
For students


For teachers

Unit Views Clicks Created Changed Licence Owner Language Level Words Media Time Buttons Files Title Summary Likes
12131443142013-07-15BY-SAfredDeutschA2 127 1:46Bokken SchwertA Bokken trainer gives information about the self-made swords they use for fighting.0
12121494902013-07-15BY-SAfredDeutschA2 244 1:36Bokken TrainingA Bokken trainer explains the origin of this martial art.0
12151445172013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschA2 315 3:42CocktailsIn this parody of common DIY and cookery shows on TV a bartender demonstrates how to mix a strange drink.0
8451551552012-10-312012-12-04BY-SAkelliekamiloudiDeutschA2 3142CocktailsDeutsche Einleitung0
220958752802014-08-252014-08-27BY-SAlvoDeutschA2 23112Die Uhrzeit - Katarinas Tag!Die Uhrzeit lernen0
12111680232013-07-15BY-SAfredDeutschA2 551 3:57FaltenThree students demonstrate how to fold up your clothes neatly to put them in the wardrobe.0
12191526242013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschA2 350 2:47Felix - InterviewA class of our college spends four days at a centre for medidation. In an interview, one of the participants speaks about the daily routine there and leisure activities like archery (kyudo), meditating, fishing etc.0
614184012017-11-102018-01-18BY-SAmonikap21DeutschA2 28Księgi kodeksu cywilnego0
1223134172013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschA2 219 2:09KYUDO – AnweisungA kyudo trainer demonstrates a specific shooting technique.0
920528712032013-01-162013-01-25BY-SAyasinbahceciDeutschA2 178 1:102Meine Sommerferien0
12161628722013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschA2 559 4:31NeumühleA class of our college spends four days at a centre for medidation. In an interview, the accompanying teacher speaks about the daily routine there and leisure activities like archery (kyudo), meditating, fishing etc0
8831573532012-12-122012-12-12BY-SAserpilDeutschA2 178Perfekt0
23571596572014-11-042014-11-06BY-SALiseDeutschA2 349Sachsen-Anhalt0
614072992017-11-102018-01-18BY-SAmonikap21DeutschA2 28Słowniczek pojęć z kodeksu cywilnego0
627973702018-01-182018-01-18BY-SAmonikap21DeutschA2 41Służba Geodezyjna i Kartograficzna0
4766820932017-02-272017-02-27BY-SAaverchDeutschA2 543 4:0211Song: Menschen wie wirHier sehen Sie ein Musikvideo und können parallel dazu mit dem Text arbeiten: Den Text lesen, die Wörter suchen, Notizen machen, usw.0
12201461112013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschA2 624 6:32SozialpraktikumInterview with two students on their one week's work placement at a workshop for the handicapped.0
349152922012-05-202014-04-19BY-SAyasinbahceciDeutschA2 83332Textarbeit0
198113015402014-05-122014-08-26BY-SAlvoDeutschA2 25311Thema Essen - Die CurrywurstLær om en ganske speciel slags tysk fast food: die Currywurst0
470811991492017-01-302017-02-10BY-SAaverchDeutschA2 5471Unsere peinlichsten Sprachpatzer in einer Fremdsprache (Video mit Text)Unsere peinlichsten Sprachpatzer in einer Fremdsprache Babbel Deutsch Veröffentlicht am 18.11.20140
11101454472013-04-162013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschA2 255 5:281Wie man einen Stecker verdrahtet (Intermediate)Step by step instruction on how to wire a plug. The plug used is a British type with a fuse0
1221159852013-07-16BY-SAfredDeutschA2 538 4:00YEC oder "Young European Citizen" Michael took part in a Comenius project which was about editing a multinational Internet magazine for youngsters. He speaks about his experiences at the meetings and on the importance of English as lingua franca.0
627765302018-01-172018-01-18BY-SAmonikap21DeutschA2 41Zadania Służby Geodezyjnej i Kartograficznej0

23 units found