5801Equipo de trabajo, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Usar el equipo de trabajo para el que haya recibido formación y autorización de uso La importancia de llevar a cabo comprobaciones en el equipo antes de usarlo Informar de cualquier defecto y no usar equipo defectuoso El uso de sistemas de reducido voltaje para abastecer el equipo eléctrico manual en zonas de construcción El modo de uso seguro de los cables alargadores0
4745607152017-02-15BY-SAfredEspañolC1 6891Equipos de Protección Individual, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Cuándo debe llevarse el EPI Porqué su patrono debe proveerle un EPI Porqué debe usar el EPI provisto por su empresa Porqué debe tener cuidado con el EPI con el que le han provisto para su uso Porqué debe informar de la pérdida o del daño del EPI a su superior más inmediato Los posibles efectos de no llevar el EPI Las limitaciones del EPI0
4746642132017-02-15BY-SAfredEspañolC1 6971Equipos de Protección Individual, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Cuándo debe llevarse el EPI Porqué su patrono debe proveerle un EPI Porqué debe usar el EPI provisto por su empresa Porqué debe tener cuidado con el EPI con el que le han provisto para su uso Porqué debe informar de la pérdida o del daño del EPI a su superior más inmediato Los posibles efectos de no llevar el EPI Las limitaciones del EPI0
2891066122012-04-162013-05-06BY-SAsusanneEnglishC1 534ETS4 and apps0
314142452015-08-26BY-SAfredEnglishC1 410Eurocall0
113068302023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 494Example of SWOT factors0
112916202023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 304External Marketing Auditing0
6662836182018-04-112018-04-11BY-NCDFPHSTDeutschC1 3194Fahrradprüfung0
601773512017-10-03BY-SAfredDanskC1 8431Farer ved specielle arbejdsstederDu bør have en grundlæggende viden om: • Sikkerhedsforholdsregler før arbejde i snævre rum • Forholdsregler, der skal tages ved udførsel af gravearbejde for at reducere risici for kontakt med nedgravede kabler, nedfaldende materialer m.m. • Forholdsregler, der skal tages ved arbejde nær luftledninger • Farer for fodgængere ved køretøjer på arbejdspladsen • De forøgede risici for unge på arbejde og for personer, der arbejder alene1
79543821452019-11-142020-01-08BY-SAPRESIDENZAItalianoC1 118310:2041Fashion! Diventare modelli o fotomodelli in Italia (LSSEV).Come si diventa modelli o fotomodelli? quali difficoltà e quali rischi o stress? Vale la pena di tentare questa carriera? Un giovane modello milanese racconta gli aspetti più tecnici del lavoro e offre consigli a chi vuole provare questa esperienza lavorativa.0
73491564692019-02-182019-04-15BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 689 5:26Fear Mhealastaidh0
8018357152019-11-302019-11-30BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1957 8:49Féinmhuinín - Comhairle ón Dr Séamus Ó BeirnSan agallamh seo labhraíonn Maggie Uí Chuaig ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an Dr Séamus Ó Beirn faoi chúrsaí féinmhuiníne. Míníonn an Dr Ó Beirn conas easpa féinmhuinín i nduine a aithint agus tugann sé comhairle faoin tslí ar féidir féinmhuinín a chothú i ndaoine óga. In this interview Maggie Uí Chuaig from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Dr Séamus Ó Beirn about self-confidence. Dr Ó Beirn explains how a lack of self-confidence may be identified and he gives advice on how to promote self-confidence in young people.0
2513726542015-02-122015-02-12BY-SACaperucitaRojaEnglishC1 238014:181Finding the story inside the painting0
73541770352019-02-182019-04-14BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 241721:50Fo Sgaile Shuaineabhail0
4558861432016-10-262016-10-27BY-SAjose2700DanskC1 2301Fossile brændstofferGroen Energi0
112946102023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 304Framework0
7245134622018-12-04BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishC1 1141Friends - Gladys0
3457820662016-01-21BY-SADuerni_712DeutschC1 189Gefährdete Rassen0
117976122024-01-242024-01-24BY-SAfredEnglishC1 989General Health and Safety at Work: Questions and AnswersAuthentic text used with permission from SELECT, the trade association for the electrical contracting industry in Scotland. http://www.select.org.uk/0
602169662017-10-052024-02-07BY-SAfredDanskC1 555Generelt om helbred og sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen, anden delDu bør have viden om: Hvad manuel håndtering betyder for en medarbejder, og hvad en arbejdsgiver skal gøre for at beskytte medarbejdere mod skader Typer af skader man kan blive ramt af ved udførsel af manuel håndtering af byrder Hvilke dele af kroppen som er mest udsat for skader ved manuel håndtering af byrder Hvordan det afgøres om manuel håndtering er sikkert Hvad der skal tages højde for ve risikovurdering af manuel håndtering Principperne for gode teknikker ved manuel håndtering af byrder0
602079392017-10-052024-02-08BY-SAfredDanskC1 622Generelt om helbred og sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen, første delDu bør have viden om: Hvad manuel håndtering betyder for en medarbejder, og hvad en arbejdsgiver skal gøre for at beskytte medarbejdere mod skader Typer af skader man kan blive ramt af ved udførsel af manuel håndtering af byrder Hvilke dele af kroppen som er mest udsat for skader ved manuel håndtering af byrder Hvordan det afgøres om manuel håndtering er sikkert Hvad der skal tages højde for ve risikovurdering af manuel håndtering Principperne for gode teknikker ved manuel håndtering af byrder0
79461349182019-11-142019-11-14BY-SACustal1GàidhligC1 48 4:081Griogair 2Nuair a bha sinn ann am Baile a' Chaolais a Tuath, bhruidhinn sinn nas fhaide le Griogair Labhruidh. Seo darna roinn an agallaimh a bh' againn. A' toiseachadh le faclan Iain MacAonghuis air sgrios-cinnidh nan Gàidheal, tha Griogair a' bruidhinn air suidheachadh nan Gàidheal an-diugh.0
456979502016-10-272020-03-17BY-SAjose2700DanskC1 31Grønne energi former Mindomo0
8844169322020-09-262020-09-26BY-SAmmmالعربيةC1 50 3:361Habbeytak bilsayf حبيتك بالصَّيف0
332727223082015-11-172021-12-13BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 555 5:112HàllainPolitics, Verbosity, Love, and Death. The romantic story of Fionnlagh Phàdruig a' Chnuic and Peigi Iain Bhig, related by Norman Maclean on Island Voices as part of his Sgeulachdan Thormoid collection.0
628736262018-01-182018-01-18BY-SAelfy42EnglishC1 3150Han Kang and the Complexity of Translation0
112986902013-04-252013-04-25BY-SARasaZLietuviųC1 639 4:521Hannah Brencher: Meilės laiškai nepažįstamiesiemsHannah Brencher motina visuomet rašydavo jai laiškus. Tad kai ji baigė koledžą ir pasijuto įkritusi į depresijos bedugnę, ėmėsi to, kas atrodė natūralu - ji rašydavo meilės laiškus ir palikdavo juos ten, kur juos rastų nepažįstamieji. Šis veiksmas tapo pasauline iniciatyva "Pasauliui reikia daugiau meilės laiškų" ("The World Needs More Love Letters"), kuri rūpinasi, kad tie, kuriems labiausiai reikia palaikymo, skubiai jo sulauktų ranka rašytų laiškų pavidalu.0
4686870202017-01-16BY-SAfredDanskC1 4401Helbred og hygiejne. Anden delDu bør have viden om: Farerne ved at blive udsat for stoffer så som asbest Vigtigheden af god personlig hygiejne ved arbejde med farlige stoffer Hvordan risikoen for sygdomme båret af skadedyr kan reduceres Hvilke velfærdsfaciliteter, der kræves på en byggeplads Hvordan risici ved støj og vibrationer af hænder og arme kan reduceres0
468590522017-01-16BY-SAfredDanskC1 4701Helbred og hygiejne. Første delDu bør have viden om: Farerne ved at blive udsat for stoffer så som asbest Vigtigheden af god personlig hygiejne ved arbejde med farlige stoffer Hvordan risikoen for sygdomme båret af skadedyr kan reduceres Hvilke velfærdsfaciliteter, der kræves på en byggeplads Hvordan risici ved støj og vibrationer af hænder og arme kan reduceres0
75582511252019-06-252019-06-25BY-SALinkdelesEnglishC1 733 5:211History vs NapoleonAfter the French Revolution erupted in 1789, Europe was thrown into chaos. Neighboring countries' monarchs feared they would share the fate of Louis XVI, and attacked the New Republic, while at home, extremism and mistrust between factions lead to bloodshed. In the midst of all this conflict, a powerful figure emerged to take charge of France. But did he save the revolution or destroy it? 0
1055216652013-03-072013-03-07BY-SAfredDanskC1 1746Horns Rev -et vindkraftværk i Nordsøen Et hold møllebyggere på vej til job på Horns Rev ud for den jyske vestkyst. I sommerhalvåret 2002 udfordrede i hundredvis af mænd Nordsøen. De har bygget verdens hidtil største vindmøllepark på havet.0
334146682015-11-242015-11-24BY-NDjfcEnglishC1 11Hosta Takeover: A Plant Disease Management Case Study: THE CASE. Brooke A. Edmunds, Paula H. Flynn, and Mark L. Gleason0
458315554902016-11-062017-10-20BY-SAsulochanaEnglishC1 43267How are scientists promoting sustainable management of forests in Finland ?0
645027602018-01-25BY-SAingridriisEnglishC1 124171how i built a jet suit0
40424821572016-04-172016-04-20BY-NC-NDJoseRBravoEnglishC1 415521:2011How juries are fooled by statisticsOxford mathematician Peter Donnelly reveals the common mistakes humans make in interpreting statistics — and the devastating impact these errors can have on the outcome of criminal trials.0
4221524122012-08-222019-11-20BY-SAcheloEspañolC1 304020:112How Language transformed humanityTed talk on how language is a tool to change the worls0
7791596312012-09-112014-04-19BY-SAcelebEnglishC1 1071 6:20How the Americans see the British0
791022402019-11-062019-11-06BY-SAcmcpherson147EnglishC1 387817:39How to find work you love0
790925602019-11-062019-11-06BY-SAcmcpherson147EnglishC1 188310:55how to get back to work after a career break0
790721402019-11-062019-11-06BY-SAcmcpherson147EnglishC1 315715:51How to get your ideas to spread0
790826912019-11-062019-11-06BY-SAcmcpherson147EnglishC1 952 4:37how to make applying for jobs less painful0
501139812017-04-042017-04-18BY-SAalvelgonEnglishC1 221616:504How we can predict the next financial crisisThe 2007-2008 financial crisis, you might think, was an unpredictable one-time crash. But Didier Sornette and his Financial Crisis Observatory have plotted a set of early warning signs for unstable, growing systems, tracking the moment when any bubble is about to pop. (And he's seeing it happen again, right now.)0
939625014252021-05-312021-06-09BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 197112:1111Illiam as Ysbal0
113127012023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 434Implementation0
600743432017-09-25BY-SAfredEspañolC1 7021Incendios y Emergencias, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Qué hacer en el caso de una emergencia en el trabajo Los tipos de extintores disponibles y los tipos de incendios en los que puede usarse cada uno La importancia de los primeros auxilios ante un accidente0
600837802017-09-25BY-SAfredEspañolC1 7951Incendios y Emergencias, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Qué hacer en el caso de una emergencia en el trabajo Los tipos de extintores disponibles y los tipos de incendios en los que puede usarse cada uno La importancia de los primeros auxilios ante un accidente0
598943322017-09-18BY-SAfredEspañolC1 8191Informar sobre accidentes, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: • Lo importante que es informar de las lesiones, accidentes, ciertas enfermedades y sucesos peligrosos a la autoridad laboral. • Por qué debe informar de los accidentes a su jefe • Es necesario notificar todos los accidentes mediante el Sistema de Declaración Electrónica de Accidentes de Trabajo (Delt@).0
599038702017-09-182017-09-18BY-SAfredEspañolC1 7881Informar sobre accidentes, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: • Lo importante que es informar de las lesiones, accidentes, ciertas enfermedades y sucesos peligrosos a la autoridad laboral. • Por qué debe informar de los accidentes a su jefe • Es necesario notificar todos los accidentes mediante el Sistema de Declaración Electrónica de Accidentes de Trabajo (Delt@).0
112909602023-02-062023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 334Internal Marketing Audit0
23031160822014-09-30BY-NC-SAtonileedsEspañolC1 198141Interview to Germinal Luis, Part IThis is the raw, unedited footage of an interview with Germinal Luis Fernandez, conducted by Alicia Pozo Gutierrez, of the University of Southampton, on 21st August, 2008. It was originally shared at http://humbox.ac.uk/3787/ in the HumBox (www.humbox.ac.uk) where many other teaching materials related to the OpenLIVES project can be found). This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/. This means that you may download and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes but you must credit the original author. All use and versions of this material should be attributed. Please cite this work as: OpenLIVES project (2012). An open collection of research data and teaching materials relating to Spanish migrant stories. JISC0
217465632014-06-272014-09-30BY-NC-SAtonileedsEnglishC1 11Interview to Germinal Luis, Part I0
536540762017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAcarsettEnglishC1 74 8:192Introducing Pablo Picassothis CLIL unit allow our students to get to know some details of Picasso's life; understand notions like "cubism", "abstract", "angle", recognise the most important pictures of this author; prepare a Picasso-like painting online; give a short presentation;0
11289111922023-02-062023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 6934Introduction - The Role of MarketingMarketing as a discipline is a body of knowledge concerned with the relationship of a business to the marketplace. The marketplace is made up of customers, potential customers, competitors, suppliers, distribution channels, communication media and government regulations.0
2370955562014-11-122014-11-12BY-NC-NDfredEnglishC1 184911:392Introduction to electricity, circuits, current and resistanceIntroduction to electricity, circuits, current and resistance1
560551862017-05-042017-06-12BY-SAalquigalEnglishC1 79413:02Introduction to waves. 2-hour CLIL moduleIntroductory 2-hour lesson to waves in the field of physics0
735018271452019-02-182019-04-15BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 538 4:35Is Daor a Cheannaich mi Fiadhachd0
25396322182015-02-202015-03-19BY-SAcgalliqueEnglishC1 328 3:05Is liberal democraties the end of history ?0
448612442992016-08-302016-08-30BY-SAmarjapEnglishC1 58564Is the Finnish Education system one of the best in the world?In this unit grade 8 students practice writing an essay by integrating ideas and words from other sources into their own writing.0
44872310512016-08-302016-09-06BY-SAmarjapEnglishC1 23974Is the Yeti real?In this unit grade 8 students practice writing an essay and using ideas and words from other sources which they integrate into their own writing by quoting, paraphrasing and summarising. They will also practice setting out a Works Cited list correctly.0
10494104162022-06-032022-06-09BY-SAmiaClilstore日本語C1 18J-Pop - 3 - Kitamura Takumi - Neko0
105318312022-06-212022-06-21BY-SAmiaClilstore日本語C1 1J-Pop - 7 - Inoue Yousui 少年時代0
105739512022-07-122022-07-12BY-SAmiaClilstore日本語C1 32J-Pop - 8 Yoneze Kenshi "M87"0
105748902022-07-122022-07-12BY-SAmiaClilstore日本語C1 51J-Pop - 9 - Habit "世界お終わり”0
105759212022-07-122022-07-12BY-SAmiaClilstore日本語C1 51J-Pop - Ado - ”新時代”0
9796169942022-03-092022-03-10BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1388 4:0511Jamys Covey0
8313171192020-02-132020-02-16BY-SAIlonaveEnglishC1 1649 5:05Janelle Shane: The danger of AI is weirder than you thinkThe danger of artificial intelligence isn't that it's going to rebel against us, but that it's going to do exactly what we ask it to do, says AI researcher Janelle Shane. Sharing the weird, sometimes alarming antics of AI algorithms as they try to solve human problems -- like creating new ice cream flavors or recognizing cars on the road. Shane shows why AI doesn't yet measure up to real brains.0
382112632012-06-222014-04-19BY-SAfredEnglishC1 889 6:231John Hodgman: Design, explainedJohn Hodgman, comedian and resident expert, "explains" the design of three iconic modern objects. (From The Design Studio session at TED2012, guest-curated by Chee Pearlman and David Rockwell.) John Hodgman is a writer, humorist, geek celebrity, former professional literary agent and expert on all world knowledge. He was the bumbling PC in Apple's long-running "I'm a Mac; I'm a PC" ad campaign0
8001368102019-11-222019-11-22BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1327 6:241Johnny Kilbane - Agallamh le hÁine Ní ÉalaíSan agallamh seo labhraíonn Peadar Ó Cúláin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le hÁine Ní Éalaí faoin chlár faisnéise Croí Trodach, ar bronnadh gradam an Torc air ag Féile na Meán Ceilteach (2014). Pléann an clár le saol an dornalaí Johnny Kilbane ar de bhunadh Acla é. In this interview Peadar Ó Cúláin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Áine Ní Éalaí about the documentary Croí Trodach (A Fighting Heart) that was awarded a Torc at the 2014 Celtic Media Festival. The programme explores the life of the boxer Johnny Kilbane who came from Achill Island stock.0
8111513122020-01-162020-01-22BY-NC-NDGuthanNanEileanঅসমীয়াC1 256 1:181Juri Dutta reading Assamese poemDr Juri Dutta, from Tezpur University, reads one of her favourite Assamese poems - "Tumi Mor Utsa Sarobar" by the poet Bipuljyoti Saikia0
8648379292020-06-202020-06-21BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanKhasiC1 97412Khasi RecitationAfterson Wanniang introduces and recites a verse of poetry by Soso Tham, and explains how it wakens his spirit, hoping that ancestral wisdom can inspire the next generation to greater knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.0
396119932012-06-272012-06-27BY-SAmpeEnglishC1 1467kurzwheiler Ray Kurzweil's latest graphs show that technology's breakneck advances will only accelerate -- recession or not. He unveils his new project, Singularity University, to study oncoming tech and guide it to benefit humanity. Ray Kurzweil is an engineer who has radically advanced the fields of speech, text, and audio technology. He's also one of our finest thinkers, revered for his dizzying -- yet convincing -- writing on the advance of technology, the limits of biology, and the future of the human species. Full bio » 0
9360145372021-05-102021-05-12BY-SAgiuseppelicEnglishC1 50522L'architettura Razionalista1
15273133222013-12-092020-05-28BY-SAcrisnavarroEspañolC1 4632La mejor canción del pop-rock español: MediterráneoLa mejor canción del pop-rock español, según la revista Rolling Stone.0
789544852019-10-292021-03-31BY-SAAlexTItalianoC1 20074La scoperta del teatro dal Medioevo a oggi in Italia (LSSEV)0
336241242015-12-09BY-SAfredEnglishC1 2414Lead like the great conductors0
89502261492020-10-292020-10-29BY-SAgearoidinGaeilgeC1 773Léirmheas le hAnna Heussaff Foilsithe in www.imram.ieTá sé thar am cur leis an bplé faoin bhficsean bleachtaireachta sa Ghaeilge, a deir Anna Heussaf. Comhar 77 (2), 17-200
79869012602019-11-212021-05-12BY-SApizzoccherialeItalianoC1 118165Leonardo-(LSSEV)0
772319502019-09-162019-09-16BY-SADenizistEnglishC1 13831Lesson CLIL Deniz Istanbullu0
791124602019-11-062019-11-06BY-SAcmcpherson147EnglishC1 428719:08Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs0
112996502023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 3964Lifestyle Segmentation of the EU Consumer0
86571567572020-07-012021-10-19BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 3171LLG - Brastyl Gaelg Ard1
86432762632020-06-112020-07-03BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 830 4:1711LLG-1-03 Yn Emshyr0
86543721052020-06-252020-07-01BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 944 6:0411LLG-1-05 Pleadeilys 10
86602351302020-07-012020-07-09BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 455 2:0411LLG-1-07 Leighderyn0
86692863122020-07-132020-07-23BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 377 2:2011LLG-1-10 Gaelg0
87002762622020-07-292020-08-06BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1373 6:3711LLG-1-13 Saggyrt Brown1
93421972952021-05-032021-05-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 892 5:3611LLG-1-16 My chaarjyn as gheiney cheerey0
86643252922020-07-012020-07-03BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1410 7:3011LLG-2-01 Oie ayns baatey-eeastee0
8666266282020-07-012020-07-03BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 138310:0411LLG-2-02 Oie ec yn scaddan0
8653271322020-06-242024-07-28BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1283 6:4511LLG-2-04 Skeealyn mysh yn eeastagh0
8655288102020-06-252020-08-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 925 5:5111LLG-2-07 Deiney kione-lajeragh ec yn eeastagh0
8659303412020-07-012020-07-01BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 260 1:3811LLG-2-08 Slattyssyn ny eeasteyryn0
86612571092020-07-012020-07-08BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 414 2:1511LLG-2-09 Toshiagh-jioarey as y Caashey0
86622842072020-07-012020-07-08BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 411 2:1511LLG-2-10 Pollonagh, Ben y Pollonagh, Buggane0
86682871972020-07-132020-07-14BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1891 8:3511LLG-2-11 Cooinaghtyn my vea0
86703041572020-07-132020-07-30BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 176510:1111LLG-2-12 Skeeal beg mysh Thom Hal0
8699362822020-07-292021-01-23BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 728 4:0411LLG-2-13 Feaill Breejey ayns Earyween0
87033223212020-07-292021-01-23BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1805 9:3911LLG-2-14 Oie Houney0
93262042662021-04-192021-05-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1350 7:5711LLG-2-15. Skeeal mysh mac eirinnagh0
93381671242021-04-282021-05-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 48411LLG-2-17 Strung as Bridjen0
93451641172021-05-032021-05-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 295 1:5011LLG-2-18 Shenn ven as yn tey0
9346160692021-05-032021-05-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1675611LLG-2-19 Tey, coffee as feeacklyn0
9339178522021-04-282021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 278 1:3711LLG-2-21 Scaa ayns y rellick0
9362170542021-05-112021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 585 3:0811LLG-2-23 Saggyrt as ny shellanyn0
9407237602021-06-082021-06-10BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1058 6:2711LLG-2-24 Ayr Kelly0
9690159352021-09-082021-09-09BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 589 3:3911LLG-2-27 Thom Gordon as ny ferrishyn0
93862193842021-05-172021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1387 8:0911LLG-2-30 Fin McCool as yn Foawr0
93922385492021-05-232021-05-23BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1631 8:0011LLG-2-31 Dairmod as yn Fer Darig0
93991984622021-05-312021-06-08BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 591 3:1111LLG-2-32 Skeeal yn glashtin va spoiyt0
9694167972021-09-092021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 429 2:2611LLG-2-36 Screeuyn gys Karl Roeder 10
97001561122021-09-092021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 439 2:5611LLG-2-37 Screeuyn gys Karl Roeder 20
9701112252021-09-092021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 305 1:5011LLG-2-38 Screeuyn gys Karl Roeder 30
9702130352021-09-092021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 384 1:2411LLG-2-39 Screeuyn gys John Kewley 10
9703119202021-09-092021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 3055711LLG-2-40 Screeuyn gys John Kewley 20
9704126272021-09-092021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 259 1:3311LLG-2-41 Screeuyn gys John Kewley 30
9705184512021-09-092021-09-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 723 2:2711LLG-2-42 Screeuyn gys John Kewley 40
790616192019-11-062019-11-06BY-SAcmcpherson147EnglishC1 995 6:31Looking for a job highlight your ability not your experience0
541665502017-04-25BY-SAsarafmzEnglishC1 1052 5:521Lovestruck Romeo.In this 2h Clilstore module, Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet will be introduced through a song. The teacher will devote some time to explain the characteristics of Shakespearean tragedies and also to make a brainstorming in order to discover the previous knowledge of the students. Then, some aspects and its repercussion nowadays will be explored.0
8088354262020-01-032020-01-03BY-SAMarioetiEnglishC1 24731Malta The Lost Atlantis0
467690362017-01-052017-01-05BY-SAfredDanskC1 4541Manuel håndtering af byrder. Anden delDu bør have viden om: • Hvad manuel håndtering betyder for en medarbejder, og hvad en arbejdsgiver skal gøre for at beskytte medarbejdere mod skader • Typer af skader man kan blive ramt af ved udførsel af manuel håndtering af byrder • Hvilke dele af kroppen som er mest udsat for skader ved manuel håndtering af byrder • Hvordan det afgøres om manuel håndtering er sikkert • Hvad der skal tages højde for ve risikovurdering af manuel håndtering • Principperne for gode teknikker ved manuel håndtering af byrder0
4675932622017-01-052017-01-05BY-SAfredDanskC1 4861Manuel håndtering af byrder. Første delDu bør have viden om: • Hvad manuel håndtering betyder for en medarbejder, og hvad en arbejdsgiver skal gøre for at beskytte medarbejdere mod skader • Typer af skader man kan blive ramt af ved udførsel af manuel håndtering af byrder • Hvilke dele af kroppen som er mest udsat for skader ved manuel håndtering af byrder • Hvordan det afgøres om manuel håndtering er sikkert • Hvad der skal tages højde for ve risikovurdering af manuel håndtering • Principperne for gode teknikker ved manuel håndtering af byrder0
113106702023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 454Market Information Systems0
160292152014-01-302014-01-30BY-SAfredEnglishC1 24Marketing Case Studies Menu0
16081255232014-01-302023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 235217:074Marketing case study: FITCHnterview portraying the FITCH marketing company. The interviewer asks the following questions: What is your business mission / core product(s) What is your marketing strategy? Are there special specifications / requirements that your customers must meet? (like size, reputation etc.) If so why? What are the most vital marketing parameters of a consulting company, whose product is finding solutions for other companies? How do you develop new products? How would you characterize competition in your field? How do you differentiate in this market compared to your competitors?0
16012238182014-01-302023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 19844Marketing case study: GNB New ZealandCase study about GNB New Zealand, is the country's dominant manufacturer of car, commercial, truck and marine batteries. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Dunlop, an Australian parent, who is engaged in a wide range of activities in the automotive industry0
1607130422014-01-302023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 163510:331Marketing case study: SYNOCO"Interview with a portrait of the SYNOCO marketing company. During the interview the following questions are raised: How do you create a competitive edge in your field? (Technological advances? Product development?) What is more important; focusing on production or sale? In what way do you take the global market into consideration at the planning stage of your products? Is it only production, which is influenced by the global market, or is this also the case with other activities like marketing, control and distribution? What demands do the global market place on your employees? (E.g. cultural understanding, flexibility) When we are talking about good marketing strategy, what do you consider to be the greatest differences between business to business relations and other markets, e.g. the consumer market?0
1606125462014-01-302023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 4824Marketing Case study: The Gasa Case0
16051346162014-01-302023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 47943Marketing Glossary0
1604810272014-01-302014-01-30BY-SAfredEnglishC1 6891Marketing Introduction: The role of Marketing0
16031165552014-01-302014-02-04BY-SAfredEnglishC1 404Marketing Study Main PageMain menu and key to the marketing study units0
600139582017-09-22BY-SAfredEspañolC1 10491Medioambiente, lectura opcionalDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: • Las responsabilidades y requerimientos de la manipulación de los materiales • Acciones de reciclaje para minimizar los residuos. • Identificar los residuos peligrosos. • Las precauciones y procedimientos para manejar residuos peligrosos. • Sostenibilidad en la selección y uso de los materiales0
723947502018-12-03BY-SAmaster dla中文C1 11MercurioLa creación de Mercurio está inspirada en Mercurio. Mercurio es el planeta más cercano al sol, pero no puede salir de su propia órbita y no puede acercarse al Sol. Así que Guo Ding usa Mercurio para correr junto con el Sol. Es una relación emocional de gran alcance entre las personas. La técnica de creación y el género musical y el método de producción que favorecen la ciencia ficción han creado la canción. Espera que la audiencia pueda encontrar la "ubicación" más adecuada en el transcurso de la vida de la canción.0
541549632017-04-25BY-SAsarafmzEnglishC1 1980 6:462Midsummer Night's DreamAn introduction to Midsummer Night's Dream, by Shakespeare.0
577374152017-05-222024-02-13BY-SAfredDanskC1 693MiljøDu bør have en grundlæggende forståelse af: Ansvar og krav til håndtering af materialer Foranstaltninger til genbrug og minimering af affald Identifikation af farligt affald / specialaffald Forholdsregler og procedurer for håndtering af farligt affald Bæredygtighed i udvælgelse og brug af materialer0
57747042772017-05-22BY-SAfredDanskC1 4811Miljø. Anden delDu bør have en grundlæggende forståelse af: Ansvar og krav til håndtering af materialer Foranstaltninger til genbrug og minimering af affald Identifikation af farligt affald / specialaffald Forholdsregler og procedurer for håndtering af farligt affald Bæredygtighed i udvælgelse og brug af materialer0
725351792018-12-11BY-SAmaster dlaEspañolC1 775 5:37MINERÍA SUBTERRÁNEA0
45201063292016-10-172016-10-18BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 3669Mír Sláinte: FeargSa mhír seo labhraíonn Peadar Ó Cúláin ó RTÉ leis an Dr. Séamus Ó Beirn faoi chúrsaí feirge. Pléitear láimhseáil rachtanna feirge agus na buntáistí/míbhuntáistí a bhaineann leis an mhothúchán seo.0
4025114562016-04-152016-04-15BY-SAdasncpeaCatalàC1 163Mitosi i Meiosi. Diferències i semblances0
2788128492015-04-252015-05-25BY-SAJLorcaEnglishC1 651 4:4911Moulding injection as a process for polymeric transformation0
841221652020-03-102020-03-11BY-SAMIriamDaVinciEnglishC1 2695Mozart in Prague1
2213849302014-08-292014-08-29BY-SAMethodsEnglishC1 179216:301My daughter, MalalaPakistani educator Ziauddin Yousafzai reminds the world of a simple truth that many don’t want to hear: Women and men deserve equal opportunities for education, autonomy, an independent identity. He tells stories from his own life and the life of his daughter, Malala, who was shot by the Taliban in 2012 simply for daring to go to school. "Why is my daughter so strong?” Yousafzai asks. “Because I didn’t clip her wings."0
2891544372015-05-192015-05-19BY-SAfredEnglishC1 32441My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortalityThe founder of Sirius XM satellite radio, Martine Rothblatt now heads up a drug company that makes life-saving medicines for rare diseases (including one drug that saved her own daughter's life). Meanwhile she is working to preserve the consciousness of the woman she loves in a digital file ... and a companion robot. In an onstage conversation with TED's Chris Anderson, Rothblatt shares her powerful story of love, identity, creativity, and limitless possibility.1
533433312017-04-232017-05-01BY-SArockyEnglishC1 95 9:3111Nanotechnology0:11 Let's imagine a sculptor building a statue, just chipping away with his chisel. Michelangelo had this elegant way of describing it when he said, "Every block of stone has a statue inside of it, and it's the task of the sculptor to discover it." But what if he worked in the opposite direction? Not from a solid block of stone, but from a pile of dust, somehow gluing millions of these particles together to form a statue. 0:36 I know that's an absurd notion. It's probably impossible. The only way you get a statue from a pile of dust is if the statue built itself — if somehow we could compel millions of these particles to come together to form the statue. 0:51 Now, as odd as that sounds, that is almost exactly the problem I work on in my lab. I don't build with stone, I build with nanomaterials. They're these just impossibly small, fascinating little objects. They're so small that if this controller was a nanoparticle, a human hair would be the size of this entire room. And they're at the heart of a field we0
599157922017-09-202017-09-20BY-SAfredMaltiC1 6141Nar u EmerġenzaGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • X’għandek tagħmel f’każ ta’ emerġenza fuq ix-xogħol • It-tipi ta’ apparat tat-tifi tan-nar li hawn u fuq liema tipi ta’ nirien jistgħu jintużaw • L-importanza tal-ewwel għajnuna f’każ ta’ inċident0
599254512017-09-20BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7121Nar u Emerġenza, tat-tieni partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • X’għandek tagħmel f’każ ta’ emerġenza fuq ix-xogħol • It-tipi ta’ apparat tat-tifi tan-nar li hawn u fuq liema tipi ta’ nirien jistgħu jintużaw • L-importanza tal-ewwel għajnuna f’każ ta’ inċident0
19801799452014-05-112014-05-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoBrezhonegC1 329 3:552Nedeleg ha Kalanna e ti Per Jakez HeliasBodet en deus Pêr-Jakez Helias en e di skipailh Breiz o veva : Charlez ha Chanig ar Gall, Fañch Broudic ha Visant Seite, evit gouelioù dibenn ar bloaz. Un digarez evit eskemm o envorennoù diwar-benn pezh a oa Nedeleg ha Kalanna da vare o bugaleaj. [L’équipe de Breiz o veva se retrouve chez Pêr-Jakez Hélias pour les fêtes de fin d’année. C’est l’occasion d’échanger leurs souvenirs d’enfance de Noël et du jour de l’an.] 1971-12-230
827716612020-02-07BY-SAVogel0182EnglishC1 5293New assignment:0
827513712020-02-072020-02-08BY-SAderkjankoolEnglishC1 5293New assignment:0
827312502020-02-07BY-SAderkjankoolEnglishC1 5293New assignment:0
825421182020-02-052020-06-25BY-SAderkjankoolEnglishC1 5293New assignment:0
289093442015-05-192015-05-19BY-SAfredEnglishC1 169511:061Nickel-cadmium batteryElectrolytic cells and batteries: Nickel-cadmium battery.0
73331695412019-02-132019-04-15BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 839 5:00Nighean Dhòmhnaill Bàin an t-Strùim0
1180974222024-02-062024-02-13BY-SArbreathnachGaeilgeC1 24741Oíche mhór dornálaíochta sa Chlochán LiathBaineann ábhar na míre le hoíche dornálaíochta atá beartaithe sa Chlochán Liath, eagraithe mar ócáid tiomsaithe airgid ag CLG Naomh Muire. Déanann na cainteoirí plé ar fhorbairtí atá déanta ag an Chumann cheana, na pleananna atá acu don todhchaí, agus ról an chumainn sa phobal.0
474370682017-02-14BY-SAfredEspañolC1 6941Operaciones de Manipulación Manual de Cargas, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Qué implican las operaciones de manipulación manual de cargas para un trabajador y qué deben hacer las empresas para proteger a los empleados de posibles lesiones. Los tipos de lesiones que puede sufrir al llevar a cabo tareas de manipulación manual de cargas. Las partes del cuerpo que tienen mayor tendencia a lesionarse durante tareas de manipulación manual de cargas. Cómo decidir si una actividad de manipulación manual es segura. Qué debe tener en cuenta cuando está haciendo la evaluación de riesgos de una actividad de manipulación manual de cargas. Los principios de las técnicas adecuadas para la manipulación manual de cargas.0
474460812017-02-14BY-SAfredEspañolC1 6331Operaciones de Manipulación Manual de Cargas, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Qué implican las operaciones de manipulación manual de cargas para un trabajador y qué deben hacer las empresas para proteger a los empleados de posibles lesiones. Los tipos de lesiones que puede sufrir al llevar a cabo tareas de manipulación manual de cargas. Las partes del cuerpo que tienen mayor tendencia a lesionarse durante tareas de manipulación manual de cargas. Cómo decidir si una actividad de manipulación manual es segura. Qué debe tener en cuenta cuando está haciendo la evaluación de riesgos de una actividad de manipulación manual de cargas. Los principios de las técnicas adecuadas para la manipulación manual de cargas.0
470972912017-01-302017-02-22BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5671Operazzjonijiet ta’ Rfigħ u Ċaqliq, URL tat-test tal-ewwel partiGħandu jkollok fehim bażiku ta’: • Xi tfisser operazzajonijiet ta’ rfigħ manwali fil-kuntest ta’ impjegat u x’għandhom jagħmlu l-impjegaturi biex iħarsu lill-impjegati milli jweġġgħu • It-tipi ta’ korriment li tista’ ssofri meta tagħmel xogħol ta’ rfigħ • Il-partijiet ta’ ġismek li l-aktar li jistgħu jiġu affettwati b’korriment minn rfigħ • Kif tiddeċiedi jekk attività ta’ rfigħ hix ta’ periklu • X’għandu jiġi kkunsidrat meta tagħmel assessjar tar-riskju tal-irfigħ. • Il-prinċipji tat-teknika tajba tal-irfigħ0
471080202017-01-302017-02-22BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5161Operazzjonijiet ta’ Rfigħ u Ċaqliq, URL tat-test tat-tieni partiGħandu jkollok fehim bażiku ta’: • Xi tfisser operazzajonijiet ta’ rfigħ manwali fil-kuntest ta’ impjegat u x’għandhom jagħmlu l-impjegaturi biex iħarsu lill-impjegati milli jweġġgħu • It-tipi ta’ korriment li tista’ ssofri meta tagħmel xogħol ta’ rfigħ • Il-partijiet ta’ ġismek li l-aktar li jistgħu jiġu affettwati b’korriment minn rfigħ • Kif tiddeċiedi jekk attività ta’ rfigħ hix ta’ periklu • X’għandu jiġi kkunsidrat meta tagħmel assessjar tar-riskju tal-irfigħ. • Il-prinċipji tat-teknika tajba tal-irfigħ0
230730113112014-10-022022-08-15BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 283 3:074Òran do Sgoilearan Chàirinis, le Tormod MacGill-EainNorman Maclean's grandfather was lost at sea during the First World War, when his mother was still young. Here he recites his own composition on the themes of war and loss to the pupils of Carinish School, which his mother attended as a girl.0
384348762016-03-312016-03-31BY-SAelena_rmEnglishC1 280311origami and maths0
73661757452019-02-202019-04-14BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 177213:29Os Mo Chionn Sheinn an Uiseag0
715768982018-10-292018-10-29BYJoyReissDeutschC1 164Österreich0
4499978942016-09-192016-09-22BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 252924:464Pargys CaillitParadise Lost by John Milton; free translation to Manx by Rev Thomas Christian of Marown published in 1796; narration by the late John Gell of Colby recorded in 1980. On Clilstore by permission of Adrian Cain on behalf of Culture Vannin.0
599765402017-09-202017-09-20BY-SAfredMaltiC1 9691Perikli f’Siti SpeċjaliGħandu jkollok il-fehem bażiku ta’: • Il-prekawzjonijiet tas-sigurtà li għandhom jittieħdu qabel ma jsir xogħol fi spazju limitat • Il-prekawzjonijiet li għandhom jittieħdu meta jsir xogħol ta‘ skavar sabiex jitnaqqsu l-perikli li għandhom x’jaqsmu ma’ servizzi minn taħt l-art u materjal li jista’’ jaqa’ • Il-prekawzjonijiet li għandhom jittieħdu meta jsir xogħol qrib linji tal-elettriku fil-għoli. • Il-periklu li jinħoloq għan-nies fit-triq minn vetturi tax-xogħol • Ir-riskju akbar għal ħaddiema żgħażagħ u dawk li jkunu qegħdin jagħmlu xogħol waħedhom0
468484212017-01-162017-01-16BY-SAfredDanskC1 5441Personlige værnemidler. Anden delDu bør have viden om: Hvornår skal personlige værnemidler anvendes. Hvorfor din arbejdsgiver skal sørge for personlige værnemidler Hvorfor du skal anvende de personlige værnemidler som udleveres af din arbejdsgiver Hvorfor du skal passe på de personlige værnemidler, der udleveres til din brug Hvorfor du skal rapportere om mistede eller beskadigede personlige værnemidler til din umiddelbare overordnede De mulige virkninger af ikke at benytte personlige værnemidler Begrænsninger i personlige værnemidler0
468394022017-01-162017-01-16BY-SAfredDanskC1 5161Personlige værnemidler. Første delDu bør have viden om: Hvornår skal personlige værnemidler anvendes. Hvorfor din arbejdsgiver skal sørge for personlige værnemidler Hvorfor du skal anvende de personlige værnemidler som udleveres af din arbejdsgiver Hvorfor du skal passe på de personlige værnemidler, der udleveres til din brug Hvorfor du skal rapportere om mistede eller beskadigede personlige værnemidler til din umiddelbare overordnede De mulige virkninger af ikke at benytte personlige værnemidler Begrænsninger i personlige værnemidler0
19791921732014-05-102014-05-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoBrezhonegC1 677 4:272Petra eo ar brezhoneg ? (gant François Falc’hun)Orin ar brezhoneg hag e rannyezhoù displeget gant François Falc'hun, kelenner e Skol-Veur Brest. [François Falc'hun, de l'Université de Brest, nous renseigne sur l'origine du breton. Il présente les différents dialectes en montrant leur délimitation sur le territoire, puis des exemples des différentes prononciations sont donnés.] 1971-01-280
23651654332014-11-112014-11-11BY-NC-NDfredEnglishC1 227612:462Photosynthesis!Hank explains the extremely complex series of reactions whereby plants feed themselves on sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, and also create some by products we're pretty fond of as well.0
113078802023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 974PLAN0
112928002023-02-072023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 974PLAN0
645130102018-01-252018-01-25BY-SAcpiEnglishC1 20181Plant secrets0
721332302018-11-292018-12-03BY-SANickPicciniEspañolC1 57Podcast Entiende tu mente0
8115362011-10-062014-04-19BY-SAKentEnglishC1 21835Pools-cx0
113025602023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 454Positioning0
658330102018-03-192018-03-19BY-SAraulcar44EnglishC1 1PPPLLLVIDEO DE PUSSY0
318775824742015-10-092015-10-09BY-SAaw389EnglishC1 1989Processes in the soil system0
113095602023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 1944Product Life Cycle (PLC)0
470245942017-01-27BY-SAWjkEnglishC1 275RaceTrailer0
604055812017-10-18BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7171Rappurtar ta’ Aċċidenti, URL tat-test tal-ewwel partiIl-ħtieġa li tirrapporta korrimenti, aċċidenti, ċertu mard u każijiet perikolużi lill-Awtorità tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà Għalxiex għandek tirrapporta aċċidenti lill-imgħallem tiegħek Il-ħtieġa li tniżżel fir-reġistru tal-aċċidenti kull aċċident li jikkawża xi korrimenti hu x’inhu X’inhuma korrimenti li għandhom ikunu rrappurtati, każijiet perikolużi u mard li għandu jkun irrappurtat0
604157212017-10-18BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7631Rappurtar ta’ Aċċidenti, URL tat-test tat-tieni partiIl-ħtieġa li tirrapporta korrimenti, aċċidenti, ċertu mard u każijiet perikolużi lill-Awtorità tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà Għalxiex għandek tirrapporta aċċidenti lill-imgħallem tiegħek Il-ħtieġa li tniżżel fir-reġistru tal-aċċidenti kull aċċident li jikkawża xi korrimenti hu x’inhu X’inhuma korrimenti li għandhom ikunu rrappurtati, każijiet perikolużi u mard li għandu jkun irrappurtat0
654029972018-03-03BY-SARGPEnglishC1 1159Realism vs Modern Art0
987181962013-01-302013-01-30BY-SAfredTürkçeC1 9341Rehberli tur - İçeriğin Hedef Dilde Öğretimi Deposunda YazmakBu, tüm kelimelerin pek çok çevrimiçi sözlüğe bağlı olduğu metin ve video bileşiminden bir çevrimiçi ünitenin nasıl yapılacağını aşama aşama gösteren bir kılavuzdur. Gösterilen unite http://multidict.net/cs/780 adresinde bulunabilir.0
448093718192016-08-142017-09-11BY-SAmarjapEnglishC1 40844Religion Grade 8: Persecution of ChristiansGrade 8 Religion students are studying the history of Christianity. In this unit we take a closer look at the persecution of the early Christians and look at how it compares to modern times.0
599838312017-09-20BY-SAfredEspañolC1 9841Riesgos de obras especiales, lectura opcionalDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: ● Las precauciones de seguridad a tomar antes de trabajar en un espacio confinado ● Las precauciones a tomar cuando se lleva a cabo un trabajo de excavación para reducir los riesgos de contacto con los servicios subterráneos, los materiales que se desprenden, etc. ● Las precauciones a tomar cuando se trabaja cerca de líneas eléctricas aéreas. ● Los peligros que suponen para los peatones los vehículos de la obra ● Los riesgos adicionales existentes para los jóvenes en el trabajo y aquellos que trabajen solos.0
649156002018-02-132018-03-20BY-SArulesforlifeNederlandsC1 191Romantiek 2 Volksvermaak0
656891602018-03-132018-04-17BY-SArulesforlifeNederlandsC1 668Romantiek 4 realisme in 19de eeuw0
15412502422013-12-102017-04-24BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 202 5:336Ruith leis a' GhaoithA Gaelic interpretation by James McLetchie of Kevin de Las Casas' original song lyric on the themes of exile and the dream of return.0
7999686562019-11-222020-04-07BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanবাংলাC1 393572Rusa BhowmikAt the International Language Fest on Indigenous and Endangered Languages in Shillong, Meghalaya, Rusa Bhowmik gives in Bangla the subject of her research paper - Khortha language shift - and her first impressions of how she likes Shillong.0
73511620322019-02-182019-04-15BY-SAMagaidhHebGàidhligC1 904 5:32Sabaid Mhor Wick0
97981843272022-03-102022-03-14BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaelgC1 1704 8:0811Saggyrt Aitken0
603859032017-10-18BY-SAfredMaltiC1 9781Saħħa Ġenerali, URL tat-test tal-ewwel partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: Kif jaffettwawk l-Att tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà 1974, ir-Regolamenti u l-Kodiċi tal-Prattika Approvati Ir-responsabbiltajiet ta’ min iħaddem skont l-Att tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà waqt ix-Xogħol Ir-responsabbiltajiet lejk innifsek u lejn l-oħrajn skont l-Att tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà waqt ix-Xogħol Kif inhi nfurżata l-liġi tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà Il-poteri tal-ispetturi tal-Awtorita tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà Il-karatteristiċi ewlenin tas-sinjali tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà fuq il-post tax-xogħol0
603961812017-10-18BY-SAfredMaltiC1 9201Saħħa Ġenerali, URL tat-test tat-tieni partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: Kif jaffettwawk l-Att tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà 1974, ir-Regolamenti u l-Kodiċi tal-Prattika Approvati Ir-responsabbiltajiet ta’ min iħaddem skont l-Att tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà waqt ix-Xogħol Ir-responsabbiltajiet lejk innifsek u lejn l-oħrajn skont l-Att tas-Saħħa u s-Sigurtà waqt ix-Xogħol Kif inhi nfurżata l-liġi tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà Il-poteri tal-ispetturi tal-Awtorita tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà Il-karatteristiċi ewlenin tas-sinjali tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà fuq il-post tax-xogħol0
478661432017-03-042017-03-30BY-SAfredMaltiC1 57311Saħħa u Iġene, URL tat-test tat-tieni partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • Il-periklu li tesponi ruħek għal sustanzi bħall-asbestos • L-importanza tal-iġene personali kull meta tuża sustanzi perikolużi • Kif tnaqqas il-periklu tal-mard ikkaġunat minn mikrobi u parassiti • Faċilitajiet li hemm bżonn ikunu provduti għan-nies f’sit ta’ kostruzzjoni • Kif tnaqqas ir-riskji minn għodda tal-idejn li tivvibra u ħsejjes fuq il-post tax-xogħol0
478564432017-03-042017-03-31BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5301Saħħa u Iġene, URL tat-test tal-ewwel partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • Il-periklu li tesponi ruħek għal sustanzi bħall-asbestos • L-importanza tal-iġene personali kull meta tuża sustanzi perikolużi • Kif tnaqqas il-periklu tal-mard ikkaġunat minn mikrobi u parassiti • Faċilitajiet li hemm bżonn ikunu provduti għan-nies f’sit ta’ kostruzzjoni • Kif tnaqqas ir-riskji minn għodda tal-idejn li tivvibra u ħsejjes fuq il-post tax-xogħol0
1049128892013-03-06BY-SAfredEnglishC1 13052Saint Patrick's Day0
5985430672017-09-112017-09-11BY-SAfredEspañolC1 11621Salud y seguridad general, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaSalud y seguridad general Debería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Cómo le afecta la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Las responsabilidades de la empresa según la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Sus responsabilidades respecto a usted mismo y otros según la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Como se aplica la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Las potestades de los Inspectores de la Autoridad de Laboral. Las herramientas clave de salud y la señalización de seguridad en el trabajo.0
598638402017-09-11BY-SAfredEspañolC1 10211Salud y seguridad general, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaSalud y seguridad general Debería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: Cómo le afecta la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Las responsabilidades de la empresa según la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Sus responsabilidades respecto a usted mismo y otros según la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Como se aplica la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Las potestades de los Inspectores de la Autoridad de Laboral. Las herramientas clave de salud y la señalización de seguridad en el trabajo.0
17713149982014-03-182014-06-18BY-SAcoinneachGàidhligC1 214 2:03Sanas 'Gabh an Cothrom 's Thig Gam Theagasg' le Bòrd na GàidhligSanas gus daoine a brosnachadh gu dreuchdan teagaisg ann am foghlam Gàidhlig.0
8267294702020-02-062020-02-06BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 1482 7:16Scéim nua Pobal ar AireSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Churreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an chomhairleoir contae Séamus Ó Domhnaill faoi scéim nua Pobal ar Aire atá beartaithe do cheantar Chloich Cheannfhaolaidh i nDún na nGall. In this clip, Áine Ní Churreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the county councillor Séamus Ó Domhnaill about a new Community Alert scheme that is planned for the Cloughaneely area in Donegal.0
11818102212024-02-152024-02-29BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 1007337:173School MemoriesCoinneach MacIomhair and some of his old classmates talk about their school memories.0
138824983102013-09-242014-04-19BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeC1 876 1:463Seán Ó Ríordáin - Fill ArísAn dán 'Fill Arís', ceann de na dánta is cáilúla le Seán Ó Ríordáin0
112976602023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 2584Segmentation0
478049542017-03-022017-03-04BY-SAfredEspañolC1 5921Seguridad e Higiene, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: • Los peligros que conlleva la exposición a sustancias como el amianto • La importancia de una buena higiene personal cuando trabaja con sustancias peligrosas • Cómo reducir los riesgos de contraer enfermedades transmitidas por plagas • Las instalaciones de bienestar que se requieren en las zonas de construcción • Cómo reducir los riesgos que representan la vibración mano-brazo y el ruido en el trabajo0
4781476122017-03-022017-03-04BY-SAfredEspañolC1 5761Seguridad e Higiene, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: • Los peligros que conlleva la exposición a sustancias como el amianto • La importancia de una buena higiene personal cuando trabaja con sustancias peligrosas • Cómo reducir los riesgos de contraer enfermedades transmitidas por plagas • Las instalaciones de bienestar que se requieren en las zonas de construcción • Cómo reducir los riesgos que representan la vibración mano-brazo y el ruido en el trabajo0
332523812822015-11-172021-12-13BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligC1 411 3:432Sgeulachdan Thormoid: Facal-toisichA few words of introduction from Norman Maclean to a series of Gaelic stories - told in his own inimitable style!0
448814143832016-08-302016-09-17BY-SAmarjapEnglishC1 30684Should compulsory Swedish lessons in Finnish schools be abolished?Grade 8 English students practice writing an essay by integrating ideas and words from other sources into their own writing. They also practice setting out an MLA Works Cited list correctly.0
4636109692016-12-14BY-NC-NDfredDanskC1 7291Sikkerhed ved arbejde på elektriske installationer. Anden delKurset vil komme til at bestå af elleve online moduler indenfor sikkerhed for elektrikere og andre ansatte i Bygge og Anlægsbranchen. De elleve moduler vil dække europæiske sikkerhedsforhold med tekster og spørgsmål som har taget udgangspunkt i det britiske ”Electrotechnical Certification Scheme” og er bearbejdet og udvalgt så de dækker hele Europa. De originale spørgsmål kan downloades fra https://www.ecscard.org.uk/Downloads/PoliciesAndDocuments/ECS033-HS_Revision_Guide-July-2015.pdf Teksterne er tilpasset og bearbejdet med tilladelse fra SJIB (Scottish Joint Industry Board for Electrical Contracting Industry)0
46351164702016-12-14BY-NC-NDfredDanskC1 6221Sikkerhed ved arbejde på elektriske installationer. Første delKurset vil komme til at bestå af elleve online moduler indenfor sikkerhed for elektrikere og andre ansatte i Bygge og Anlægsbranchen. De elleve moduler vil dække europæiske sikkerhedsforhold med tekster og spørgsmål som har taget udgangspunkt i det britiske ”Electrotechnical Certification Scheme” og er bearbejdet og udvalgt så de dækker hele Europa. De originale spørgsmål kan downloades fra https://www.ecscard.org.uk/Downloads/PoliciesAndDocuments/ECS033-HS_Revision_Guide-July-2015.pdf Teksterne er tilpasset og bearbejdet med tilladelse fra SJIB (Scottish Joint Industry Board for Electrical Contracting Industry)0
15201094292013-11-262013-11-26BY-SApilartorresEnglishC1 313718:051Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire actionSimon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers ...0
20792357312014-05-192014-05-19BY-SAmagaidhGàidhligC1 3161Smocadh0
113116312023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 4314SOURCES OF EUROPEAN MARKETING INFORMATION0
167568822014-03-042014-03-04BY-SAHumeEnglishC1 880 8:153Spark learningChemistry, learning, inspiration, education, imagination.0
853916352020-04-232020-05-20BY-SAKata_KataEnglishC1 417242St IvesFocus on 20th century British art in St Ives. Main task: Listening to Tate podcast.1
100023001322013-02-042013-05-16BY-SAniallclilstoreGaeilgeC1 766 4:263Stair Chonradh na GaeilgeCur síos ginearálta ar Stair Chonradh na Gaeilge0
91021471012021-01-192021-01-19BY-SAViktoria MininaEnglishC1 6876Steve JobsWatch the video and read the text about Steve0
1130314302023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 874Strategy, Implementation, and Control0
431473152016-04-302016-04-30BY-SAikreklun1EnglishC1 527 1:39:203Super size meThese lessons have been created to make students concious about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, combining a balanced diet with daily physical activity. Through it, they are going to see the bad consequences that junk food and sedentarism can cause in our health, not only in the present but also in the future. By watching the documnetary "Super size me" and participating in the subsequent activities, I think this purposes are going to be solved.0
1441120652011-12-022014-04-19BY-SAcelebSvenskaC1 238 2:16Svenska för Scania mekaniker-vinterdäck0
113056212023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 1934SWOT0
874108822012-12-052012-12-05BY-SAgiorgosAlEnglishC1 16372SYNOCO"Interview with a portrait of the SYNOCO marketing company. During the interview the following questions are raised: How do you create a competitive edge in your field? (Technological advances? Product development?) What is more important; focusing on production or sale? In what way do you take the global market into consideration at the planning stage of your products? Is it only production, which is influenced by the global market, or is this also the case with other activities like marketing, control and distribution? What demands do the global market place on your employees? (E.g. cultural understanding, flexibility) When we are talking about good marketing strategy, what do you consider to be the greatest differences between business to business relations and other markets, e.g. the consumer market?0
476255842017-02-22BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5771Tagħmir Personali Protettiv fuq il-post tax-Xogħol, URL tat-test tal-ewwel partiGħandu jkollok fehim bażiku ta: • Meta t-tagħmir personali protettiv (TPP) għandu jintlibes • Għaliex min jimpjegak irid jipprovdilek it-TPP • Għaliex int trid tuża t-TPP ipprovdut minn min jimpjegak • Għaliex għandek tieħu ħsieb it-TPP ipprovdut għall-użu tiegħek • Għaliex trid tirrapporta TPP mitluf jew bil-ħsara lil ta’ fuqek • Il-konsegwenzi possibbli kemm-il darba ma tilbisx it-TPP. • Il-limitazzjonijiet tal-PPE0
476369912017-02-22BY-SAfredMaltiC1 6721Tagħmir Personali Protettiv fuq il-post tax-Xogħol, URL tat-test tat-tieni partiGħandu jkollok fehim bażiku ta: • Meta t-tagħmir personali protettiv (TPP) għandu jintlibes • Għaliex min jimpjegak irid jipprovdilek it-TPP • Għaliex int trid tuża t-TPP ipprovdut minn min jimpjegak • Għaliex għandek tieħu ħsieb it-TPP ipprovdut għall-użu tiegħek • Għaliex trid tirrapporta TPP mitluf jew bil-ħsara lil ta’ fuqek • Il-konsegwenzi possibbli kemm-il darba ma tilbisx it-TPP. • Il-limitazzjonijiet tal-PPE0
599543302017-09-20BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5121Tagħmir tax-Xogħol, URL tat-test tal-ewwel partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • Li tuża biss tagħmir tax-xogħol li tħarriġt biex tuża u li int awtorizzat tuża • L-importanza li tiċċekkja sew l-apparat qabel tużah • użu ta’ sistemi b’vultaġġ baxx imnaqqas biex iħaddem tagħmir tal-elettriku tal-idejn f’siti ta’ kostruzzjoni • L-użu mingħajr periklu ta’ extension cables0
599646102017-09-20BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5021Tagħmir tax-Xogħol, URL tat-test tat-tieni partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • Li tuża biss tagħmir tax-xogħol li tħarriġt biex tuża u li int awtorizzat tuża • L-importanza li tiċċekkja sew l-apparat qabel tużah • użu ta’ sistemi b’vultaġġ baxx imnaqqas biex iħaddem tagħmir tal-elettriku tal-idejn f’siti ta’ kostruzzjoni • L-użu mingħajr periklu ta’ extension cables0
14511559592013-10-092013-10-10BY-SAGuthanNanEileanScotsC1 155512:094Tam O ShanterTam O Shanter is given a riproaring North Easterly slant by Rob “One Take” Keltie, at Nunton Steadings on Benbecula. The bravura performance speaks for itself, but it’s worth recording that it was genuinely delivered entirely from memory.0
113016502023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 534Target Marketing0
113006022023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 534Target Marketing0
346250072016-01-22BY-SAminooEnglishC1 113210:45Teach Teacher how To Create MagicWhat do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthrall and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don't teach to educators. A longtime teacher himself, now a science advocate and cofounder of Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. with the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, Emdin offers a vision to make the classroom come alive.0
347537912016-02-04BY-SAmbacitaEnglishC1 1125 6:45Teach teachers how to create magicWhat do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthrall and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don't teach to educators. A longtime teacher himself, now a science advocate and cofounder of Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. with the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, Emdin offers a vision to make the classroom come alive. What do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthrall and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don't teach to educators. A longtime teacher himself, now a science advocate and cofounder of Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. with the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, Emdin offers a vision to make the classroom come alive.0
345340842016-01-20BY-SAdonatellaEnglishC1 1132teach teachers how to create magicWhat do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthrall and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don't teach to educators. A longtime teacher himself, now a science advocate and cofounder of Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. with the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, Emdin offers a vision to make the classroom come alive.0
3445430212016-01-192016-01-26BY-SAfredEnglishC1 1121 6:451Teach teachers how to create magicWhat do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthrall and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don't teach to educators. A longtime teacher himself, now a science advocate and cofounder of Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. with the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, Emdin offers a vision to make the classroom come alive.0
10109165382021-12-312021-12-31BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGaeilgeC1 885 6:251Teachaireacht na Nollag 2021 ó Micheál D.0
41691095222016-04-252017-04-22BY-SAjosevCatalàC1 140 1:002Tècnica de raspallat avançadaProcediment tècnica de Bass avançada0
17051229352014-03-06BY-SAlixuccEnglishC1 243917:141TED:The generation that's remaking ChinaThe speaker,Yang Lan, a journalist and entrepreneur who's been called "the Oprah of China," offers insight into the next generation of young Chinese citizens — urban, connected (via microblogs) and alert to injustice. This talk provides us a better opportunity to learn about the new China.0
2575807772015-02-232015-02-23BY-SAfredItalianoC1 382Terminologia0
2551709782015-02-23BY-SAfredEspañolC1 404Terminología0
2563900612015-02-23BY-SAfredMaltiC1 351Terminoloġija0
1042955112013-02-272013-03-04BY-SAnkthorneEnglishC1 2172Terminology gleaningExperience how multidict can help you build your terminology.0
9198140322021-02-182021-02-23BY-NC-NDTessaJEnglishC1 1760 7:281Tessa practical week 2John Koenig loves finding words that express our unarticulated feelings -- like "lachesism," the hunger for disaster, and "sonder," the realization that everyone else's lives are as complex and unknowable as our own. Here, he meditates on the meaning we assign to words and how these meanings latch onto us.0
1001711622021-12-032021-12-03BY-SASVIEnglishC1 3341Testing in ValenciaMelatonin is the hormone that tells our brains and bodies it's time to sleep. But if you think melatonin supplements will significantly improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, you may have been misled. Sleep scientist Matt Walker shares how this "hormone of darkness" really works.0
628030222018-01-182018-01-18BY-SAAleshaEnglishC1 3214Text 1 - On the Unenviable Fate of Translators0
8901200122012-12-12BY-SAzahoEnglishC1 347the bad old days0
22071279292014-08-222014-09-10BY-SAfredEnglishC1 322610:34The birth of the open-source learning revolutionRice University professor Richard Baraniuk explains the vision behind Connexions, his open-source, online education system. It cuts out the textbook, allowing teachers to share and modify course materials freely, anywhere in the world.0
113086512023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 2544The Boston Box0
5393334102017-04-242017-04-25BY-NCIsayankovichEnglishC1 286The ColosseumIt's "the" great example of ancient Roman engineering.0
539530542017-04-242017-04-25BY-SAIsayankovichEnglishC1 156The Eiffel Tower0
8098847482020-01-082020-02-04BY-NC-SAnina911EnglishC1 18354The History of Maltese Food in 7 dishes0
1701892122014-03-062014-09-26BY-SAs2494884EnglishC1 319021:481The illusion of consciousnessPhilosopher Dan Dennett makes a compelling argument that not only don't we understand our own consciousness, but that half the time our brains are actively fooling us.0
914975142013-01-072013-01-07BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishC1 2382The Internet0
112985802023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 414The Market0
112965302023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 414The Market0
1128716502023-02-062023-02-08BY-SAfredEnglishC1 2254The marketing decision process - marketing auditingThe marketing decision process - marketing auditing0
112935702023-02-072023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 1334The Marketing Environment0
113046102023-02-07BY-SAfredEnglishC1 1824The Marketing Mix0
3170568912015-09-14BY-SAfredEnglishC1 1983The Missing Link to Renewable EnergyWhat's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage — so we can have power on tap even when the sun's not out and the wind's not blowing. In this accessible, inspiring talk, Donald Sadoway takes to the blackboard to show us the future of large-scale batteries that store renewable energy. As he says: "We need to think about the problem differently. We need to think big. We need to think cheap."0
4539565332016-10-202020-07-22BY-SAfredEnglishC1 199412:041The power of the informal economy by Robert NeuwirthRobert Neuwirth spent four years among the chaotic stalls of street markets, talking to pushcart hawkers and gray marketers, to study the remarkable "System D," the world's unlicensed economic network. Responsible for some 1.8 billion jobs, it's an economy of underappreciated power and scope.0
9224231252021-02-242021-02-26BY-SAsimmieEnglishC1 6671The rise of the Ottoman Empire1
492691192017-03-282017-04-13BY-SAmarinavapuEnglishC1 782 5:5953The Structure of DNAHow our cells know what to do? Thanks to DNA. DNA is a long polymer made from repeating units called nucleotides. The structure of DNA is dynamic along its length, being capable of coiling into tight loops, and other shapes.[ In all species it is composed of two helical chains, bound to each other by hydrogen bonds. And it carries the genetic information to make life possible.0
437159302012-08-222019-11-20BY-SAyukikoEnglishC1 1109 6:52Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a teamTom Wujec presents some surprisingly deep research into the "marshmallow problem" -- a simple team-building exercise that involves dry spaghetti, one yard of tape and a marshmallow. Who can build the tallest tower with these ingredients? And why does a surprising group always beat the average?0
6009394102017-09-27BY-SAfredEspañolC1 5971Trabajo en Altura, lectura opcional previa a la primera pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: • La importancia de usar el equipo de acceso más adecuado para la tarea • Trabajar solo desde escaleras o escaleras de mano cuando la tarea sea de poco riesgo y de corta duración • Las precauciones de seguridad que hay que tomar cuando se usen andamios, plataformas de trabajo elevadas y móviles, arneses de seguridad etc.0
601038702017-09-27BY-SAfredEspañolC1 8091Trabajo en Altura, lectura opcional previa a la segunda pruebaDebería tener conocimientos básicos sobre: • La importancia de usar el equipo de acceso más adecuado para la tarea • Trabajar solo desde escaleras o escaleras de mano cuando la tarea sea de poco riesgo y de corta duración • Las precauciones de seguridad que hay que tomar cuando se usen andamios, plataformas de trabajo elevadas y móviles, arneses de seguridad etc.0
32331233192015-10-282015-11-04BY-SAmaster dlaCatalàC1 523 3:502Trencar conceptes0
80528012032019-12-072021-11-25BY-SAAlexTItalianoC1 379312:503Trieste, città cosmopolita di incontri culturali e letterari (LSSEV)0
536120952012-09-102012-10-02BY-SAcelebEnglishC1 911Trucks - Engine Oilengine oil truck menchanics0
8296404502020-02-112023-11-09BY-SACÓDGaeilgeC1 962 4:031Turas tacsaí conspóideach i nGlaschúSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta lena comhghleacaí Áine Ní Bhreasláin faoi eachtra a tharla i nGlaschú nuair a caitheadh triúr col cheathracha as Dún na nGall as tacsaí as siocair go raibh siad ag caint i nGaeilge lena chéile. In this clip Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to her colleague Áine Ní Bhreasláin about an incident that happened in Glasgow whereby three first cousins from Donegal were ejected from a taxi for speaking Irish to each other.2
8561232232020-05-042020-05-04BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishC1 219722:224Two Lands, Many LanguagesA multilingual film, presented orally in Gaelic and subtitled in English, showing highlights from the International Language Fest for Indigenous and Endangered Languages at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India. The main film lasts under 12 minutes, and is preceded by a two and a half minute introduction, and followed by a discussion (6 minutes) and brief postscript.2
734229282019-02-142019-02-14BY-SAatoz25EnglishC1 227313:451Txtng is killing language. JK!!!Does texting mean the death of good writing skills? John McWhorter posits that there’s much more to texting -- linguistically, culturally -- than it seems, and it’s all good news.0
1056163652013-03-07BY-SAfredDanskC1 678Udlægning af rør under Mariager FjordKrydsningen af Mariager Fjord skulle ske under hensyntagen til det sårbare miljø i området. Under forundersøgelserne analyserede man, om der kunne udføres en styret underboring under fjorden. Der blev taget boreprøver i fjordbunden. Resultatet viste, at der var for mange sten til at der kunne gennemføres de nødvendige ni styrede underboringer. Desuden ville der blive en overdækning af kablerne på 8-10 meter dynd med meget dårlig varmeafledningsevne.0
10207118112022-02-122022-02-12BY-SAfredEnglishC1 392 2:571UK homes are a minefield of electrical hazardsText dealing with the dangers of faulty installations in the UK0
548330502017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAligargarEnglishC1 4403Urban and peri-urban agricultureUrban and peri-urban agriculture and proposals to have a school garden0
94981602013-01-252013-01-25BY-SArubyrEnglishC1 371Using Mendeley for academic writingHelp with your own academic English, using a tool to collaborate and understand references0
808719135322020-01-022022-11-28BY-SApizzoccherialeItalianoC1 25815Van Gogh-(LSSEV)0
828013802020-02-072020-02-07BY-SAvanleusden59EnglishC1 5263Victors & Vanquished0
827615302020-02-072020-02-07BY-SAGoethe60n!lEnglishC1 5293Victors and Vanquished0
236983052014-11-12BY-NC-NDfredEnglishC1 1248 8:562VoltageDifference between electrical potential (voltage) and electrical potential energy1
11753165232023-11-192023-12-08BY-NC-SAElenaplEnglishC1 118533W. Shakespeare, "Hamlet". An Excerpt from Act 3, Scene 4.The current unit on W. Shakespeare's "Hamlet" (An Excerpt from Act 3, Scene 4) provides the teaching/learning material for a EFL lesson for teaching English Literature at school. The length of a lesson is approx. 40 - 45 min. The age of learners: 15 - 18 y.o. The main idea of the material is "learning by doing". The exercises are balanced from the perspective of speaking, reading, exploring, analyzing, and performing. The "Home assignment" is based on the synthesis of what was done in the classroom. This allows the learners to develop and foster performative skills.0
1150392152023-07-122023-07-12BY-SAfredEnglishC1 3073Wankel Motor: Text created in ChatGPT - Original TextWankel Motor ChatGPT Original Text0
740129302019-03-09BY-SArlomas8956EnglishC1 97612:061War and what it takesClemantine Wamariya was six years old when the Rwandan Civil War forced her and her sister to flee their home in Kigali, leaving behind their parents and everything they knew. In this deeply personal talk, she tells the story of how she became a refugee, living in camps in seven countries for the next six years, and how she has tried to understand what happened next.0
492539012017-03-28BY-SAmarinavapuEnglishC1 1605 9:531What you need to know about CRISPRShould we bring back the wooly mammoth? Or edit a human embryo? Or wipe out an entire species that we consider harmful? The genome-editing technology CRISPR has made extraordinary questions like these legitimate — but how does it work? Scientist and community lab advocate Ellen Jorgensen is on a mission to explain the myths and realities of CRISPR, hype-free, to the non-scientists among us.0
10217109132022-02-172022-02-23BY-SAboultonlEnglishC1 667 4:43Why do cats act so weird?0
7219374212018-12-012020-11-18BY-SAfredEnglishC1 177212:36Why some of us don't have one true callingWhat do you want to be when you grow up? Well, if you're not sure you want to do just one thing for the rest of your life, you're not alone. In this illuminating talk, writer and artist Emilie Wapnick describes the kind of people she calls "multipotentialites" -- who have a range of interests and jobs over one lifetime. Are you one?0
661168332018-03-222018-04-17BY-SAClara.SophieDeutschC1 306Wilde Tiere0
7732950102019-09-182020-01-16BY-SAdefeoItalianoC1 10865William Blake e Dante (LSSEV)0
10330102102022-03-242022-03-31BY-SAAlbertEnglishC1 284922:001Working on switchboardsProduced by: The Danish Safety Technology Authority 1st electrician Michael Kristensen 2nd electrician (injured) Ole Møllegaard Technical case officer Kim Westi Manuscript L.V. Nielsen Narrator Kirsten Palmer Music Unison Music Graphics/sound Thao Ngo Motion Control Bastrup Trickfilm Sound design Anders Brinckner Producer/photographer E. Wendelboe From the Danish Safety Technology Authority Switchboard Electrician Steen Søgaard Consultants Vagner Dissing Poul Mikkelsen Coordinator Dorthe Rasmussen Thank you to DLK A/S for the use of their switchboards and location The Danish Safety Technology Authority 20091
47118081202017-01-302017-03-01BY-SAfredEnglishC1 284919:402Working on switchboards – risks and safetyProduced by: The Danish Safety Technology Authority 1st electrician Michael Kristensen 2nd electrician (injured) Ole Møllegaard Technical case officer Kim Westi Manuscript L.V. Nielsen Narrator Kirsten Palmer Music Unison Music Graphics/sound Thao Ngo Motion Control Bastrup Trickfilm Sound design Anders Brinckner Producer/photographer E. Wendelboe From the Danish Safety Technology Authority Switchboard Electrician Steen Søgaard Consultants Vagner Dissing Poul Mikkelsen Coordinator Dorthe Rasmussen Thank you to DLK A/S for the use of their switchboards and location The Danish Safety Technology Authority 20090
599440202017-09-20BY-SAfredMaltiC1 7011Xogħol Fil-għoli, tat-tieni partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • L-importanza tal-użu tal-iktar apparat adattat biex tlaħħaq ma’ xi mkien skont ix-xogħol • Li taħdem fuq sellum jew forċi biss meta biċċa xogħol fiha riskju mill-inqas jew mhix se tieħu fit-tul • Prekawzjonijiet li għandhom jittieħdu meta tuża pjattaforma, kavallett, irbit ta’ sikurezza, etc.0
599341902017-09-202017-09-20BY-SAfredMaltiC1 5471Xogħol Fil-għoli, URL tat-test tal-ewwel partiGħandu jkollok għarfien bażiku ta’: • L-importanza tal-użu tal-iktar apparat adattat biex tlaħħaq ma’ xi mkien skont ix-xogħol • Li taħdem fuq sellum jew forċi biss meta biċċa xogħol fiha riskju mill-inqas jew mhix se tieħu fit-tul • Prekawzjonijiet li għandhom jittieħdu meta tuża pjattaforma, kavallett, irbit ta’ sikurezza, etc.0
802821482019-12-022019-12-02BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishC1 6851Zootopia Official US Trailer0
581372142017-06-222018-11-29BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 8311Αναφορά ατυχημάτων, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: Τι είναι εργατικό ατύχημα Τον λόγο που πρέπει να αναφέρετε τα ατυχήματα στον εργοδότη σας. Ποια ατυχήματα είναι γνωστοποιήσιμα, που και πως γνωστοποιούνται και ποιος είναι υπεύθυνος για την γνωστοποίησή τους. Την ανάγκη γνωστοποίησης ατυχημάτων και επικίνδυνων συμβάντων που οφείλονται σε εργασιακούς λόγους καθώς και των επαγγελματικών ασθενειών. Την ανάγκη διερεύνησης όλων των ατυχημάτων που προκαλούν τραυματισμό, και την καταγραφή τους στο αρχείο ατυχημάτων Ποιοι είναι οι τραυματισμοί, τα επικίνδυνα περιστατικά και οι ασθένειες που δηλώνονται στο αρχείο ατυχημάτω0
5812686112017-06-222018-11-29BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 7631Αναφορά ατυχημάτων, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: Τι είναι εργατικό ατύχημα Τον λόγο που πρέπει να αναφέρετε τα ατυχήματα στον εργοδότη σας. Ποια ατυχήματα είναι γνωστοποιήσιμα, που και πως γνωστοποιούνται και ποιος είναι υπεύθυνος για την γνωστοποίησή τους. Την ανάγκη γνωστοποίησης ατυχημάτων και επικίνδυνων συμβάντων που οφείλονται σε εργασιακούς λόγους καθώς και των επαγγελματικών ασθενειών. Την ανάγκη διερεύνησης όλων των ατυχημάτων που προκαλούν τραυματισμό, και την καταγραφή τους στο αρχείο ατυχημάτων Ποιοι είναι οι τραυματισμοί, τα επικίνδυνα περιστατικά και οι ασθένειες που δηλώνονται στο αρχείο ατυχημάτω0
581172512017-06-222018-11-26BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 9731Γενική Υγεία & Ασφάλεια, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να έχετε μια βασική κατανόηση για:• Πώς σας επηρεάζουν ο νόμος περί υγείας και ασφάλειας στην εργασία του 1974, οι κανονισμοί και οι εγκεκριμένοι κώδικες ορθής πρακτικής• Ευθύνες εργοδότη στο πλαίσιο του νόμου για την υγεία και την ασφάλεια στην εργασία• Τις ευθύνες ως προς τον εαυτό σας και έναντι άλλων σύμφωνα με τον νόμο για την υγεία και την ασφάλεια στην εργασία• Πώς εφαρμόζεται η νομοθεσία για την υγεία και την ασφάλεια• Τις εξουσίες των επιθεωρητών της Υπηρεσίας Υγείας και Ασφάλειας (HSE)• Τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των σημάτων υγείας και ασφάλειας στο χώρο εργασίας0
58107851112017-06-222018-11-26BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 9181Γενική Υγεία & Ασφάλεια, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να έχετε μια βασική κατανόηση για:• Πώς σας επηρεάζουν ο νόμος περί υγείας και ασφάλειας στην εργασία του 1974, οι κανονισμοί και οι εγκεκριμένοι κώδικες ορθής πρακτικής• Ευθύνες εργοδότη στο πλαίσιο του νόμου για την υγεία και την ασφάλεια στην εργασία• Τις ευθύνες ως προς τον εαυτό σας και έναντι άλλων σύμφωνα με τον νόμο για την υγεία και την ασφάλεια στην εργασία• Πώς εφαρμόζεται η νομοθεσία για την υγεία και την ασφάλεια• Τις εξουσίες των επιθεωρητών της Υπηρεσίας Υγείας και Ασφάλειας (HSE)• Τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των σημάτων υγείας και ασφάλειας στο χώρο εργασίας0
25371049462015-02-202015-02-20BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 399ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ CLIL: Ορολογία0
473680162017-02-092018-11-26BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6261Εγχειρίδιο Διαχείρισης Λειτουργιών, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΠρέπει να έχετε μια βασική κατανόηση των πιο κάτω: Τι σημαίνει ο όρος ‘Διαχείριση Λειτουργιών’ για ένα υπάλληλο και τι πρέπει να κάνουν οι εργοδότες για να προστατεύσουν τους εργαζόμενους από ένα τραυματισμό Οι τύποι τραυματισμών που μπορεί να προκύψουν από την εκτέλεση χειρωνακτικών εργασιών Τα μέρη του σώματός σας που είναι πιθανότερο να επηρεαστούν από τραυματισμούς χειρωνακτικών εργασιών Πώς να αποφασίσετε εάν μια χειρωνακτική εργασία είναι ασφαλής Τι πρέπει να λαμβάνετε υπόψη κατά την αξιολόγηση των κινδύνων χειρωνακτικής εργασίας Οι αρχές των καλών χειρωνακτικών τεχνικών0
473589772017-02-092018-11-26BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6541Εγχειρίδιο Διαχείρισης Λειτουργιών, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΠρέπει να έχετε μια βασική κατανόηση των πιο κάτω: Τι σημαίνει ο όρος ‘Διαχείριση Λειτουργιών’ για ένα υπάλληλο και τι πρέπει να κάνουν οι εργοδότες για να προστατεύσουν τους εργαζόμενους από ένα τραυματισμό Οι τύποι τραυματισμών που μπορεί να προκύψουν από την εκτέλεση χειρωνακτικών εργασιών Τα μέρη του σώματός σας που είναι πιθανότερο να επηρεαστούν από τραυματισμούς χειρωνακτικών εργασιών Πώς να αποφασίσετε εάν μια χειρωνακτική εργασία είναι ασφαλής Τι πρέπει να λαμβάνετε υπόψη κατά την αξιολόγηση των κινδύνων χειρωνακτικής εργασίας Οι αρχές των καλών χειρωνακτικών τεχνικών0
582274612017-06-232019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 10111Ειδικοί κίνδυνοι εργοταξίου, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Τις προφυλάξεις ασφαλείας που πρέπει να λαμβάνονται πριν από την εργασία σε περιορισμένο χώρο (confined space) • Τις προφυλάξεις που πρέπει να λαμβάνονται κατά την εκσκαφή για τη μείωση των κινδύνων από την επαφή με τις υπόγειες υπηρεσίες π.χ. καλώδια μεταφοράς ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος, την πτώση υλικών κλπ. • Τις προφυλάξεις που πρέπει να λαμβάνονται κατά την εργασία κοντά σε εναέριες γραμμές μεταφοράς ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας • Τους κινδύνους για τους πεζούς από οχήματα στο εργοτάξιο • Τους πρόσθετους κινδύνους για τους νέους (young workers) και όσους εργάζονται μόνοι (working alone / lone worker)0
582164812017-06-232019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 3631Εξοπλισμός Εργασίας, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: Τη χρησιμοποίηση μόνο εξοπλισμού εργασίας για τον οποίο έχετε καταρτιστεί / εκπαιδευτεί και επιτρέπεται να χρησιμοποιήσετε Τη σημασία της διενέργειας ελέγχων στον εξοπλισμό πριν από τη χρήση του Την αναφορά τυχόν ελαττωματικού εξοπλισμού και η μη χρήση του Τη χρήση μειωμένων συστημάτων χαμηλής τάσης για την προμήθεια χειροκίνητου ηλεκτρικού εξοπλισμού σε εργοτάξια Την ασφαλή χρήση καλωδίων επέκτασης0
582070022017-06-232019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 5991Εξοπλισμός Εργασίας, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Τη χρησιμοποίηση μόνο εξοπλισμού εργασίας για τον οποίο έχετε καταρτιστεί / εκπαιδευτεί και επιτρέπεται να χρησιμοποιήσετε • Τη σημασία της διενέργειας ελέγχων στον εξοπλισμό πριν από τη χρήση του • Την αναφορά τυχόν ελαττωματικού εξοπλισμού και η μη χρήση του • Τη χρήση μειωμένων συστημάτων χαμηλής τάσης για την προμήθεια χειροκίνητου ηλεκτρικού εξοπλισμού σε εργοτάξια • Την ασφαλή χρήση καλωδίων επέκτασης0
581793612017-06-222019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 7771Εργασία σε ύψος, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Την σημασία χρήσης του καταλληλότερου εξοπλισμού πρόσβασης για την συγκεκριμένη εργασία • Την εργασία από φορητές κλίμακες (σκάλες) όταν η εργασία είναι χαμηλού κινδύνου και μικρής διάρκειας • Τις προφυλάξεις ασφαλείας που πρέπει να λαμβάνονται κατά τη χρήση ικριωμάτων (σκαλωσιών), κινητών ανυψωτικών πλατφόρμων εργασίας, ζωνών ασφάλειας κλπ.0
581662572017-06-222019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6741Εργασία σε ύψος, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Την σημασία χρήσης του καταλληλότερου εξοπλισμού πρόσβασης για την συγκεκριμένη εργασία • Την εργασία από φορητές κλίμακες (σκάλες) όταν η εργασία είναι χαμηλού κινδύνου και μικρής διάρκειας • Τις προφυλάξεις ασφαλείας που πρέπει να λαμβάνονται κατά τη χρήση ικριωμάτων (σκαλωσιών), κινητών ανυψωτικών πλατφόρμων εργασίας, ζωνών ασφάλειας κλπ.0
472692832017-01-312019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 8391Ηλεκτροτεχνικά, part oneΘα πρέπει να κατανοείτε τα ακόλουθα: Τις επιδράσεις του ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος στο σώμα Τα είδη των μπριζών που χρησιμοποιούνται στα εργοτάξια την ανάγκη γνώσης συγκεκριμένων ικανοτήτων για τα άτομα που εργάζονται σε ηλεκτρικά συστήματα Τη χρήση ρελέ διαρροής για την πρόσθετη προστασία από ηλεκτροπληξία Τις ασφαλής διαδικασίες απομόνωσης κατά την εργασία σε ηλεκτρικά συστήματα και εξοπλισμό Την εργασία σε ενεργό κύκλωμα μόνο σε εξαιρετικές περιπτώσεις Την ασφαλή εργασία με οπτικές ίνες Ερμηνείες – Μεταφράσεις: Live = “ενεργό” = σημαίνει το αντικείμενο/ο εξοπλισμός που βρίσκεται υπό τάση, Dead = «νεκρό» = σημαίνει το αντικείμενο/ο εξοπλισμός που βρίσκεται σε ίσο δυναμικό με τη γη και είναι αποσυνδεμένο από οποιοδήποτε σύστημα που βρίσκεται υπό τάση0
47307361092017-02-032019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 9031Ηλεκτροτεχνικά, part twoΘα πρέπει να κατανοείτε τα ακόλουθα: Τις επιδράσεις του ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος στο σώμα Τα είδη των μπριζών που χρησιμοποιούνται στα εργοτάξια την ανάγκη γνώσης συγκεκριμένων ικανοτήτων για τα άτομα που εργάζονται σε ηλεκτρικά συστήματα Τη χρήση ρελέ διαρροής για την πρόσθετη προστασία από ηλεκτροπληξία Τις ασφαλής διαδικασίες απομόνωσης κατά την εργασία σε ηλεκτρικά συστήματα και εξοπλισμό Την εργασία σε ενεργό κύκλωμα μόνο σε εξαιρετικές περιπτώσεις Την ασφαλή εργασία με οπτικές ίνες Ερμηνείες – Μεταφράσεις: Live = “ενεργό” = σημαίνει το αντικείμενο/ο εξοπλισμός που βρίσκεται υπό τάση, Dead = «νεκρό» = σημαίνει το αντικείμενο/ο εξοπλισμός που βρίσκεται σε ίσο δυναμικό με τη γη και είναι αποσυνδεμένο από οποιοδήποτε σύστημα που βρίσκεται υπό τάση0
827143372012-10-272012-11-08BY-SAnikzachΕλληνικάC1 4722Κατασκευή Γεφυριών0
830507212012-10-272014-04-19BY-SAkarazisiΕλληνικάC1 545 4:062Μάθημα ηλεκτρολογίας: Ηλεκτρικές λάμπες0
582452252017-06-232019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6041Περιβαλλοντικά, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΠρέπει να έχετε κατανοήσει τα εξής: • Τις ευθύνες και τις απαιτήσεις για το χειρισμό υλικών • Τις δράσεις ανακύκλωσης και ελαχιστοποίησης των αποβλήτων • Τον προσδιορισμό επικίνδυνων / ειδικών αποβλήτων • Τις προφυλάξεις και οι διαδικασίες χειρισμού επικίνδυνων / ειδικών αποβλήτων •Την βιωσιμότητα στην επιλογή και χρήση υλικών0
582357192017-06-232024-02-24BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 1097Περιβαλλοντικά, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΠρέπει να έχετε κατανοήσει τα εξής: • Τις ευθύνες και τις απαιτήσεις για το χειρισμό υλικών • Τις δράσεις ανακύκλωσης και ελαχιστοποίησης των αποβλήτων • Τον προσδιορισμό επικίνδυνων / ειδικών αποβλήτων • Τις προφυλάξεις και οι διαδικασίες χειρισμού επικίνδυνων / ειδικών αποβλήτων •Την βιωσιμότητα στην επιλογή και χρήση υλικών0
90221881172012-12-192012-12-19BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 12421Περιήγηση – Σύνταξη στο ClilstoreΠεριήγηση – Σύνταξη στο Clilstore0
473974522017-02-132018-12-11BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 7811Προσωπικός προστατευτικός εξοπλισμός (ΠΠE) στην Εργασία, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Πότε πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί Εξοπλισμός /Μέσα Ατομικής Προστασίας (ΜΑΠ) • Γιατί ο εργοδότης σας πρέπει να σας παρέχει ΜΑΠ • Γιατί πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείτε τα ΜΑΠ που παρέχονται από τον εργοδότη • Γιατί θα πρέπει να φροντίζετε τα ΜΑΠ που παρέχονται από τον εργοδότη • Γιατί θα πρέπει να αναφέρετε τα απολεσθέντα ή κατεστραμμένα ΜΑΠ στον προϊστάμενό σας • Τις πιθανές επιπτώσεις εάν δεν χρησιμοποιήσετε ΜΑΠ • Τους περιορισμούς των ΜΑΠ0
4738799172017-02-132018-12-11BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 7311Προσωπικός προστατευτικός εξοπλισμός (ΠΠE) στην Εργασία, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: Πότε πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί Εξοπλισμός /Μέσα Ατομικής Προστασίας (ΜΑΠ) Γιατί ο εργοδότης σας πρέπει να σας παρέχει ΜΑΠ Γιατί πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείτε τα ΜΑΠ που παρέχονται από τον εργοδότη Γιατί θα πρέπει να φροντίζετε τα ΜΑΠ που παρέχονται από τον εργοδότη Γιατί θα πρέπει να αναφέρετε τα απολεσθέντα ή κατεστραμμένα ΜΑΠ στον προϊστάμενό σας Τις πιθανές επιπτώσεις εάν δεν χρησιμοποιήσετε ΜΑΠ Τους περιορισμούς των ΜΑΠ0
581550202017-06-222019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 8241Πυρκαγιά και έκτακτη ανάγκη, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Τι πρέπει να κάνετε σε περίπτωση έκτακτης ανάγκης στην εργασία σας • Τους τύπους των πυροσβεστήρων και σε ποιες περιπτώσεις πυρκαγιάς μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν • Την σημασία της παροχής πρώτων βοηθειών μετά από ένα ατύχημα0
581455322017-06-222019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6331Πυρκαγιά και έκτακτη ανάγκη, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Τι πρέπει να κάνετε σε περίπτωση έκτακτης ανάγκης στην εργασία σας • Τους τύπους των πυροσβεστήρων και σε ποιες περιπτώσεις πυρκαγιάς μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν • Την σημασία της παροχής πρώτων βοηθειών μετά από ένα ατύχημα0
8221381952012-10-262012-10-27BY-SAvalΕλληνικάC1 4721Τα πέτρινα γεφύρια0
474268002017-02-142019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6191Υγεία και Υγιεινή, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το δεύτερο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: Οι κίνδυνοι από την έκθεση σε ουσίες όπως ο αμίαντος Η σημασία της καλής προσωπικής υγιεινής κατά την εργασία με επικίνδυνες ουσίες Πώς να μειώσετε τους κινδύνους ασθενειών που μεταδίδονται από παράσιτα Οι εγκαταστάσεις πρόνοιας που πρέπει να παρέχονται σε εργοτάξια Πώς να μειώσετε τους κινδύνους από το σύνδρομο δόνησης χεριού-βραχίονα και τον θόρυβο στην εργασία0
474179422017-02-142019-01-07BY-SAfredΕλληνικάC1 6571Υγεία και Υγιεινή, προαιρετικό διάβασμα πριν το πρώτο μέρος του διαγνωστικούΘα πρέπει να είστε σε θέση να κατανοήσετε τα ακόλουθα: • Οι κίνδυνοι από την έκθεση σε ουσίες όπως ο αμίαντος • Η σημασία της καλής προσωπικής υγιεινής κατά την εργασία με επικίνδυνες ουσίες • Πώς να μειώσετε τους κινδύνους ασθενειών που μεταδίδονται από παράσιτα • Οι εγκαταστάσεις πρόνοιας που πρέπει να παρέχονται σε εργοτάξια • Πώς να μειώσετε τους κινδύνους από το σύνδρομο δόνησης χεριού-βραχίονα και τον θόρυβο στην εργασία0
15821402212014-01-02BY-SAsalmarfetالعربيةC1 101التوابل0
1392143662013-09-252014-01-02BY-SAsalmarfetالعربيةC1 243الحج في الإسلام0
10841620112013-03-222013-03-22BY-SAarabiالعربيةC1 225شو ها ربيع العربي؟0
1073148692013-03-142013-03-15BY-SAarabiالعربيةC1 115عيلة سارة0
11822438162013-07-012013-07-01BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةC1 688لغتنا العربية.. لغة العلوم والتقنية 0
10751568102013-03-142013-03-15BY-SAarabiالعربيةC1 144ما فيه حدا بالصف0
1076156662013-03-142013-03-15BY-SAarabiالعربيةC1 283مربية أطفال0
21834152162014-06-292014-07-03BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةC1 930 4:282مسلمو الدنمارك.. صراع بين الهوية والاندماجAn netbased newspaper in Egypt has interviewed a young Iraqi woman, Maisa, who is currently living in Denmark. Maisa speaks, among other things, about school, integration issues and how it is to live in a deprived neighborhood. A simplified version of the text is presented in unit 2182.0
8515499242020-04-072020-04-07BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanবাংলাC1 327 3:292আমার হাত বান্ধিবি - Traditional Baul SongA song in the Baul tradition of Bengal, at the confluence of Vaishnavism, Sufism, and Tantric Buddhism. Devotion to the Almighty is the essential component in the tradition, here expressed through the love of the devotee Radha for Krishna. Recorded by independent researcher Animesh Biswas at his home, and kindly contributed for Island Voices production as a follow-up to the North-Eastern Hill University Language Fest for Indigenous and Endangered Languages held in Shillong in October 2019.2
8032658242019-12-022019-12-02BY-SAmaster dla中文C1 35 2:58中国官员级别中国官员分为国家级,省部级,厅局级,县处级和乡科级0
183810481462014-04-01BY-SAElin中文C1 3124从百草园到三味书屋0
8037317132019-12-022019-12-02BY-SAmaster dla中文C1 22壹读视频 165 从“张伟”到“子涵”,中国人起名有多爱扎堆?0
7241656412018-12-03BY-SAmaster dla中文C1 5191月下老人(Yue Xia Lao Ren) -- the old man under the moonA legend story about the old man under the moon0
722960002018-12-03BY-SAmaster dla中文C1 1 4:401水星记-王俊凯王杰,1962年10月20日出生在香港,祖籍陕西西安 [18] 。父亲王侠、母亲许玉均是邵氏电影公司演员,0
117703332023-12-112023-12-12BY-SAmaster dla粵語C1 9 5:17海阔天空(jpf)/0
117683852023-12-112023-12-11BY-SAmaster dla中文C1 50背对背拥抱0
1856981292014-04-022014-04-02BY-SAlrkrEnglishC1+718 4:074404, the story of a page not found - Renny GeesonOops! Nobody wants to see the 404: Page Not Found. But as Renny Gleeson shows us, while he runs through a slideshow of creative and funny 404 pages, every error is really a chance to build a better0
30213073222015-06-142015-06-14BY-SAAymanEddakrouriالعربيةC1+1355ظاهرة عمالة الأطفال فى مصر0
105308742022-06-212022-06-21BY-SAmiaClilstore日本語C1+24J-Pop - 6 - Uru それを愛と呼ぶなら0
152629462032013-12-072015-01-22BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligC1+870 4:121Gilleasbuig Aotrom - air aithris leis an Sgiobair0

508 units found