
For students


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Unit Views Clicks Created Changed Licence Owner Language Level Words Media Time Buttons Files Title Summary Likes
1921266782012-01-252012-02-02BY-SAClaisneachdहिन्दी661 4:272अमिताभ बच्चन 0
65557181722018-03-102018-03-22BY-SAGuthanNanEileanहिन्दीA2 380 5:074रीस्टोर प्रोजेक्ट - Restore Project: Hindi documentaryA short documentary in Hindi about the Re-Store furniture restoration project run by the Cothrom community group in South Uist.0
861038692020-05-262020-06-01BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanहिन्दीA2 575 5:052विंडसर्फिंग - WindsurfingWindsurfing. North Uist resident Angus Johnson demonstrates his windsurfing skills at West Beach in Sollas. The conditions are good for beginners, with a strong wind but a calm sea.0
118767532024-04-012024-04-24BY-NDGuthanNanEileanहिन्दीB1 703 5:173बर्रा में बच्चों का संसद - Children's Parliament in BarraA short documentary on a meeting of the Uist and Barra Children's Parliament.0

4 units found