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Unit Views Clicks Created Changed Licence Owner Language Level Words Media Time Buttons Files Title Summary Likes
10068213132021-12-142021-12-14BY-SAJaimeszz日本語B2-160 2:52〜について (ni tsuite)Particula 〜について (ni tsuite)0
622611581102017-12-132018-01-08BY-SAGuialtalamantesEnglishB2-22055ANCIENT GREEK ART I: Cultural and historical backgroundIntroductory unit about the background of the greek art and history. Second part of the Lesson 1.0
62272336202017-12-142018-01-08BY-SAGuialtalamantesEnglishB2-22356ANCIENT GREEK ART II: Presentations and initial activitiesIntroductory unit about the background of the greek art and history. Assesment part for the Lesson 1 and 2.0
62281154132017-12-142017-12-14BY-SAGuialtalamantesEnglishB2-13455ANCIENT GREEK ART III: Urbanism and architecture in ancient GreecePart of the lesson 3 of the unit. Greek architecture and urbanism. Activities and content dossier.0
623443262017-12-152017-12-15BY-SAGuialtalamantesEnglishB2-17622ANCIENT GREEK ART V: Applied ArtsPart II of the lesson 5 of the unit. Greek sculpture. Activity and content dossier.0
6232558642017-12-152017-12-15BY-SAGuialtalamantesEnglishB2-47322ANCIENT GREEK ART V: Applied ArtsPart I of the lesson 5 of the unit. Greek sculpture. Activity and content dossier.0
17672810982014-03-182014-03-27BY-SAMissMacKayGàidhligB2-285 2:354Is toigh leam fhìn thu - Sineag Nic an t-Saoir0
10214134172022-02-172022-02-17BY-NC-NDMark-v-hRomânăB2-1166Lecția Cum cresc Plantele0
8492949482012-11-012012-11-01BY-SAClaisneachdGàidhligB2-1122Puirt-à-beulFollowers of Guthan nan Eilean/Island Voices will recall the recent interview with Will Lamb about the launch of the re-edited version of Kenneth Norman Macdonald’s collection of “Puirt-à-Beul”. As part of his talk at Ceòlas Will invited some singers to give a demonstration. It went down a storm, and luckily for us, Holly Gibb recorded a video clip which is now on YouTube, and which she is happy to share with us. Talk about “Island Voices” – Rona Lightfoot, Kathleen MacInnes, and Sìneag MacIntyre sharing the stage!0
8422292972020-03-102020-03-14BYalex9corEnglishB2-5034The Common Agricultural Policy and Food Sovereignty0
2835790602015-05-052015-05-05BY-SAJDEVISEnglishB2-946 5:50Audacity, How to use it?How to use Audacity?0
8198523402020-01-272020-01-28BY-SAcaoimhinsmoCymraegB2-104 4:00Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau0
5586484772017-05-02BY-SAjmer1974EnglishB2-545MOUNTAINS OF PUBLIC UTILITYdefinitions and cases to make a mountain of public utility0
89825944802020-11-182020-11-18BY-SA66372937GaeilgeB2-346Na Gradaim Chumarsáide0
326124321342015-11-112015-11-11BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2-8051Na Solais, le Iain MacDhòmhnaill0
76525352922012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2-919 5:233Agallamh: Agnes Rennie (Eachdraidh is Obair)History and work of the community trust so far. Galson Estate Trust chair Agnes Rennie outlines the background to the formation of the community trust, relates its progress to date, including purchase of the estate, and describes some of the various activities that are already carried out by board members and staff.0
8074278232019-12-202019-12-20BY-SAcaoimhinsmoEnglishB2-559 6:33Arthur McBride song by Paul Brady0
842836862020-03-122020-03-12BY-SATereGEnglishB2-2141Things to Know about The Netherlands1
5946631172017-08-302017-08-31BY-SAagusta09PolskiB2-54511Why do we sleep?0
62221114232017-12-112017-12-14BY-SAGuialtalamantesEnglishB2-267711ANCIENT GREEK ART I: Cultural and historical backgroundIntroductory unit about the background of the greek art and history. First part of the Lesson 1.0
49451091452017-03-292017-03-30BY-SAalfrallaEnglishB2-53954Business General Environment - PEST analysisThis CLIL lesson is aimed for students that are studying the subject BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION /ECONOMICS in 2nd of Bachillerato according to the Spanish Education System. It has0
4867626302017-03-202017-04-18BY-SAvfernandezpaEnglishB2-8712374Fibonacci sequences & their presence in the nature and their relevance in Mathematics (Matching and Part1)Students will be aware of the differents sorts of sequences, appreciating their presence in other areas such as art and nature. But not only will they be able to identify perfectly the different elements in the sequences but also they will be able to operate with them and achieve results which will be applied to different problems. So they will be able to draw own conclusions and develop cooperative work between their mates. Goals: Students will be able to identify perfectly the different elements in the sequences, to operate with them and to apply them to different problems. Learning Objective: Recognize and name the differents sequences and mainly the Fibonacci sequence, standing out its relevance in the nature. Success Criteria: Students will be able to play in pairs and share their new knowledge with their peers. They will be able to pay attention to the teacher and watching the videos and be willing to play in order waiting for their turn.0
61310841062012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2-494 2:253Interview: Administrator Mary Ellen StewartAdministrative procedures for summer school. Mary Ellen Stewart is the administrator of the summer school. She describes the tasks that need to be done leading up to and during the week.0
3602400252012-05-292013-02-27BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 2612 الربيع العربي 1 : الثورات العربية 0
3611751502012-05-292013-04-25BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 1601 الربيع العربي 2 : معلومات أساسية0
3631983882012-05-292012-06-01BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 4522 الربيع العربي 4: محمد البوعزيزي ـ القراءة0
10781663362013-03-142013-03-15BY-SAarabiالعربيةB2 143 شو عمل نعمان في باريس0
72241298232018-12-032018-12-03BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 673¿Por qué leer a Edgard Allan Poe?0
723144742018-12-03BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 23422¿Por qué necesitamos imaginar futuros diferentes?Anab Jain da vida al futuro creando experiencias en las que la gente puede tocar, ver y sentir el potencial del mundo que estamos creando. ¿Queremos un mundo donde las máquinas inteligentes patrullen nuestras calles, por ejemplo, o donde nuestro patrimonio genético determine nuestra atención médica? Los proyectos de Jain muestran por qué es importante luchar por un mundo que queremos. Echa un vistazo a los posibles futuros en esta charla reveladora.0
750831822019-06-17BY-NCevidalmEspañolB2 15¿Qué es negociar?Un video sobre la naturaleza de "el negociar".0
2239574919632014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 28353' "Buick" mo Mháthar' le Derry O'Sullivan0
2229335916222014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 54821'Alt Corrógach' le Liam Ó MuirthileSa mhír seo cloisfidh tú Liam Ó Muirthile ag léamh an dáin 'Alt Corrógach', dán a bhaineann le caidreamh mic lena athair. Baineann sé úsáid sa dán as téarmaí éagsúla a bhaineann le cúrsaí adhmadóireachta. Nuair atá an dán cloiste agat agus na téarmaí sin beachtaithe agat le cabhair Multidict, bain triail as an gCleachtadh Foclóra.0
223339183412014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 45232'An Foclóirí' le Colm Breathnach0
2235955139732014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 33742'Leanbh Lae' le Biddy Jenkinson0
223818485492014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 25252'Marbhghin 1943: Glaoch ar Liombó' le Derry O'Sullivan0
2232847912282014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 53542'Oíche Mhaith, a Bhastaird' le Colm Breathnach0
2230243013192014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 34532'Seanathair' le Liam Ó MuirthileLiam Ó Muirthile ag léamh an dáin 'Seanathair'. Tá go leor téarmaí a bhaineann le cúrsaí spealadóireachta agus baint an fhómhair i gcoitinne le fáil sa dán. Nuair atá sé cloiste agus tuigthe agat, bain triail as an gCleachtadh Foclóra a ghabhann leis an Aonad.0
223618183912014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 40832'Suantraí na Máthar Síní' le Biddy Jenkinson0
223132774822014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 50031'Suantraí Sarah is Asmahane' le Liam Ó Muirthile0
2234426510672014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 71442'Tuigim anois do Chú Chulainn' le Colm Breathnach0
895219742020-10-292020-10-31BY-SAgioia.gardoEnglishB2 32882"Create your own tribe"0
895516142020-11-012021-01-30BY-SAgioia.gardoEnglishB2 3167"Create your own tribe" III D 20201
327595885262015-11-15BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 951"Unsere neue Welt" - Sendung von Scobel 3Sat0
15991858512014-01-282020-01-20BY-SAcaoimhinsmoScotsB2 569 5:373“Tae a Louse” an “Tae a Selfie”A classic Scots poem by Robert Burns, Tae a Louse, and a modern Facebook aged poem based on it, both recited by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig student Sophie Stephenson at a Burns Supper at SMO.0
21501714762014-06-23BY-SAMohab MahmoudالعربيةB2 546 4:51(حُـب السَفـَر ) مدينة بيزا0
1175776122023-12-112023-12-11BY-SAmaster dla中文B2 46 4:54《她来听我的演唱会》 张学友0
5202123282017-04-182017-04-21BY-SAmaarpoCatalàB2 248441 - Els nombres naturals0
670593792018-04-232019-04-22BY-SArauniemeCatalàB2 69791. Com obrir i desar un arxiu d'Excel0
591045802017-08-162018-03-22BY-SAsps123knmEnglishB2 18 3:44731. System UnitsPorts of computer unit0
12015100122024-07-132024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 8431.1 Analysing. Text0
12014150662024-07-122024-07-14BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 10511.1. Content Exploration. Text0
120176102024-07-142024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 9451.2 Analysing. Text0
1201668162024-07-142024-07-20BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 13991.2 Content Exploration. Text0
120186032024-07-142024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 11221.3 Analysing. Text0
1201969802024-07-142024-07-14BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 19621.3 Content exploration. Text0
6155645792017-11-152017-11-17BY-SAmrvanstraatenEnglishB2 1651VHt/1Vt angles0
532110143382017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAivanowerEnglishB2 2275 2:00:00422 Hour CLIL Module of INDUSTRIAL SENSORS2 Hour CLIL Module of INDUSTRIAL SENSORS0
420384192016-04-262016-04-26BY-SAVicenteCLILEnglishB2 41132 hour clil unit - Rachmaninov's prelude op. 23 nº 5Designed for a piano student of 6th course of Enseñanza Profesional (last year before attending University), please bear in mind piano classes are individual ones, so is just the student and the teacher in class. During the last trimester a work already mastered by the student and that has been decided to be one of the chosen to be played in the exam to attend Conservartorio Superior de Música next course, will be selected by the teacher for this exercise.0
565798212017-05-06BY-SAPRINTEMPS17EnglishB2 77082 HOURS CLILSimilar triangles and similarity ratio0
5081863152017-04-112017-05-06BY-SAPRINTEMPS17EnglishB2 770842 HOURS CLILSimilar triangles and similarity ratio0
4857562142017-03-20BY-SASHEILAGMEnglishB2 106012 HOURS CLIL MODULE, ACADEMIC AND CAREER PLANNING UNITIt's a 2 hour clil module about a Academic and career planning unit. It has some activities which allow students to think about their future and also they work the english language, with the skills: speaking, listenning, reading, writing.0
5219908132017-04-192017-04-19BY-SAnacnoeEnglishB2 32212 hours module: Reception of a vehicle in the workshop0
552841362017-04-282017-04-28BY-SAclaramarzaEnglishB2 941 6:2412-hour CLIL module_Introduction to PhotographyStreet artist JR made a wish in 2011: Join me in a worldwide photo project to show the world its true face. One year after making his TED Prize wish, he shows how giant posters of human faces, pasted in public, are connecting communities, making change, and turning the world inside out.0
4247428102016-04-272016-04-29BY-SAMariviMarpeEnglishB2 10932-hours module0
67068653082018-04-242019-04-22BY-SArauniemeCatalàB2 43152. Format de les cel·les0
52111300172017-04-192017-04-21BY-SAmaarpoCatalàB2 500542.1 - Operacions amb nombres naturals - Primera part0
120216702024-07-142024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 10512.1 Analysing. Text0
120207022024-07-142024-10-20BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 7412.1 Content exploration. Text0
5212142362017-04-192017-04-21BY-SAmaarpoCatalàB2 494532.2 - Operacions amb nombres naturals - Segona part0
120235202024-07-142024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 12382.2 Analysing. Text0
120226212024-07-142024-07-14BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 9212.2 Content exploration. Text0
120254902024-07-142024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 10682.3 Analysing. Text0
120269042024-07-142024-07-14BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 11982.3 Content exploration. Text0
6184408282017-11-222017-11-22BY-SAmrvanstraatenEnglishB2 1262Vt - chapter 3 linear equations0
5213102292017-04-192017-04-21BY-SAmaarpoCatalàB2 298423 - Potències0
670784172018-04-242019-04-22BY-SArauniemeCatalàB2 26953. Combinar cel•les0
120275202024-07-142024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 7313.1 Analysing. Text0
120285902024-07-152024-07-15BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 12023.1 Content exploration. Text0
120306002024-07-152024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 8673.2 Analysing. Text0
120295002024-07-152024-07-15BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 14683.2 Content exploration. Text0
120326922024-07-152024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 12093.3 Analysing. Text0
1203166132024-07-152024-07-15BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 5423.3 Content exploration. Text0
5214127982017-04-192017-04-21BY-SAmaarpoCatalàB2 215434 -L'arrel quadrada0
6708100962018-04-242019-04-22BY-SArauniemeCatalàB2 34664. Les fórmules d'Excel0
120347222024-07-152024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 13574.1 Analysing. Text0
120354802024-07-162024-07-16BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 13444.1 Content exploration. Text0
120377812024-07-162024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 14134.2 Analysing. Text0
120366422024-07-162024-10-23BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 7744.2 Content exploration. Text0
1203981162024-07-162024-07-19BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 11544.3 Analysing. Text0
120385672024-07-162024-10-23BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 6884.3 Content exploration. Text0
1052148972013-03-062014-02-04BY-SAfredDanskB2 295400 KV Cable Project - Division into Subcontracts / 1. Entrepriseopdeling"A 140 km long 400kV line between Århus and Aalborg was built in 2002-2004. The video deals with the work of constructing the line and shows the techniques and materials required"0
1053162702013-03-06BY-SAfredDanskB2 668400 KV Cable Project - Earthworks / JordarbejderThe video deals with the work of constructing the line and shows the techniques and materials required" Cultural notes: For more information on Energinet.dk, which is the transmission system operator for the whole of Denmark visit www.energinet.dk0
1051149672013-03-062014-09-09BY-SAfredDanskB2 81514400 KV Cable Project - General Outline"A 140 km long 400kV line between Århus and Aalborg was built in 2002-2004. The video deals with the work of constructing the line and shows the techniques and materials required"0
9411040272013-01-24BY-SAfredEnglishB2 187400KV Transmission line in Denmark0
5215100982017-04-192017-04-21BY-SAmaarpoCatalàB2 116225 - Ordre de les operacions0
5693422332017-05-082017-05-08BY-SAalonsobetoretEnglishB2 96765 ways to kill your dreamsAll of us want to invent that game-changing product, launch that successful company, write that best-selling book. And yet so few of us actually do it. TED Fellow and Brazilian entrepreneur Bel Pesce breaks down five easy-to-believe myths that ensure your dream projects will never come to fruition.0
6709825272018-04-242019-04-22BY-SArauniemeCatalàB2 16835. L'opció d'Autocompletar0
1142669232023-06-172023-06-17BY-SAAsplandRoodEnglishB2 9375HAVO practice exam0
175430761692014-03-17BY-SAiserksnaiteEnglishB2 549 3:308 secrets of success0
30081123392015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 151 2:09A correus0
11382034782013-05-022017-04-24BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 1164 9:592A Gaelic Journey: Benbecula to RanafastThe Scottish Island Voices Project (Guthan nan Eilean) visits Ireland. This version of the documentary has an English commentary. You will also hear some Irish and Scottish Gaelic conversation, subtitled with an English translation.0
30121160142015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 134 1:39A l'agencia de viatges0
13771277422013-09-13BY-SAKentAndersenEnglishB2 295815:26A mouse. A laser beam. A manipulated memory.Can we edit the content of our memories? It’s a sci-fi-tinged question that Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu are asking in their lab at MIT. Essentially, the pair shoot a laser beam into the brain of a living mouse to activate and manipulate its memory. In this unexpectedly amusing talk they share not only how, but -- more importantly -- why they do this. (Filmed at TEDxBoston.)0
3618761262016-03-102016-04-29BY-SAlaminipulgaEnglishB2 254018:2988A piece of equationsScott Fraser studies how humans remember crimes — and bear witness to them. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a crime can create "memories" they could not have seen. Why? Because the brain abhors a vacuum. Editor's note: In the original version of this talk, Scott Fraser misspoke about available footage of Two World Trade Center (Tower 2). The misstatement has been edited out for clarity.0
4263434142016-04-282016-04-29BY-SAlaminipulgaEnglishB2 13255a piece of equations IIwred35f0
17571340252014-03-17BY-SAiserksnaiteEnglishB2 995 6:45A preview of the WorldWide Telescope0
457961942016-11-012020-07-22BY-SAfredEnglishB2 71911A quick story about a 404 page0
16142642011-10-072012-03-15BY-SAKentEnglishB2 2971A test made from an iPad version 10
2512664152015-02-12BY-SAAthanasiaEnglishB2 7781A thousand times NO.The short film is taken by the website TED. This website includes various videos of different subjects as well as the transcripts for each video. The topics of the videos are very interesting usually easy to comprehend, which can be seen as a great opportunity for teaching input. This specific video is about an Arab woman artist who has been asked to use the Arabic script for her artwork. She felt offended and she explains the reason why she refused.0
3018119682015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 107 1:35A una botiga0
3184994482015-10-08BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 2402Abgasskandal: Arbeitsministerin Nahles plant Kurzarbeit für VW-LeiharbeiterAbgasskandal Volkswagen; Arbeitsverhältnisse0
4750614242017-02-162017-02-16BY-SAJSvdBEnglishB2 2077About: Time Management0
485861302017-03-20BY-SASHEILAGMEnglishB2 250 6:451ACADEMIC AND CAREER PLANNING UNITThese is an orientation and vocational guidance, where we will see an interesting video. It compares student future with a trip, it makes students think about their future. We have planned two activites before they see the video and two activities after they see it, where they have to think about, answer some questions, develop the vocabulary. Also, there's a link button where we can find some activities to complete this unit: activites before the task, activities during the task and activities after the task.0
9246153142021-03-03BY-SAiseguiEnglishB2 61116:006Accessibility: on a website or documentPrepairing: summary: Write a short description of the content. This text will be searchable by search engines such as Google. Videos from TED.com have a ready-to-copy summary, just copy and paste it into the “Summary field”.2
917818652021-02-122021-03-03BY-SAiseguiEnglishB2 61116:0069Accessibility: on a website or documentPrepairing: summary: Write a short description of the content. This text will be searchable by search engines such as Google. Videos from TED.com have a ready-to-copy summary, just copy and paste it into the “Summary field”.0
102045635392022-02-112022-02-11BY-SAjanEnglishB2 1318Accounting Basics ExplainedA clear explanation, in English, of Accounting Basics0
5088589342017-04-122017-04-23BY-SAolgasanchezEnglishB2 233 2:00ACIDS - BASES AND PH. VIDEO 1Acids, bases and pH. This video belongs to the CLILSTORE UNIT 5104 "ACIDS AND BASES. pH. NEUTRALISATION0
1213063902024-09-262024-10-07BY-SAcarsipeEnglishB2 129ACO: PRACTICAL CASES U10
1213168162024-09-262024-10-07BY-SAcarsipeEnglishB2 70ACO: PRACTICAL CASES U20
698356342018-07-312018-08-03BY-NC-SAricardvaleroEnglishB2 1452Activities water cycle0
5478548162017-04-25BY-SAIsayankovichEspañolB2 501Activity 10
1087411302022-09-082022-09-08BY-SAChriskEnglishB2 67411Addictions0
25169002422015-02-142015-02-14BY-SAcaoimhinsmoScotsB2 287 2:211Address to a Haggis by Alan HutchisonAddress tae a cling-filmit haggis by Alan Hutchison at Edinuanagain, aneist Torness, naur tae Dores, on Burns nicht 20150
14541232412013-10-092015-02-14BY-SAGuthanNanEileanScotsB2 204 2:134Address to a Haggis by Denis JohnstonRobert Burns's Address to a Haggis is delivered by the knife-wielding, Dumfries-born and raised Denis Johnston, at Nunton Steadings on Benbecula.0
1425335112011-11-242014-04-19BY-SAKentEnglishB2 1274 8:102Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids0
797138292012-10-022014-04-19BY-SAcelebEnglishB2 949 6:311Advanced Tips for EFI Tuning with Fuel PressureEFI tuning and fuel pressure0
2522602362015-02-172015-03-19BY-SAcgalliqueEnglishB2 308 6:12Against innate ideas0
61609717052017-11-15BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1663 9:28Agallamh ó Raidió na Gaeltachta faoi Otharlann Leitir CeanainnCuireann Michelle Nic Grianna ó Raidió na Gaeltachta agallamh ar an Dr. Conal Mac a' Bhaird faoi na deachrachtaí atá ag Ionad Timpistí agus Éigeandála in Otharlann Leitir Ceanainn. Michelle Nic Grianna from Raidió na Gaelachta interviews Dr Conal Mac a' Bhaird from the Accident and Emergency Unit at Letterkenny Hospital about the ongoing problems at the unit.0
7672311462012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 531 3:143Agallamh: Agnes Rennie (Planaichean is Co-obrachadh)Plans and partnership of the community trust. Galson Estate Trust chair Agnes Rennie talks about future plans, and how the trust works with other groups, particularly linkage with the planned University of the Highlands and Islands through local research group Greenspace, and explains the importance attached to revenue generation through renewable energy.0
70828572312012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1054 6:072Agallamh: Alasdair MacEachainnFish Processing. Alasdair MacEachen is an Environmental Health Officer in Benbecula. He describes the implications of his job in terms of both enforcement and education, in particular relation to food handling and production.0
72328695842012-09-102014-08-23BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1341 6:213Agallamh: Anna NicIllfhialainConservation and crofting life. Anne Maclellan describes her duties as Biodiversity Officer for the local council, including interaction with local schools and crofters. She describes in some detail a scheme that assists crofters to harvest corn in a way that helps rare birds, and comments on shared interests between crofters and conservation bodies.0
7162603552012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 328 2:033Agallamh: Caitrìona NicCumhaisHeritage development. Caitriona MacCuish is the Heritage Officer at Taigh Chearsabhagh. She describes what the job entails and what she enjoys about working there.0
74228431632012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1428 8:083Agallamh: Catriona BlackChildren's Parlament rationale. Teacher Catriona Black offers an educational perspective on the benefits of the Children’s Parliament way of working, and relates how it has helped pupils to develop.0
20422893222014-05-182014-05-18BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 1428 8:083Agallamh: Catriona Black (tro TeacherTube)Children's Parlament rationale. Teacher Catriona Black offers an educational perspective on the benefits of the Children’s Parliament way of working, and relates how it has helped pupils to develop.0
7572739342012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1289 7:023Agallamh: Chris Lawson (Eachdraidh is Seirbheisean)Development of the genealogy service in Harris and current activities. Centre director Chris Lawson explains the background to how the Seallam! centre came into being. She goes on to describe the various services on offer in addition to genealogy tracing, including book sales, and exhibitions, and gives an indication of the level of interest there is both locally and from visitors, particularly noting linkage to St Kilda.0
2057296032014-02-052014-04-28BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 1289 7:023Agallamh: Chris Lawson (Eachdraidh is Seirbheisean) (tro Teachertube)Development of the genealogy service in Harris and current activities. Centre director Chris Lawson explains the background to how the Seallam! centre came into being. She goes on to describe the various services on offer in addition to genealogy tracing, including book sales, and exhibitions, and gives an indication of the level of interest there is both locally and from visitors, particularly noting linkage to St Kilda.0
7592238162012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 722 4:153Agallamh: Chris Lawson (Gnìomhachas is Planaichean)Genealogy buisiness planning. Seallam visitor centre director Chris Lawson explains some of the factors behind the centre’s business success, and outlines plans for future development and diversification, including online records, course development, and book writing.0
7172467622012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 352 2:253Agallamh: Dòmhnall FearghasdanValue of museum and art centre. Donald Ferguson speaks as a student on the first year of the BA in Fine Art that is hosted by Taigh Chearsabhagh. He describes and comments on the facilities in the centre and the quality of services and teaching staff on the course.0
7612508502012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 992 4:463Agallamh: Dòmhnall MacRisnidhDeveloping a commercially oriented research capacity for Higher Education. Project manager Donald MacRitchie talks about the various strands of environmental research in which Greenspace is involved and explains the relationship between the unit and the host college.0
72629201182012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 884 5:063Agallamh: Eairdsidh Caimbeul (Cleachdaidhean)Social practices associated with peatcutting. Archie Campbell describes some of the traditional social customs associated with peat cutting and notes how they have changed in recent times. He also speculates on the relevance of using peat for fuel in today’s world.0
70328454042012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 790 4:303Agallamh: Flòraidh DhòmhnallachCare for adults with special needs PLUS Traditional Skills. Flora Macdonald, a North Uist resident, talks first of all about the importance of Craigard in the community, and her own interactions with Donald MacKinnon. She goes on to describe her reasons for setting up the traditional skills exhibition in Taigh Chearsabhagh, and her own thoughts on their place in the community today.0
74729191832012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1220 6:503Agallamh: Iain Tormod MacLeòidHistory of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Depute Principal John Norman Macleod relates significant events in the history of the development of Scotland’s Gaelic College, indicates further development plans, and describes how much he enjoys his work.0
20472675512014-05-182014-05-18BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 1220 6:503Agallamh: Iain Tormod MacLeòid (tro TeacherTube)History of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Depute Principal John Norman Macleod relates significant events in the history of the development of Scotland’s Gaelic College, indicates further development plans, and describes how much he enjoys his work.0
71027553662012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 405 2:042Agallamh: Iseabail GrahamFood preparation, and local specialities. Isabel Graham is a well-known hotelier and cook at the Orasay Inn in South Uist. Here she describes how she uses local produce when preparing meals for guests.0
7412787642012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1026 5:553Agallamh: Iseabail SteeleChildren's Parlament rationale. Health Worker Isabel Steele explains some of the thinking behind the establishment of the Uist and Barra Children’s Parliament and how it was set up, and relates how it has impacted on her work0
20412948372014-05-182014-05-18BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 1026 5:553Agallamh: Iseabail Steele (tro TeacherTube)Children's Parlament rationale. Health Worker Isabel Steele explains some of the thinking behind the establishment of the Uist and Barra Children’s Parliament and how it was set up, and relates how it has impacted on her work0
71227192452012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 827 4:083Agallamh: Màiri NicAonghaisCommunity impact of summer school (Ceòlas). Mary Macinnes is the chairperson of the local committee that organises the summer school each year. She describes the activities of the group through the year and the impact of Ceòlas on the local community.0
71328312142012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 439 2:153Agallamh: Mary Ellen StiùbhartAdministrative procedures for summer school (Ceòlas). Mary Ellen Stewart is the administrator of the summer school. She describes the tasks that need to be done leading up to and during the week.0
7692586172012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 801 4:253Agallamh: Murray MacLeòidRunning a marine trouism business. Seatrek operator Murray Macleod talks about the various services he offers to tourists, and the kind of sights they’re liable to see. He also talks about the various strands to his business, how he values his team, and how he enjoys his job.0
70627501632012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 743 4:303Agallamh: Nìall DòmhnallachFurniture restoration and recycling; voluntary work. Neil Macdonald is a director on the Board of Management of Cothrom, the community group that manages the Re-Store project. He describes the directors’ responsibilities for the work of Cothrom in general, and the importance of a voluntary group such as Cothrom in island community life.0
71424491212012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 410 2:033Agallamh: Ruairidh MacIlleathainEducational impact of summer school (Ceòlas). Ruairidh MacIllEathain is a well-known Gaelic broadcaster with a particular interest in Gaelic learners. He is attending Ceòlas for the first time. He talks about the quality of the instruction in his chosen subjects, and assesses the value of the school for learners of Gaelic.0
7542558952012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1034 6:553Agallamh: Seòna NicDhòmhnaillDigitisation project national structure and local management. Shona Macdonald, Lochboisdale manager of the Tobar an Dualchais digitisation project explains the main aims of the project and how it is structured nationally, and outlines a diversification strategy for the local centre once the first project is complete.0
70528311172012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 620 4:123Agallamh: Seumas DòmhnallachFurniture restoration and recycling. Seumas Macdonald is the Craftsman/Trainer at the Re-Store project in Bornais, South Uist. He talks about the work and training they do, and the value of the project to the trainees, himself, and the community.0
71927331032012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1674 7:343Agallamh: Seumas MacIllÈidichLyric writing and interpretation. James McLetchie talks about what prompted him to write the words to the song “Na seann daoine”. He explains the references to local people and family members, talks about the importance of social customs and the physical environment in Uist, and reflects on how things have changed in his local community.0
8840132422852020-09-212020-09-21BY-SA66372937GaeilgeB2 312Aindí na hArdteiste0
224022433182014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 15622Áine Ní Ghlinn ag léamh an dáin 'Éalú'0
224153651522014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 64922Áine Ní Ghlinn ag léamh an dáin 'Pictiúr' agus ag caint faoi na dánta 'Éalú' agus 'Pictiúr'0
42861087682016-04-292016-04-29BY-SAelsagiEnglishB2 1902 9:2444AIR POLLUTIONIn this video Paul Andersen explains how air pollution is any chemicals in the atmosphere that negatively affect human health. Primary pollutants (like CO, VOCs, NOx, SO2, PM, and Lead) as well as secondary pollutants (like Ozone, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid) are included. Regulation of air pollution and technology can mediate the health threat.0
3007112972015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 98 1:37Al banc0
2648137962015-03-172015-03-17BY-SAdpmespCatalàB2 982Al banc0
3011123462015-06-04BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 1 2:06Al restaurant0
30191148142015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 99 1:35Al supermercat0
887296441062020-10-142020-10-14BY-SA66372937GaeilgeB2 818Alan Titley: An Scíthléitheoireacht0
814134812012-10-25BY-SAfredEnglishB2 2337Alberto Cairo: There are no scraps of menAlberto Cairo's clinics in Afghanistan used to close down during active fighting. Now, they stay open. In this powerful talk, Cairo tells the moving story of why -- and how he found humanity and dignity in the midst of war.0
130478702013-08-232013-08-23BY-SAleoEnglishB2 3591AlentejoThis video will show you Alentejo, a south Portugal region.0
3201354682012-05-132012-05-13BY-SAgunspouseEnglishB2 2651Alfred Nobel0
317186662012-05-13BY-SAaysu81EnglishB2 2652Alfred Nobel0
343109932012-05-202012-05-20BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 2592Alfred Nobel010
344108232012-05-202012-05-20BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 2592Alfred Nobel020
31891419302015-10-122015-11-15BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 3902Altersarmut in DeutschlandAltersarmut in Deutschland0
77124151482012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 578 7:013Am PàipearThe community newspaper of the Uists. The Am Pàipear community newspaper serves, principally, the Uist communities. The film shows how a story is collected and reproduced, and some of the related initiatives associated with Am Pàipear.0
671128002012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 486 7:013Am Pàipear Community NewspaperThe community newspaper of the Uists. The Am Pàipear community newspaper serves, principally, the Uist communities. The film shows how a story is collected and reproduced, and some of the related initiatives associated with Am Pàipear.0
4215859212016-04-262016-04-26BY-SAreadineuropeEnglishB2 1271Ammaniti - I'm not scared0
98825842832013-01-302013-01-30BY-SAniallclilstoreGaeilgeB2 1602An Cainteoir DúchaisDán le Gearóid Mac Lochlainn.0
8796306642020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 211613:20An Cearrbhach Mac CábaIs scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
19371463212014-04-282014-04-28BY-SADúchGaeilgeB2 591An Comórtas EoraifíseAgallamh raidió ina bpléitear Éire agus an Comórtas Eoraifíse.0
8804263242020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 287017:30An Dá Chathal (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
1480142842013-10-252013-10-25BY-SAfredEnglishB2 25051an efvet test0
239015102882014-11-252021-01-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 401 2:3611An Ghaeilge sa tSochaíTuairimí áirithe á léiriú faoin Ghaeilge sa tSochaí0
1218281962024-11-142024-11-14BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 437An Ghaeltacht agus an Ghaeilge0
3919490182016-04-072016-04-07BY-SAsusaEnglishB2 1214 8:1811An internet without screens might look like thisDesigner Tom Uglow is creating a future in which humanity's love for natural solutions and simple tools can coexist with our need for information and the devices that provide us with it. "Reality is richer than screens," he says. "We can have a happy place filled with the information we love that feels as natural as switching on lightbulb."0
2914615112015-05-222015-05-31BY-SAJoseBEnglishB2 11541An introduction to thermographyInfrared thermography, thermal imaging, and thermal video are examples of infrared imaging science. Thermographic cameras detect radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (roughly 900–14,000 nanometer or 0,9–14 µm) and produce images of that radiation, called thermograms. Since infrared radiation is emitted by all objects with a temperature above absolute zero according to the black body radiation law, thermography makes it possible to see one's environment with or without visible illumination. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature; therefore, thermography allows one to see variations in temperature. When viewed through a thermal imaging camera, warm objects stand out well against cooler backgrounds; humans and other warm-blooded animals become easily visible against the environment, day or night. As a result, thermography is particularly useful to the military and other users of surveillance cameras (taken from Wikipedia)0
238616965222014-11-182021-01-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 292 1:4711An Modh Coinníollach0
12174761322024-11-072024-11-07BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 509An Taisteal0
554260312017-04-302017-04-30BY-NC-SApauavinyoEnglishB2 545 4:2531Ancient and Modern Olympics0
538078642017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAchipschivaEnglishB2 422Ancient Greek architectureIn this lesson the student will learn the necessary terms to analyze Greek architecture. It is an activity about learning of specific vocabulary of ancient Greek architecture in English.0
1210101022013-07-152013-07-15BY-SAfredEuskaraB2 108 1:25Ane Gracia Márquez0
397483172016-04-11BY-SAjobaimuEnglishB2 806Animation basics0
88417415172020-09-222020-09-22BY-SA66372937GaeilgeB2 516Anna Ní Ghallachair0
73964232022019-03-072020-02-29BY-SAtrui.persynEnglishB2 400Anywhere anytime0
278314223862015-04-222016-04-13BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 335 1:58Aodán Ó Cearbhaill in AlbainAodán Ó Cearbhaill ag caint ar thréimhse a chaith sé in Albain.0
316524491002015-09-092015-09-09BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 1424 8:262Aon Fheasgar - le Pòl MacAonghais0
1083429202022-09-012024-11-14BYcarsipeEnglishB2 812APSI U1: Scientific article0
121714012024-11-042024-11-14BYcarsipeEnglishB2 578APSI U5: scientific article0
118317861292013-07-012013-07-01BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 680 5:43Arab Idol 1 - الأداء - محمد عساف - على الكوفية0
118416741622013-07-012013-07-02BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 132Arab Idol 2 ماذا قال محمد عساف في أول لقاء له في 0
15361766232013-12-092013-12-23BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 29 3:012Arabs got Talent - يا طيورAn American woman’s unique path from Disneyland to ‘Arabs Got Talent’ finalist0
15371756182013-12-092013-12-09BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 211 5:102Arabs got Talent بعيد عنك لأم كلثوم An American woman’s unique path from Disneyland to ‘Arabs Got Talent’ finalist0
15121020762013-11-162020-12-30BY-SAagimenoEnglishB2 952 6:2521Arthur Benjamin: The magic of Fibonacci numbersThis video is particularly useful to learn about the concept of Fibonacci numbers.4
12084271102024-08-062024-08-09BYblancoeEnglishB2 57985Artificial reefs built through 3D printing.0
998861112013-02-01BY-SAfrancescacItalianoB2 3362Ascolta le 8 notizie!0
306450852015-07-302015-11-12BY-SAfredEnglishB2 438 3:11AsthmaMore than 20 million Americans suffer from the condition known as asthma. But what exactly is this disease?0
2932226062015-05-262015-05-26BY-SAserkanalgulEnglishB2 48625:081Atatürk Early life0
26361155372015-03-112021-01-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 402 2:10Athbhrandáil TG40
485478422017-03-202017-04-07BY-SAmadelgonEnglishB2 40 6:1823Atmosphere-ocean interactionsThis unit is contextualized in the subject of earth sciences for high school students. The objectives of this unit are: - Understanding the functioning of the hydrosphere as a thermal regulator. - Determine the influence of ocean circulation on climate. - Explanation of the relationship between ocean currents and phenomenons such as "El Niño". - Association of ocean currents with the circulation of winds and climate.0
598471102017-09-04BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 1931AtomenergieAtommüll und die Probleme mit der Entsorgung0
499377782017-04-032017-04-13BY-SAclasefqEnglishB2 457 5:281Atomic Structure of Matter0
347456462016-01-30BY-SAadeleEnglishB2 265614:05Auke Ijspeert: A robot that runs and swims like a salamanderRoboticist Auke Ijspeert designs biorobots, machines modeled after real animals that are capable of handling complex terrain and would appear at home in the pages of a sci-fi novel. The process of creating these robots leads to better automata that can be used for fieldwork, service, and search and rescue. But these robots don't just mimic the natural world — they help us understand our own biology better, unlocking previously unknown secrets of the spinal cord.0
11621078112013-05-21BY-SAcelebEnglishB2 2121Australia needs skilled workersSkilled worker shortages, women working in mines.0
6710827132018-04-242019-04-22BY-SArauniemeCatalàB2 1075Avaluació final0
3495519182016-02-102016-02-11BY-SARitaG12EnglishB2 1134 9:102Avi Reichental: What’s next in 3D printing?Avi Reichental is the CEO of 3D Systems and now, he's thinking about the idea of a 3D printer in every house. It's coming and we should think about what our lives will be like when we can design everything in our lives, and then make it. In 1983 Chuck Hull invented 3D printing and now it is going to connect us with our heritage and usher us in a new era which is based on digital manufacturing. 3D printing is changing our lives; it personalizes medical devices that help people to feel more comfortable. G.E is using 3D printing to make the next generation engine and Planetary Resources is going to put out its first space probe that is a fraction of a NASA spaceship. 3D printing also helped Google to develop new block phone which will be customized to everyone’s needs. He thinks that one day we will be able to print food and add flavour to it. It is putting the opportunity of tomorrow's technology in the hands of youngsters that will create endless abundance of job opportunities.0
3318129012015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAdobrova43aEnglishB2 307 2:371AVSENIK QUINTETT0
354955432016-02-212016-02-22BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 721 4:371Aziz Abu Sarah: For more tolerance, we need more ... tourism?Aziz Abu Sarah is a Palestinian activist with an unusual approach to peace-keeping: Be a tourist. The TED Fellow shows how simple interactions with people in different cultures can erode decades of hate. He starts with Palestinians visiting Israelis and moves beyond ...0
524535542017-04-202017-04-20BY-SAPerrycEnglishB2 3921Back injuries in the workplaceSome back problems related to carrying and lifting in the workplace0
9659198312021-08-302021-08-30BY-SAMalgorzata Sz.EnglishB2 12411Back to school: school starts, fun stops?(Education) a twelve-month period, (in Britain) usually starting in late summer and continuing for three terms until the following summer, during which pupils remain in the same class 2. (Education) the time during this period when the school is open1
375238762012-06-062012-06-06BY-SAPadruigMGàidhligB2 307Baigh ris a’ Ghàidhlig 0
7875278142019-10-232020-04-30BY-SAcecilia.cutroneItalianoB2 61712Banca e mutuo (LSSEV)0
288369472015-05-162015-05-20BY-SAmdeselvaEnglishB2 1098 7:011Banking Money CreationThis video explains how banks can create money and the risk of banking crash0
879517302020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 911 5:54Banríon an UaignisIs scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
1007410602021-12-142021-12-14BYruili0205EspañolB2 1 1:15Barcelona inaugura la nueva torre de La Sagrada Familia dedicada a la Virgen María0
7957523672019-11-142019-12-09BY-SAgiuseppelicEnglishB2 93032Barocco: Bernini VS Borromini.0
25206611622015-02-172015-03-19BY-SAcgalliqueEnglishB2 271 5:16Baron d'Holbach : why does the nature exist ?0
1053513452022-06-262022-07-03BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 525 5:05Barra Rant0
526637012017-04-212017-04-21BY-NC-SApauavinyoEnglishB2 47 2:1811Basic Jumps0
525243532017-04-202017-05-03BY-NC-NDfuenmaicasEnglishB2 296 7:1532BASIC LIFE SUPPORT TECHNIQUES: 2 RESCUERS CPR (1H SESSION)Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the set of manoeuvres aimed at reversing a state of cardiorespiratory arrest or supplementing the interrupted functions while awaiting the arrival of equipped professional health-takers. The Life Support is the set of actions that must be carried out in a situation of cardiorespiratory arrest. This unit is aimed at health vocational training students, and it is performed as a part of the school curriculum, in accordance with the Decree 1397/2007, of Vocational Training in Health Sciences (DOCV No. 282, date 24.11.2007). In particular, the unit is included in the content block called "CARDIAC ARREST", as a part of the first section called "APPLICATION OF BASIC AND ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT TECHNIQUES". It is related to more general content worked in previous units: emergency situations, chain of survival, vitals recognition, circulatory system, cardiac arrest.0
525748442017-04-202017-05-03BY-NC-NDfuenmaicasEnglishB2 296 7:1543BASIC LIFE SUPPORT TECHNIQUES: 2 RESCUERS CPR (2H MODULE)Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the set of manoeuvres aimed at reversing a state of cardiorespiratory arrest or supplementing the interrupted functions while awaiting the arrival of equipped professional health-takers. The Life Support is the set of actions that must be carried out in a situation of cardiorespiratory arrest. This unit is aimed at health vocational training students, and it is performed as a part of the school curriculum, in accordance with the Decree 1397/2007, of Vocational Training in Health Sciences (DOCV No. 282, date 24.11.2007). In particular, the unit is included in the content block called "CARDIAC ARREST", as a part of the first section called "APPLICATION OF BASIC AND ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT TECHNIQUES". It is related to more general content worked in previous units: emergency situations, chain of survival, vitals recognition, circulatory system, cardiac arrest.0
6202942422017-11-302017-11-30BY-SAsbalaguerrEnglishB2 133518:594Basics on hydraulics and pneumatics controls.- Solve simple pneumatics and hydraulics problems using simple and specific software. - Use the vocabulary ,regarding pneumatics and hydraulics controls in problem solving with an increasing level of accuracy.0
2450168417852015-01-232015-02-24BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 51513Béaloideas agus OidhreachtAgallamh idir Conal Mac Seáin agus Niall Comer faoin bhéaloideas0
880513962020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 5343Bean an Fhíodóra (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
1053413512022-06-262022-06-26BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 418 4:391Beatha a' chroiteir1
354449152016-02-21BY-SARitaG12EnglishB2 966 6:113Bel Pesce 5 ways to kill your dreamsAll of us want to invent that game-changing product, launch that successful company, write that best-selling book. And yet so few of us actually do it. TED Fellow and Brazilian entrepreneur Bel Pesce breaks down five easy-to-believe myths that ensure your dream projects will never come to fruition.0
7464561802019-04-16BY-SAluigormiCatalàB2 456Beneficis i llindar de rendibilitat0
8721022192012-12-04BY-SAcelebEnglishB2 6112Biomass / Ethanol / Biodiesel Webquestwebquest for mechanics about Biomass / Ethanol / Biodiesel Webquest0
9275678242021-03-152021-03-15BYjustkaEnglishB2 382Biomimicry: copying nature. Reading0
340331031382015-12-202016-01-20BY-SAcarmulaEnglishB2 80842BiotechnologyBiotechnology unit. Fourth grade of ESO. Institut de Tremp.0
989914342021-10-302021-10-30BY-SAFrancesca_MIEBEnglishB2 272Biotic and abiotic factors0
18462650532014-04-022014-04-02BY-SAfredEnglishB2 201910:204Bitcoin. Sweat. Tide. Meet the future of branded currencyCurrency — the bills and coins you carry in your wallet and in your bank account — is founded on marketing, on the belief that banks and governments are trustworthy. Now, Paul Kemp-Robertson walks us through a new generation of currency, supported by that same marketing … but on behalf of a private brand. From Nike Sweat Points to bottles of Tide (which are finding an unexpected use in illegal markets), meet the non-bank future of currencies.0
2672495112015-03-23BY-SAMarisa BrunettiEnglishB2 1Bittersweet symphony0
3465697202016-01-222016-01-22BY-SAcannovagEnglishB2 168 2:0041Black smokers: a special ecosystemThe movie shows a particular marine ecosystem that is located at great depths and in which coexist several species interdependent of each other.0
657543842018-03-172018-03-31BY-SALleEnglishB2 9 8:2111Bladder infectionAn introduction to understand the purpose of urine culture0
838536072020-02-262020-02-26BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 662 2:57Bleaist ón ionad comhairimhSa chlib seo labhraíonn Jack Ó Muircheartaigh ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta lena chomhghleacaí Dara Ó Cinnéide atá ag tuairisciú ó ionad comhairimh don toghchán do Pharlaimint na hEorpa (2014). In this clip, Jack Ó Muircheartaigh from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to his colleague Dara Ó Cinnéide who is reporting from a count centre for the European Parliament Election (2014).0
331345032015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAjereka43EnglishB2 351 3:011Bled0
368253592012-05-302012-05-30BY-SAClaisneachdGàidhligB2 3003Bodach a' Phuill Mhònaidh0
352846862016-02-162016-02-16BY-SAfrancescaEnglishB2 41BOLSENA LAKEBolsena lake geography0
10591141112022-07-262022-07-30BY-SAfredEnglishB2 682 5:583Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of StupidityDietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on dead ears. Bonhoeffer's famous text, which we slightly edited for this video, serves any free society as a warning of what can happen when certain people gain too much power.1
1108987842013-04-082021-12-02BY-SACÓDEnglishB2 692 3:14Boris Johnson gets grilledIn this interview screened on the BBC on 24 March 2013, Eddie Mair probes the Tory Boris Johnson about matters which were due to be aired in a forthcoming documentary about Johnson's political career, which also deals with speculation about Johnson's desire to lead the British Conservative Party.1
8294440942020-02-102020-02-10BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1131 4:43Borradh faoi mhargadh na dtithe i nDún na nGallSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Churreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an cheantálaí Éamonn Mac Giolla Bhríde faoin bhorradh atá faoi mhargadh na dtithe i nDún na nGall. In this clip, Áine Ní Churreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the auctioneer Éamonn Mac Giolla Bhríde about the rising house prices in Donegal.0
4126245982016-04-222016-04-22BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 181 4:521Bothan Àirigh am Bràigh Raithneach0
72827252162019-01-222019-02-18BY-SAlcapEnglishB2 38042Brexit - What's happening and why???0
1969906162014-05-082014-09-10BY-SAfredEnglishB2 278917:5412Bring on the learning revolution!0
104401581482022-05-012022-05-01BY-SAMonika25EnglishB2 1019Business Studies - Exam0
532546312017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAmguimeransEnglishB2 31533Calculating time dilation and lenght contraction0
6500459192018-02-162018-02-16BY-SAmwriekeEnglishB2 649 4:581CALL - cats are weird?CALL course; week 2. All cat lovers will enjoy a short TED talk about weird things cats do, and pick up some vocabulary that goes beyond describing your furry friend.0
4754723182017-02-16BY-NCNienkeEikensNederlandsB2 277119:241CALL 2017Sir Ken Robinson pleit vermakelijk en zeer bewogen voor een onderwijssysteem dat creativiteit koestert in plaats van ondermijnt.0
830418372020-02-132020-02-13BY-SAMayCallEnglishB2 651 5:451CALL week 2Beginning around 1377, medieval England was shaken by a power struggle between two noble families, which spanned generations and involved a massive cast of characters, complex motives and shifting loyalties. Sound familiar? Alex Gendler illustrates how the historical conflict known as the Wars of the Roses served as the basis for much of the drama in Game of Thrones. [Directed by Brett Underhill, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by WORKPLAYWORK and Cem Misirlioglu].0
10411095102013-02-24BY-SAMDJEspañolB2 1161CALLA Course exercise 'TOOLS for enhanced web-based input'Cesar Kuriyama tells us his way of beating the effects of the course of time on his memory. The method he uses is to record one second of every day of his life.0
381952092016-03-292016-03-29BY-SAdmeg1EnglishB2 56520:001Can we diet against Cancer?0
87933021452020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1434 8:43Caoilte Mac Crannchair (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
3011370162012-04-212018-04-06BY-SAcelebEnglishB2 205 2:431car diagnostics-Troubleshooting for dummies0
774015523162019-09-182021-05-02BY-NC-NDpizzoccherialeItalianoB2 92958Caravaggio-(LSSEV)0
741328702019-03-28BY-SAbelaya68EnglishB2 763CAREER OPTIONSThere are some different career options for network engineers. Here are we go!0
30616161432015-07-082015-07-08BY-SAjanItalianoB2 888Casa DomoticaArticolo Wikipedia: Introduzione alla Domotica0
377164652016-03-252016-03-25BY-SAtinocasalsEnglishB2 28722Categorical and quantitative variablesLesson about the differences between categorical and quantitative variables, explained by means of an example.0
8800164192020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1333 8:44Ceamach na Luatha (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
3795162072016-03-272016-03-27BY-SA44802790EnglishB2 485 3:4521Cell structure and functionUnderstand the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells0
86098202012-11-072012-12-05BY-SAolitaEnglishB2 5202Ceolas Administrator InterviewMary Ellen Stewart is the administrator of the summer school. She describes the tasks that need to be done leading up to and during the week.0
87681212012-12-06BY-SAannaEnglishB2 5583Ceolas Student InterviewDale Cummings is an American student who has regularly attended the school over many years. He talks about the quality of the instruction and the curriculum, and describes its personal impact upon himself.0
78026261482019-10-012021-08-12BY-SAgiuseppelicEnglishB2 605 5:4933Cezanne and the stereometric perception1
2122119382014-06-09BY-SA1808125EnglishB2 416 2:44Characters Lord of the Flies0
3211200502012-05-132014-04-19BY-SAmpgEnglishB2 27410:401Charles Chaplin0
319148832012-05-132014-04-19BY-SAlogosuzEnglishB2 272 4:452Charles Chaplin0
3412709232012-05-202012-05-20BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 2722Charles Chaplin010
342100202012-05-20BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 2722Charles Chaplin020
322110192012-05-132012-05-13BY-SAaugur37EnglishB2 2722CharlesChaplin0
1128313942023-02-052023-02-16BY-SAAnjaSchroedelEnglishB2 2511Checklist0
3451415262016-01-20BY-SASMBerdaxagarEnglishB2 161ChernobylThese are notes taken from Headway Pre Intermediate0
43841829222016-05-062016-05-06BYchiaravignolaEnglishB2 4582Child obesity0
388950152016-04-03BY-SA44859569EnglishB2 303417:20Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce"Tipping Point" author Malcolm Gladwell gets inside the food industry's pursuit of the perfect spaghetti sauce — and makes a larger argument about the nature of choice and happiness.0
724631112018-12-04BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 489Christmas TruceGame of Truce commemorates WW1 football match0
8297151102020-02-122020-02-12BY-SAMatskevichEnglishB2 940Circuit Protection Devices0
472449112017-01-312017-01-31BY-SA1604EnglishB2 515Civil Justice in England and Wales0
293586872015-05-262015-05-29BY-SACurlyEnglishB2 1127 3:1763Claddagh0
924110402021-03-01BY-NCMVCEnglishB2 12431Class of March 2nd1
546639202017-04-252017-05-10BY-NC-SAlplaEnglishB2 12012:1011Classification of living beings (LESSON 1)Introduction to the classification of living beings0
548037012017-04-252017-04-25BY-NC-SAlplaEnglishB2 78 3:552Classification of living beings (LESSON 2)CARL LINNAEUS BIOGRAPHY0
700272422018-07-312018-08-03BY-SAilennaEnglishB2 23389Clean Water0
977815072021-10-162021-10-16BY-SADanaPaukovaEnglishB2 756CLIL0
13051314312013-08-232013-08-23BY-SAnorinaEnglishB2 4381clil FOOD2_crosswordsA simple crossword to learn and practice food and nutrition vocabulary0
359199212016-02-242016-02-24BY-SAjanEnglishB2 13CLIL QuizzesQuizzes testing understanding of Modules of CLIL4U main course0
302520745982015-06-262015-06-29BY-SAfredEnglishB2 4045Clil4U Teacher Course Module 1 - What is CLIL?This course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
303311581122015-06-262016-04-04BY-SAfredEnglishB2 2495Clil4U Teacher Course Module 10 – Sample CLIL LessonsThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
302433532322015-06-262015-06-26BY-SAfredEnglishB2 1333Clil4U Teacher Course Module 2 – The 5 CsThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
302610392532015-06-262015-06-26BY-SAfredEnglishB2 2473Clil4U Teacher Course Module 3 – CognitionThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
30273392342015-06-262015-06-26BY-SAfredEnglishB2 5036Clil4U Teacher Course Module 4 – CompetenceThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
302810022442015-06-262015-06-26BY-SAfredEnglishB2 5553Clil4U Teacher Course Module 5 – CommunicationThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
3029805392015-06-262015-06-26BY-SAfredEnglishB2 5803Clil4U Teacher Course Module 6 – CommunityThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
303023791662015-06-262015-06-29BY-SAfredEnglishB2 6833Clil4U Teacher Course Module 7 – MultimodalityThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
30317442412015-06-262015-06-29BY-SAfredEnglishB2 10794Clil4U Teacher Course Module 8 – CLIL in the ClassroomThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
30327372262015-06-262015-06-26BY-SAfredEnglishB2 4633Clil4U Teacher Course Module 9 – EvaluationThis course is designed to help CLIL teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. During this course you will be asked to: Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR). Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers1
26371339172015-03-112021-01-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 633 5:02Club Óige Rann na Feirste Sa scannán gairid seo labhraíonn Brídanna Ní Bhaoill le Caoimhín Ó Dónaill ó Ollscoil Uladh faoin Chlub Óige atá lonnaithe in Áislann Rann na Feirste agus faoi Choláiste Bhríde Rann na Feirste. I gcuideachta Bhrídanna tá beirt bhall den Chlub Óige, Darragh Ó Dochartaigh agus Shauna Ní Dhochartaigh.0
114119261402013-05-032013-05-03BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1600 5:293Club Óige Rann na FeirsteSa mhír seo labhraíonn Brídanna Ní Bhaoill ó Rann na Feirste le Caoimhín Ó Dónaill ó Ollscoil Uladh faoi Chlub Óige Rann na Feirste agus faoi Choláiste Bhríde Rann na Feirste. Déanann sí cur síos ar imeachtaí an Chlub agus faoi thábhacht na gColáistí Samhraidh do phobal na Gaeltachta.0
79481435262019-11-142019-12-11BY-SACalumRosach1996GàidhligB2 377018:11CM 1 - Leaving Barra and heading for AustraliaCalum's background, sloinneadh, growing up on Barra, learning English, leaving Barra, sailing, traveling the world (Australia)0
7949140542019-11-142019-12-11BY-SACalumRosach1996GàidhligB2 342217:14CM 2 - New Zealand, Samoa, Fiji, PanamaLeaving Austalia for New Zealand, Samoa, Fiji, Panama & Boston0
7950139902019-11-142019-12-11BY-SACalumRosach1996GàidhligB2 404019:44CM 3 - Meeting Islanders All Over the WorldLondon, meeting Islanders all over the world, back to Barra, working as a salesman, Scotland, working as a fireman on CalMac, humorous stories, Vancouver & the trade unions.0
7951135502019-11-142019-12-11BY-SACalumRosach1996GàidhligB2 391320:00CM 4 - Stories about WorkMore work stories, death of a friend at work, back to Scotland, winning £700 in bets and spending it all, to Ontario, marrying, still working at time of recording as salesman.0
7952139142019-11-142019-12-11BY-SACalumRosach1996GàidhligB2 324116:51CM 5 - Humorous StoriesMacNeil Gathering in Cape Breton, salesman stories, humorous stories, shearing, living in Selkirk ON, Gaelic community in Toronto and Comunn Ghàidhlig Thoronto, in trouble with the law, keeping up the Gaelic.0
901324592020-11-242020-11-24BY-SAmaster dlaEspañolB2 226710:42Cómo aprender una lengua y contribuir a la sociedad | Luis von Ahn0
6267234102018-01-102021-01-12BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 2608Comóradh ar láthair Chath Chionn tSáileSan agallamh seo a craoladh ar Raidió na Gaeltachta labhraíonn an láithreoir Helen Ní Shé leis an Athair Tomás Ó Murchú faoin chomóradh a rinne sé ar Chath Chionn tSáile agus faoina mhian go ndéanfaí beart diongbhailte chun láthair cheart oidhreachta a dhéanamh de láthair Chath Chionn tSáile. In this interview that was broadcast on Raidió na Gaeltachta the presenter Helen Ní Shé speaks to Father Tomás Ó Murchú about his recent commemoration of the Battle of Kinsale and about his desire that a concerted effort be made to develop a proper heritage site at the location of the Battle of Kinsale.0
534535802017-04-232017-04-24BY-SAELENA99EnglishB2 123COMPARE AND LEARNStudents will do a project. They will work in group (3-4 people group). In the first lesson I will describe the basis of the project and I will name previous concepts.0
30061170122015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 112 1:32Comprar ordinador0
11202225832022-11-132022-11-13BY-SADanaPaukovaEnglishB2 931Compton's effect, De Broglie's wawe0
54414274332017-04-252017-04-26BY-SADianaBriEnglishB2 59532Computer Networks: ClassificationThis learning unit deals with the different types of classifying networks.0
51522478182017-04-172017-04-26BY-NC-NDDianaBriEnglishB2 34722Computer Networks: Uses, Drawbacks and TypesIn this unit you can learn what a computer network is, which advantages and drawbacks they present, and the main types of networks.0
879722702020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1034 6:37Conn Mac an Fhíodóra (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
1565900132013-12-302013-12-30BY-SAcrisnavarroEspañolB2 63 5:131Conocer gente en InternetConsejos y aplicaciones para concer gente a través de Internet.0
531778742017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAmguimeransEnglishB2 60223Consequences of the Theory of the Special RelativityUnit where the consequences of the Theory of Special Relativity (time dilation and length contraction) are introduced to the students.0
8331306212020-02-152020-02-16BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 278213:26Conspóid faoi athnuachan Bhaile an ChraoslaighSa mhír seo, labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an Aire Stáit i Roinn na Gaeltachta, Donnchadh Mac Fhionnlaoich faoi chonspóid a bhain le hobair athnuachana a rinneadh ar bhaile An Chraoslaigh i nDún na nGall, agus faoi na hiarrachtaí a rinneadh cás cúirte a sheachaint. Pléitear ann fosta gníomhaíocht teanga Mhic Fhionnlaoich agus é ina fhear óg. In this clip, Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Donnchadh Mac Fhionnlaoich, Minister of State in the Department of the Gaeltacht, about the controversial improvement works carried out in Creeslough, Co. Donegal, and about the measures taken to avoid a court case. Also discussed is McGinley's language activism when he was a young man.0
8255320242020-02-052020-02-07BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 833 3:32Conspóid i bPáirc Náisiúnta Ghleann BheathaSa mhír seo labhraíonn Michelle Nic Grianna ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an chomhairleoir contae Micheál Cholm Mac Giolla Easpaig faoi phlean atá beartaithe ag bainistíocht Pháirc Náisiúnta Ghleann Bheatha príobháidiú a dhéanamh ar an tseirbhís bus a iompraíonn daoine idir an ionad cuairteoirí agus an caisleán. In this clip, Michelle Nic Grianna from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the county councillor Micheál Cholm Mac Giolla Easpaig about the management of Glenveagh National Park's plan to privatise the bus service that shuttles people between the visitor centre and the castle.0
840427712020-03-062020-07-09BY-SAsodisarEspañolB2 561COOL - BookPresentación de un producto innovador en el mercado tecnológico: BOOK, es decir un libro. Con un poco de ironía y mucho ingenio nos muestra sus ventajas frente a los soportes digitales.1
8116398202020-01-192020-07-09BY-NC-NDsodisarEspañolB2 283 3:22COOL - Canción MediterráneoLa canción preferida de los españoles, según el concurso de Televisión Española "Nuestra mejor canción" y según la revista Rolling Stone.0
8122289142020-01-202020-07-09BY-NC-NDsodisarEspañolB2 36 8:341COOL - Conocer gente en InternetMonólogo cómico sobre la otra cara de conocer gente en Internet.0
81683861112020-01-212020-07-09BY-SAsodisarEspañolB2 831 5:1931COOL - El grafeno: ¿el material del futuro?Descripción de los usos del grafeno. Divulgación científica.0
80464871522019-12-052024-12-09BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishB2 7446COOL - Haunted Houses in Malta A1
817133062020-01-212020-07-09BY-SAsodisarEspañolB2 352 5:012COOL - Obsolescencia programadaVídeo que explica el fenómeno de la obsolescencia programada. Un segundo vídeo, en clave de ironía, nos presenta un dispositivo revolucionario: el Book.0
826525002020-02-062020-07-09BY-SAsodisarEspañolB2 521COOL - Preguntas sobre vídeo El GrafenoEjercicio de comprensión sobre el vídeo del grafeno.0
8161274122020-01-212020-07-09BY-SAsodisarEspañolB2 1155 8:341COOL - Transcripción vídeo Conocer gente en InternetTranscripción del vídeo en la unidad COOL - Conocer gente en Internet0
826620632020-02-062020-07-09BY-SAsodisarEspañolB2 889 5:181COOL - Transcripción vídeo El GrafenoTranscripción del vídeo sobre el grafeno0
84032071272020-03-062020-07-09BY-SAsodisarEspañolB2 8921COOL - Transcripción vídeo Obsolescencia ProgramadaVídeo que explica el fenómeno de la obsolescencia programa. Un segundo vídeo, en clave de ironía, nos presenta un dispositivo revolucionario: el Book.0
8199432492020-01-282022-03-23BY-NC-NDfredDanskB2 570 3:033COOL - Vejledning til risikovurdering ved elarbejde under spænding.Vejledning til risikovurdering ved elarbejde under spænding. Udarbejdet af Sikkerhedsstyrelsen og TEKNIQ i samarbejde med Dansk Elforbund.3
3776776222016-03-262016-04-22BY-SAEmmaMMEnglishB2 5272COORDINATE PLANE AND PLOTTING POINTStudents learn the different elements of a coordinate plane, new vocabulary and grammar related with the lesson and do exercises.0
2469541612015-02-042015-03-19BY-SAcgalliqueEnglishB2 256 4:55Could prove the existence of God ? Hume's objections0
895318112020-10-292020-10-30BY-SAPetraEnglishB2 55882Create your own tribe0
564167382017-05-052017-05-22BY-SASoleilEnglishB2 57113Cross-cultural Communication for BusinessIntercultural communication is a discipline that studies communication across different cultures and social groups, or how culture affects communication. In this Unit we will look at some tips for doing business abroad. It includes a video and some links to a web page -investopedia. There is also a list of suitable vocabulary to be looked up using Multidict.0
114219182162013-05-032013-05-03BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 2027 9:591Cuairt Ghaelach - Beinn na Faoghla go Rann na FeirsteRinneadh an scannán seo le linn cuairte a thug scaifte ó Bheinn na Faoghla in Oileáin Siar na hAlban ar Rann na Feirste. Ba í aidhm na cuairte na deis a thabhairt do mhuintir na hAlban saineolas a roinnt le pobal Rann na Feirste faoin tionscadal Guthan nan Eilean. Is mar iarracht ar aithris a dhéanamh ar dhea-obair Ghuthan nan Eilean a rinneadh an scannánaíocht seo.0
113628582232013-04-302020-01-04BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 1331 9:593Cuairt Ghàidhealach: Beinn na Faoghla gu Rann na FeirsteThe Scottish Island Voices Project (Guthan nan Eilean) visits Ireland. This documentary has a Scottish Gaelic commentary. You can also hear some Irish Gaelic conversation with dual language (Irish and Scottish Gaelic) subtitles.0
12151103412024-10-162024-10-16BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 353Cumann Lúthchleas Gael0
93511841222021-05-072021-05-10BY-SAsimmieTürkçeB2 411Cumhuriyet Bayramı0
121671001082024-10-252024-10-25BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 479Cúrsaí ceoil0
1219476852024-11-212024-11-21BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 437Cúrsaí Cultúir0
22918031182012-02-052013-05-16BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 570 3:311Cúrsaí Léinn - An Mac Léinn sa Tríú Bliain0
121391071332024-10-082024-10-08BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 389Cúrsaí Reatha0
370044232016-03-192016-03-19BY-SAbatomiEnglishB2 237819:02Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fishChef Dan Barber squares off with a dilemma facing many chefs today: how to keep fish on the menu. With impeccable research and deadpan humor, he chronicles his pursuit of a sustainable fish he could love, and the foodie's honeymoon he's enjoyed since discovering an outrageously delicious fish raised using a revolutionary farming method in Spain.0
8303175162020-02-132020-02-13BY-SAdeniiseerEnglishB2 876 6:39Daniel Bögre Udell: How to save a language form extinctionA brief explanation on why languages go extinct, and how these languages could be revitalized.0
3548129882016-02-212016-02-22BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 1065 6:201Danit Peleg: Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothesDownloadable, printable clothing may be coming to a closet near you. What started as designer Danit Peleg's fashion school project turned into a collection of 3D-printed designs that have the strength and flexibility for everyday wear. "Fashion is a very physical thing," she says. "I wonder what our world will look like when our clothes will be digital."0
11211094122013-04-23BY-SAS1monaDLietuviųB2 255 3:453Darbo paieškaJaunas žmogus ieško darbo. Susitinka draugę, kuri jam padeda ieškoti darbo pagal skelbimus. Vaikinas nuėjęs į pokalbį, pasako savo arguemntus, kodėl tinka tam darbui, atsakęs į darbdavio klausimus, darbą gauna.0
794021502019-11-112019-11-11BY-SADenGEnglishB2 2141Dark AgesIntroduction to Dark Ages.0
3476274832016-02-05BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 4703Das Vorstellungsgespräch - die häufigsten Fragen1
122201702024-12-16BY-SAkbondarEnglishB2 321Database - Practice0
12219521112024-12-132024-12-16BY-SAkbondarEnglishB2 3163Database - Practice0
16515482062011-12-192014-04-19BY-SAfredFrançaisB2 356 1:511Découvrez la Tour Eiffel0
346445192016-01-222016-01-22BY-SAsilviacolEnglishB2 141Delphi0
3010119662015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 112 1:25Demanant una adreça0
834029312020-02-172020-02-17BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1028 4:42Deontais na scoláirí Gaeltachta laghdaitheSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an Aire Stáit Donnchadh Mac Fhionnghaile faoi athruithe a rinneadh ar na deontais a dhíoltar le teaghlaigh Ghaeltachta a choinníonn daltaí, tá an ráta lae íslithe agus tá caidhp de 12 ar líon na ndaltaí. In this clip Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the Minister of State Dinny McGinley about changes made to the grants paid to Gaeltacht families who keep students, the daily rate has been lowered and a cap of 12 students imposed.0
223733302282014-09-042015-05-06BY-SAniceoinmGaeilgeB2 36642Derry O'Sullivan ag caint faoi na dánta 'Marbhghin' agus ' "Buick" mo Mháthar'0
1054595002022-07-012022-07-01BY-SAMałgorzataEnglishB2 22062Des sports intéressants pratiqués en France.0
805437222019-12-072020-01-26BY-SAPRESIDENZAItalianoB2 723 8:3051Destinato ai musicisti: Scarlatti ed altri grandi compositori classici italiani del suo tempo (LSSEV)Pensata per musicisti di altre nazioni che desiderano conoscere di più il repertorio classico italiano ed imparare la nostra lingua, questa unit presenta le composizioni del clavicembalista e compositore Scarlatti, lo confronta con altri compositori della sua epoca ed introduce al vocabolario di base della musica. L'approfondimento è più tecnico.0
77529602672012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 940 5:583Dhan Chamara: Gòrdan WellsPlans and aspirations for future collaborative development of Island Voices project. Gordon Wells, Island Voices co-ordinator, talks about hopes for the future development of the project in collaboration with local community groups, including Cothrom and Am Pàipear, noting the strength of bilingualism in the community, and encouraging interested parties to engage with the project.0
20752640492014-05-182014-05-18BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 940 5:583Dhan Chamara: Gòrdan Wells (tro TeacherTube)Plans and aspirations for future collaborative development of Island Voices project. Gordon Wells, Island Voices co-ordinator, talks about hopes for the future development of the project in collaboration with local community groups, including Cothrom and Am Pàipear, noting the strength of bilingualism in the community, and encouraging interested parties to engage with the project.0
7742435442012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 295 2:043Dhan Chamara: Tormod MacGill-EainLaunching an autobiography. Writer Norman Maclean gives his opinions on the qualities of Am Pàipear, the Uist community newspaper.0
97112481972021-09-232022-01-13BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanJamiekanB2 570 7:023Di nyuuzpiepaThe community newspaper of the Uists. The Am Pàipear community newspaper serves, principally, the Uist communities. The film shows how a story is collected and reproduced, and some of the related initiatives associated with Am Pàipear.0
3041426212012-04-222014-04-19BY-SAcelebEnglishB2 359 4:292Diesel mechanics- Torque Truck Tire Wheels0
379768082016-03-272016-11-14BY-SAmarcasgoEnglishB2 5562Differences between probiotics and probiotics0
4378768352016-05-052017-03-27BY-SAsamblar56EnglishB2 46233Digestive System in HumansDigestive system in Humans. Understand the process of digestion and which organs are involved in this process and what are their functions.0
437742582016-05-052016-05-05BY-SAsamblar56EnglishB2 2311Digestive System in HumansDigestive system in Humans0
98972506472021-10-292022-12-11BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanJamiekanB2 574 7:202Dijitaizieshan SentaShort documentary in Jamaican about the Tobar an Dualchais Digitisation Centre in South Uist.0
8377290612020-02-242020-02-24BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1591 7:40Díol agus Ceannach TitheSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an dlíodóir Antoin Delap faoi gach ar chóir smaoineamh faoi agus teach a dhíol nó a cheannach agat. In this clip, Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the solicitor Antoin Delap about everything you should think about when buying or selling a house.0
667843012018-04-172018-04-20BY-SAIGCLILEnglishB2 1942Discover Rome0
408340602016-04-202016-04-25BY-SACiaYudNezEnglishB2 171 7:1154Discovering Web 2.0This is a multimedia teaching unit developed in order to provide the students an interesting way to discover the Web 2.00
11105679962022-10-092022-10-09BY-NCDanaPaukovaEnglishB2 9201Discovery of electron, charge of electron0
728330022019-01-222019-02-28BY-SABlick2019EnglishB2 69Discussing Brexit0
764920912019-08-092019-08-09BY-SAcudna33EnglishB2 31051Divorce0
2797624332015-04-262015-05-27BY-NC-SACMBGEnglishB2 171 7:5815DNA REPLICATIONLearn the steps of DNA replication, the enzymes involved, and what it means to be a leading or lagging strand! DNA replication is a very intricate and fascinating process that you don't want to miss.0
438539472016-05-072016-05-07BY-SAMosolimaEnglishB2 316219:211Does school kill creativity?Es un vídeo para la práctica del inglés en el aula de un nivel B2 y el objetivo es aprender el pasado simple.0
2924175852015-05-252015-05-25BY-SAOliviaEnglishB2 386445Don Juan TenorioDon Juan Tenorio is one of the most famous Spanish theatre plays in the world. This teaching unit presents general features and extra-material for understanding a little bit better the play and its period. It also allows to review the main character and discuss a current point of view of him.0
678949212018-05-14BY-SAAnaEnglishB2 604 4:531Don't bank on it0
2581538232012-02-222017-06-16BY-SAAnaEnglishB2 604 4:5317Don't bank on it0
1702276072014-03-06BY-SAJIEEnglishB2 185614:121Don't kill your language More and more, English is a global language; speaking it is perceived as a sign of being modern. But — what do we lose when we leave behind our mother tongues? Suzanne Talhouk makes an impassioned case to love your own language, and to cherish what it can express that no other language can0
88013902162020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 612 4:03Dónall Gorm (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
2791072132012-03-172014-04-19BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 399 2:382Dracula0
852193832012-11-062012-11-06BY-SAS1monaDEnglishB2 3761Duties & Responsibilities of a Company Secretary0
1218133802013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschB2 481 3:24EAC-ProjektInterview with a student who is taking part in a three days' project to write a manual for EAC audio software, because such a manual does not yet exist.0
83393031752020-02-162020-02-17BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 757 3:37Easpa scoláirí Gaeilge i nDún na nGallSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an Aire Stáit Donnchadh Mac Fhionnghaile faoin easpa ábhar múinteoirí a bhí ag teacht go Dún na nGall le gairid. Míníonn an tAIre go bhfuil plean beartaithe chun an scéal a fheabhsú. In this clip Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the Minister of State Dinny McGinley about the lack of student teachers who had come to Donegal recently. The minister explains that plans are being made to remedy the situation0
353246702016-02-16BY-SAe.prampoliniItalianoB2 1EC890
2882938462015-05-16BY-SAmdeselvaEnglishB2 449 3:072ECB and the Eurosystem explained in 3 min.It is about the role of the European Central Bank and the instruments it has to maintain economic stability.0
989814932021-10-302021-10-30BY-SAFrancesca_MIEBEnglishB2 352Ecology: terminology0
3302458102015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAssgtmbEnglishB2 246 2:5121ecotourism0
360384572016-03-062016-03-08BY-NCSocarratsEnglishB2 22224Editing a school magazine.Students will be able to create a school magazine in English with articles about topics PROPOSED in class. The news should be searched with Google, the articlescomposed with Google Docs and shared in Google Drive, and the layout of the magazine should be done with the application Scribus.0
360483152016-03-082016-03-13BY-NCSocarratsEnglishB2 22517Effective use of GoogleHow to make effective searches on Google.0
531047512017-04-222017-05-01BY-SAmguimeransEnglishB2 4371Einstein's ideaIn this unit we discuss the introduction of Einstein's article "Of the electrodynamics of a moving body", where he first proposed his theory of special relativity.0
2301858352012-02-052020-02-17BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 290 4:192Éire agus Alba 10
879424802020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 242416:09Éiric Bhuille gan ChosnamhIs scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
1560943192013-12-212014-03-05BY-SAcrisnavarroEspañolB2 821 5:194El grafeno: ¿el material del futuro?Descripción de los usos del grafeno. Divulgación científica.0
6656748102018-04-102018-04-10BY-NC-SAJero83CatalàB2 477 4:5815El mètode científic. 2Descripció senzilla del mètode científic amb la participació de diferents científics i científiques.0
664781262018-04-062018-04-06BY-NC-SAJero83CatalàB2 1 4:3012El mètode científic. IntroduccióVideo il·lustratiu del mètode científic0
349453612016-02-102016-02-21BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 916 5:391eL Seed: Street art with a message of hope and peaceIn 2012, when El Seed painted the minaret of Jara Mosque in his hometown, in the south of Tunisia, he never thought that graffiti would bring so much attention to a city. Learning Arabic was the beggining of messages art. In his works, he write messages with style of calligraffiti -- a mix of calligraphy and graffiti. Writing messages is the essence of his artwork. Most of works are translated, but nowadays they are not. He just don't want the poetry of the calligraphy to be broken,as it's art and you can appreciate it without knowing the meaning, as you can enjoy any music from other countries. Some people see that as a rejection or a closed door, but for Seed, it's more an invitation -- to his language, culture and art. Calligraphist like the way how people react to the paintings. El Seed is proud of himself and culture because he got so much attention from international press all around the world. This artist tries to bring people, future generations, together through Arabic calligraphy.0
7225894332018-12-032018-12-03BY-NC-SAmaster dlaEspañolB2 479El trabajoEscena de la película "Martín Hache" (1997). Una reflexión sobre el paso de la adolescencia a la vida adulta y el papel de la persona dentro de la sociedad. El trabajo y la vida.0
3792434112016-03-272016-04-05BY-SAJUAN MONTAGUDEnglishB2 7816ELECTRICAL AND NUCLEAR ENERGY0
121347522024-10-022024-10-30BY-SAMohagirEnglishB2 1038Electricity0
3855459172016-03-312016-04-25BY-SA169EnglishB2 1282Electricity0
620353402017-12-01BY-SAsbalaguerrEnglishB2 7772Electro-pneumatic circuit for cutting cartons using a die-cutter in an industry0
6722551212018-04-292018-05-06BY-SAofeliaEnglishB2 6735512ElectrochemistryElectrochemistry0
4434497352016-06-242016-11-24BY-SAfredEnglishB2 6511Electrotechnical Part OneYou should have an understanding of: • The effects of electric current on the body • The types of socket outlets used on construction sites • The need for persons working on electrical systems to be competent to do so • The use of residual current devices for additional protection against electric shock • Safe isolation procedures when working on electrical systems and equipment • Only working 'live' in exceptional circumstances • Safe working with optical fibres0
443552242016-06-242016-11-24BY-SAfredEnglishB2 7861Electrotechnical Part TwoYou should have an understanding of: • The effects of electric current on the body • The types of socket outlets used on construction sites • The need for persons working on electrical systems to be competent to do so • The use of residual current devices for additional protection against electric shock • Safe isolation procedures when working on electrical systems and equipment • Only working 'live' in exceptional circumstances • Safe working with optical fibres0
4765826192017-02-25BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 4102Elektrogeräte gehen immer schneller kaputtElektroschrott; Industrie0
795513071002019-11-142024-10-21BY-SASanti21CatalàB2 10951ELS DÉUS I LES DEESSES GRECS2
221182592014-08-29BY-SAMethodsEnglishB2 180111:411Embrace the near winAt her first museum job, art historian Sarah Lewis noticed something important about an artist she was studying: Not every artwork was a total masterpiece. She asks us to consider the role of the almost-failure, the near win, in our own lives. In our pursuit of success and mastery, is it actually our near wins that push us forward?0
5142449182017-04-172017-04-24BY-SArobellaEnglishB2 537 4:161Empathy0
8072353172012-10-102013-07-03BY-SAfredDanskB2 108014:341En guidet tur gennem ClilstoreEn trin for trin demonstration af hvordan man kan lave en online webside (Unit) med video samt tekst hvor alle ordene er kædet til en lang række af online ordbøger som dækker mere end hundred sprog0
479849252017-03-092017-03-09BY-SAaniusEnglishB2 1637 8:1951ENCOURAGEMENT TO LITERATUREHere we can find a really suitable and easy way to know more about English Literature, and firstly the beginning of it.0
2856572182015-05-092015-05-31BY-SAcarmulaEnglishB2 47910:003Energy resourcesThis unit is about the differenet sources of energy and their environmental impact0
392243312016-04-072016-04-07BY-SAmiriEnglishB2 2007 8:4251Engelsk for chauffør0
169576842014-03-05BY-SASakeEnglishB2 501English demoJay Walker explains why two billion people around the world are trying to learn English. He shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English — "the world's second language" — by the thousands.0
9630275172021-08-202023-05-26BY-SASMBerdaxagarEnglishB2 4292English Tongue Twisters . Integrated Language Skills PracticeIt is an interactive learning design app smashing Forms, Clilstore and Mote.0
308274952015-08-252015-08-28BY-SAmsbonfilioEnglishB2 41311Entertainment0
30151235102015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 272 3:07Entrevista de feina0
3009119162015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 155 2:26Enviament d'un mail0
4437629352016-06-292016-11-24BY-SAfredEnglishB2 9361EnvironmentalYou should have an understanding of: • The responsibilities and requirements for handling materials • Actions for recycling and to minimise waste • The identification of hazardous/special waste • The precautions and procedures for handling hazardous/special waste • Sustainability in the selection and use of materials0
831415152020-02-132020-02-13BYyongtingmaEnglishB2 714 5:311Environmental Health InterviewThis interview gives a brief introduction regarding how to keep food safety and hygiene through joint effort.0
3456912672016-01-21BY-SABambinatorDeutschB2 211Erhaltungszucht0
354349932016-02-21BY-SARitaG12EnglishB2 1143 6:524Erin McKean: Go ahead, make up new words!In this fun, short talk from TEDYouth, lexicographer Erin McKean encourages — nay, cheerleads — her audience to create new words when the existing ones won’t quite do. She lists out 6 ways to make new words in English, from compounding to “verbing,” in order to make language better at expressing what we mean, and to create more ways for us to understand one another.0
761424872019-07-242019-07-26BY-SAbobmartinEnglishB2 105813ESCAPE ROOM0
24710417372012-02-092016-04-18BY-SAfredEnglishB2 114310:411Europass Language Portfolio0
2642707222015-03-162015-03-18BY-SAbe2togetherEnglishB2 510 4:055European beavers pair up for life and never cheatEuropean beavers are truly monogamous, but the same cannot be said of their North American counterparts.0
12761494352013-08-222013-08-28BY-SADodaEnglishB2 270620:003European democracy without bordersGeorge Papandreou draws on lessons learned from the Greek debt crisis as he helps guide the EU through difficult waters.0
919925432021-02-182021-02-24BY-SALemonyEnglishB2 325919:301Every Argument Against VeganismEd Winters, also known as Earthling Ed, is an educator and vegan activist. In this TED talk, he goes through arguments commonly used against veganism and disproves them one by one.2
672656092018-05-022018-05-02BY-SAMarioetiEnglishB2 3711Evolution0
129788402013-08-232013-08-26BY-SAhgruenbiEnglishB2 2693Executive SummaryMechanical Properties of very Smart Materials0
5473153502017-04-252017-04-25BY-NC-SAlplaEnglishB2 4311EXERCISE 1. LESSON 2CLASSIFICATION LIVING BEINGS0
54821027182017-04-252017-04-25BY-NC-SAlplaEnglishB2 23911EXERCISE 2. LESSON 2Classification in history0
11169412442022-10-272023-02-16BY-SAAnjaSchroedelEnglishB2 29056exercises0
344736202016-01-202016-01-20BY-SAanselmo.silviaEnglishB2 271Experiment!0
26137283182015-03-032015-03-19BY-SAcgalliqueEnglishB2 465 4:19Explaining why mankind is not nasty . Rousseau's point of view.0
491040312017-03-272017-03-27BY-SAjubolloEnglishB2 273 1:412Explore a Right TriangleRight Triangle definition and properties. A right triangle is a triangle in which one of the interior angle is a right angle. The Pythagorean Theorem defines the relationship between the three sides of a Right Triangle.0
3246105742015-11-032015-11-15BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 27443:573Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland0
2414127092014-12-172014-12-18BY-SAbadinoCatalàB2 140 1:3044Facturació0
60439509572017-10-182018-11-15BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1575 6:39Fadhb le bruscar ar Thrá Phort Arthur i nGaoth DobhairLabhraíonn Michelle nic Grianna ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an Chomhairleoir Contae John Shéamais Ó Fearraigh faoi fhadhb dumpála ar Thrá Phort Arthur i nGaoth Dobhair. Tá an comhad fuaime seo a úsáid le Caoinchead RTÉ. Michelle Nic Grianna from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the County Councillor John Shéamais Ó Fearraigh about the problem of dumping on Port Arthur beach in Gweedore. RTÉ has kindly permitted this sound file is used here.0
9024203362020-11-242020-11-24BY-SAmaster dlaEspañolB2 212 1:50Fallas en Valencia1
33696082012-05-162012-05-16BY-SAAstaSEnglishB2 371Famous people in Britain0
374938662016-03-24BY-SAagnutecoEnglishB2 420 3:263Fashion trendsThis topic about fashion. How to be fashionable in 2016. Presenting 4 tips what to follow and what to forgot.0
7735335162019-09-182020-01-26BY-SAPRESIDENZAItalianoB2 353 4:0032Fashion! Come realizzare una vetrina che attiri i clienti (LSSEV)Alcuni suggerimenti per realizzare una vetrina che inviti i clienti ad acquistare vestiti ed accessori ed una prima introduzione al vocabolario della moda, per un aspirante commesso o addetto alle vendite.0
7806409122019-10-062020-01-15BY-SAPRESIDENZAItalianoB2 275 5:0042Fashion! La settimana della moda a Milano (LSSEV)La Settimana della Moda a Milano è un grande evento, non solo per gli stilisti e per chi distribuisce abiti e accessori alla moda, nei vari negozi del mondo, ma anche e soprattutto è un'occasione di incontro multiculturale e di festa per tutta la città. Alcuni consigli utili per partecipare all'evento con gioia e senza stress.0
49162007262017-03-272017-04-09BY-SASergomEnglishB2 34712FERNS0
21041448442014-05-27BY-SAPappaEnglishB2 958 6:24Fibonacci0
370149332016-03-19BY-SAmarmessaEnglishB2 979 6:141Fibonacci numbersMath is logical, functional and just ... awesome. Mathemagician Arthur Benjamin explores hidden properties of that weird and wonderful set of numbers, the Fibonacci series. (And reminds you that mathematics can be inspiring, too!)0
517943312017-04-182017-04-18BY-SAvfernandezpaEnglishB2 65343Fibonacci sequences & their presence in the nature and their relevance in Mathematics (Discussion & Part2)Students will be aware of the differents sorts of sequences, appreciating their presence in other areas such as art and nature. But not only will they be able to identify perfectly the different elements in the sequences but also they will be able to operate with them and achieve results which will be applied to different problems. So they will be able to draw own conclusions and develop cooperative work between their mates. Goals: Students will be able to identify perfectly the different elements in the sequences, to operate with them and to apply them to different problems. Learning Objective: Recognize and name the differents sequences and mainly the Fibonacci sequence, standing out its relevance in the nature. Success Criteria: Students will be able to play in pairs and share their new knowledge with their peers. They will be able to pay attention to the teacher and watching the videos and be willing to play in order waiting for their turn.0
918615712021-02-142021-02-14BY-SAMonika25EnglishB2 37FinTechs0
880717832020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 801 5:44Fionn Ó Dónaill (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
879821102020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 176811:53Fionnbhráid (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
426149092016-04-28BY-SAfredEnglishB2 5081Fire and Emergency - Part OneYou should have a basic understanding of: - When PPE should be worn - Why your employer must provide you with PPE - Why you must use the PPE provided by the employer - Why you must take care of PPE supplied for your use - Why you must report lost or damaged PPE to your immediate superior - The possible effects of not wearing PPE - The limitations of PPE0
426283542016-04-28BY-SAfredEnglishB2 6231Fire and Emergency - Part TwoYou should have a basic understanding of: - When PPE should be worn - Why your employer must provide you with PPE - Why you must use the PPE provided by the employer - Why you must take care of PPE supplied for your use - Why you must report lost or damaged PPE to your immediate superior - The possible effects of not wearing PPE - The limitations of PPE0
366048812016-03-162016-03-16BY-SAamnacher28EnglishB2 249918first unitScott Fraser studies how humans remember crimes — and bear witness to them. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a crime can create "memories" they could not have seen. Why? Because the brain abhors a vacuum. Editor's note: In the original version of this talk, Scott Fraser misspoke about available footage of Two World Trade Center (Tower 2). The misstatement has been edited out for clarity.0
258912482592015-02-242017-03-09BY-SAadminGaeilgeB2 770 4:473Fliú na MucPléitear Fliú na Muc anseo agus dea-chleachtas maidir le sláinte poiblí a chosaint. This unit deals with the Swine Flu epidemic and in it a GP gives advice on best practice with regard to preventing the spread of the virus as well as treatments for those who are unlucky enough to contract it.0
37622531552012-06-142021-11-25BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 770 4:4721Fliú na MucPléitear Fliú na Muc anseo agus dea-chleachtas maidir le sláinte poiblí a chosaint. This unit deals with the Swine Flu epidemic and in it a GP gives advice on best practice with regard to preventing the spread of the virus as well as treatments for those who are unlucky enough to contract it.0
2939488192015-05-262015-05-26BY-SAChrisdesboisEnglishB2 482 2:001Flood in USA0
31831023212015-10-062015-11-12BY-SAbobteqDeutschB2 34924:073Flüchtlingshilfe, die sich absetzen lässtThema: Steuer in Deutschland / Steuerentlastung im Rahmen der Flüchtlingskrise0
39281218242016-04-07BY-SAPEDEnglishB2 277115:44Food in futureWhat if we could grow delicious, nutrient-dense food, indoors anywhere in the world? Caleb Harper, director of the Open Agriculture Initiative at the MIT Media Lab, wants to change the food system by connecting growers with technology. Get to know Harper's "food computers" and catch a glimpse of what the future of farming might look like.0
2944839172015-05-262015-05-28BY-SAChrisdesboisEnglishB2 101843For Marie Pierre0
5453731132017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAmaalvazEnglishB2 694 5:0543FORCES AND STRUCTURESScreencast of an OERB activity about how forces act upon structures.0
476479212017-02-25BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 3221Förderung der beruflichen WeiterbildungArbeitsmarktpolitik; Förderung; Weiterbildung0
684062332018-06-06BYAnn-SophieDeutschB2 226Frühblüher0
417445302016-04-252016-04-25BY-SAMariviMarpeEnglishB2 1003 7:132Functions 4th ESO0
525348812017-04-202017-04-21BY-SA52656047EnglishB2 105534FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHSNow that you have notions on functions its time to improve our knowledge studying functions and its graphs of real life phenomena.0
11091697312013-04-142013-04-22BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 1820 1:12Gael-LinnCur síos atá anseo ar bhunú Ghael-Linn chomh maith le físeán beag ar obair an lae inniu sna Coláistí Samhraidh.0
44901131342016-09-062016-09-07BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanEuskaraB2 857 9:594Gaeliar Bidaia: Benbeculatik RanafasteraThe Scottish Island Voices Project (Guthan nan Eilean) visits Ireland. This version of the documentary has a Basque commentary. You can also hear some Irish and Scottish Gaelic conversation, subtitled with a Basque translation.0
99651805582021-11-222022-01-13BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanJamiekanB2 128510:00Gaelic JorniThe Scottish Island Voices Project (Guthan nan Eilean) visits Ireland. This version of the documentary has a Jamaican commentary. You will also hear some Irish and Scottish Gaelic conversation, subtitled with a Jamaican translation.0
221017852992014-08-292014-08-29BY-SAMethodsEnglishB2 384520:031Gaming can make a better worldGames like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world problems? Jane McGonigal says we can, and explains how.0
4050565442016-04-182016-06-29BY-SAfredEnglishB2 3041GB specific information on General Health and Safety at WorkA few explanations and definitions of abbreviation that may cause problems for non native English speakers when answering questions about "General Health and Safety at Work"0
3371932142015-12-14BY-SAmarcoDeutschB2 209Gebärmutterentzündung Marco0
9142382342021-02-022024-10-24BY-SAlorenzafli58EnglishB2 1176Gender Equality in the world: What are the priorities and what steps can we take?2
119658632024-05-212024-05-22BY-SATessEnglishB2 19743Gender StereotypesAn article about Gender Stereotyping.0
4018874732016-04-152024-01-24BY-SAfredEnglishB2 797General Health & Safety at Work - Part OneYou should have a basic understanding of: • How the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice affect you • Employer’s responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act • Your responsibilities to yourself and to others under the Health and Safety at Work Act • How health and safety law is enforced • The powers of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors • The key features of health and safety signs in the workplace0
4019645162016-04-152024-01-25BY-SAfredEnglishB2 776General Health & Safety at Work - Part TwoYou should have a basic understanding of: • How the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Regulations and Approved Codes of Practice affect you • Employer’s responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act • Your responsibilities to yourself and to others under the Health and Safety at Work Act • How health and safety law is enforced • The powers of Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors • The key features of health and safety signs in the workplace0
711342242018-10-112019-05-19BY-SAfabianaEnglishB2 3053Getting started to the VIRGO experiences0
13931683722013-09-252022-10-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 226 3:3221Gleanntáin Ghlas' Ghaoth DobhairAn t-amhrán cáiliúil 'Gleanntáin Ghlas' Ghaoth Dobhair' le Proinsias Ó Maonaigh, á cheol ag a iníon, Maighréad.0
395041312016-04-102016-04-10BY-SA73584291EnglishB2 60 3:202Global economyThe aim of the video is to change the mind of the students. They must to realised that the world is in danger, so they can begin to change the situation0
9987170262021-11-262021-11-26BY-SAsnimhairtin290GaeilgeB2 208 6:16Gnáth-scónaíOideas scónaí0
880818552020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 254416:23Gobán Saor (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
42102874442016-04-262016-04-29BY-SAleo88EnglishB2 287 4:0021GozoGozo in a nutshell; places of interests.0
68128331512018-05-19BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 7371Graffiti i Tunis0
121204771712024-09-122024-09-21BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 242Grammar World Context 1. Structural types0
1212374252024-09-212024-09-21BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 272Grammar World Context 2. Communicative types0
1212678162024-09-252024-11-22BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 284Grammar World Context 3. Oblique Moods in Simple Sentences0
1216892542024-10-282024-10-28BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 388Grammar World Context 6. The Article0
121756782024-11-072024-11-07BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 487Grammar World Context 7 (Noun Modifier)0
1218792172024-11-182024-12-02BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 313Grammar World Context 8 (Verb Complementation)0
1219944122024-12-012024-12-18BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 329Grammar World Context 9. Objects and Compliments0
250456272015-02-12BY-SAastridtamacaasEnglishB2 18351Gratefulness to be HappyGratefulness leads you to happiness. If you are capable to see the moments as gifts and see everything that happens around you as a blessing then you would be able to live a happy and complete life.0
3923514122016-04-072016-04-07BY-SAPEDEnglishB2 163110:51gravitational wavesMore than a billion years ago, two black holes in a distant galaxy locked into a spiral, falling inexorably toward each other, and collided. "All that energy was pumped into the fabric of time and space itself," says theoretical physicist Allan Adams, "making the universe explode in roiling waves of gravity." About 25 years ago, a group of scientists built a giant laser detector called LIGO to search for these kinds of waves, which had been predicted but never observed. In this mind-bending talk, Adams breaks down what happened when, in September 2015, LIGO detected an unthinkably small anomaly, leading to one of the most exciting discoveries in the history of physics.0
1751714572012-01-192013-05-09BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 11241Greann na Gaeltachta 10
66094942012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 494 5:543Greenspace ResearchMarket-orientated environmental research activity in the Western Isles. The main activities of the Stornoway-based Greenspace Research group are outlined and exemplified.0
6481332112018-02-062018-02-09BY-SAsylviawaelderEnglishB2 140Growing glocal0
647530502018-02-062018-02-09BY-SAalmabibolottiEnglishB2 961GROWING GLOCAL? (globalization group project)0
2738544192015-04-082015-05-25BY-NC-SAraheralEnglishB2 412 2:292Guerrilla GardeningThe video is about a urban movement who tries to improve the urban landscape localy.0
8913771852012-12-132013-07-03BY-SAfredEspañolB2 145615:171Guía para la edición de contenidos en ClilstoreGuía para la edición de contenidos en Clilstore0
11853024602013-07-032013-10-09BY-SAfredGàidhligB2 180815:38Guided Tour - Authoring in Clilstore in Scottish Gaelic0
262220262012-02-242014-04-19BY-SAClaisneachdGàidhligB2 118462Guthan sa Choimhearsnachd0
98047681992021-10-242021-10-28BY-SAJustyna PEnglishB2 12211Halloween0
628550611162018-01-18BY-SATFominaEnglishB2 3102Han Kang and the Complexity of Translation0
1015714902022-01-31BY-SAfredDanskB2 527 1:122Handleplan mod børn og unges rygningTekst og video fra Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet om "Handleplan mod børn og unges rygning"0
8557453722020-05-012020-07-26BY-SAfredDanskB2 527 1:122Handleplan mod børn og unges rygningTekst og video fra Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet om "Handleplan mod børn og unges rygning"4
475656802017-02-16BY-NCabiesuEnglishB2 281919:051Hans & Ola Rosling: How to not be ignorant about the worldHans and Ola Rosling discuss in their 2014 Berlin TEDSalon talk that there's a high statistical chance that what you think you know does not correlate with that what can be proven by statistics. Using an interactive audience quiz, Rosling compares the Berlin TedSalon audience to other groups, and finally shares ways to "not be ignorant about the world."0
198592632014-05-142014-05-14BY-SAcaoimhinsmoEnglishB2 327719:53Hans Rosling: The best stats you've ever seen0
250959592015-02-12BY-SAs2646943EnglishB2 19661HapinessHow a good design is highly related to happy moments in life.0
122173752024-12-102024-12-11BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishB2 10156Haunted Houses in Malta A0
79173222112019-11-072019-12-31BY-SAMarioetiEnglishB2 7526Haunted Houses in Malta A0
7925369562019-11-082019-11-08BY-SAMarioetiEnglishB2 5546Haunted Houses in Malta B0
4254428272016-04-282016-04-28BY-SAfredEnglishB2 4721Health and Hygiene - Part OneYou should have a basic understanding of: - When PPE should be worn - Why your employer must provide you with PPE - Why you must use the PPE provided by the employer - Why you must take care of PPE supplied for your use - Why you must report lost or damaged PPE to your immediate superior - The possible effects of not wearing PPE - The limitations of PPE0
425539022016-04-282016-04-28BY-SAfredEnglishB2 4721Health and Hygiene - Part TwoYou should have a basic understanding of: - When PPE should be worn - Why your employer must provide you with PPE - Why you must use the PPE provided by the employer - Why you must take care of PPE supplied for your use - Why you must report lost or damaged PPE to your immediate superior - The possible effects of not wearing PPE - The limitations of PPE0
741010061072019-03-242024-08-30BY-SATessEnglishB2 67881Healthy Eating as part of a Healthy LifestyleIn this unit students will examine four diets to find out which one best supports healthy living.1
32931369282015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAssgtmbEnglishB2 655 4:3642Healthy living0
1703726192014-03-06BY-SApengxuan0217EnglishB2 443 7:021Hebridean Food: Cookery Demonstration DocumentaryThe “Blas Uibhist” night was put on by the Ceòlas community group in South Uist to celebrate local food as well as music. Local food producers offered tastings of their products, and a well-known hotelier gave a cookery demonstration. The evening finished with live local music. The event was held in Gaelic, with simultaneous translation into English0
526253212017-04-202017-04-20BY-SAconmasbrioEspañolB2 747 5:321Hebridean Food: Environmental Health InterviewA lesson about healthy food0
85789812012-11-072012-12-05BY-SAaspaEnglishB2 4752Hebridean Food: Hotelier InterviewIsabel Graham is a well-known hotelier and cook at the Orasay Inn in South Uist. Here she describes how she uses local produce when preparing meals for guests.0
1041914832022-04-272022-04-27BY-SAjustkaEnglishB2 282Help us save the environment0
379635562016-03-272016-04-29BYfede0123EnglishB2 5743HeredityThis unit is an introduction to the Heredity unit. It explains the main concepts of the unit and offer an article and a video about the subject.0
1009713892021-12-142021-12-14BY-SAjiahui guoEspañolB2 11Hijo de la luna - respuesta0
1009216932021-12-142021-12-14BY-SAjiahui guoEspañolB2 256Hijo de la luna - Test0
1005611662021-12-132021-12-14BY-SAjiahui guoEspañolB2 299Hijo de la luna - transcribir0
1186759102024-03-202024-03-20BY-SAarturoEspañolB2 1Historia de españa: Física o Química0
10468606742022-05-112022-05-13BY-SAJosefaEnglishB2 102321Holiday Planning2
5012734132017-04-052017-04-05BY-SAeandreuEnglishB2 736 5:08Holocaust0
3502486312016-02-112016-02-11BY-SAcallmdgEnglishB2 326 4:24Holy Grail - The Black Knight0
17611259242014-03-17BY-SAsimonaEnglishB2 581 3:59How can technology transform the human body?0
503486452017-04-072017-04-07BY-SAJose EnriqueEnglishB2 373 2:512HOW DO HURRICANES FORM?This is a video and activities about how hurricanes appears0
3230614492015-10-282021-01-14BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 1624 9:483How I teach kids to love scienceAt the Harbour School in Hong Kong, Cesar Harada teaches citizen science and invention to the next generation of environmentalists. He's moved his classroom into an industrial mega-space where imaginative kids work with wood, metal, chemistry, biology, optics and, occasionally, power tools to create solutions to the threats facing the world's oceans. There, he instills a universal lesson that his own parents taught him at a young age: "You can make a mess, but you have to clean up after yourself."0
34606339182016-01-22BY-SAfredEnglishB2 976How I turned a deadly plant into a thriving businessThe water hyacinth may look like a harmless, even beautiful flowering plant — but it's actually an invasive aquatic weed that clogs waterways, stopping trade, interrupting schooling and disrupting everyday life. In this scourge, green entrepreneur Achenyo Idachaba saw opportunity. Follow her journey as she turns weeds into woven wonders.0
292575052015-05-252015-05-25BY-SAJLorcaEnglishB2 299 2:1011How injection moulding works0
662443332018-03-242018-06-16BY-SA2148EnglishB2 318418:0311How our brain pays attentionAmishi Jha studies how we pay attention: the process by which our brain decides what's important out of the constant stream of information it receives. Both external distractions (like stress) and internal ones (like mind-wandering) diminish our attention's power, Jha says -- but some simple techniques can boost it. "Pay attention to your attention," Jha says.0
3789439192016-03-262016-03-26BY-SADavid BriEnglishB2 180311:2332How painting can transform communitiesArtists Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn create community art by painting entire neighborhoods, and involving those who live there — from the favelas of Rio to the streets of North Philadelphia. What's made their projects succeed? In this funny and inspiring talk, the artists explain their art-first approach — and the importance of a neighborhood barbecue.0
533036612017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAmguimeransEnglishB2 2731How relativity explains electromagnetism0
902522092020-11-242020-11-30BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 938 4:3921How reverse mentorship can help create better leadersEmployee diversity and inclusive leadership are goals for most organizations today, but how do we get there? Try a "reverse mentorship" program, which sets up junior team members to guide senior staff. Here are 6 tips to make reverse mentorship work, from executive coach and personal development advocate Patrice Gordon.0
480341102017-03-102017-04-10BY-SALorena1985sEnglishB2 1360 7:3221How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveriesAdam Savage walks through two spectacular examples of profound scientific discoveries that came from simple, creative methods anyone could have followed — Eratosthenes' calculation of the Earth's circumference around 200 BC and Hippolyte Fizeau's measurement of the speed of light in 1849.0
10027116212021-12-032021-12-03BYeboggioEnglishB2 6551How smart are orangutansAlong with humans, orangutans belong to the Hominidae family tree, which stretches back 14 million years. But it’s not just their striking red hair that makes orangutans unique among our great ape cousins. Lu Gao shares some amazing facts about these incredibly intelligent great apes from Asia.0
464043622016-12-16BY-SAfredEnglishB2 1152How students of color confront impostor syndrome0
917713432021-02-112021-02-11BY-SAJorgeSalasEnglishB2 142How to address uncertainty in construction projects: fundamentals of uncertainty analysis0
392040172016-04-072016-04-08BY-SAfredEnglishB2 1020 6:0921How to avoid ..Who is listening in on your phone calls? On a landline, it could be anyone, says privacy activist Christopher Soghoian, because surveillance backdoors are built into the phone system by default, to allow governments to listen in. But then again, so could a foreign intelligence service ... or a criminal. Which is why, says Soghoian, some tech companies are resisting governments' call to build the same backdoors into mobile phones and new messaging systems. From this TED Fellow, learn how some tech companies are working to keep your calls and messages private.0
8511395112012-11-052012-11-05BY-SAcelebEnglishB2 4902How to Become a Mechanic: Education and Career RoadmapHow to Become a Mechanic: Education and Career Roadmap America0
856111902012-11-062014-04-19BY-SAS1monaDEnglishB2 332 3:181How to Build a DIY Dining Set0
990021602021-10-302021-10-30BY-SAFrancesca_MIEBEnglishB2 328How to build a mesocosm0
1694855462014-03-05BY-SAsimonaEnglishB2 2549How to buy happiness0
176279342014-03-17BY-SAiserksnaiteEnglishB2 584 4:07How to grow fresh air0
174882172014-03-17BY-SAsimonaEnglishB2 584 4:04How to grow fresh air0
85588312012-11-062012-11-06BY-SAS1monaDEnglishB2 7381How to Handle a Client Who Doesn't Like Your Work0
2712730162012-02-292014-04-19BY-SAcelebEnglishB2 350 2:093How to jack up a truck0
282765432015-05-022015-05-03BY-SAamassaEnglishB2 126351how to learn a language0
60932131632017-10-312021-05-06BY-SAHelferleinEnglishB2 11322How to make it to the 4th secondCLIL lesson on energy resources and pollution0
366442402016-03-16BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 639 4:221How to overcome stage frightEven the most confident performers can suffer from stage fright. There are chosen seven most helpful tips that will help to eliminate this problem. Each of it is explained in more details.0
242971722015-01-17BY-SAchenchi1706EnglishB2 1810How to Read Chiense with Ease0
17441977782014-03-17BY-SAsimonaEnglishB2 323618:50How to spot a liar0
349147612016-02-102016-02-11BY-SAphoenix07EnglishB2 224212:203How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressedYou're not at your best when you're stressed. In fact, your brain has evolved over millennia to release cortisol in stressful situations, inhibiting rational, logical thinking but potentially helping you survive, say, being attacked by a lion. Neuroscientist Daniel Levitin thinks there's a way to avoid making critical mistakes in stressful situations, when your thinking becomes clouded — the pre-mortem. "We all are going to fail now and then," he says. "The idea is to think ahead to what those failures might be."0
8899326342020-10-272022-06-27BY-SAMarioetiEnglishB2 75941How to Use Clilstore4
3459688252016-01-212018-12-13BY-SApatriziaEnglishB2 1441How tough is growing up?How music can help express yourself0
10134150102022-01-182022-01-18BY-SAIrina1503EnglishB2 489http://www.engames.eu/creating-audio-materials-for-efl-teachers/0
5117470722017-04-152017-05-02BY-SAviorzaEnglishB2 1462 6:4155Human body systemsHuman Body Systems0
3881939122016-04-032016-04-20BY-SA21634345EnglishB2 801 3:50Human evolution0
9906148142021-10-302021-10-30BY-SAFrancesca_MIEBEnglishB2 601Human impacts on biodiversity0
5472149212017-04-25BY-NC-SAMarcosEnglishB2 27910:46Hystorical approach to Solar System modelsIn this unit the students will learn about the different solar system models in science hystory. There is a little video explaining the main ideas that have helped to form the idea of solar system that we have today.0
1188878132024-04-072024-04-08BY-NDGuthanNanEileanCymraegB2 708 7:592Iaith Jamaica yng NghymruA documentary slice of Jamaican life in Wales, narrated in Welsh about Audrey West, poet, artist, and community worker. Alongside samples of Audrey's poetry and conversation, this film contributes to a small Jamaican collection which forms part of an extension series of the Island Voices project, in which its "capture and curation" model is used for more languages in addition to English and Gaelic.0
2615288532015-03-04BY-SAfredDanskB2 13323IHC Funktionsblokke m.m.1
2616336802015-03-042015-03-05BY-SAfredDanskB2 18163IHC Programmering af funktionslinks1
26142373282015-03-042015-03-04BY-SAfredDanskB2 10863IHC Visual introduktion1
366545812016-03-16BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 491 3:461Importance of Blood DonationBlood donation is one of the most significant contribution that a person can make towards the society. It is not harmful for an adult person to donate blood. The body of the donor can regenerate the blood within few days. Blood has four groups. It can be stored for a limited period of time that is why the blood banks need a steady and constant collection. Our blood needs many people in the world and it is our duty to help them.0
494732342017-03-302017-03-30BY-SAcarlosmedinaEnglishB2 88713:0321Improvisation in jazzWhat is a mistake? By talking through examples with his improvisational Jazz quartet, Stefon Harris walks us to a profound truth: many actions are perceived as mistakes only because we don't react to them appropriately.0
538845752017-04-24BY-NC-SAluigormiEnglishB2 475 2:15Incomes and Profit thresholdThis is a trailer of River Blue Jeans. In the previous Lesson we spoke about how jeans were made as an example. Let's analyse the consequences of the massive production nowadays.0
531140722017-04-222017-04-23BY-SAivanowerEnglishB2 39745:0041Industrial SensorsIn this unit you will find a brief explanation of the most common industrial sensors.0
3222454562015-10-27BY-SAbykhuliganEnglishB2 887INFLATION0
880218862020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 209013:27Iníon Rí an Dúin Bháin (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
991016822021-10-302021-10-30BY-SAFrancesca_MIEBEnglishB2 350Inter and Intraspecific relationships0
10270290172022-02-232022-02-23BY-SABstudentEnglishB2 122310:50Intermediate B2 English story a "Stormy Night"Listen to the text, try to understand the story and write down the most important parts. Pay attention to the introductory, supporting and concluding sentences.0
623143162012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 1227 6:083Interview: Biodiversity Officer Anne MaclellanConservation and crofting life. Anne Maclellan describes her duties as Biodiversity Officer for the local council, including interaction with local schools and crofters. She describes in some detail a scheme that assists crofters to harvest corn in a way that helps rare birds, and comments on shared interests between crofters and conservation bodies.0
665199002012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 616 5:053Interview: Chair Agnes Rennie (History and Work)History and work of the community trust so far. Galson Estate Trust chair Agnes Rennie outlines the background to the formation of the community trust, relates its progress to date, including purchase of the estate, and describes some of the various activities that are already carried out by board members and staff.0
66795012012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 356 2:563Interview: Chair Agnes Rennie (Plans and Partnerships)Plans and partnership of the community trust. Galson Estate Trust chair Agnes Rennie talks about future plans, and how the trust works with other groups, particularly linkage with the planned University of the Highlands and Islands through local research group Greenspace, and explains the importance attached to revenue generation through renewable energy.0
612105142012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 638 3:573Interview: Chair Mary MacinnesCommunity impact of summer school (Ceòlas). Mary Macinnes is the chairperson of the local committee that organises the summer school each year. She describes the activities of the group through the year and the impact of Ceòlas on the local community.0
6051052502012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 449 4:083Interview: Craftsman Seumas MacdonaldFurniture restoration and recycling. Seumas Macdonald is the Craftsman/Trainer at the Re-Store project in Bornais, South Uist. He talks about the work and training they do, and the value of the project to the trainees and the community.0
6471236102012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 711 5:043Interview: Depute Principal John Norman MacLeodHistory of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Depute Principal John Norman Macleod relates significant events in the history of the development of Scotland’s Gaelic College, indicates further development plans, and describes how much he enjoys his work.0
659961122012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 807 5:343Interview: Director Chris Lawson (Business and Plans)Genealogy buisiness planning. Seallam visitor centre director Chris Lawson explains some of the factors behind the centre’s business success, and outlines plans for future development and diversification, including online records, course development, and book writing.0
657136642012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 1057 6:563Interview: Director Chris Lawson (History and Services)Development of the genealogy service in Harris and current activities. Centre director Chris Lawson explains the background to how the Seallam! centre came into being. She goes on to describe the various services on offer in addition to genealogy tracing, including book sales, and exhibitions, and gives an indication of the level of interest there is both locally and from visitors, particularly noting linkage to St Kilda.0
60696012012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 501 3:293Interview: Director Neil MacdonaldFurniture restoration and recycling; voluntary work. Neil Macdonald is a director on the Board of Management of Cothrom, the community group that manages the Re-Store project. He describes the directors’ responsibilities for the work of Cothrom in general, and the importance of voluntary group involvement in island community life.0
6081257142012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 714 5:312Interview: Environmental Health, Alasdair MaceachenFish Processing. Alasdair MacEachen is an Environmental Health Officer in Benbecula. He describes the implications of his job in terms of both enforcement and education, in particular relation to food handling and production.0
64198312012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 1353 7:503Interview: Health worker Isabel SteeleChildren's Parlament rationale. Health Worker Isabel Steele explains some of the thinking behind the establishment of the Uist and Barra Children’s Parliament and how it was set up, and relates how it has impacted on her work.0
6161554192012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 253 1:493Interview: Heritage Officer Caitriona MacCuishHeritage development. Caitriona MacCuish is the Heritage Officer at Taigh Chearsabhagh. She describes what the job entails and what she enjoys about working there.0
6101149382012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 475 2:252Interview: Isabel GrahamFood preparation, and local specialities. Isabel Graham is a well-known hotelier and cook at the Orasay Inn in South Uist. Here she describes how she uses local produce when preparing meals for guests.0
658151742012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 585 4:373Interview: Local Artist Margarita WilliamsThe importance of place in artistic development, and exhibition facilities. Harris artist Margarita Williams talks about her own artistic career and development, and the importance of her own sense of place. She also talks about the facility which Seallam! offers to local artists for exhibitions and workshops.0
619204012012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 852 4:213Interview: Lyricist James MacLetchieLyric writing and interpretation. James McLetchie talks about what prompted him to write the words to the song “Na seann daoine”. He explains the references to local people and family members, and reflects on how things have changed in his local community.0
661115102012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 871 4:583Interview: Manager Donald MacRitchieDeveloping a commercially oriented research capacity for Higher Education. Project manager Donald MacRitchie talks about the various strands of environmental research in which Greenspace is involved and explains the relationship between the unit and the host college.0
669133702012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 1019 5:253Interview: Manager Murray MacLeodRunning a marine trouism business. Seatrek operator Murray Macleod talks about the various services he offers to tourists, and the kind of sights they’re liable to see. He also talks about the various strands to his business, how he values his team, and how he enjoys his job.0
6541231102012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 883 6:313Interview: Manager Shona MacDonaldDigitisation project, national structure and local management. Shona Macdonald, Lochboisdale manager of the Tobar an Dualchais digitisation project explains the main aims of the project and how it is structured nationally, and outlines a diversification strategy for the local centre once the first project is complete.0
6261069112012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 858 5:013Interview: Peatcutter Archie Campbell (Social practices)Social practices associated with peatcutting. Archie Campbell describes some of the traditional social customs associated with peat cutting and notes how they have changed in recent times. He also speculates on the relevance of using peat for fuel in today’s world.0
6141183102012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 558 3:303Interview: Student Dale CummingsEducational impact of summer school. Dale Cummings is an American student who has regularly attended the school over many years. He talks about the quality of the instruction and the curriculum, and describes its personal impact upon himself.0
61799702012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 267 2:083Interview: Student Donald FergusonValue of museum and art centre. Donald Ferguson speaks as a student on the first year of the BA in Fine Art that is hosted by Taigh Chearsabhagh. He describes and comments on the facilities in the centre and the quality of services and teaching staff on the course.0
603100912012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 521 3:383Interview: Supervisor Marnie KeltieCare for adults with special needs. Marnie Keltie is the Day Care Supervisor at the Craigard Day Centre in Lochmaddy, North Uist. She talks about the activities they do, and the reasons why they’re important.0
642110952012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 1160 7:263Interview: Teacher Catriona BlackChildren's Parlament rationale. Teacher Catriona Black offers an educational perspective on the benefits of the Children’s Parliament way of working, and relates how it has helped pupils to develop.0
4084128942016-04-202016-04-25BY-SACiaYudNezEnglishB2 829 7:11Introducing Web 2.0This unit provides the video and trascription with the explanation about interpersonal computing, web services and software as a service (SaaS) as the the three key aspects of Web 2.0. It is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt, author of ExplainingComputers.com, and Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies in Nottingham University0
5337488232017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAvburrielEnglishB2 92932Introduction to DatabasesThis is a a detailed 2-hour CLIL module about databases domain. This lesson is intended for the fourth course of secondary education (4º ESO). It is focused to children aged between 14 and 15 years.0
533332012017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAvburrielEnglishB2 427 3:4511Introduction to DatabasesVideo and text introducing the student to databases.0
48702198342017-03-212017-04-19BY-SAEperischEnglishB2 291211:0042Introduction to Organic Chemistry (1-hour unit)Introduction to the fundamental topics regarding Organic Chemistry: CHON as major elements, functional groups, organic reactions, C hybridization, hydrocarbons (structural isomery).0
50912500102017-04-132017-05-08BY-SAEperischEnglishB2 371320:0062Introduction to Organic Chemistry (2-hour module)Introduction to the fundamental topics regarding Organic Chemistry: CHON as major elements, functional groups, organic reactions, C hybridization, hydrocarbons (structural isomery).0
552939342017-04-282017-04-28BY-SAclaramarzaEnglishB2 6512Introduction to PhotographyStreet artist JR made a wish in 2011: Join me in a worldwide photo project to show the world its true face. One year after making his TED Prize wish, he shows how giant posters of human faces, pasted in public, are connecting communities, making change, and turning the world inside out.0
5410409192017-04-242017-04-25BY-SA171EnglishB2 2102Introduction to the atomChemistry can tell us how three tiny particles - the proton, neutron and electron - come together in trillions of combinations to form ... everything. This lesson presents a brief introduction of the atom, its structure and history.0
3138147492015-08-262015-08-26BY-SAmajzlfkoEnglishB2 455922Introduction to video production0
1381146152011-11-102018-04-10BY-SAjanEnglishB2 368 2:2315Intubation0
990911842021-10-302021-10-30BY-SAFrancesca_MIEBEnglishB2 349Invasive species0
737925852019-02-212019-02-21BY-SAmimasevaEnglishB2 704INVERTEBRATE ANIMALSMain groups of invertebrates0
10000164152021-11-262021-11-26BY-SACathyGCDGaeilgeB2 137Ionaid Máithreacha is Leanaí0
57124962452017-05-112017-05-18BY-NC-SAc_lopezcalEspañolB2 114Isabel Romera: "Asesinos de la Vega"0
278142512012-03-172012-05-20BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 6012Island of Blue Dolphins0
994813432021-11-102021-11-10BY-SAJaneGEnglishB2 111It's a dog's life0
1478236022013-10-252014-04-19BY-SAfredEnglishB2 250516:59Iwan Baan: Ingenious homes in unexpected placesIn the center of Caracas, Venezuela, stands the 45-story "Tower of David," an unfinished, abandoned skyscraper. But about eight years ago, people started moving in. Photographer Iwan Baan shows how people build homes in unlikely places, touring us through the family apartments of Torre David, a city on the water in Nigeria, and an underground village in China. Glorious images celebrate humanity's ability to survive and make a home -- anywhere.0
118879232024-04-072024-04-08BY-NDGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 881 7:592Jamaican sa ChuimrighA documentary slice of Jamaican life in Wales, narrated in Gaelic about Audrey West, poet, artist, and community worker. Alongside samples of Audrey's poetry and conversation, this film contributes to a small Jamaican collection which forms part of an extension series of the Island Voices project, in which its "capture and curation" model is used for more languages in addition to English and Gaelic.0
121215572024-09-182024-09-18BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanPortuguêsB2 663 7:593Jamaicana no País de GalesA documentary slice of Jamaican life in Wales, narrated in Portuguese about Audrey West, poet, artist, and community worker.0
12176564642024-11-092024-11-20BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanJamiekanB2 852 7:594Jamiekan ina WielzA documentary slice of Jamaican life in Wales, narrated in Jamaican by Audrey West - poet, artist, and community worker. Alongside samples of Audrey's poetry and conversation, this film contributes to a small Jamaican collection which forms part of an extension series of the Island Voices project, in which its "capture and curation" model is used for more languages in addition to English and Gaelic.0
117885152023-12-122023-12-12BY-SAmaster dla한국어B2 129Jang Beomjune(장범준) - Your Shampoo Scent in the Flowers (Sketchbook) | KBS WORLD TV 2009040
354576722016-02-21BY-SARitaG12EnglishB2 508 4:34Jay Walker: The world's English maniaJay Walker explains why two billion people around the world are trying to learn English. He shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English — "the world's second language" — by the thousands.0
57115652572017-05-112017-05-11BY-NC-SAc_lopezcalEspañolB2 181 1:56Joaquín Piqueras: "Teoría y psicología de la supervivencia"0
2931140492015-05-262015-05-29BY-SAole.weilEnglishB2 550 2:3121John Grisham - A Time to Kill0
23133020532014-10-082014-10-09BY-SAcaoimhinsmoMiddelenglischB2 927 6:392John Skelton's “Speke Parott”A poem recited in authentic Tutor English. (It should probably be labeled as Early Modern English rather than Middle English.)0
354743882016-02-212016-02-22BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 1539 9:241Judson Brewer: A simple way to break a bad habitCan we break bad habits by being more curious about them? Psychiatrist Judson Brewer studies the relationship between mindfulness and addiction — from smoking to overeating to all those other things we do even though we know they're bad for us. Learn more about the mechanism of habit development and discover a simple but profound tactic that might help you beat your next urge to smoke, snack or check a text while driving.0
527232902017-04-212017-04-21BY-SApauavinyoEnglishB2 44324Jumping Rope Lesson0
55628392002017-05-012017-05-01BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGaelgB2 1193 9:594Jurnaa GaelaghThe Scottish Island Voices Project (Guthan nan Eilean) visits Ireland. This documentary has a Manx Gaelic commentary. You can also hear some Irish and Scottish Gaelic conversation with dual language (Manx and Irish or Scottish Gaelic) subtitles.0
4332605202016-04-30BY-SAreadineuropeEnglishB2 596Karinthy Frigyes: Please Sir! Preface0
48277562832017-03-142017-05-17BY-NC-SAc_lopezcalEspañolB2 96 1:12Katy Parra: "Conclusiones dramáticas sobre la eternidad"0
801127792012-10-022019-11-20BY-SAajcauchiEnglishB2 3508Keith Barry: Brain magicFirst, Keith Barry shows us how our brains can fool our bodies -- in a trick that works via podcast too. Then he involves the audience in some jaw-dropping (and even a bit dangerous) feats of brain magic.0
5904624552017-08-122017-08-12BY-SAGuthanNanEileanScotsB2 528 7:222Kist o RichesShort documentary film about the Kist o Riches Digitisation centre in South Uist. Scottish folk music and the oral tradition are the focus of the Tobar an Dualchais project, which has a centre in Lochboisdale where old recordings in danger of disintegration are converted into digital format and placed online. The skills acquired can be used in new areas.0
2722660282015-04-042015-05-25BY-NC-SAraheralEnglishB2 156710:4541Kitchen garden.Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA — in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys."0
789741012022019-10-302020-01-09BY-SAAlexTItalianoB2 9723La ballata medievale ispirazione per un cantante italiano: Fabrizio De André (LSSEV)0
902817052020-11-242020-11-24BY-SAmaster dlaEspañolB2 302 4:34LA CANCIÓN :cardigan0
30051059222015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 93 1:22La familia0
26541425902015-03-182021-01-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 422 2:4211Lá Fhéile Pádraig in áiteanna difriúlaNósanna ar Lá Fhéile Pádraig in Ard Mhacha agus i nGaoth Dobhair0
40311040292016-04-162016-04-16BY-SAvinienaCatalàB2 11829:5534LA LLOTJA DE VALÈNCIAActivitat per aprofundir en l'estudi de frisos, mosaics i rosetons en un context real, com ara, l'ornamentació de la Llotja de València. Aprofitarem per estudiar un poc aquest edifici tan emblemàtic de la ciutat de València.0
7856602352019-10-142020-01-08BY-SAgiuseppelicItalianoB2 324312La Pinacoteca di Brera (LSSEV)0
1008312062021-12-142021-12-14BYruili0205EspañolB2 301la transcripción del video0
354265002016-02-21BY-SARitaG12EnglishB2 590 4:053Lakshmi Pratury: The lost art of letter-writingLakshmi Pratury remembers the lost art of letter-writing and shares a series of notes her father wrote to her before he died. Her short but heartfelt talk may inspire you to set pen to paper, too.0
614231012017-11-102017-12-05BY-SAandreapelmonEnglishB2 3515:3932LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATIONIntroduction to topic 1. Language and communication. In order to introduce the topic we are going to watch a TED Talk video about the importante of the body language and how it may help in our communication. After watching the video, answer the questions: - why is body language important? - give 3 examples of body language0
8301210142020-02-132020-02-13BY-SALaurencharlotteEnglishB2 1367 8:381Lara Setrakian: 3 ways to fix a broken news industrySomething is very wrong with the news industry. Trust in the media has hit an all-time low; we're inundated with sensationalist stories, and consistent, high-quality reporting is scarce, says journalist Lara Setrakian. She shares three ways we can fix the news to better inform all of us about the complex issues of our time.0
18453473332014-04-012014-04-18BY-SAAubrey4EspañolB2 1204 5:005Las costumbres españolasLas costumbres españolas: trajes, tópicos, las fiestas españolas0
1008512412021-12-142021-12-14BYruili0205EspañolB2 34las preguntas0
11301262152013-04-252013-04-26BY-SARasaZLietuviųB2 582 3:322Laura Trice siūlo mums visiems sakyti ačiūŠioje apgaulingai paprastoje 3-jų minučių kalboje dr. Laura Trice permąsto magiškų žodžių "ačiū" galią -- jų poveikį draugystės stiprinimui, ryšio sugrąžinimui ir užtikrinimui, kad kitas žmogus supranta, kiek daug jis jums reiškia. Išmėginkite tai patys.0
374458032016-03-232016-04-18BY-SApabmarp3EnglishB2 951 6:24Lean production0
880628002020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 286816:57Leanbán Chonaill Chearnaigh (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
17741095292014-03-192014-03-19BY-SAAstaSEnglishB2 1280 8:021Learning / Culture Shock IInternational Student Experience in US0
178088322014-03-212014-03-21BY-SAAstaSEnglishB2 902 5:20Learning / Culture Shock II0
84603605062020-03-182020-03-18BY-SAsiledenvirGaeilgeB2 892Leas agus Dochar na Meán Sóisialta (alt ó beo.ie le Seosamh Ó Riain)0
498028532017-04-022017-04-02BY-SAalexbasEnglishB2 7041LEGEND OF BEAUTYThroughout this unit students will learn about the differences between beauty and healthy lifestyle. The aim of the lesson is to develope the critical thinking of students.0
769635102019-09-132019-09-13BY-SAchmieluPolskiB2 20021Lekcja CLIL (imię i nazwisko)0
251813401332015-02-152015-02-15BY-SAkimsdcEsperantoB2 103311Lengua para Pensar Mejor: TED speech in Esperanto David de Ugarte at TEDxMadridLengua para Pensar Mejor: TED speech in Esperanto David de Ugarte at TEDxMadrid1
722042452018-12-032018-12-03BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 193 3:55Leonard I'm sick!0
8298302212020-02-122020-02-19BY-SAmsosEnglishB2 37824Lesson 3B1
777019502019-09-212019-09-21BY-SAIrina2EnglishB2 13831Lesson CLIL0
773018002019-09-172019-09-22BY-SARO1708EnglishB2 18932Lesson CLIL Mara Mureșan0
324102642012-05-13BY-SAgzmEnglishB2 2522Levi Strauss0
323171922012-05-13BY-SAlionessEnglishB2 2542levi strauss0
316110622012-05-132014-04-19BY-SAelevinEnglishB2 25410:401levi strauss0
34586412012-05-20BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 2522Levi Strauss010
34691502012-05-20BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishB2 2522Levi Strauss020
274113202012-03-032013-04-23BY-SAS1monaDLietuviųB2 1231Lietuvos tautiška giesmėLietuvos tautiška giesmė.0
9266164342021-03-092021-03-09BYjustkaEnglishB2 140Lion0
1041299422022-04-262022-04-26BY-SAjustkaEnglishB2 107Listenig comprehension - life on our planet.0
1182078122024-02-192024-02-21BY-SAnatpm1133EnglishB2 317Listening lesson0
118198412024-02-192024-02-21BY-NC-SAAlexjoseEnglishB2 1 1:17Listening SessionThe students are trying to reach a C1 level, the source of the listening material is authentic and it is an interview.0
438661862016-05-07BY-SAreadineuropeEnglishB2 1254Lithuanian classical writer - Forest of the Gods by Balys Suoga0
79911317422012-10-02BY-SASandraAMEnglishB2 231415:051Live before you dieAt his Stanford University commencement speech, Steve Jobs, CEO and co-founder of Apple and Pixar, urges us to pursue our dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself. As CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs spearheaded a few of the most iconic products in technology, entertainment and design.0
3382842212015-12-19BY-SAunicornDeutschB2 146liver0
736031132019-02-192019-02-22BY-SAagakacperekEnglishB2 311Living statues0
30131200112015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 141 2:13Llogant un cotxe0
17531809132014-03-17BY-SAiserksnaiteEnglishB2 1729 9:34Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.0
21194304492014-06-072014-09-10BY-SA1808125EnglishB2 2042 9:58lord of the flies0
175981362014-03-17BY-SAsimonaEnglishB2 877 4:52Love letters to strangers0
87922312012020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 303219:29Mac an Iascaire (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
879916902020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 696 4:36Mac na Baintrí (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
407852532016-04-192016-04-21BY-SAcopybeaEnglishB2 212612:083MAGIC BASKETBALL:THE MATH IS THE KEY.Using advanced data analysis tools, Rajiv Maheswaran and Second Spectrum help make basketball teams smarter.0
29673682122015-05-292015-05-29BY-SAChrisdesboisEnglishB2 37221Malta0
321888862015-10-272015-10-30BY-SAsmartinoEnglishB2 40651Malta - social studies0
825917402020-02-062020-02-07BY-SAjolaxyEnglishB2 21malta experience0
10291272452022-03-082024-12-10BY-SAetimaltaEnglishB2 27011Maltese Prehistory1
10205304762022-02-112024-12-10BY-SAetimaltaEnglishB2 417Maltese Prehistory0
4079956342016-04-202024-01-25BY-SAfredEnglishB2 512Manual Handling Operations - Part OneYou should have a basic understanding of: • What manual handling operations mean in the context of an employee and what employers must do to protect employees from injury • The types of injury you could suffer from carrying out manual handling tasks • The parts of your body most likely to be affected by manual handling injuries • How to decide whether a manual handling activity is safe • What must be taken into account when making a manual handling risk assessment • The principles of good manual handling techniques0
408065372016-04-202016-04-20BY-SAfredEnglishB2 4761Manual Handling Operations - Part TwoYou should have a basic understanding of: • What manual handling operations mean in the context of an employee and what employers must do to protect employees from injury • The types of injury you could suffer from carrying out manual handling tasks • The parts of your body most likely to be affected by manual handling injuries • How to decide whether a manual handling activity is safe • What must be taken into account when making a manual handling risk assessment • The principles of good manual handling techniques0
8338311152020-02-162020-02-17BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 619 2:59Maoiniú d'aerfoirt réigiúnacha na hÉireannSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an Aire Stáit Donnchadh Mac Fhionnghaile faoi airgead Eorpach atá á infheistiú in aerfoirt réigiúnacha na hÉireann. In this clip, Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Minister of State Dinny McGinley about European funds that are being invested in Ireland's regional airports.0
881123712020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1184 7:52Maolmhuire an Bhata Bhuí (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
1750998362014-03-17BY-SAiserksnaiteEnglishB2 1603 7:55Mapping ideas worth spreading0
12059110242024-07-282024-07-28BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 463Marathon Day 1 (Soft or Hard skills)0
1217041352024-11-032024-11-03BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 416Marathon Day 1 (The day that changed my life)0
121383232024-10-072024-10-07BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 511Marathon Day 1. 21 century addictions0
1217237122024-11-042024-11-04BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 621Marathon Day 2 (Does life coaching work)0
120615372024-07-292024-07-29BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 644Marathon Day 2 (Flexible workplace)0
120624672024-07-302024-07-30BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 186Marathon Day 3 (Jobs that are hard to explain)0
121464042024-10-132024-10-13BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 385Marathon Day 3. Bad days happen0
120425312024-07-182024-07-18BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 370Marathon Day 40
1206350132024-07-312024-07-31BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 340Marathon Day 4 (Jump off the career ladder)0
120445752024-07-202024-07-20BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 510Marathon Day 50
1206447122024-08-022024-08-02BY-SAArtur IvanovEnglishB2 251Marathon Day 5 (Hyperpolyglot)0
435536202016-05-032016-05-03BY-SArebellavataEnglishB2 115 1:403Market FailureThe students will watch a documentary to understand better the concept of market failure and, in this case, negative externalities of consumption and demerit goods. If there is time in 2 hours they will start will de debate if "is fast-food a negative externality of consumption?”.0
2421723252015-01-092015-01-09BY-SAgchoraoEnglishB2 710 2:431Marketing0
733829652019-02-14BY-SAI.OvereemEnglishB2 1474 5:201Martin Luther King speech: I have a dreamThe video and text of Martin Luther King's speech from 1963. The famous 'I have a dream'.0
430670952016-04-29BY-SAmalledeEnglishB2 1021 7:07Martketing Mix- 4 P'sSteve Jobs shares his amazingly different approach to marketing and how he used it to build Apple into one of the largest companies in the world0
439351332016-05-112016-05-11BY-SAjuagrmanEnglishB2 3232MATHEMATICS " AREA, SURFACE AND VOLUME "MATHEMATICS " AREA, SURFACE AND VOLUME "0
4170445112016-04-25BY-SAmimolmosEnglishB2 1534Mathematics in historyIt is a video from Ted.com0
9645538102021-08-242021-08-27BY-SAvalouEnglishB2 36211Maths and design0
7227348152018-12-03BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 195016:152Me Too is a movement, not a momentIn 2006, Tarana Burke was consumed by a desire to do something about the sexual violence she saw in her community. She took out a piece of paper, wrote "Me Too" across the top and laid out an action plan for a movement centered on the power of empathy between survivors. More than a decade later, she reflects on what has since become a global movement -- and makes a powerful call to dismantle the power and privilege that are building blocks of sexual violence. "We owe future generations nothing less than a world free of sexual violence," she says. "I believe we can build that world."0
21182055232014-06-062014-06-06BY-SARhosCymraegB2 115 3:562Meic Stevens - Môr o gariad0
795822082019-11-152019-12-04BY-SAMarioetiEnglishB2 9174Mellieha0
370949402016-03-20BYRojo87EspañolB2 24 7:502Mendel lawsThis unit explains the three Mendel Laws of the inheritance. These laws are the basis to understand the genetics. There are extra materials to understand the concepts.0
378654642016-03-262016-04-25BY-SAcrisvi5EnglishB2 1312 9:232Metaphorically speakingIn this unit students may reflect on the importance of rhetoric language.0
1035113672022-03-312022-04-01BY-SAfredDanskB2 417 3:28Mette Bocks tale ved åbningen af den nye Christiansborgs SlotspladsI denne video løfter kulturminister Mette Bock lidt af sløret for, hvordan en ministertale bliver til. I videoen handler om talen til åbningen af den nye Christiansborgs Slotsplads.0
100023873792021-11-272021-12-17BY-SAjanEnglishB2 209716:06Michael Porter - The case for letting business solve social problemsWhy do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society's biggest problems? Michael Porter admits he's biased, as a business school professor, but he wants you to hear his case for letting business try to solve massive problems like climate change and access to water. Why? Because when business solves a problem, it makes a profit -- which lets that solution grow. This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.0
9207216192021-02-202021-02-22BY-SAEvgeniaKoEnglishB2 9851Michael Sandel: The tyrrany of meritWhat accounts for our polarized public life, and how can we begin to heal it? Political philosopher Michael Sandel offers a surprising answer: those who have flourished need to look in the mirror. He explores how "meritocratic hubris" leads many to believe their success is their own doing and to look down on those who haven't made it, provoking resentment and inflaming the divide between "winners" and "losers" in the new economy. Hear why we need to reconsider the meaning of success and recognize the role of luck in order to create a less rancorous, more generous civic life.0
9201227452021-02-182021-02-18BY-SAEvgeniaKoΕλληνικάB2 64131Michael Sandel: The tyrrany of meritWhat accounts for our polarized public life, and how can we begin to heal it? Political philosopher Michael Sandel offers a surprising answer: those who have flourished need to look in the mirror. He explores how "meritocratic hubris" leads many to believe their success is their own doing and to look down on those who haven't made it, provoking resentment and inflaming the divide between "winners" and "losers" in the new economy. Hear why we need to reconsider the meaning of success and recognize the role of luck in order to create a less rancorous, more generous civic life.0
7876117642019-10-242019-10-25BY-SATomteEnglishB2 56352Migration0
424148782016-04-27BY-SAreadineuropeEnglishB2 2056Miguel de Cervantes , Don Quixote0
8513225362020-04-032020-07-24BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 787 3:241Mionmharatón na mBan sa DaingeanSa mhír seo, labhraíonn Helen Ní Shé ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le Séan Ó Suilleabháin, príomheagraí Mhionmharatón na mBan sa Daingean. Pléann siad cúrsa an rása agus na carthanachtaí a bheidh mar thairbhithe ag an mhaoiniú a thiomsófar mar gheall ar an rása. In this clip, Helen Ní Shé from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Séan Ó Suilleabháin, main organiser of the Dingle Women's Minimarathon. They discuss the planned route and the charities that will benefit from the money raised on account of the race.2
392440902016-04-072021-01-14BY-SAmichEnglishB2 1039 6:16Mit første forsøgWho is listening in on your phone calls? On a landline, it could be anyone, says privacy activist Christopher Soghoian, because surveillance backdoors are built into the phone system by default, to allow governments to listen in. But then again, so could a foreign intelligence service ... or a criminal. Which is why, says Soghoian, some tech companies are resisting governments' call to build the same backdoors into mobile phones and new messaging systems. From this TED Fellow, learn how some tech companies are working to keep your calls and messages private.0
108832771912022-09-092022-09-09BY-SADanaPaukovaEnglishB2 16551Models of atom0
51041062252017-04-132017-04-23BY-SAolgasanchezEnglishB2 865 7:004MODULE 1: ACIDS - BASES AND PH. NEUTRALISATIONModule of Chemistry Teaching Unit based on an introduction to acids, bases,the value of pH, pH scale and neutralisation reactions.0
510661522017-04-132017-05-26BY-SAolgasanchezEnglishB2 776 8:4843MODULE 2. TITRATIONIntroduction to acid and bases titration, a lab method of quantitative chemical analysis. Source: http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/mihyewon/chemlab_instruction.html0
355043602016-02-212016-02-22BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 470 4:371Monika Bulaj: The hidden light of AfghanistanPhotographer Monika Bulaj shares powerful, intimate images of Afghanistan — of home life, of ritual, of men and women. Behind the headlines, what does the world truly know about this place?0
820313922020-01-302020-01-30BY-SAMatskevichEnglishB2 485Morden Aviation0
25263278102015-02-17BY-SAdeikar6EnglishB2 119810:22Morgana Bailey: The danger of hiding who you areMorgana Bailey has been hiding her true self for 16 years. In a brave talk, she utters four words that might not seem like a big deal to some, but to her have been paralyzing. Why speak up? Because she’s realized that her silence has personal, professional and societal consequences. In front of an audience of her co-workers, she reflects on what it means to fear the judgment of others, and how it makes us judge ourselves.0
549238842017-04-25BY-NC-NDandrea_gachabriEnglishB2 118MOTIVATION AND LEADERSHIP0
1218343152024-11-172024-11-17BY-SAtatnokEnglishB2 247Motivation to take a master's course0
4009736162016-04-142016-04-14BY-SAPinxo22EnglishB2 5223Movement and ExpressionsA part of a Physical education Teaching unit dedicated to Corporal Expression (body language)0
834625802020-02-192020-02-19BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1225 5:09Muintir na n-oileán ag iarraidh vótáil ar an lá céanna le tír mórSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an chomhairleoir Daithí Alcorn faoi chás atá a dhéanamh aige gur chóir go mbeadh cead ag muintir na n-oileán vótáil i dtoghcháin ar an lá céanna le gach duine eile ar tír mór. In this clip, Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the county councillor Daithí Alcorn about the case he is making that people living on the islands should be allowed to vote in elections on the same day as everone else on the mainland.0
565530462017-05-062017-05-06BY-SAPRINTEMPS17EnglishB2 38552MULTIDICT ACTIVITYSimilar triangles and similarity ratio0
880317612020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 674 4:21Murchadh na Cointinne (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
2061118792012-01-262014-04-19BY-SAAnaEspañolB2 453 3:151Museo del Prado0
367970122016-03-17BY-SARitaG12EnglishB2 557 4:254MusicThis is my individual task for the course in conference interpreting. Music is an art form that has many genres. It may have beed in existence for 50,000 years and that may explain why it connects us all.0
501451252017-04-052017-04-09BY-SASusanEnglishB2 176230:406MUSIC AROUND USRodgers & Hammerstein’s cinematic treasure stars the incomparable Julie Andrews as Maria, the warmhearted young woman who brings joy and music to Captain von Trapp (Christopher Plummer) and his children. Experience this magnificent movie musical filled with unforgettable songs, including “Do-Re-Mi,” “My Favorite Things” and “The Sound of Music.” Red and Black Song -Les Miserables 2012 Soundtrack The conflict between love and revolution John Williams conducts the Boston Pops playing the main theme from "STAR WARS". Pump up the volume. Be sure to listen to BIG SCREEN/little screen every Sunday from Noon until 2 p.m. on kpov.org where programs are also archived. Stay tuned... MOSTRAR MÁS0
431348722016-04-302016-04-30BY-SAalexlopezmaciaEnglishB2 1276 5:531My trek to the South PoleExtreme runner Ray Zahab shares an enthusiastic account of his record-breaking trek on foot to the South Pole — a 33-day sprint through the snow.0
14521580582013-10-09BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 388Na Buachaillí ÁlainnAmhrán fán eisimirce go hAlbain.0
12141320262013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschB2 375 3:45NachrichtenThere have been complications with patients who had had an organ transplantation. A big trust is blamed.0
13792012011-11-102018-04-10BY-SAjanEnglishB2 28412Nasogastric Intubation0
18615841692014-04-022014-04-19BY-SAlvoDeutschB2 465 9:37Natascha Kampusch0
512132602017-04-152017-04-23BY-SAolgasanchezEnglishB2 1 6:58NEUTRALISATION VIDEOThis interactive animation tells us about neutralisation and the real application of salts. This video belongs to the CLILSTORE UNIT 5104 "ACIDS AND BASES. pH. NEUTRALISATION.0
3925365102016-04-072016-04-07BY-SAUrgEnglishB2 2113 6:09New tech and readingMonths after he was born, in 1948, Ron McCallum became blind. In this charming, moving talk, he shows how he is able to read — and celebrates the progression of clever tools and adaptive computer technologies that make it possible. With their help, and that of generous volunteers, he's become a lawyer, an academic, and, most of all, a voracious reader. Welcome to the blind reading revolution. (Filmed at TEDxSydney.)0
837219012020-02-212020-02-21BY-SAikorzoEnglishB2 2627New Year resolultions0
3394841502015-12-19BY-SARupprechterRDeutschB2 193Niere0
10471136132013-03-052013-07-02BY-SAcleliacilibertoItalianoB2 697 2:00Non è vero ma ci credoQuanto siamo superstiziosi noi italiani? Ancora tanto. Vediamo come.0
241013012942014-12-102021-01-12BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 434Nósanna na Nollag in Éirinn0
9298140122021-03-222021-03-23BY-SALemonyEnglishB2 112 2:20Nowruz0
337888732015-12-19BY-SArabltDeutschB2 301nth text0
90454463482020-11-262020-11-27BY-SAProfFilipaPortuguêsB2 3902Números e operações | Resolução de problemas1
426662202016-04-282016-04-29BY-SALaiaEnglishB2 39111OBJECTIVITY vs. SUBJECTIVITYIn this Unit you can work about the different journalistic genres0
1569884112013-12-302014-06-26BY-SAcrisnavarroEspañolB2 351 5:024Obsolescencia programadaVídeo que explica el fenómeno de la obsolescencia programa. Un segundo vídeo, en clave de ironía, nos presenta un dispositivo revolucionario: el Book.0
25881144112015-02-24BY-SAadminGaeilgeB2 5151Oidhreacht agus Béaloideas - Bliain 2 Dioplóma 2015Agallamh idir Conal Mac Seáin agus Niall Comer faoin bhéaloideas0
601977012032017-10-042017-10-04BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 759Oifig Phoist an Bhuna Bhig - Agallamh ó Raidió na Gaeltachta0
832427612020-02-132020-02-15BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 1677 6:50Oifig Phoist an Bhuna Bhig: Coiste nua tofa le cur in aghaidh a druidime.Sa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta le baill coiste nua a toghadh i gceantar Ghaoth Dobhair le comhordú a dhéanamh ar an fheachtas áitiúil le hoifig phoist an Bhuna Bhig a choinneáil oscailte. In this clip, Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to the members of a new committee selected in Gaoth Dobhair to coordinate the local campaign to keep Bunbeg Post Office open.0
9341941692013-01-212013-05-16BY-SAniallclilstoreGaeilgeB2 580 2:143Ollpheist Loch NeasaScéal fán uair a bhuail Colmcille le "Nessie"0
5502450122017-04-262017-04-30BY-NC-SApauavinyoEnglishB2 1208 6:4041Olympic Games Athens (1896)0
2212658142014-08-29BY-SAMethodsEnglishB2 1134 6:541On Teaching and EntertainmentWhat do rap shows, barbershop banter and Sunday services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says, they all hold the secret magic to enthrall and teach at the same time — and it’s a skill we often don’t teach to educators. The science advocate (and cofounder of Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S. with the GZA of the Wu-Tang Clan) offers a vision to make the classroom come alive.0
37425031102016-03-232016-04-23BY-SApabmarp3EnglishB2 5855Optimization methodsStudents will know about different optimization methods used in the Toyota Production System, so that they could be able to identify and differentiate them.0
3692439132012-05-302012-05-30BY-SAClaisneachdGàidhligB2 4513Òran a' Chogaidh0
832326812020-02-132020-02-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 504 2:19Oscailt Oifigiúil Choláiste Ailigh i Leitir CeanainnSa mhír seo labhraíonn Séamus Mac Géidigh ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta lena chomhgleacaí Áine Ní Chuirreáin atá ag tuairisciú ó oscailt oifigiúil Choláiste Ailigh i Leitir Ceanainn, Co. Dhún na nGall. In this clip, Séamus Mac Géidigh from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to his colleague Áine Ní Chuirreáin who is reporting from the official opening of Coláiste Ailigh in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.0
1101120902013-04-012017-06-12BY-SAAnaEnglishB2 1277 6:59Our futureIan Goldin is director of the 21st Century School at Oxford. Through the school's program of research, collaboration and education, he's powering new, cross-disciplinary thinking about global problems from the near and far future.0
1745102302014-03-17BY-SAsimonaEnglishB2 614 4:01Our natural sleep cycle0
11617175932023-08-122023-09-25BY-SAChenEnglishB2 35322Our Natural WorldAll contents are related to the environment.0
32881192152015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAdobrova43aEnglishB2 266 2:1821Pablo Picasso0
82953621572020-02-112020-02-11BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 190010:13Pádraig Ó Dochartaigh - Toghcháin ÁitiúlaSa mhír seo labhraíonn Áine Ní Chuirreáin ó RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta leis an iarrthóir neamhspleách Pádraig Ó Dochartaigh atá san iomaíocht do shuíochán i gComhairle Contae Dhún na nGall sna toghcháin áitiúla. In this clip, Áine Ní Chuirreáin from RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta speaks to Pádraig Ó Dochartaigh who is an independent candidate for a seat in Donegal County Council in the local elections.0
674481062018-05-032018-05-04BY-SAAnnaTPolskiB2 1963Palcem po Malcie0
440162152012-08-222019-11-20BY-SAsmthangEnglishB2 2344Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscapesWhat should a community do with its unused land? Plant food, of course. With energy and humor, Pam Warhurst tells at the TEDSalon the story of how she and a growing team of volunteers came together to turn plots of unused land into communal vegetable gardens, and to change the narrative of food in their community. Pam Warhurst cofounded Incredible Edible, an initiative in Todmorden, England dedicated to growing food locally by planting on unused land throughout the community0
489640172017-03-252017-04-05BY-SAjbeneytoEnglishB2 3464Parabolic FlightThis CLIL based activity developes a guided exercise in which System of Linear Equations (SEL) are used. It is intended for 16-18 year old students who are able to solve SEL of two equations and two unknown variables. Exercise is based on parabolic flights which are carried out to feel weightlessness on a normal civil aircraft.0
238933882162014-11-242014-11-24BY-SAjanEnglishB2 3470PEPSI'S CHALLENGE0
4109864412016-04-212016-04-21BY-SAfredEnglishB2 6021Personal Protective Equipment at Work - Part OneYou should have a basic understanding of: - When PPE should be worn - Why your employer must provide you with PPE - Why you must use the PPE provided by the employer - Why you must take care of PPE supplied for your use - Why you must report lost or damaged PPE to your immediate superior - The possible effects of not wearing PPE - The limitations of PPE0
4110103712016-04-212016-04-21BY-SAfredEnglishB2 6151Personal Protective Equipment at Work - Part TwoYou should have a basic understanding of: - When PPE should be worn - Why your employer must provide you with PPE - Why you must use the PPE provided by the employer - Why you must take care of PPE supplied for your use - Why you must report lost or damaged PPE to your immediate superior - The possible effects of not wearing PPE - The limitations of PPE0
79639533222019-11-192024-02-21BY-SASanti21CatalàB2 1814PERSONES SOLIDÀRIES3
367854232016-03-17BY-SARitaG12EnglishB2 404 3:054Pet adoptionThis is my individual task for the course in conference interpreting. There are countless benefits to pet adoption and when we figure out them we understand that it can change so much.0
5100627102017-04-132017-04-16BY-SAolgasanchezEnglishB2 478 3:09PH SCALE. SESION 1. VIDEO 2Introduction to pH scale. This video belongs to the CLILSTORE UNIT 5104 "ACIDS AND BASES. pH. NEUTRALISATION0
17511381112014-03-17BY-SAiserksnaiteEnglishB2 379 3:26Photos from a storm chaser0
10608181142022-07-262022-07-30BY-SAfredEnglishB2 885 6:552Piaget's Theory of Cognitive DevelopmentPiaget's theory argues that we have to conquer 4 stages of cognitive development. Only once we have gone through all the stages, at what age can vary, we are able to reach full human intelligence.1
3321231902015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAjereka43EnglishB2 440 1:501Planica0
562744572017-05-042017-05-04BY-SALuisant82EnglishB2 692 3:2436Plant life cycle 1 hourIn this last unit of the plant block, the life cycle of plants, we end the study of plants by going deep in reproduction, a dispensable function for the life of an individual, but fundamental for the perpetuation of the species. We will analyse the life cycle of mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Stopping in each one to study the reproductive structures and how they are evolving to adapt to the environment and to be more competitive, from the spores of the mosses to the angiosperms with flower, seed and fruit. We will compare asexual and sexual reproduction and how this knowledge is applied in biotechnology, agriculture and gardening. We will discuss the ethical and socioeconomic aspects of these applications.0
563536112017-05-042017-05-04BY-SALuisant82EnglishB2 808 3:2466Plant life cycle 2 hourIn this last unit of the plant block, the life cycle of plants, we end the study of plants by going deep in reproduction, a dispensable function for the life of an individual, but fundamental for the perpetuation of the species. We will analyse the life cycle of mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Stopping in each one to study the reproductive structures and how they are evolving to adapt to the environment and to be more competitive, from the spores of the mosses to the angiosperms with flower, seed and fruit. We will compare asexual and sexual reproduction and how this knowledge is applied in biotechnology, agriculture and gardening. We will discuss the ethical and socioeconomic aspects of these applications.0
514662422017-04-172017-04-17BY-SAmarc3EnglishB2 921 5:163PLASTIC POLLUTIONArtist Dianna Cohen shares some tough truths about plastic pollution in the ocean and in our lives — and some thoughts on how to free ourselves from the plastic gyre.0
598367238812017-09-04BY-NCbobteqDeutschB2 12529:001PlastikmüllDer Plastikmüll und seine Folgen für den Planeten werden hier wissenschaftlich dargestellt. In der Reportage wird aber auch über sinnvolle Einsätze des Kunststoffes berichtet.0
366349022016-03-162016-03-17BY-SAlaulaulauEnglishB2 29 8:3342Platonic SolidsThis lesson talks about Platonic solids and their properties.0
393575552016-04-082016-04-08BY-SArociohoyosEnglishB2 341 7:2652Playing with ArcimboldoThe outlandish Arcimboldo dazzles Mati and Dada with his fantastic multiple image paintings. Mati and Dada welcomes you to the wonderful world where learning meets creativity and imagination. Art with Mati and Dada is an animated series for kids from five to eight years old, co-produced by the Italian production company Achtoons and Rai Fiction, the production arm of the Italian Pubcast.0
1219844342024-11-292024-11-29BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 538Pleananna agus Aislingí0
9002147112020-11-232020-11-30BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishB2 515 3:461Poem 40 Love Letters by Jeanann Verlee0
243989392015-01-17BY-SAtequilaEnglishB2 1318Poetry that frees the soul0
9908183102021-10-302021-10-30BY-SAFrancesca_MIEBEnglishB2 886Population Ecology0
566731412017-05-062017-05-06BY-NClaurasanruEnglishB2 57PORTRAITURE, THEN AND NOW. (Part 1)To make an atractive photograph it's not too difficult and neither expensive. How can you do this? Let's talk about COMPOSITION.0
566330512017-05-062017-05-06BY-NClaurasanruEnglishB2 521PORTRAITURE, THEN AND NOW. (Part 2)To make an atractive photograph it's not too difficult and neither expensive. How can you do this? Let's talk about COMPOSITION.0
567231202017-05-062017-05-06BY-NClaurasanruEnglishB2 41PORTRAITURE, THEN AND NOW. (Part 3)To make an atractive photograph it's not too difficult and neither expensive. How can you do this? Let's talk about COMPOSITION.0
2051193212012-01-262017-06-12BY-SAAnaPortuguêsB2 684 4:131Portugal, um país a descobrir!0
1210316872024-08-272024-08-30BY-SAchalupkovaEnglishB2 70623Power plantsThis unit is about the power plants.0
702635442018-08-032018-08-03BY-SAricardvaleroEnglishB2 5332Practical works0
809314302020-01-072022-03-21BY-SAgiuseppelicEnglishB2 1724PRE-RAPHAELITES (Victorians Revolutionaries)0
3017106662015-06-042015-06-08BY-SAAlexCatalàB2 112 1:31Preguntant sobre un producte0
119746132024-05-222024-05-22BY-SATessEnglishB2 11983Prejudice, Discrimination, and Stereotyping0
331490212015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAdobrova43aEnglishB2 621 5:341prekmurska gibanica0
2678620152015-03-262015-03-26BY-SAkelombosEspañolB2 5712Prensa sobre la formula 1Es un recorte de prensa sobre la formula 10
112827602023-02-052023-02-16BY-SAAnjaSchroedelEnglishB2 1Presentations0
686439402018-06-192018-06-19BY-SAFridaAlEnglishB2 632 5:5431Preshistoric Temples in Malta0
124292872013-07-292013-07-29BY-SAenglishcornerEnglishB2 651 4:281President Morsi Overthrown in Egypt0
68138731742018-05-19BY-SAHellelykkeالعربيةB2 96715:321Problems in the Arab worldWhat are the problems in the Arab world today?0
1033119492022-03-242022-03-24BY-SAAlbertEnglishB2 5533Programming with Siemens Logo!Text from Siemens website: http://w3.siemens.com/mcms/programmable-logic-controller/en/logic-module-logo/logo-software/Pages/Default.aspx#Design_20and_20functions1
4984345062017-04-022017-04-16BY-SAKigEnglishB2 2830 4:5585Protein synthesisThis activity has been designed to learn the biological process called protein synthesis with the support of several online resources such as Khan academy and BBC Bitesize. In addition, this unit will analyze the central dogma of molecular biology and the students can deepen in it decoding a DNA message following the same steps that cells.0
2769656272015-04-182015-04-18BY-SAJDEVISEnglishB2 250310:0011Prueba 4 JOSÉ MARÍA DEVÍSScott Fraser studies how humans remember crimes — and bear witness to them. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a crime can create "memories" they could not have seen. Why? Because the brain abhors a vacuum. Editor's note: In the original version of this talk, Scott Fraser misspoke about available footage of Two World Trade Center (Tower 2). The misstatement has been edited out for clarity.0
8819186112020-09-092020-09-09BY-SAMohagirPolskiB2 138Przedmiotowy system oceniania.0
654526402018-03-052018-03-05BY-SAIsaEnglishB2 1PUBLICITY0
519135212017-04-182017-04-18BY-SAclasefqEnglishB2 519 6:0031Pure substances and mixtures (2-hour)0
12751811282013-08-222013-08-23BY-SAroby65EnglishB2 6363PYTHAGORA'S THEOREMdescription the Pytagorica's teorem and applications0
955724712021-07-292021-07-30BY-SAeditagorasEnglishB2 23423Pythagorean theorem0
61151922942017-11-062019-12-11BY-SAmrvanstraatenEnglishB2 412 6:153pythagorean theorem0
260113266092015-02-252015-02-25BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 402 2:1811Raidió na Gaeltachta agus an dátheangachasAgallaimh ar pholasaí Raidió na Gaeltachta0
76021001942012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 560 5:543Rannsachadh aig GreenspaceMarket-orientated environmental research activity in the Western Isles. The main activities of the Stornoway-based Greenspace Research group are outlined and exemplified.0
4120556112016-04-22BY-SAjppastorEnglishB2 821RDBMSWhat is a database?0
1039412702022-04-252022-04-26BY-SAjustkaEnglishB2 285Reading Comprehension - matura pp0
176063232014-03-17BY-SAiserksnaiteEnglishB2 672 3:32Remember to say thank you0
379092262016-03-272016-04-05BY-SARUTH MONTAGUDEnglishB2 8844RENEWABLE ENERGY0
4104452182016-04-212024-01-25BY-SAfredEnglishB2 557Reporting Accidents - Part OneYou should have a basic understanding of: • The need to report injuries, accidents, certain diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive • Why you must report accidents to your employer • The need to record in the accident book all accidents that cause any injury whatsoever • What reportable injuries, dangerous occurrences and reportable diseases are0
4105490112016-04-212024-01-25BY-SAfredEnglishB2 671Reporting Accidents - Part TwoYou should have a basic understanding of: • The need to report injuries, accidents, certain diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive • Why you must report accidents to your employer • The need to record in the accident book all accidents that cause any injury whatsoever • What reportable injuries, dangerous occurrences and reportable diseases are0
1009412522021-12-142021-12-14BYruili0205EspañolB2 11repuesta0
8529340232020-04-162020-05-15BY-SAcecilia.cutroneItalianoB2 58135Responsabilità sociale d'impresa, sostenibilità ed Economia circolare (LSSEV)2
9331515562013-01-212013-05-16BY-SAniallclilstoreGaeilgeB2 271 2:041Rith 2012A word of thanks to those who took part in Rith 2012.0
12171574132013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschB2 789 5:37Rockshine – ein BandprojektOne of about 40 members of a band project of the University of Mainz is interviewed about their latest gig, the history of the project, their repertoire, their rehearsing and the future of the project.0
31859677982015-10-092015-10-09BY-SAaw389EnglishB2 510Role of agriculture - What is agriculture?0
917611502021-02-112021-02-11BY-SAJorgeSalasEnglishB2 109Role of uncertainty in construction projects0
1376106632013-09-132013-09-13BY-SAKentAndersenEnglishB2 204015:45Ron McCallum: How technology allowed me to readMonths after he was born, in 1948, Ron McCallum became blind. In this charming, moving talk, he shows how he is able to read -- and celebrates the progression of clever tools and adaptive computer technologies that make it possible. With their help, and that of generous volunteers, he's become a lawyer, an academic, and, most of all, a voracious reader. Welcome to the blind reading revolution. (Filmed at TEDxSydney.) Blind almost since birth, Ron McCallum is one of Australia's most respected legal scholars, and an activist on behalf of disabled people around the globe0
1370126482013-09-12BY-SAhnishinoEnglishB2 2039Ron McCallum: How technology allowed me to readThis video deals with learning how to read if you are blind0
441421131092016-05-212016-05-21BY-SAcaoimhinsmoBrezhonegB2 386023:001Rozenn Milin - Brezhoneg0
44152457842016-05-212016-05-21BY-SAcaoimhinsmoBrezhonegB2 704823:001Rozenn Milin - Brezhoneg (hag saosneg)0
11233128822023-01-102023-01-12BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 330 1:424RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta - Nuacht an Iarthair (06/01/23)Achoimre ar scéalta móra an lae in iarthar na hÉireann le hEileen Ní Chonghaile. Craoladh an mhír seo ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta ar 6 Eanáir 2023. Summary of the main headlines from the west of Ireland, read by Eileen Ní Chonghaile. This clip was broadcast on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta on 6 January 2023.1
112342392042023-01-102023-02-07BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 321 1:434RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta - Príomhscéalta an Deiscirt (06/01/23)Achoimre ar scéalta móra an lae i ndeisceart na hÉireann le Daithí de Mordha. Craoladh an mhír seo ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta ar 6 Eanáir 2023. Summary of the main headlines from the south of Ireland, read by Daithí de Mordha. This clip was broadcast on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta on 6 January 2023.1
112321852742023-01-102024-01-30BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 336 1:482RTÉ RnaG - Nuacht an Tuaiscirt (06/01/23)Achoimre ar scéalta móra an lae in iarthuaisceart na hÉireann le Caoimhe Ní Chonchoille. Craoladh an mhír seo ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta ar 6 Eanáir 2023. Summary of the main headlines from the south of Ireland, read by Caoimhe Ní Chonchoille. This clip was broadcast on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta on 6 January 2023.1
11125399272022-10-142022-10-14BY-NC-SADanaPaukovaEnglishB2 8161Rutherfords gold foil experiment0
1212884832024-09-262024-10-07BY-SAcarsipeEnglishB2 108SAAC: PRACTICAL CASES U10
1212963102024-09-262024-10-07BY-SAcarsipeEnglishB2 113SAAC: PRACTICAL CASES U20
26822282212015-03-292015-03-29BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 95 3:25Salm 79, na h-earrainn 3-40
121241401022024-09-242024-10-02BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 544Saol na hOllscoile0
712941782018-10-152018-10-15BY-SAfabianaEnglishB2 2917Scaffolding for CERN article0
898932142020-11-202020-11-23BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanDeutschB2 902 8:391Schnellboot nach St KildaEnvironmental tourism excursion to natural and cultural world heritage site. A brief introduction to St Kilda is given. An excursion with a Lewis-based tourism operator is recorded, including both main islands, covering aspects of both cultural and natural heritage.0
22241258202014-09-01BY-SAfredDeutschB2 26412:00Schwarzfahrer0
12682537222013-08-222013-08-22BY-SAnorinaEnglishB2 543 1:30SCIENCE hands-on 1Video with subtitles. Students show how to prepare an onion cell slide to watch at microscope.0
11712341102013-06-04BY-SAdaBossEnglishB2 247418:292Scott Fraser: Why eyewitnesses get it wrongScott Fraser studies how humans remember crimes -- and bear witness to them. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a crime can create "memories" they could not have seen. Why? Because the brain abhors a vacuum. Editor's note: In the original version of this talk, Scott Fraser misspoke about available footage of Two World Trade Center (Tower 2). The misstatement has been edited out for clarity. Scott Fraser is a forensic psychologist who thinks deeply about the fallibility of human memory and encourages a more scientific approach to trial evidence.0
780353517072012-09-112019-11-20BY-SAfredEnglishB2 283018:272Scott Fraser: Why eyewitnesses get it wrongScott Fraser studies how humans remember crimes -- and bear witness to them. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a crime can create "memories" they could not have seen. Why? Because the brain abhors a vacuum.0
1403151192013-10-022014-04-19BY-SAniallcomerGaeilgeB2 255 3:121Seachrán Charn tSiailAn t-amhrán Seachrán Charn tSiail0
4637920312016-12-14BY-SAadminGaeilgeB2 434Seachtain 11 Dioplóma Bliain 20
46389891062016-12-14BY-SAadminGaeilgeB2 434Seachtain 12 Dioplóma Bliain 20
7562382762012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanGàidhligB2 495 4:273Seallam!Genealogy centre in Harris. The viewer is introduced to the location of the Seallam! Visitor Centre in Harris, and to the services on offer there for visitors, including exhibitions from external parties, such as the Harris Tapestry.0
65687912012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 416 4:273Seallam! Visitor CentreGenealogy centre in Harris. The viewer is introduced to the location of the Seallam! Visitor Centre in Harris, and to the services on offer there for visitors, including exhibitions from external parties, such as the Harris Tapestry.0
880918702020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 244414:27Seán na Luaithe Buí (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
8810316112020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 166710:43Séarlas Ó Gleadair (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
6681115372012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishB2 671 8:393Seatrek to St KildaEnviromental tourism excursion to natural and cultural world heritage site. A brief introduction to St Kilda is given. An excursion with a Lewis-based tourism operator is recorded, including both main islands, covering aspects of both cultural and natural heritage.0
383118712012-06-222012-06-24BY-SAfredEnglishB2 5121Sebastian Thrun: Google's driverless carSebastian Thrun helped build Google's amazing driverless car, powered by a very personal quest to save lives and reduce traffic accidents. Jawdropping video shows the DARPA Challenge-winning car motoring through busy city traffic with no one behind the wheel, and dramatic test drive footage from TED2011 demonstrates how fast the thing can really go. Sebastian Thrun is the director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab and is working, through robotics, to change the way we understand the world0
6711724442018-04-242019-04-24BY-SArauniemeCatalàB2 331Sessió inicial0
26085151622015-03-032015-03-19BY-SAcgalliqueEnglishB2 473 3:52Shall we always obey laws ?0
392934612016-04-072016-04-07BY-SAPEDEnglishB2 1554 9:16Shape shifting tech will change work..What will the world look like when we move beyond the keyboard and mouse? Interaction designer Sean Follmer is building a future with machines that bring information to life under your fingers as you work with it. In this talk, check out prototypes for a 3D shape-shifting table, a phone that turns into a wristband, a deformable game controller and more that may change the way we live and work.0
121223602024-09-182024-09-18BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanPortuguêsB2 678 7:523Shetlandês em GlasgowA documentary slice of Shetland poest Christie Williamson's life in Glasgow, narrated in Portuguese.0
333449072015-11-182015-11-18BY-SAfredEnglishB2 230315:12Shimon Steinberg: Natural pest control ... using bugs!What's the difference between a pest and a bug? Shimon Steinberg makes the case for using good bugs to fight bad bugs, avoiding chemicals in our quest for perfect produce.0
2685608282015-03-302021-01-15BY-SALaurynasEnglishB2 981 5:453Shimpei Takahashi: Play this game to come up with original ideasShimpei Takahashi always dreamed of designing toys. But when he started work as a toy developer, he found that the pressure to use data as a starting point for design quashed his creativity. In this short, funny talk, Takahashi describes how he got his ideas flowing again, and shares a simple game anyone can play to generate new ideas. (In Japanese with English subtitles.)0
1213572652024-10-022024-10-02BY-SAGearoidodGaeilgeB2 408Siamsaíocht0
355133102016-02-212016-02-22BY-SACinidusEnglishB2 687 4:241Siegfried Woldhek: The search for the true face of LeonardoMona Lisa is one of the best-known faces on the planet. But would you recognize an image of Leonardo da Vinci? Illustrator Siegfried Woldhek uses some thoughtful image-analysis techniques to find what he believes is the true face of Leonardo.0
234916531332014-10-282014-10-28BY-NC-NDfredEnglishB2 55734Siemens LOGO! SoftwareText from Siemens website: http://w3.siemens.com/mcms/programmable-logic-controller/en/logic-module-logo/logo-software/Pages/Default.aspx#Design_20and_20functions1
334342802015-11-24BY-NDjfcEnglishB2 18Signs and symptoms of plant disease: Is it fungal, viral or bacterial?0
8812213612020-09-072021-01-13BY-SACÓDGaeilgeB2 944 7:03Slán Aodha Rua (Scéalta Johnny Shéamaisín)Is scéal é seo ón bhailiúchán Scéaltaí Johnny Shéamaisín ina bhfuil fáil ar an insint a rinne Eoin Ó Domhnaill as Rann na Feirste (1863-1848) ar shraith de scéalta béaloidis. D'fhoilsigh Comhaltas Uladh an chéad eagrán den bhailiúchán i 1948 agus tháinig leagan méadaithe amach i 1953. Foilsíodh an tríú heagrán i 1974, leagan den téacs sa chló Rómhánach le litriú de réir an chaighdeáin, arna réiteach ag Anraí Mac Giolla Chomhaill. Sa bhliain 2003, d'ullmhaigh Mac Giolla Comhaill an ceathrú heagrán le roinnt athruithe ar ord na dtéacsanna sa leabhar agus taifeadadh gutha ar na scéalta go léir.0
847760912592020-03-252020-03-25BY-SAsiledenvirGaeilgeB2 415Sleachta Léitheoireachta don Scrúdú Cainte0
3312117002015-11-162015-11-20BY-SAdobrova43aEnglishB2 536 6:0021Slovene National Dishes0
375034912016-03-24BY-SAagnutecoEnglishB2 226 1:473SmkokingThis topic is about smoking, about it damage for people health. Also, why young people prefer cigarettes.0
123996722013-07-172013-07-17BY-SAenglishcornerEnglishB2 7792Snowden will leave Moscow airport in a few days, lawyer says0
3892086232012-06-252014-04-19BY-SAmpeEnglishB2 329817:55social networkAfter mapping humans' intricate social networks, Nicholas Christakis and colleague James Fowler began investigating how this information could better our lives. Now, he reveals his hot-off-the-press findings: These networks can be used to detect epidemics earlier than ever, from the spread of innovative ideas to risky behaviors to viruses (like H1N1). After mapping humans' intricate social networks, Nicholas Christakis and colleague James Fowler began investigating how this information could better our lives. Now, he reveals his hot-off-the-press findings: These networks can be used to detect epidemics earlier than ever, from the spread of innovative ideas to risky behaviors to viruses (like H1N1). After mapping humans' intricate social networks, Nicholas Christakis and colleague James Fowler began investigating how this information could better our lives. Now, he reveals his hot-off-the-press findings: These networks can be used to detect epidemics earlier than ever, from the spread of innovativ0
412736132016-04-222016-04-22BY-SAFerranFonsEnglishB2 4444Solar System BodiesIn this activity the student will develop a research of a Solar System body answering some questions and preparing an oral presentation to show the rest of the class what they have found out.0
10095119122021-12-142021-12-14BY-SAWENNA ZHANGEnglishB2 13Solución0
5133419132017-04-162017-04-17BY-SAalrereEnglishB2 418834SOLVING PROBLEMS WITH LINEAR EQUATIONSMr Tarrou's give some examples of writing algebraic expressions from word problems.0
4881481132017-03-232017-04-26BY-SAEmmanuelEnglishB2 23324SOLVING TRIANGLES - TRIGONOMETRYWith just the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent, you can solve any right triangle. If you’ve got the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines under your belt, you can solve any triangle that exists. Whenever you must solve a triangle, this unit helps you to think about what you have and then think about which formula you can use to get what you need.0
488553252017-03-232017-04-26BY-SAEmmanuelEnglishB2 51044SOLVING TRIANGLES (2) - TRIGONOMETRYWith just the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent, you can solve any right triangle. If you’ve got the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines under your belt, you can solve any triangle that exists. Whenever you must solve a triangle, this unit helps you to think about what you have and then think about which formula you can use to get what you need.0
44002084312016-05-162019-12-13BY-SAcaoimhinsmoGàidhligB2 290 2:2712Sonas ann an Suidhisnis0
313340202015-08-262015-08-26BY-SAmsbonfilioEnglishB2 4311song0
439564002016-05-132016-11-24BY-SAfredEnglishB2 7971Special Site HazardsYou should have a basic understanding of: *The safety precautions to be taken before working in a confined space *The precautions to be taken when carrying out excavation work to reduce the risks from contact with underground services, falling materials etc. *The precautions to be taken when working near overhead power lines *The dangers to pedestrians from vehicles on site *The additional risks to young people at work and those working alone0
3716389292016-03-21BY-SAPinxo22EnglishB2 225215:32Sports and values: "Never, ever give up"In the pitch-black night, stung by jellyfish, choking on salt water, singing to herself, hallucinating … Diana Nyad just kept on swimming. And that's how she finally achieved her lifetime goal as an athlete: an extreme 100-mile swim from Cuba to Florida — at age 64. Hear her story.0
100234362402021-12-032021-12-17BY-SAjanEnglishB2 1524Stakeholder theoryR. Edward Freeman talks about Stakeholder Theory.0
31328232562015-08-262015-08-26BY-SAmajzlfkoEnglishB2 87422Steps to Making a Video</