
For students


For teachers

Unit Views Clicks Created Changed Licence Owner Language Level Words Media Time Buttons Files Title Summary Likes
995812031992021-11-112021-11-14BY-SALaureEnglishA1-26311Animals and habitatsA unit for 1st grade student. A unit about animals and their habitats.2
549333454072017-04-25BY-SAInésEnglishA1-5164Body and its parts1
462630773992016-12-082016-12-17BY-SAjoanapellEnglishA1-319 3:1231FARM ANIMALSTHIS IS A PART OF A COMPLETED TEACHING UNIT.0
548616971192017-04-25BY-SAInésEnglishA1-6841Food Module0
9248668962021-03-032021-03-03BY-SAtonkanagyliliEnglishA1-11Fruit and vegetable0
429938692342016-04-292016-04-30BY-SApamatoEnglishA1-475344MY TOWNThis teaching unit introduces us in the basic vocabulary of the town (places, shops, objects...)0
366621563272016-03-162016-03-20BY-SAjoanapellEnglishA1-118 2:5731OCCUPATIONSWe are going to see the video about the occupations or jobs and then we are able to play with different interactive materials to acquire the vocabulary of the unit.0
4374205413712016-05-042016-05-04BY-SAflorencietaEnglishA1-5701Old McdonaldThis two-hours CLIL module is planned to work with students in first grade of second cycle. It is an introductory module to animals. It collects the previous knowledge about wild or domestic animals, topics that they learnt in their L1 during the first cycle, because we will teach them the animal classification afterwards.0
46271465582016-12-092016-12-20BY-SAabegasgoEnglishA1-624SAVANNA ANIMALS0
46321566802016-12-102016-12-14BY-SAjjpgraciaEnglishA1-79462The Frog PrinceThe Frog Prince1
42691808752016-04-28BYANUKAFEnglishA1-2892Vial Education Lesson Plan0
420716561392016-04-262016-04-26BY-SAcrifermaEnglishA1-299144Discover primary and secondary colours.Discover primary and secondary colours and mix them to create a wheel colour.0
42811194492016-04-29BY-SAtera140586EnglishA1-14 2:23Little artistsflashcards and video links for the unit Little artists0
61131350522017-11-062017-11-06BY-SAteacherEnglishA1-199 3:211OUR BODY!SONG: "BODY PARTS"0
99366481132021-11-092021-11-12BY-SAtkhEnglishA1-22163RecyclingLearn important stuff about recycling. Grades 2 to 3.0
40392362392016-04-172016-04-27BY-SASeñoPunkEnglishA1-1971242Teaching family from Peppa PigThis is a unit for little learners about the family vocabulary. The introduction video is the Peppa Pig's intro, and there are some exercises and an easy final test in order to assess the small unit. Of course, it is written for the teacher to read aloud to his/her students as they can't read in English yet.0
41313333832016-04-232016-04-23BY-SAsandracercaEnglishA1-28622THE COLOR OF FEELINGS0
49191435742017-03-282017-04-04BY-SACBlanquesEnglishA1-60521The layers of the Earth - Clilstore UnitThis is a 3rd of Primary lesson belonging to Social Sciences subject.0
37521164272016-03-242016-05-05BY-SA1234EnglishA1-95 2:412Yummy!This unit deals with FOOD! It is specially designed for young learners.0
27719221502012-03-142014-04-19BY-SAClaisneachdEnglishA1 64 1:312"Baa, Baa, Benbecula"0
46581457812016-12-212016-12-21BY-SAcanicamonicaEnglishA1 38321. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS0
46602567942016-12-222016-12-23BY-SAcanicamonicaEnglishA1 590321. Vertebrate and invertebrate animals0
44203291732016-05-242016-06-23BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 4815. Trips and holliday0
1002134222021-12-032021-12-03BY-SAoksanapgEnglishA1 27511pppppppppppp0
49401185542017-03-292017-05-01BY-SANuriaEnglishA1 593632 hour CLIL - The letter AThis is a 2 hour CLIL lesson to introduce the letter A to younger children through a video and some activities.0
50611184202017-04-112017-04-21BY-SASandretaEnglishA1 445222 Hours Clic Unit . Plants give lifeIn this unit you are going to learn the main features about plants.0
5406941132017-04-24BY-SAM29EnglishA1 2942 HOURS CLIL - Let's play!0
43705139852016-05-042016-05-04BY-SAAntonio86EnglishA1 35432-hour CLIL module. The Solar SystemYou will learn how is our Solar System and some charactistics of the different planets doing some funny exercices.0
43231626132016-04-302021-01-15BY-SAcanicamonicaEnglishA1 152210222. Vertebrate animals: amphibians0
54751186192017-04-252017-05-09BY-SAperuveEnglishA1 258 6:25212D SHAPESLEARNING OUTCOMES children will be able to known: •The names and features of the 2d shapes •The description of shapes •The construction of shapes using geoboards, papers and own body (shape and space) (decision making) •The comparison and report of their own work0
5360824312017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAcarbainEnglishA1 187452h-sessions Vertebrate and invertebrate animals0
9426292202021-06-222021-06-25BY-SAAlexddEnglishA1 180822nd Euclid TheoremA unit for italian students about 2nd Euclid Theorem0
46701234262016-12-232016-12-23BY-SAcanicamonicaEnglishA1 378113. Vertebrate animals: reptiles0
429613993362016-04-292016-12-23BY-SAcanicamonicaEnglishA1 1898 4:00124. Vertebrate animals: mammalsLearning about mammals0
8585443162020-05-152020-05-28BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 5625 senses0
4671924192016-12-232016-12-23BY-SAcanicamonicaEnglishA1 561115. Vertebrate animals: birds0
4672111692016-12-232016-12-23BY-SAcanicamonicaEnglishA1 1385116. Vertebrate animals: fish0
5781759282017-06-13BY-SAOleg NikiforovEnglishA1 99597 ways to prepare for exams.0
618354472017-11-20BY-SAKYVEnglishA1 3238_UNIT 1, Lesson 6, ex. 1b0
855938022020-05-042020-05-05BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 82A city from the past.0
32624791302012-05-132012-05-13BY-SAaysu81EnglishA1 227382a day of Lara0
6554775862018-03-09BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 107A good day0
9210367302021-02-212021-02-21BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 135A LITTLE VILLAGE!0
920929002021-02-212021-02-21BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 134A LITTLE VILLAGE!0
96118191822013-01-25BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishA1 2112A Machine For the Future0
24351278842015-01-17BY-SAxulin123456789EnglishA1 89A Poem From the Future0
9166484232021-02-102021-02-14BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 217A STRANGE MAN!0
38213496312016-03-292016-04-09BY-SAgabijoEnglishA1 1432A world of flavoursText about the the operation of the sense of taste. Video about the five tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami) and the organs and receptors involved in the taste sense.0
7406147912019-03-172019-03-17BY-SAesantosortegaEnglishA1 3241Acrosport0
40981065352016-04-202016-04-25BY-SARocioEnglishA1 55 5:23African Safari Animals 6this video assists in the explanation of the different group's of animals within the main classification. It uses clear and accurate pictures and gives realistic sounds of the animals. With its link to Multidict, its use in teaching English is formidable.0
93825801412013-01-222025-02-10BY-SAfredEnglishA1 1981Airport: Personal profile – AndrewAirport is a simulation that can be used by students with a language competence around level A1-A2 (European Language Portfolio). The simulation can be played in groups with three to five students (if less than five in a group then some students will have to have more than one profile in the simulation). The simulation is self explanatory; each student is given a text with a personal profile, the students read and inform the other group members about the content. When all members of a group know the given information the success of the group in the simulation depends on following the information and having a proper strategy. The students should not be allowed to speak their own language during the simulation. To play the simulation the students need 81 map squares. Each square has a top side with a number, the squares represent parts of a land map. The students can move across the map by choosing squares, when a square is chosen the students turn around the map square to see the bottom side which has informa0
9391939732013-01-222025-02-10BY-SAfredEnglishA1 1781Airport: Personal profile – JulianAirport is a simulation that can be used by students with a language competence around level B1 (European Language Portfolio). The simulation can be played in groups with three to five students (if less than five in a group then some students will have to have more than one profile in the simulation). The simulation is self explanatory; each student is given a text with a personal profile, the students read and inform the other group members about the content. When all members of a group know the given information the success of the group in the simulation depends on following the information and having a proper strategy. The students should not be allowed to speak their own language during the simulation. To play the simulation the students need 81 map squares. Each square has a top side with a number, the squares represent parts of a land map. The students can move across the map by choosing squares, when a square is chosen the students turn around the map square to see the bottom side which has informatio0
9351913332013-01-222025-02-10BY-SAfredEnglishA1 1921Airport: Personal profile – MichaelAirport is a simulation that can be used by students with a language competence around level B1 (European Language Portfolio). The simulation can be played in groups with three to five students (if less than five in a group then some students will have to have more than one profile in the simulation). The simulation is self explanatory; each student is given a text with a personal profile, the students read and inform the other group members about the content. When all members of a group know the given information the success of the group in the simulation depends on following the information and having a proper strategy. The students should not be allowed to speak their own language during the simulation. To play the simulation the students need 81 map squares. Each square has a top side with a number, the squares represent parts of a land map. The students can move across the map by choosing squares, when a square is chosen the students turn around the map square to see the bottom side which has informatio0
9371692182013-01-222025-02-10BY-SAfredEnglishA1 1721Airport: Personal profile – SeanAirport is a simulation that can be used by students with a language competence around level B1 (European Language Portfolio). The simulation can be played in groups with three to five students (if less than five in a group then some students will have to have more than one profile in the simulation). The simulation is self explanatory; each student is given a text with a personal profile, the students read and inform the other group members about the content. When all members of a group know the given information the success of the group in the simulation depends on following the information and having a proper strategy. The students should not be allowed to speak their own language during the simulation. To play the simulation the students need 81 map squares. Each square has a top side with a number, the squares represent parts of a land map. The students can move across the map by choosing squares, when a square is chosen the students turn around the map square to see the bottom side which has informatio0
936180692013-01-222025-02-10BY-SAfredEnglishA1 1491Airport: Personal profile – SidneyAirport is a simulation that can be used by students with a language competence around level B1 (European Language Portfolio). The simulation can be played in groups with three to five students (if less than five in a group then some students will have to have more than one profile in the simulation). The simulation is self explanatory; each student is given a text with a personal profile, the students read and inform the other group members about the content. When all members of a group know the given information the success of the group in the simulation depends on following the information and having a proper strategy. The students should not be allowed to speak their own language during the simulation. To play the simulation the students need 81 map squares. Each square has a top side with a number, the squares represent parts of a land map. The students can move across the map by choosing squares, when a square is chosen the students turn around the map square to see the bottom side which has informatio0
4862244082017-03-20BY-SArebecabmEnglishA1 651All Around UsLesson 1 in a didactic unit called 'All around us'. It is about the Living Beings.0
10152297282022-01-282024-06-06BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 3682All in One DayThins that you can do in a day, in Malta.0
5403929112017-04-24BY-SAbalaguepEnglishA1 591 2:42ALLA TURCA CLIL MODULE0
40921173352016-04-202016-04-25BY-SARocioEnglishA1 451 4:31Amphibians 3this video assists in the explanation of the different group's of animals within the main classification. It uses clear and accurate pictures. With its link to Multidict, its use in teaching English is formidable.0
113443602032023-03-072023-03-07BY-SAirenevelascoEnglishA1 61ANIMALS0
6011752432017-09-282017-09-28BY-SAangelscarreguiEnglishA1 203Animals0
389818033732016-04-042016-04-04BY-SASilviapascualEnglishA1 180 5:505Animals0
40821567452016-04-202016-04-25BY-SARocioEnglishA1 522 5:25Animals 1this video assists in the explanation of the different main types of animals.It is extremely informative and explains the classifications well with the aid of clear and accurate pictures. With its link to Multidict its use in teaching English is formidable.0
40881009102016-04-202016-04-25BY-SARocioEnglishA1 364 3:25Animals 2this video assists in the explanation of the different main types of animals. It is extremely informative and explains the classifications well with the aid of clear and accurate pictures. With its link to Multidict its use in teaching English is formidable.0
40414049162016-04-172016-04-17BY-SASilviapascualEnglishA1 14934Animals concept map0
4835799122017-03-152017-04-19BY-SAtina1985EnglishA1 78 2:272Animals everywhere!Activities to practice the identification of the animals' sounds.0
9932473712021-11-092022-01-31BY-SAlehoEnglishA1 351123Animals in WinterThis a unit about what animals do in winter and which ones hibernate. It is for students in grade 1-2.0
41472239332016-04-242016-05-04BY-SAnefemenEnglishA1 39933Animals soundsIn this teaching unit we are going to learn about the qualities of sound. In order to students understand the concepts (that sometime can be very abstract), achieve the goals and find motivating these work, we have relied on the animals topic, because children love animals and know them very good. We have also incorporate lots of visual element trying to make the unit teaching more attractive and fun.0
6014674162017-09-30BY-SAangelscarreguiEnglishA1 117Animals story0
808238512019-12-302019-12-31BY-SAMarioetiEnglishA1 3783Answer Key to Comino Cloze passage.0
74115032512019-03-272019-03-27BY-SARexEnglishA1 383 3:10Anything you can do, I can do better0
6829707192018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 64April fools' day0
693159072018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 207Are they getting crazy?0
625071232017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 441Array. One-dimensional array0
852537592020-04-142020-04-15BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2481At work1
35551028112016-02-212016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 139Attention to detail skillsThis speech is about the attention to detail skills.0
7165341212018-11-01BY-SAsoniaccnEnglishA1 714Auditory LearnersActivities for Auditory Learners.0
52301010182017-04-192017-04-21BY-SASergietEnglishA1 2633Badminton0
3557969132016-02-212016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 167Baltic cruisesThis speech is about the Baltic cruises.0
367187251322016-03-162016-04-15BY-SApaubarrinaEnglishA1 4673Banana Boat Song0
6243744442017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 948BASICS OF LANGUAGE С/C++0
48496631182017-03-19BY-SApablotor53EnglishA1 444 3:251Basketball0
315394502015-08-27BY-NC-NDPianist87EnglishA1 3Bedřich0
6896594312018-07-072018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 139BEING UP TO DATE WITH ICTs!0
6894690342018-07-062018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 91BEST FAMILY EVER!0
6830678342018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 76Best job in the world0
4097105072016-04-202016-04-25BY-SARocioEnglishA1 561 4:51BIRDS 5this video assists in the explanation of the different group's of animals within the main classification. It uses clear and accurate pictures. With its link to Multidict, its use in teaching English is formidable.0
6246722122017-12-212017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 723Branch and selection statements0
4211252652016-04-262016-04-29BY-SAJolantaEnglishA1 9154Bread0
6162765142017-11-152017-11-15BY-SAsilrapa08EnglishA1 972Butterfly Life Cycle0
84704235282020-03-242020-03-29BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1171Calendar.0
16992374532014-03-06BY-SALisaEnglishA1 304 2:361CALL demo - Lisa & MariaFirst scene of the movie Toy Story provided together with the script for language learning purposes.0
117491251342023-11-142023-11-14BY-SASvobidusEnglishA1 7Can or Cannot. That is the question.0
625276542017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 1207Character strings and functions to work with them0
8458456152020-03-182020-03-18BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1851Children around the world.0
24431181322015-01-17BY-SAstellaEnglishA1 7Chinese folksongsfolssong0
2441117022015-01-17BY-SAstellaEnglishA1 961chinese folktaleslet the students know the0
726967362019-01-212019-01-21BY-SADarbyEnglishA1 4992Civil justice in England and Wales0
9334270132021-04-252021-04-25BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 448Class 3 - I was at the theatre yesterday evening.0
93493081812021-05-06BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 155class 3 - Project: My Grandma's/Grandpa's town.0
9335211132021-04-25BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 318Class 3- Smart kids at the cinema.0
52291455382017-04-192017-04-19BY-SAzeldiakoEnglishA1 1198 9:2325Climates of the earthHave you ever wondered why some part of the world is a desert and some parts have a lot of rainforests. In some parts, there is always winter whereas in some parts it is always hot.0
6928607162018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 140Color train0
729670212019-01-252019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 90Conclusions0
2278897362014-09-162017-09-06BY-SAfredEnglishA1 5442Cooking Class Debate, Fred and Tarta debate whether students should be taught cooking.1
8009678312019-11-262021-04-16BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 43658COOL - Geographical Features of Malta1
8056854382019-12-092024-12-12BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 26044COOL - One Town, Three legends2
80229442362019-12-022021-04-16BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 42467COOL - Places Around Malta2
806717601792019-12-112021-04-09BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 62783COOL - The Legend of Cumbo Tower and the Bride of Mosta1
4362109312016-05-032016-05-04BY-SAenriquerossillaEnglishA1 22722Counting Tangos0
4373123702016-05-042016-05-05BY-SAenriquerossillaEnglishA1 25574Counting Through Bulerias0
729360512019-01-252019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 9Culture instructor0
6826903702018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 103Daily routine0
36901351402016-03-182016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 2070Dalia Mogahed: What do think when you look at me?Dalia Mogahed speaks about what we think when we look at muslim. The speech was taken form www.ted.com0
8478347322020-03-262020-03-26BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 3451Day and nigh.1
846637632020-03-202020-04-02BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 418Day and nigh. Part 1,2.0
848837242020-03-292020-04-01BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1501Days and months.1
860324712020-05-212020-05-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 136Did Katie swim?0
860223252020-05-21BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 119Did Katie swim?0
860122322020-05-21BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 119Did Katie swim?0
8578267832020-05-112020-05-12BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 921Do you ...? Does he ...?0
72875992662019-01-242019-01-24BY-SARexEnglishA1 2611Dogs in School0
855553114202020-04-302020-04-30BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 963Dressing up in the UK2
28101290882015-04-282015-05-23BY-SAjuanforteaEnglishA1 523 5:3324Earth Atmosphere: our shield from outer space.Without the atmosphere, we will not be able to live on earth. The gases in the atmosphere protect us by blocking out dangerous rays from sun and making earth a perfect habitat for plants and animals. Let's find out what are those gases which supports life on earth.0
851628722020-04-082020-04-08BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1233Easter0
8517324262020-04-082020-04-08BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1383Easter. (class 2)0
8518329172020-04-082020-04-08BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1034Easter. (class 3)0
37313000672016-03-222016-03-24BY-SAmisiglaEnglishA1 308 2:3921Ecosystems: biotic and abiotic factorsIn this video you can see what are a biotic and an abiotic factor and the different relationships between them.0
36251325372016-03-112016-03-11BY-SAPablo MarínEnglishA1 322Egyptian pyramids1
50501174822017-04-092017-04-09BY-SAclaubueEnglishA1 1474EmotionsThis is a brief lesson plan to work emotions with 5 year old children.0
5286769112017-04-212017-05-03BYCrisgargiEnglishA1 349 3:0434Endangered animalsIn this lesson, students will learn which animals are in danger of extinction in Spain as well as the factors that are causing their disappearance.0
36351125222016-03-122016-03-12BY-NC-NDdelEnglishA1 178 2:2032ENDANGERED ANIMALSThis website allow the student to follow the organisation of the lesson, to have a look on the different material they will work with and to have some fun at the same time they are learning.0
729552302019-01-252019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 56Evaluation0
689756792018-07-072018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 100EXCUSE ME, HOW CAN I GET TO...?0
547164412017-04-252017-04-25BY-SA53384080eEnglishA1 53Exercice 1: GLOSSARY AND CONNECTION0
547060422017-04-252017-05-07BY-SA53384080eEnglishA1 49Exercice 2: SCENOGRAPHY TEXT0
11962200192024-05-212024-05-24BY-SAElenaredEnglishA1 23734Farm and wild animalsIn this unit students will learn more about the different animals and their features.0
3848913182016-03-312016-03-31BY-SAveronicafalomirEnglishA1 15741Farm Animals0
101503581222022-01-272024-05-10BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 1512Feasts and the PossessiveIn this unit there is some information about two important festas in Malta0
4975100132017-04-012017-04-05BY-SAclagargaEnglishA1 93 4:0343Feeling the world- Five sensesUnit to understand and practice our five senses in Primary- Learn how it Works, and feeling the world around us.0
37231111232016-03-212016-03-28BY-SAEnriqueVicenteEnglishA1 12364FEELINGS0
3817958132016-03-292016-03-29BY-SAEnriqueVicenteEnglishA1 2037FEELINGS 2 HOUR MODULEName: FEELINGS; Subject: ARTS & CRAFTS: Level: 1st Grade of Primary0
689853882018-07-072018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 107FIVE A DAY!0
38923088102016-04-042016-04-05BY-SA20831874EnglishA1 42 3:2024FIVE KINGDOMSvideo and text about the 5 kingdoms.0
1133914412023-03-052023-03-06BY-SAirenevelascoEnglishA1 26fniskfjjaja0
59082418472017-08-162018-02-21BY-SAlcincaEnglishA1 24252FOOD0
3729135192016-03-222016-03-22BY-SAvanesasuEnglishA1 354 5:1421Food and DrinkChildren will have fun as they learn vowel sounds with our popular action, nursery rhyme song "Apples and Bananas".0
393020504592016-04-072016-04-11BY-SAvanesasuEnglishA1 5215346Food and Drink 2 hours Clil Module2 hours clil module to learn more about Food and Drink0
996728322021-11-222021-12-02BY-SASofieEnglishA1 45Food and drinks0
411316001962016-04-212016-04-23BY-SAlorenaclilEnglishA1 762 7:1248FOOD AND HEALTHFood gruoups and Food Pyramid0
558410371082017-05-02BY-SAmarinavapuEnglishA1 432 5:04Food pyramidThere 5 types of food.0
948337252021-07-132021-07-16BY-SAViera 1EnglishA1 54410Four seasons in Slovakia0
10261431802022-02-222022-02-25BY-SAsiola77EnglishA1 33551Fruit rainbowThis is a unit about the colors of the rainbow and the fruits in those colors.0
625368652017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 726Functions0
8635315142020-06-052020-06-05BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 207FUSSY MAX!3
11498346232023-07-112023-07-14BY-SANathalieEnglishA1 4615Geography : discover 4 european countries0
729172452019-01-252019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 25Geography teacher0
42721038112016-04-282016-04-28BY-SAPatriEGEnglishA1 904GEOMETRIC ARTISTS0
4145127142016-04-242016-04-24BY-SAIRIS BLANESEnglishA1 1431GET TO KNOW...0
831633862020-02-132020-03-09BY-NC-NDanavicianoEnglishA1 5842Getting started with Scratch0
50183051122017-04-062017-05-02BY-SAmontgar3EnglishA1 2462Giraffes Can't Dance0
362390082016-03-102016-03-10BY-SAPablo MarínEnglishA1 147Glossary0
522666522017-04-192017-04-20BY-SACristinaPellicerEnglishA1 165GOOD RIDER!!!OBJECTIVES: 1. Acquiring knowledge that contribute to consolidate behaviors and good habits on the road. 2. To know the consequences of unknowing the traffic rules, being pedestrian and or driver. CONTENTS: 1. Practice the basic traffic rules and signals: stop, yield, traffic lights, zebra crossing… 2. Work the safety rules: belt, helt bikes and motorbikes, sunglasses… 3. Situations to promote common traffic situation.0
5260712482017-04-202017-04-20BY-SACristinaPellicerEnglishA1 298GOOD RIDER!!! 2 HOUR CLIL MODULEOBJECTIVES: 1. Acquiring knowledge that contribute to consolidate behaviors and good habits on the road. 2. To know the consequences of unknowing the traffic rules, being pedestrian and or driver. CONTENTS: 1. Practice the basic traffic rules and signals: stop, yield, traffic lights, zebra crossing… 2. Work the safety rules: belt, helt bikes and motorbikes, sunglasses… 3. Situations to promote common traffic situation.0
516470912017-04-17BY-SAnicaraxEnglishA1 462Goodbye SongA fun song for children to say goodbye0
484210773112017-03-162017-05-04BY-SAmoles99EnglishA1 193221Handball and benefits of sports0
8503300252020-04-022020-04-08BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 802Happy Easter.0
862625732020-06-022020-06-03BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 208Having fun.0
591485082017-08-162017-08-16BY-SAlcincaEnglishA1 721Healthy and unhealthy food0
11338243122023-03-052023-03-05BY-SAirenevelascoEnglishA1 21HEALTHY FOOD0
58061402222017-06-212017-06-23BY-SAsupergrupaccEnglishA1 789 6:5751Healthy food1-6: Fruits and Berries Fruits and berries are among the world’s most popular health foods. This is not surprising, given that they taste incredible. Fruits are also very easy to incorporate into the diet, because they require little to no preparation. 1. Apples The apple is high in fiber, vitamin C and numerous antioxidants. Apples are very fulfilling, and perfect as snacks if you find yourself hungry between meals. 2. Avocados Avocados are different than most fruits, because they are loaded with healthy fats instead of carbs. They are creamy, tasty and high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C. 3. Bananas Bananas are among the world’s best sources of potassium. They are also high in vitamin B6 and fiber. Bananas are ridiculously convenient and portable. 4. Blueberries Blueberries are not only delicious, but also among the most powerful sources of antioxidants in the world. 5. Oranges Oranges are well known for their vitamin C content. They are also high in fiber, antioxidants and taste incredible. 6. Strawber0
40041228872016-04-132016-04-15BY-SApaubarrinaEnglishA1 45024History of RockHistory of Rock taught by Chuck and Ramona.0
681059592018-05-18BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 66Hobbies0
861531832020-05-27BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 45Homework- He is wearing...She is wearing...0
68371126142018-05-30BY-SAgrmarijeEnglishA1 798 5:10House and Home0
395584442016-04-102016-05-23BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 584housing, home and enviroment (stoy)0
688459982018-06-30BY-SAgrmarijeEnglishA1 251How are you feeling?0
7114843262018-10-112018-10-12BY-SASdjEnglishA1 3523How does a computer work?0
5830318822017-06-272017-06-28BY-SA18041982EnglishA1 75531How to make a ceramic plateIn this unit you will read about intresting places to visit in malta0
36841194132016-03-172016-03-17BY-SA4723EnglishA1 4751How to speak so that people want to listenThe original source of this speech could be found on ted.com. This speech is based on public speaking.0
3689167262016-03-182016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 1670How to speak so that people want to listen by Mr J.TreasureMr.Julian Treasure talks about how to speak so that people want to listen.0
6833739142018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 65I am a mess with technology!0
847952822020-03-262020-04-02BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 802I can draw a VENN DIAGRAM.1
8473357172020-03-242020-03-25BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1132I follow the rules.1
3669130882016-03-162016-04-21BY-SAlorenaclilEnglishA1 231 2:3047I LOVE PLANTSIn this video you can learn about the different parts of a plant and their functions.0
3807190772016-03-29BY-SALauCarMuEnglishA1 1934I love to play outsideIn this CLILSTORE you can find the video of the song "I love to play outside" and the lyrics of the song. You can also find some links that will guide you to pages where you can work at 1st grade of primary school the content "living beings and nonliving things".0
68281154152018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 72I need to go shopping!0
693654212018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 194I want to be a Pirate0
854127542020-04-242020-04-27BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 268I was at the theatre yesterday evening.0
863826322020-06-082020-06-08BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2161I'm ready to take a test (class 3)1
863442902020-06-042020-06-05BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1744I'm ready to take a test.0
8532309112020-04-192020-04-20BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 604I'm ready to take a test.0
11188229202022-11-072022-11-07BY-SAPetraMEnglishA1 2614ICT and CLIL course Malta 2022Thank you for your attention!0
1016128252022-01-312025-02-14BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 29822Il-Habbata and the PluralIn this unit the students describe some door knockers that can be seen on Maltese front doors.0
52871351192017-04-212017-05-03BY-SACrisgargiEnglishA1 36624Information0
625771022017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 976Input-output stream data. Programming of data streams0
501681262017-04-052017-04-08BY-SAclagargaEnglishA1 20642Inside our sensesUnit to focus on how senses works and parts of the body involved.0
728662632019-01-242019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 221Introduction0
294684553712015-05-262017-01-30BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 9855INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKSIntroduction to Computer networks.0
8604303292020-05-212020-05-28BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1891Is Sam wearing glasses?0
531364512017-04-222017-04-22BY-SAfannybbEnglishA1 403It's a bird0
37381174272016-03-232016-04-17BY-SAAlbaEnglishA1 217 5:2631It's Christmas time!This Clilstore Unit is about how we celebrate Christmas in Spain. Look into and find it out! Come on children!0
605660102017-10-282017-10-28BY-SAbetterfairylandEnglishA1 381itsy biysy spideer0
262797412015-03-092015-03-09BY-SAsetaEnglishA1 10016JAK SE ZEPTAT NA CESTU0
10211962372013-02-182014-04-19BY-SAserafine2vaiEnglishA1 14214:11James B. Glattfelder: Who controls the world?James Glattfelder studies complexity: how an interconnected system -- say, a swarm of birds -- is more than the sum of its parts. And complexity theory, it turns out, can reveal a lot about how the economy works. Glattfelder shares a groundbreaking study of how control flows through the global economy, and how concentration of power in the hands of a shockingly small number leaves us all vulnerable. (Filmed at TEDxZurich.) James B. Glattfelder aims to give us a richer, data-driven understanding of the people and interactions that control our global economy. He does this not to push an ideology -- but with the hopes of making the world a better place. Full bio » "We're actually really lucky that [physics] works, because no one knows why the thoughts in our heads should relate to the fundamental workings of the universe.” (James B. Glattfelder)"0
19451396942014-05-012014-05-02BY-SAdarthsidious451EnglishA1 156 1:21Jaws Wired ShutUsed with educational purposes, I do not claim any right over the production of this video.0
198310811392014-05-13BY-SAdarthsidious451EnglishA1 14655Jaws Wired Shut 2I do not claim any rights over the production of this video0
20871104122014-05-26BY-SAdarthsidious451EnglishA1 140 1:59Jaws Wired Shut 40
859732302020-05-192020-05-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 152Katie's diary.0
3510916132016-02-112016-02-11BY-SAAnitinLEnglishA1 444Katy Perry0
5244895352017-04-202017-04-21BY-SAtepegaEnglishA1 10812:3382Keep healthy!In this unit we will introduce our students in the knowledge of the healthy habits. We will do that by implementing the four language skills (L-R-S-W).We make use of visual and aural channels (video, pictures, games, songs, video-song...) and interactive activities which take account the multiple intelligences.0
7166361952018-11-01BY-SAsoniaccnEnglishA1 108Kinesthetic LearnerActivities for Kinesthetic Learners0
101484612452022-01-272024-06-06BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 17342Kinnie And PastizziThis unit deals with two favourite Maltese food1
967219902021-08-302021-08-30BY-SAAnnaKuzniarskaEnglishA1 81Koty0
904120562020-11-242020-11-24BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishA1 549la canción:Betty0
117909252023-12-252023-12-25BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishA1 201Las partes de la casaAgruparse en parejas escogidas por el profesor y completar la actividad. Cada pareja debe hacer una frase en conjunto, utilizando cada palabra del ejercicio.0
490186842017-03-262017-03-26BY-SANuriaEnglishA1 88 6:5411Learn the letter ASquiglet loves squiggling letters and he’s going to show you how to squiggle them too! Squiglet shows viewers how write the letters of the alphabet using his trusty Squiggle Pad and Squiggle Sticks.0
716795622018-11-012018-11-01BY-SAsoniaccnEnglishA1 403Learning Styles0
11939133282024-05-082025-02-13BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 37523Legends from Gozo - 1. The Legend of ClaypsoThe Legend of Ulysses and Calypso.0
11940158582024-05-092024-12-11BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 49412Legends from Gozo - 2 The Legend of St. DimitriThis unit tells the story of the Legend of St. Dimitri.0
46191072162016-12-032016-12-04BY-SASergioMuñozEnglishA1 9954Lesson 1 - Introduction to fractions.0
462072652016-12-032016-12-03BY-SASergioMuñozEnglishA1 14265Lesson 2 - Bigger or smaller fractions0
462178522016-12-042016-12-04BY-SASergioMuñozEnglishA1 9543Lesson 4 - Equivalent fractions.0
4622966192016-12-042016-12-04BY-SASergioMuñozEnglishA1 12781Lesson 5 - Games and recipes0
4623668202016-12-042016-12-04BY-SASergioMuñozEnglishA1 10121Lesson 7 - Oral presentation.0
729048642019-01-242019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 48Let's go somewhere0
424410381332016-04-272016-04-30BY-SAsimóEnglishA1 943 4:294Let's learn how to recycle with Peppa Pig and her family!This is a 5-minute Peppa Pig episode on the very basics of recycling intended for non-native learners of English at either Pre-primary or 1st cycle (1st and 2nd grades) of Primary school in order to help and encourage them to learn about and get acquainted with the concept and procedure of recycling in a fun and enjoyable way, while developing their listening skills and working on specific language for greetings and farewells, questions and short answers as well as reclycing- and environment-related vocabulary.0
856524232020-05-062020-05-06BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 106Let's play0
849631982020-03-312020-04-07BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1792Let's play1
11829124182024-02-222024-02-22BY-SASylaEnglishA1 96Liczby naturalne w zadaniach tekstowych0
862326222020-06-01BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 276Lions are strong, but tigers are stronger.1
862124712020-05-312020-06-01BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 280Lions are strong, but tigers are stronger.moje0
624954502017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 344Loop control statements break and continue0
624857012017-12-212017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 530Loop statements0
9471780592013-01-252013-01-25BY-SAyasinbahceciEnglishA1 2032Mahatma Gandhi0
693453232018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 107Maisy and the wheather0
689551452018-07-072018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 101MAKE IT HAPPEN!0
39421785112016-04-09BY-SAEnriqueVicenteEnglishA1 149Make Photo Frame From Ice cream Sticks0
447474052016-07-292016-07-29BY-SAluc017EnglishA1 111Malta0
848036322020-03-262020-03-27BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 94Maths0
5270664242017-04-212017-04-21BY-SAzeldiakoEnglishA1 379 4:4725Means and modes of transportSong about mode and means of transport0
550471362017-04-262017-04-26BY-SAMisiesEnglishA1 3831MEANS OF TRANSPORTSDifferent means of transport are subject to the daily lives of children, get in a car, ride a bike, get on the bus, etc. It is therefore a subject of interest and motivation for many of they.0
23711315212014-11-12BY-NC-NDfredEnglishA1 626 4:002Measuring a golden statue. Use Khan Academy to practice your math skillsMeasuring a golden statue. Use Khan Academy to practice your math skills.1
879123102020-09-062020-09-08BY-SA175EnglishA1 23Metric and imperial units2
7230173672018-12-032018-12-04BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishA1 146 1:00Modern Family Gloria Luke/LookPronunciation of u0
84363992182020-03-122021-03-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1692Months of the year.0
5156768172017-04-172017-04-17BY-SAnicaraxEnglishA1 153 1:4911My bodyA fun song for beginners in order to learn body parts.0
51612830162017-04-172017-04-17BY-SAnicaraxEnglishA1 558144My body (2 hours CLIL lesson)2 hours CLIL module to learn more about "The body parts"0
846531392020-03-202020-03-20BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 146My day.0
882822182020-09-142020-09-14BY-NC-NDanavicianoEnglishA1 4282My first application with App Inventor2
8647567452020-06-172020-06-17BYElenapiqEnglishA1 260My holiday disaster1
692749112018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 95My mother is a baker0
6930600162018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 80My nose, your nose0
9124219312021-01-242021-01-30BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 149MY PET AND ME!0
11674212122023-09-142023-09-15BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 30871My school day0
531266472017-04-222017-04-23BY-SAmireiadeesEnglishA1 12821My TownThis teaching unit introduces us in the basic vocabulary of the town.0
532484372017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAmireiadeesEnglishA1 33238My Town 2This unit is a continuation of the unit My Town where we will learn what is done in each building of our town.0
860721512020-05-22BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1581My, your, his, her0
1263260762013-08-222015-02-04BY-SApkatjaEnglishA1 583Narva Vanalinna RiigikoolVideo lühikirjeldus siin0
546178652017-04-252017-05-07BY-SA53384080eEnglishA1 381 2:3633New concept of scenographyThese courses approach scenography from multiple practical and theoretical perspectives to create new opportunities for performance design, experimentation and authorship. Students will develop key skills and undertake creative set design, stage design and performance design projects for theatre and other contexts. Some of the major innovations in performance practices over the past hundred years have been drawn from scenographic developments. Drawing from past and present approaches to performance design, these Scenography courses are concerned with exploring dynamic and innovative interplays between the body, space and time further informed by a variety of disciplines including sculpture, digital media, puppetry, choreography, film, architecture and sound.0
849941582020-04-012020-04-24BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2292Nocturnal animals1
856729402020-05-07BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 43Nocturnal animals during the day and at night.0
860827992020-05-262020-05-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 951Now I can... 8 (class 3)0
8622291122020-06-012020-06-02BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 961Now I can... Revision 1 (class 3)0
8609308152020-05-262020-06-02BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1001Now I can... Revision 1 (class2)0
39711138522016-04-112016-04-11BY-SAMAmparoGCEnglishA1 77 3:2642Numbers 0 to 20The students will be able to remember the numbers they know and learn the new ones. Also, they will be able to pay attention to the teacher and watching the videos and be willing to play in order waiting their turn. With the last activity (Bingo), working in pairs, the students must share their knowledge with their classmates. Moreover, they must verbalize the new vocabulary terms.0
858430882020-05-152020-05-18BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 233On holiday.0
693254532018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 93One day at home.0
6245635802017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 1032Operations. Standard functions0
1645138102014-02-212014-02-24BY-SAmagisterMichaelEnglishA1 474Orfeo Zwolle MaltaWhat do you know about Orfeo?0
567476342017-05-062017-05-06BY-NC-NDPaulaJSEnglishA1 5302Our body!The aim of this unit is to teach the principal things related to the human body.0
49391849132017-03-292017-04-24BY-SAAVEEnglishA1 126010OUR FIVE SENSESThis unit is about our five senses:sight, hearing, taste, smelling and touch.0
897121202020-11-112020-11-11BY-SAsonia.nogueiraEnglishA1 99Our Things - Unit 31
6906549102018-07-092018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 109OUR VALUES0
4796776142017-03-082017-03-08BY-SAmardiEnglishA1 199 2:302PARTS OF A PLANTYou will learn about "Parts of a Plant" in this video. A plant has many different parts that perform various functions. Plants are living organisms that cover much of the land of planet Earth. You see them everywhere. They include grass, trees, flowers, bushes, ferns, mosses, and more. Plants are members of the kingdom plantae.0
3816898202016-03-292016-03-29BY-SAbeafalomirEnglishA1 9631Parts of the body0
568156002017-05-072017-05-07BY-SAmonicasorianoEnglishA1 163Perimeters and areas0
1016821102022-02-022025-02-14BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 41323Petra and Kate in VallettaIn this unit the students join Petra and Kate on a visit to Valletta.0
314783402015-08-272015-08-27BY-NC-NDPianist87EnglishA1 4Peťulka0
779338502019-09-262019-09-26BY-SAfire4liveEnglishA1 180Pi-Webquest0
119349762024-05-072025-02-11BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 24811Piazza Regina or Queen's SquareThis unit describes one of the most beautiful squares in Valletta - Piazza Regina.0
10189440432022-02-082025-02-13BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 1511Places Around MaltaThis unit describes a street in Malta now and compares it to the same street 100 years ago.0
31931678282015-10-242019-09-22BY-SARexEnglishA1 126 4:111Planet rap1
31949032192015-10-24BY-SARexEnglishA1 62Planet rap questions0
5198876402017-04-182017-05-03BY-SASo NiaEnglishA1 398 3:1253PLANTS, FUNCTIONS AND FORESTS PROTECTION (1st GRADE)Did you know that plants are very similar to human beings? Join Dr. Binocs as he Zooms In on different parts of a plant and explains their functions.0
2436127412015-01-17BY-SAMAYEnglishA1 13181Poetry that frees the soul0
2432133802015-01-17BY-SAad-a11517EnglishA1 13181Poetry that frees the soul0
625661202017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 427Pointers and arrays. Use of pointers with arrays0
625554202017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 660POINTERS AND WORK WITH DATA STREAM0
3706115362016-03-192016-04-23BY-SAazabalzaEnglishA1 8521Polygons and figures. TrianglesDifferent types of triangles and their properties.0
693353122018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 137Postman Pat0
8990397142020-11-222020-11-24BY-SAInmamestraEnglishA1 3642PREHISTORY FOR CHILDRENIn this unit children will learn how the first human beings were living, their feeding, hunting. One of the goals to acquire is that they can understand how important is the way they are living to the future generations.0
10151295882022-01-272024-06-06BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 2182Prepositions at St. John's Cathedral0
8586289222020-05-152020-05-15BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1882Present simple revision.0
1043620542022-04-29BY-SALilllottenEnglishA1 56Presentation1
10435194102022-04-292022-04-29BY-SALilllottenEnglishA1 56Presentation0
1042913412022-04-29BY-SALilllottenEnglishA1 56Presentation0
1042719412022-04-292022-04-29BY-SALilllottenEnglishA1 56Presentation0
729448222019-01-252019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 93Process0
4375830262016-05-04BY-SAleo88EnglishA1 114Project on Malta0
861428862020-05-272020-05-27BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 68Project- My holiday.0
11976151192024-05-23BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 268Project- My summer holiday.0
1194397142024-05-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 268Project- My summer holiday.0
860626922020-05-222020-05-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 268Project- My summer holiday.0
85693082612020-05-082020-05-11BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 205Project: My Grandma's/Grandpa's town.0
2657437932015-03-202015-03-20BY-SAmiriam_mmbEnglishA1 117prueba0
417779112016-04-25BY-SAVicenteCLILEnglishA1 11prueba unidad didactica de piano en construcción0
855428842020-04-302020-05-07BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 26PS&M - Maths. Sharing equally.0
955826742021-07-292021-07-30BY-SALuisMiguelMatesEnglishA1 24621PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM0
7288507462019-01-24BY-SARexEnglishA1 48Questions for dogs in school0
689950642018-07-072018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 113RAINBOW0
80387865642019-12-032021-04-16BY-NC-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 792115Reading Texts - Places around Malta0
6831631102018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 62Recycling0
52221222232017-04-192017-04-25BY-SA9691EnglishA1 857 5:1253RECYCLING2 hours CLIL lesson about what is, how and why recycling for children of the first elementary education cycle0
505378642017-04-092017-04-25BY-SA9691EnglishA1 453 5:1211RECYCLINGPeppa and George help Mummy Pig clean up after breakfast. Mummy Pig teaches them how to recycle the bottles and newspapers.0
36551623132016-03-152016-03-30BY-SAisabelEnglishA1 18742Recycling and environmentThe recycling process and benefits to the environment. Measures from school.1
56681165292017-05-062017-05-19BY-SA9691EnglishA1 938 5:1252RECYCLING II2 hours CLIL lesson about what is, how and why recycling for children of the first elementary education cycle0
38299872822016-03-302016-04-26BY-SAClaraPHEnglishA1 35342Recycling is fun!0
122009262024-12-022024-12-02BY-SAhhgabaEnglishA1 1723Red hat...SANTA0
6900617252018-07-072018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 131REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE!0
8361838972012-10-302014-04-19BY-SAfredEnglishA1 134 1:151Replacing fuses0
4096817162016-04-202016-04-25BY-SARocioEnglishA1 410 4:30Reptiles 4this video assists in the explanation of the different group's of animals within the main classification. It uses clear and accurate pictures. With its link to Multidict, its use in teaching English is formidable.0
8504309132020-04-022020-04-07BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 752Revise and take the test.0
850925922020-04-032020-04-03BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 751Revision 7. Days, months, telling the time.1
861725742020-05-282020-06-01BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2091Revision 9. Clothes. - Gr 20
8619254232020-05-282020-06-01BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 3011Revision 9. Clothes. - Group 10
8620270142020-05-282020-05-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2111Revision 9. I went on holiday.0
857628722020-05-112020-05-13BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 114Revision Unit 8.0
8580308292020-05-132020-05-13BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1632Revision Unit 8. Presesnt Simple, time, occupations.0
8506340212020-04-032020-04-15BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 303Revision.Telling the time, giving directions.1
9961248242021-11-132022-05-04BY-SArossella campisiEnglishA1 3065Rossella Campisi Clil Malta1
9081217102020-12-302020-12-30BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 259RULES OF THE ROAD!0
8469279252020-03-232020-03-24BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 102Rules, rules, rules.0
51711382552017-04-172017-04-18BY-SAmolinadiaz.308EnglishA1 849 1:202Save water!This lesson plan is involved in “Water” teaching unit. It is designed to be carried out with the children of 5 - 6 years of age who are studying in the third year of the second cycle of preschool education. It consists of six activities designed to be carried out in 2 hours using a playful methodology with the objective with the aim of achieving significant learnings in the students using the game. Moreover the aims of the lesson, the language aims and the assessment are specified in this lesson plan.0
68851218332018-06-30BY-SAgrmarijeEnglishA1 412School life in England0
88915036592012-12-12BY-SAhdEnglishA1 254school on air0
9741301182021-10-122021-10-15BY-SAjagaEnglishA1 352113Scribes and Artificial IntelligenceThis lesson is aimed at Primary A1 English students. However you can use it with more advanced classes. The topic covers general information about the history of education and will allow students to understand the importance of education in their lives and for their future career. Lots of different materials; films, songs and pictures as well as vocabulary and grammar practice.5
516290012017-04-172017-04-17BY-SAclagargaEnglishA1 110 4:2341Sense of SmellUnit to focus on how the sense of smell Works and the parts of the body involved.0
4243128142016-04-272016-04-29BY-SAsonson01EnglishA1 48132Senses 2 hours module0
73122803132019-02-052019-02-08BY-SAJack71EnglishA1 1482Sepak Taraw0
544882122017-04-252017-05-04BY-SAconmasbrioEnglishA1 230 4:112ShapesA Maths lesson in English about geometry (shapes) for learners of 5 to 6 years old0
769032432019-09-052019-09-25BY-SArulesforlifeEnglishA1 494Show your colours0
583267132017-06-272017-06-29BY-SAzsoizciechEnglishA1 1913041Sightseeing in CiechanowiecIn this unit you will read about synagogue in Ciechanowiec0
85942203642020-05-182020-05-19BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1501Smart kids - Are these Ben's trainers?0
859624482020-05-192020-05-19BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 88Smart kids - Greg and Anna went to the forest.0
859024322020-05-172020-05-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 159Smart kids - Greg and Anna went to the forest.0
858922702020-05-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 168Smart kids - Greg and Anna went to the forest.0
859125632020-05-172020-05-19BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 158Smart kids - Greg and Anna went to the forest.10
862727132020-06-022020-06-03BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 137Smart kids - Science project.1
863024422020-06-032020-06-04BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 229Smart kids are playing tag.0
854723722020-04-28BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 95Smart kids at the cinema - workbook.0
854623282020-04-272020-04-28BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 215Smart kids at the cinema.0
36081828142016-03-09BY-SAPablo MarínEnglishA1 136Solid figures0
895820742020-11-012020-11-01BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 154SOMETHING HAPPENED!1
860020702020-05-212020-05-28BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1232Sound0
860525702020-05-222020-05-28BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 101Sound sources0
433871262016-04-302016-04-30BY-NC-SAlauqsEnglishA1 27Spanish Imperial Eagle activity 20
790136222019-11-052019-11-05BY-SAIsaSEnglishA1 1871Sport and health0
70325782642018-08-23BY-SARexEnglishA1 94 2:06Sport balls0
590013374322017-08-042018-08-23BY-SAjanetkobosEnglishA1 141SPORTS 1: SPORTS WITH BALLS0
68831374112018-06-30BY-SAgrmarijeEnglishA1 380 2:32Sports in England0
10360162232022-04-112022-04-27BY-SAfredEnglishA1 467 2:26Stacked ChairsA young London designer describes her ideas behind designing stacked chairs2
42981194162016-04-29BY-SAmarmontEnglishA1 2844STATES OF MATTER0
10992160442013-04-01BY-SArkamanovaEnglishA1 28511Steven Pinker: What our language habits reveal0
857724912020-05-11BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 77Story time: A great dancer.0
861127922020-05-272020-06-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 219Story time: The cub.0
849729102020-03-312020-04-01BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 77Story time: The secret tunnel.2
848732213212020-03-292020-03-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 150Story time: What day is it?0
857524542020-05-112020-05-12BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 100Story time: Where were you on Saturday?0
86132728572020-05-272020-05-27BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 245Story time: Whose jacket is this?1
861224802020-05-27BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 173Story time: Whose jacket is this?0
851225652020-04-032020-04-03BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 119Street signs.1
625458342017-12-212017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 806Structure and its description0
6244697202017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 979Structure of program in С/C++ language. Input and output operators. Linear programs0
734367202019-02-142019-02-15BY-SAxtinaEnglishA1 414 3:101Structure of the EarthStructure of the Earth.0
6517144191542018-02-232018-10-28BY-NC-NDK-TEnglishA1 6193Styria - The Green Heart of Austria0
6905533132018-07-092018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 110SUNGLASSES TIME!0
603347422017-10-17BY-SAKarmelEnglishA1 8SWANS GOES DEAF0
728947522019-01-242019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 121Task0
3556110312016-02-212016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 208Team leaderThis speech is about a team leader, including what makes a good team leader.0
848133162020-03-262020-03-27BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1212Telling the time.1
778224602019-09-242019-09-24BY-SArulesforlifeEnglishA1 5test0
959320342021-08-102021-08-12BY-SAMalgaEnglishA1 8943test 10
618651202017-11-22BY-SAkaliningradEnglishA1 326Text20
3554876282016-02-212016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 140The best time to visit TurkeyThis speech was done for all the travellers who are planing to go to Turkey.0
39401793272016-04-082016-05-02BY-SAfraponloEnglishA1 99665THE BIG BANG AND THE SOLAR SYSTEMDuring this lesson, students will know about the origins of the Universe and how it was created. In addition, they will be able to describe the solar system and the celestial bodies in it. Finally, students will be aware of the differences between the celestial bodies, such as the planets, the stars, the comets and asteroids and the moons.0
862929732020-06-032020-06-08BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 124The biggest animal in the world.1
521769132017-04-192017-04-19BY-SAesther021EnglishA1 17081THE BODYWe can learn the parts of the body!0
3988141072016-04-122016-04-24BYsonson01EnglishA1 53132The body and the senses0
536664872017-04-242017-05-18BY-NC-SAGessamíEnglishA1 10031The body partsTrough songs we are go to learn some parts of the body in a funny way. After hear them, we can do some activities to realize you have learnt them!0
3895113232016-04-04BY-SA44859569EnglishA1 161The color monsterThe Monster color tale narrated by a woman.0
3917968762016-04-072016-04-07BY-SACHARLIEEnglishA1 12752THE COLOURFUL CATERPILLAR0
554459682017-04-302017-04-30BY-SAmcllorachEnglishA1 330The composition of the living thingsThe composition of the living things0
297084142015-05-292015-05-29BY-SAole.weilEnglishA1 9The Dalmatian0
8427422362020-03-112020-03-12BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1001The days of a week0
898622352020-11-19BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1303The days of a week (Primary Science)1
4957106992017-03-312017-04-04BY-SACBlanquesEnglishA1 5222The Earth and the Moon - 2-hour Clilstore UnitThis is a 2-hour lesson belonging to 3rd of Primary Social Sciences subject.0
5004821112882017-04-042017-04-04BY-SACBlanquesEnglishA1 5813The Earth and the Moon - Lesson 1The Earth and the Moon - Lesson 10
500683022017-04-042017-04-04BY-SACBlanquesEnglishA1 1553The Earth and the Moon - Lesson 2Lesson 2 of the 2-hour CLIL unit "The Earth and the Moon"0
491887612017-03-282017-04-03BY-SAecasomEnglishA1 647 5:0657The farm animalsIn this unit the children will be able to learn in a funny way the animals of the farm, their parts and their sounds. They will also be able to learn the correct pronunciation of words thanks to the different activities proposed.0
503276822017-04-072017-05-06BY-SAanagimuEnglishA1 159 1:311The five sensesThe five senses song and activities.0
618154012017-11-20BY-SAclass1EnglishA1 338The Giant’s Causeway0
864529032020-06-162020-06-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 651The Gingerbread Man.1
4047350732016-04-172016-04-23BY-SAismael vegaEnglishA1 625 7:1451The houseA useful video about the main parts of the house.0
38791224142016-04-022016-04-10BY-SAsandracercaEnglishA1 500 1:003THE HUMAN BODY(Spoken) Head. [Point to your head.] Shoulders. [Point to your shoulders.] Knees. [Point to your knees.] Toes. [Point to your toes.] (Repeat) Eyes. [Point to your eyes.] Ears. [Point to your ears.] Mouth. [Point to your mouth.] Nose. [Point to your nose.] Head. Shoulders. Knees. Toes. (Singing) Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. And eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. ♫0
795935762019-11-172019-11-17BY-SAacostant2191EnglishA1 287 3:002The human body. A bilingual ProjectThis is a bilingual project (Italian and English) about the human body. We created posters, simple texts, we sang and danced and put everything in a bilingual video. Children with special needs (a boy from Guinea was Struggling to learn Italian) seized the opportunity to translate, speak Italian and learn simplified texts.0
5293173732017-04-212017-04-22BY-SAclaubueEnglishA1 3482The human brainCLIL lesson plan about the human brain and the senses0
529175052017-04-212017-04-21BY-SAInmafepeEnglishA1 2556The importance of the water in our lives0
50002491212017-04-042017-04-04BY-SACBlanquesEnglishA1 1282The Layers of the Earth - Activity 2 - Arts and CraftsActivity two of the main Clilstore Unit: the Layers of the Earth.0
805735541662019-12-092022-03-08BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 57173The Legend of 'Speranza' Chapel, Mosta (Il-Leggenda tal-Isperanza)0
101933613392022-02-092025-02-13BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 5144The Legend of St. Paul the Hermit0
8073847452019-12-202024-06-14BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA1 70184The Legend of St. Paul the Hermit0
8973253182020-11-122020-11-13BY-SAmmnEnglishA1 66432The lords of the Mediterranean0
10158198172022-01-312022-02-01BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 257The Maltese Menu Part 10
11938165252024-05-072025-02-13BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 18211The Maltese National Plant - Widnet il-Bahar - Maltese Rock CentauryIn this unit there is some information about Malta's National Plant.0
530874212017-04-222017-04-22BY-SAYaizaEnglishA1 15153The means of transportThe singing walrus presents "Song of transport for children". In this song, children learn the different types of transportation: car, train, plane and more. This song is great for learning English.0
1193515892024-05-072024-08-09BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 21411The National Bird of MaltaThis is a unit about the Maltese National Bird - 'Il-Merill' - the Blue Rock Thrush0
4212923242016-04-262020-10-12BY-SAhhgabaEnglishA1 13133The parts of the plant0
478899602017-03-052017-03-12BY-SAesther021EnglishA1 18THE PLANTSHere you have the opportunity to discover the plants.1
48771433632017-03-222019-03-11BY-NC-SAmgar449EnglishA1 8981282The Pythagorean theoremYou will learn about "Pythagorean Theorem" in this video. To implement the Pythagorean Theorem, a triangle has to be a right-angled triangle.0
29101424382015-05-222015-05-22BY-SAkathyEnglishA1 205 3:281The rainbow song (colours)0
71547062352018-10-262018-10-26BY-SARexEnglishA1 217 5:08The Red Ogre That Cried1
355889262016-02-212016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 124The right way to say thanks after an interviewThis speech is made for all of us who is looking for a job. It is not enough to go the job interview, it is also very important to say thanks after an interview.0
11959315312024-05-212024-05-24BY-SAmarilidiaEnglishA1 287106The seasonsIn this unit, students will learn about the colors, clothes, and weathes relative to the four seasons.0
3870228442016-04-022016-04-02BY-SAgabijoEnglishA1 164The sense of touch0
1194191112024-05-112025-02-13BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 4472The Shipwreck of St. Paul on MaltaIn this unit the students read the story of St. Paul's Shipwreck on Malta.0
38671394116022016-04-022016-04-14BY-SAfraponloEnglishA1 222 3:4844THE SOLAR SYSTEM PLANETSThe main aim of this activity is to revise and test the knowledge acquired by the students after (or perhaps before) the teacher gives them the required information in the unit ‘The Universe’. This activity could be included in the Science subject of the fifth primary school course. The proposed task consists of playing a video on the website Youtube where a song about the planets of the solar system is being sung while the illustrations of the planets and the general structure of the universe are shown. At the same time, students will be provided a page with the transcription of the song in which there are some gaps to be filled with the correct words of the song. It is also provided a small clue about the grammatical category of the word that they have to write in order for them to be able to complete the song. Therefore, not only the topic of the universe is checked or tested, but also the use of the target language, in this case English, is powered and encouraged through highly contextualized activities.0
10160205282022-01-312024-06-06BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 45552The Superlative TemplesThis unit gives a very brief introduction to the Megalithic Temples in Malta.0
41521746152016-04-242016-04-24BY-SAMAmparoGCEnglishA1 809 9:2242THE UGLY DUCKLINGThis is a teaching unit for young learners from 3 to 6 years old. In this unit they can word watching a translated video, singing a song, or doing the proposed activities (HotPotatoes match activity, using the flascards images...)0
43571025272016-05-03BY-SAAntonio86EnglishA1 261 3:403The UniverseYou will learn how is our Solar System and some charactistics of the different planets.0
678481482018-05-12BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 234The very hungry caterpillar1
678367212018-05-12BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 423There was an old lady who swallowed a fly0
504264122017-04-082017-04-24BY-SAmscaballerEnglishA1 1112This is me!0
5186651122017-04-182017-04-24BY-SAmscaballerEnglishA1 3334This is me! (2h C.L)0
6904501382018-07-09BY-SAmiriamEnglishA1 118TOP 10 DANGEROUS ANIMALS0
4345754132016-04-30BY-NDNoepeiroEnglishA1 760Top ChefTop chef: didactic unit about food vocabulary.0
729247902019-01-252019-01-25BY-SAIvonneEnglishA1 12Tour guide0
859820912020-05-192020-05-20BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1251Traditional clothes.0
1193360182024-05-062025-02-13BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 426Traditional Maltese Food and DrinksThis unit gives a brief description of some of the most traditional food eaten in the Maltese Islands0
624760432017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 381Transition statement Goto. Random number generation0
682477282018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 68Transports0
388684092016-04-032016-04-17BY-SAdelEnglishA1 32143TRANSPORTSThis module is a introduction for a longest possibe unit, working transports through an easy and motivational way.0
54641031102017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAmonicasorianoEnglishA1 1502 7:3932TrianglesIn this video there are the definitions of a triangle and classes of triangles and their characteristics0
683274692018-05-212018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 64Trip to Dublin0
1054215552022-06-302022-06-30BY-SAFarghalEnglishA1 11tryme0
625155302017-12-21BY-SAsaule_akimEnglishA1 466Two-dimensional array0
44971031462016-09-182022-09-08BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 11079UNIT 1 SECURITY AND PRIVACY ACTIVITY 2 DIGITAL SIGNATURE 4 ESO0
6649514142018-04-082018-06-11BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 182UNIT 1 ISABEL ALLENDE'S LIFE0
44981013182016-09-182017-01-30BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 1209UNIT 1 SECURITY- ACTIVITY 3 SIMULATING THE USE OF DIGITAL CERTIFICATES. 4ESO0
450816281082016-10-022017-09-26BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 1595127UNIT 1- ACTIVITY 1 ENCRYPTING A SECRET MESSAGE0
109733631822022-09-232022-10-12BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 2119113UNIT 1- ACTIVITY 1 ENCRYPTING A SECRET MESSAGE-20221
4590778132016-11-142016-11-14BY-SAKatalinaEnglishA1 332UNIT 1, Lesson 6, ex. 1b0
458973842016-11-14BY-SAekaterina121EnglishA1 309UNIT 1, Lesson 6, ex. 1b Part II0
458781602016-11-142016-11-14BY-SAfabulizzEnglishA1 328UNIT 1, Lesson 6, ex. 1b Part II0
1022314552022-02-212022-02-21BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 664UNIT 1: PIN LEARNS ENGLISH0
658757332018-03-20BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 877Unit 1: Pin learns English0
6889530162018-07-052018-07-05BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 179UNIT 10 LELLA LOMBARDI0
1023415522022-02-222022-02-22BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 856UNIT 10: PIN BECOMES A READER0
659655412018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 856Unit 10: Pin becomes a reader0
44133025282016-05-212016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 27Unit 10. Shopping0
1026517132022-02-232022-02-23BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 907UNIT 11: PIN IS DIFFERENT0
659856802018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 907Unit 11: Pin is different0
39522871452016-04-102016-06-06BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 95Unit 11. Housing, home and enviroment0
6890508402018-07-05BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 200UNIT 12: DIAN FOSSEY0
1026614922022-02-232022-02-23BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 883UNIT 12: PIN SHARES THE BALL0
659957702018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 883Unit 12: Pin shares the ball0
44163083322016-05-222016-06-07BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 26Unit 12. Food0
685354752018-06-13BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 180UNIT 13 OUR PLANET!0
1026714212022-02-232022-02-23BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 1068UNIT 13: PIN SAVES MONEY0
660058702018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 1068Unit 13: Pin saves money0
44173376402016-05-232016-06-07BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 24Unit 13. Animals.0
689149632018-07-05BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 189UNIT 14 ANGELINA JOLIE0
1026816732022-02-232022-02-23BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 1029UNIT 14: PIN AND HIS NEW PET0
6601594122018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 1030Unit 14: Pin and his new pet0
4418291282016-05-232016-06-07BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 16Unit 14. Body health and physical care0
689250962018-07-062018-07-06BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 165UNIT 15 MY HOUSE!0
1026915262022-02-232022-02-23BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 834UNIT 15: PIN AND HIS JOURNEY0
660253002018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 834Unit 15: Pin and his journey0
683952992018-06-042018-06-05BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 187UNIT 2 ADA LOVELACE0
450211381522016-09-292019-10-20BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 90922UNIT 2 INTALLING A VIRTUAL MACHINE WITH ORACLE VIRTUAL BOX 4ESO0
4515936422016-10-112017-10-17BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 9216UNIT 2 PÀRT 1. MANAGING USERS, GRUPS AND PERMISIONS. 4 ESO0
4516972292016-10-112017-10-17BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 5448UNIT 2 Part 2. MANAGING USERS, 4 ESO0
4517106172016-10-112017-10-17BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 2864UNIT 2 Part 3. MANAGING GRUPS, 4 ESO0
45182751392016-10-112017-10-17BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 229547UNIT 2 Part 4. GRANTING PERMISSIONS 4 ESO0
1022413732022-02-212022-02-21BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 780UNIT 2: PIN ARRIVES ON TIME0
6588608202018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 781Unit 2: Pin arrives on time0
44223083452016-05-272016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 19Unit 2. Values0
6683530102018-04-172018-06-05BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 171UNIT 3 LE CORBUSIER0
1022512412022-02-212022-02-21BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 911UNIT 3: PIN FEELS AT HOME0
658958212018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 911Unit 3: Pin feels at home0
453758232902016-10-192017-11-07BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 9358102UNIT 3. COMPUTER NETWORKS 4ESO 2016-20171
44241089322016-05-272016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 18Unit 3. Information and communication technology0
6355683972018-01-222018-02-02BY-NC-SAfemonde1batEnglishA1 6059UNIT 4 CALC. ACTIVITY 40
6356321112018-01-222018-02-02BY-NC-SAfemonde1batEnglishA1 7705UNIT 4 CALC. ACTIVITY 50
635774892018-01-222019-02-20BY-NC-SAfemonde1batEnglishA1 159613UNIT 4 CALC. ACTIVITY 60
6358648112018-01-222018-02-02BY-NC-SAfemonde1batEnglishA1 140812UNIT 4 CALC. ACTIVITY 70
6359626182018-01-222018-02-02BY-NC-SAfemonde1batEnglishA1 49911UNIT 4 CALC. ACTIVITY 80
6852529152018-06-132018-06-13BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 171UNIT 4 COCO CHANEL0
458426341872016-11-102017-12-14BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 355475UNIT 4 WORD PROCESSOR0
1022717722022-02-212022-02-21BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 1015UNIT 4: PIN FEELS LOVED0
659057202018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 1015Unit 4: Pin feels loved0
43964141862016-05-142016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 18Unit 4. Jobs0
461722341602016-11-262018-01-12BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 5098115UNIT 5 CALC0
685453672018-06-132018-06-13BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 155UNIT 5 LET'S GO TO EAT0
1022814542022-02-212022-02-21BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 771UNIT 5: PIN FINDS A NEW JOB0
659157912018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 771Unit 5: Pin finds a new job0
43983192302016-05-152016-05-31BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 32Unit 5. Family and friends.0
685554092018-06-14BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 185UNIT 6 Nancy-Bird0
1023014712022-02-222022-02-22BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 847UNIT 6: PIN AND HIS FRIENDS0
659248402018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 847Unit 6: Pin and his friends0
468021541242017-01-122018-01-31BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 287958UNIT 6. DATABASES - MODULE 10
46811531482017-01-122018-02-13BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 120121UNIT 6. DATABASES - MODULE 20
46821069302017-01-142018-02-13BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 182036UNIT 6. DATABASES - MODULE 30
47129923332017-01-302018-02-01BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 92130UNIT 6. DATABASES - MODULE 40
4728935722017-02-022018-02-01BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 73114UNIT 6. DATABASES - MODULE 50
44012325212016-05-162016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 39Unit 6. Study and education0
687359652018-06-192018-06-19BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 237UNIT 7 STEVE WOZNIAK0
10231141112022-02-222022-02-22BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 768UNIT 7: PIN MAKES A NEW FRIEND0
659356902018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 768Unit 7: Pin makes a new friend0
47401498622017-02-132018-01-17BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 181531UNIT 7. SOUND EDITION - ACTIVITY 1. GROUCHO RAP0
47671089672017-02-272018-01-16BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 166217UNIT 7. SOUND EDITION - ACTIVITY 2. MARX'S PODCAST0
4768904272017-02-272017-03-28BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 52110UNIT 7. SOUND EDITION - ACTIVITY 3. MULTITRACK EDITION0
4769822262017-02-272018-01-31BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 46416UNIT 7. SOUND EDITION - ACTIVITY 4. BACKGROUND SOUND0
44021495162016-05-172016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 27Unit 7. Subjects.0
688753672018-07-042018-07-04BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 196UNIT 8 FRIDA KAHLO0
1023212812022-02-222022-02-22BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 904UNIT 8: PIN RIDES HIS BIKE0
659452462018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 904Unit 8: Pin rides his bike0
44032325362016-05-192016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 32Unit 8. Free time, entretainment and sports.0
688854642018-07-04BY-SAANA LUTEnglishA1 219UNIT 9 MAE JEMISON0
57091041422017-05-102018-04-13BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 54215UNIT 9 WEB DESIGN: ACTIVITY 2. CREATING A WEB SITE WITH KOMPOZER0
57711220622017-05-202018-04-25BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 221464UNIT 9 WEB DESIGN: ACTIVITY 3. BASIC EDITION0
5777108962017-05-302018-04-11BY-NC-SAfemondeEnglishA1 154939UNIT 9 WEB DESIGN: ACTIVITY 4. TABLES0
1023311612022-02-222022-02-22BY-SAMELISSA LOZANOEnglishA1 740UNIT 9: PIN IS THE BEST GUEST0
659554302018-03-202018-07-10BY-SANATALIALOZANOEnglishA1 740Unit 9: Pin is the best guest0
44052279162016-05-202016-06-04BY-SAandrea22EnglishA1 23Unit 9. Daily life activities0
326578862015-11-132015-11-13BY-SAadminEnglishA1 43Valencia Workshop 10
326478102015-11-132015-11-13BY-SAadminEnglishA1 433Valencia Workshop 20
10155252522022-01-312024-06-06BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 2153Valletta The Capital Part 1This unit showcases some of the main sites in the Capital City of Malta, Valletta0
10156503122022-01-312024-06-06BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 54456Valletta The Capital Part 2This is a unit that takes you around the different sites in Malta's Capital city, Valletta.0
55407681132017-04-302017-04-30BY-SAjanetkobosEnglishA1 83VEHICLES 20
5561558642017-04-302017-04-30BY-SAjanetkobosEnglishA1 83VEHICLES 30
377328686152016-03-262016-04-22BYnoemiEnglishA1 3062Vertebrate and invertebrate animalsThis unit will be included in a lesson plan developed to 3rd grade of primary students in the subject called science.0
53611285102017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAcarbainEnglishA1 9261Vertebrate and invertebrate animals0
4903973102017-03-262017-04-04BY-SAMABEGAEnglishA1 574 3:5125VERTEBRATE ANIMALSThe aim of this unit is to study the classification of vertebrate animals.0
510886332017-04-142017-05-05BY-NC-NDPaulaJSEnglishA1 551 5:4643VERTEBRATE ANIMALS!With this unit we are going to work vertebrates animals and their types.0
362675102016-03-11BY-SAPablo MarínEnglishA1 1Video0
14321349262013-10-092013-10-09BY-SAhummadEnglishA1 1731videobbbbbbbb0
375877912016-03-24BY-SAEnriqueVicenteEnglishA1 40VIDEO 10
375972212016-03-242016-03-24BY-SAEnriqueVicenteEnglishA1 40VIDEO 20
381868802016-03-29BY-SAEnriqueVicenteEnglishA1 1VIDEO 30
169811831302014-03-06BY-SAsutamiEnglishA1 567Video Translation0
7164172402018-11-012018-11-01BY-SAsoniaccnEnglishA1 594Visual LearnersActivities for Visual Learners0
1179111512023-12-252023-12-25BYmaster dlaEnglishA1 35Vocabulario de las partes de la casa en InglésLos niños ven un video relacionado con las partes de una casa en inglés. Despues, se les proporciona una sopa de letras con palabras clave mencionadas en el video, donde deben encontrar y marcar estas palabras. Esta unidad les permite a adquerir nuevo vocabulario, parcticar las habilidades de comprension auditiva, prononciacion y ortograifia0
1006716022021-12-142023-12-25BY-SAmaster dlaEnglishA1 30 1:25Vocabulario de las partes de la casa en InglesEnseñar las partes de la casaen inglés, su escritura y su pronunciación.0
11501328672023-07-112023-07-14BY-SAJoanna ŁukasikEnglishA1 60042Vocabulary Games -WILD ANIMALS3
360980242016-03-09BY-SAPablo MarínEnglishA1 214Volume of solid figures0
11506353522023-07-122025-01-20BY-SAfredEnglishA1 2633Wankel Motor: Text created through ChatGPT and Recompiled with ChatGPT to ELP Level A1Text created through ChatGPT by the query: What is a Wankel motor and then rewritten by ChatGPT to ELP Level A1 Audio created with https://elevenlabs.io/ TTS (Text To Speech)0
67001732152018-04-192018-04-19BY-SAPaula TeixeiraEnglishA1 2221Water Cicle(resumo do que se trata a pagina para ajudar os motores de busca) - resumo da página0
53582585602017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAtepegaEnglishA1 1587water cycle 2-hour CLIL moduleIn this module you can learn about the water cycle, what is it? How clouds are formed? How precipitation is formed? How a rainbow is formed?0
432794932016-04-302016-04-30BY-NC-SAbeatrizebe1EnglishA1 96 2:162WE ARE PAINTERS0
380269082016-03-28BY-SAAHERVALEnglishA1 249We are we eat0
8398343102020-03-032020-03-04BY-SALolesEnglishA1 2201 2:5034We can catch a starShort based on the book "How to catch a star" by Oliver Jeffers, made by James Resendes.1
4368446132016-05-042016-05-04BYSergioMuñozEnglishA1 4263We prepare for talking in public.In this lesson the sudents will learn some tips and advices to make an oral speech and they'll remember the Past Simple tense to use it in their presentations about the Punic Wars events.0
85881048172020-05-172020-05-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1811We walked on the beach and we played in the sun.0
425172912016-04-272016-04-27BY-SAMBenetEnglishA1 119 2:4221We wat healthy!"Do you like _______?" is a common phrase taught to young ESL/EFL learners. It has the benefit of being both a simple phrase to learn, and a phrase that is meaningful and useful to young learners who naturally enjoy talking about likes and dislikes. One challenge in teaching the phrase "Do you like _______?" is that most young learners have many more likes than dislikes, and sometimes it can be difficult to practice negative responses. We've found a fun way to practice negative responses to "Do you like _______?" questions is to make nonsense combinations of food that children will find both funny and a little gross. Children will naturally respond, "NO!!!!" when asked if they like broccoli ice cream! "Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?" is simple enough for children to learn right away, and silly enough for them to want to sing over and over.0
436087762016-05-032016-05-03BY-SAflorencietaEnglishA1 2411We will be composersShort explanation about some famous composers and their lives to make students be aware that they could be composers too.0
16971363532014-03-06BY-SAdarthsidious451EnglishA1 273 4:34Welcome to the Jungle0
9069216102020-12-082020-12-29BY-SAAriana OlmierEnglishA1 195WHAT A FAMILY!0
368591762016-03-172016-03-17BY-SA4723EnglishA1 4831What do you think when you look at me?The original source of this speech could be found on ted.com. The speech is based on what people think about muslims.0
6551539202018-03-09BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 89What I like in people0
5242668112017-04-202017-04-30BY-SAmcllorachEnglishA1 119 3:3811What is a living thing?Characteristics of Living Things What makes something alive. For an organism to be considered alive it must have all of these triats Made of Cells0
772232902019-09-162019-09-17BY-SA6974959604EnglishA1 11What is CLIL?0
681168332018-05-18BY-SAgrmarijeEnglishA1 828What is your dream job?0
6827541102018-05-21BY-SAalcazar90EnglishA1 77What pets like0
43514321112016-05-032016-05-04BYSergioMuñozEnglishA1 25541What Punic Wars were?This lessons is about an introduction to Punic Wars topic. It helps students to know more about these wars and to learn Past Simple tense, as a grammar resource, as well as vocabulary related with the topic.0
3691111172016-03-182016-03-18BY-SA4723EnglishA1 678What really happens when you mix medications?Rus Altman taks about what really happens when you mix medications? The original source of his speech was taken form www.ted.com0
8461364892020-03-182020-03-19BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1142What time do you get up?0
8438396352020-03-132021-03-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2441What's the time?0
8484589102020-03-282020-03-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 21221What's the time? It's quarter past...It's quarter to...1
848324202020-03-282020-03-31BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2263What's the time? It's quarter past...It's quarter to... A1
845925712020-03-182020-03-18BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2102What's the time? quarter past quarter to0
11932169412024-05-062025-02-11BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA1 31711Where is Malta?This is a unit describes where you can find Malta on the map.0
426877912016-04-282016-04-29BY45796233EnglishA1 741 9:481WHERE WE LIVEThe purpose of the unit is to help our students to describe and compare different places, to make them conscious of the importance value of looking after monuments and buildings where we live and their position in the society.0
85383401182020-04-212020-04-22BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2711Where were you yesterday?0
6929562102018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 142Who's There on Halloween!0
859225422020-05-182020-05-18BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2491Whose clothes are these?0
858723302020-05-172020-05-18BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2491Whose clothes are these? version0
10478233352022-05-25BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 2731Whose clothes are these? version 2021/20220
311280952015-08-25BY-NDcsontiEnglishA1 1William Wallace0
246351519652012-02-092014-04-29BY-SAfredEnglishA1 128 3:302Wiring a Typical British Plug (Elementary level)Learn how to wire a standard British plug. The unit demonstrates the step by step actions needed when wiring a fused British plug0
8430332322020-03-122020-03-13BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 14021Yesterday, today, tomorrow.0
906718902020-12-072020-12-09BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 1732Yesterday, today, tomorrow. (Primary Science)1
863722332020-06-082020-06-08BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA1 67Young, younger, the youngest.1
3849186712016-03-312016-04-24BY-SAmaresplaEnglishA1 943Yummy, yucky!We will work vocabulary related to food and the grammar structure like/don't like. Age: 6-7 years old.0
657050502018-03-142018-03-15BY-SAPilardlREnglishA1 33 2:421Yummy, yummy!"Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?" is an original (and very silly) food song from Super Simple Learning created for teaching how to express food likes and dislikes, and asking and answering "Do you like _______?" questions.0
693544942018-07-10BY-SAMarisolTornalEnglishA1 128Zebra0
618542602017-11-22BY-SAkaliningradEnglishA1 326Документ 10
4585524142016-11-142016-11-14BY-SAkatelobEnglishA1 318Учебное пособие для 8 класса0
483472962017-03-152017-03-22BY-SA45801423EnglishA1+660 4:2611The benefits of good postureDo you think a good postural attitude to your health is important? Or on the contrary you think it does not influence? After watching this video you will see that habits and postural hygiene is more important than what you believe for your own health.0
6777637162018-05-06BY-SAgrmarijeEnglishA1+539 3:24Animals and habitats0
37572410792016-03-242016-03-28BY-SAsmasanEnglishA1+29424Exploring the moon0
464376722016-12-182016-12-18BY-NDcanyamelEnglishA1+57522The Problem of the Scarcity of Fresh Water0
52561206132017-04-202017-04-20BY-SAAdrianaFemeniaEnglishA1+479 3:414The water cycleIn this unit devoted to Year 5 of Primary Education, we are going to introduce the topic of Science "Water Cycle" in English (CLIL) through this song.0
46411157222016-12-172016-12-18BY-NDcanyamelEnglishA1+822The Water Cycle0
376150263042016-03-242016-03-24BY-SAsmasanEnglishA2-58233Our planet: the Earth0
14891495612013-10-26BY-SAsaid0027EnglishA2-32912:051Psychedelic science(Laughter) any phrase to play the video at that point. Ferrofluid has a very strange behavior. It's a liquid that is completely black. It's got an oily consistency. And it's got tiny little particles of metal in it, which makes it magnetic. So if I now put this liquid into a magnetic field, it would change its appearance. Now I've got a live demonstration over here to show this to you. So I've got a camera pointing down at this plate, and underneath that plate, there is a magnet. Now I'm going to add some of that ferrofluid to that magnet. Let's just slightly move it to the right and maybe focus it a little bit more. Excellent. So what you can see now is that the ferrofluid has formed spikes. This is due to the attraction and the repulsion of the individual particles inside the liquid. Now this looks already quite interesting, but let me now add some watercolors to it. Those are just standard watercolors that you would paint with. You wouldn't paint with syringes, but it works just the same. So what happened0
367249531882016-03-172016-04-04BY-SAsmasanEnglishA2-154244The planets of the Solar SystemThis is a 2-hour CLIL module about the Solar System aimed at Primary School students of 5th grade. Students will learn in a cooperative way the main features and facts about the planets. They will become the best astronomers ever!0
41162664472016-04-222016-04-22BY-NC-SAlauqsEnglishA2-1222Endangered Animals0
74231718152019-04-07BY-SAkamarloEnglishA2-3611How can we stop the loss of biodiversity in Denia0
251541101142015-02-132015-02-13BY-SAutamiEnglishA2-548How do Kidneys work?0
6835644342018-05-23BY-SAgrmarijeEnglishA2-693 4:30Tour Through the Netherlands0
34091395702015-12-242016-01-06BY-SAAndreaEnglishA2-4092Alice in WonderlandSing the theme song from the soundtrack of Alice in Wonderland will be the first activity of this unit0
55761012312017-05-022017-05-02BY-SACBlanquesEnglishA2-12471The Solar System - Lesson 1 - PresentationFirst lesson of the Teaching Unit 'The Solar System'0
538373542017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAontiabelEnglishA2-453UniverseThis topic is related whith the general topic said “The earth in the universo”0
538486432017-04-242017-05-03BY-SAontiabelEnglishA2-1242Universe 10
5385148322017-04-242017-05-03BY-SAontiabelEnglishA2-2002Universe 20
5411127612017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAontiabelEnglishA2-291Universe 2 hours0
538663922017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAontiabelEnglishA2-701Universe 30
28981677112015-05-202015-07-29BY-SAmariapilesEnglishA2-1321Some useful instructions:0
2863952192015-05-11BY-SAJaneyMcEnglishA2 413'Sympathy for the Devil' By The Rolling Stones0
389712008862016-04-042016-04-19BY-SAaitorEnglishA2 221 4:001"Come on, Move and Freeze" - Action Songs for Children -0
166245501332014-03-032014-06-10BY-SAfredEnglishA2 24741. IHC Visual projectIHC Visual is the programme in which you create your IHC Visual project, i.e. the control software for your IHC system.0
49812855102017-04-022017-04-02BY-SAPacoTolosaEnglishA2 117411. NUMERAL SYSTEM0
4935866192017-03-282017-04-08BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 921.- Introduction (1). Electricity and electronics. Names0
493674142017-03-282017-04-06BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 6411.- Introduction (2). Electricity and electronics.0
493790552017-03-282017-04-06BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 71231.- Introduction (3). Analog vs digital0
493096092017-03-282017-04-10BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 1050 5:59311.- Introduction (5). SemiconductorsShort and funny vdeo about semiconductors0
495258932017-03-302017-04-10BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 5021.- Introduction (6). History of electronics (1)0
495152902017-03-302017-04-11BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 111.- Introduction (7). History of electronics (2)0
493176362017-03-282017-04-06BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 8411.-Introduction (4).The inventors of the blue LED win the Nobel PrizeReading activity0
5367695182017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAtomasgamirEnglishA2 470411st ESO Algebra0
5373915122017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAtomasgamirEnglishA2 233741st SESSION: What are Polynomials?0
61631224312017-11-152017-11-16BY-SAsilrapa08EnglishA2 401522-hour CLIL module: BUTTERFLY LIFE CYCLE0
56791327112017-05-062018-01-07BY-SAtogonmaEnglishA2 9252-hour CLIL module: Getting know the family instrumentsHere we find an unit for learning more about family instruments. 2 hours for doing activities with your students.0
504897162017-04-092017-04-09BY-SAEBRIDANIEnglishA2 47432-HOUR CLIL MODULE. BASKETBALL0
5727673102017-05-152017-05-15BY-SAjmgrnaEnglishA2 712 4:02112-hours CLIL module: refraction and reflectionThis unit has 6 lessons but this is just the first module which contains 2 lessons (2 HOURS).The tasks on each lesson is explained and the pdf with the tasks for doing it are in an attached document. Enjoy with Physics and light!0
498265442017-04-022017-04-02BY-SAPacoTolosaEnglishA2 131412. BINARY SYSTEM0
16642853132014-03-042014-03-04BY-SAfredEnglishA2 14952. IHC Link Wireless, Test, and Scenario0
504054712017-04-082017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 2922.0. IndexIndex of the unit0
508253722017-04-122017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 207222.1 Introduction (7). E-waste0
504160822017-04-082017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 222.1.- Introduction (1). Electricity and electronics. Names.Quiz0
507459832017-04-112017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 9532.1.- Introduction (2). Electricity and electronics.0
5075608122017-04-112017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 71532.1.- Introduction (3). Analog vs digital0
507853522017-04-112017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 54412.1.- Introduction (5). History of electronics (1)0
507952702017-04-112017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 722.1.- Introduction (6). History of electronics (2)0
507657192017-04-112017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 5632.1.-Introduction (4).The inventors of the blue LED win the Nobel PrizeReading activity0
51894114132017-04-182017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 20822.2 Analogue electronics. Light-emitting diode (LED)0
514854912017-04-172017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 122.2 Analogue electronics0
52272321112017-04-192017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 176112.2 Analogue electronics. Present and future0
515054312017-04-172017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 522.2 Analogue electronics. Resistors (2)0
515151302017-04-172017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 822.2 Analogue electronics. Resistors (3)0
515349402017-04-172017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 422.2 Analogue electronics. Resistors (4)0
51551988152017-04-172017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 322312.2 Analogue electronics. Resistors (5). Ohm's Law0
515872612017-04-172017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 39722.2 Analogue electronics. Resistors (6). Color codes0
5184147652017-04-182017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 12622.2 Analogue electronics. Resistors (8) Special resistors0
517299402017-04-182017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 6422.2 Analogue electronics.Resistors (7). Variable resistors0
522163922017-04-192017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 142.2 Analogue electronics.Vocabulary testing0
5187497262017-04-182017-04-30BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 33622.2. Analogue electronics. Diodes0
5149112512017-04-172017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 5122.2. Analogue electronics. Resistors (1)0
507775112017-04-112017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 1050 5:5932.2. Analogue electronics. SemiconductorsShort and funny vdeo about semiconductors0
5185241152017-04-182017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 36832.2. Analogue electronics.Capacitors0
51953269142017-04-182017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 46022.2. Analogue electronics.Transistors (1)0
522058222017-04-192017-04-19BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 34922.2. Analogue electronics.Transistors (2). How do they work?0
5225174712017-04-192017-04-21BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 39722.2.Analogue electronics.Circuits0
537272722017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAtomasgamirEnglishA2 15232h CLIL Algebra0
532673082017-04-232017-04-25BY-SAREGIEnglishA2 17332H CLIL MODULE FRACTIONS AND DECIMAL NUMBERS0
5332324482017-04-232017-04-25BY-SAREGIEnglishA2 70412H CLIL MODULE WATER CYCLE0
537471012017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAtomasgamirEnglishA2 221232nd SESSION part 1: What is an equation?0
537683122017-04-242017-04-24BY-SAtomasgamirEnglishA2 197242nd SESSION part 2: How can I solve an equation?0
4983130312017-04-022017-04-02BY-SAPacoTolosaEnglishA2 131413. CONVERTING A DECIMAL NUMBER IN BINARY0
16652740112014-03-042014-03-04BY-SAfredEnglishA2 16543. IHC Simulation0
375359302016-03-242016-03-24BY-SAMartusyEnglishA2 714_Check_your_work (Unit 3638)This is the 4_Check_your_work button form the Unit 3638: Bees' anatomy and physiology. Students must check their previous work and make a glossary with the new words. Then go back to Unit 3638 to continue with the lesson.0
555154822017-04-302017-05-07BY-SAabazanhiraldoEnglishA2 6537th session: making a volcano kit. Instructions0
555245832017-04-302017-05-07BY-SAabazanhiraldoEnglishA2 6837th session: making a volcano kit. Let's make it!0
566956022017-05-062017-05-10BY-SAabazanhiraldoEnglishA2 1698th session: Checking the volcano kit. Use of the present perfect tense.0
2964882172015-05-282015-05-28BY-SAole.weilEnglishA2 42 3:2633A Crossword Puzzle and a Quiz about New York0
11546162232023-08-072023-08-07BY-SAariannang13EnglishA2 350 4:434A Different Education0
65621234112018-03-122018-03-16BY-SAladybug1631EnglishA2 4244A drop around the world0
4599820292016-11-14BY-SAtatyana22EnglishA2 309A gentle giant0
4593605172016-11-142016-11-14BY-SAtatyana22EnglishA2 309A gentle giant0
10203252302022-02-112025-02-14BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 44511A Rock and an Oath0
9872287112021-10-262021-10-29BY-SArossella campisiEnglishA2 27961A study about EtnaSome information about Etna0
10208157172022-02-122022-02-14BY-SAfredEnglishA2 1254 9:47A Virtual Pub Crawl in MaidstoneAn educational Pub Crawl in Maidstone. The video is based on 20 year old slides with a voice over. The Speaker, Phil Curry is British. The story was in 1995 used for preparing a group of Danish college students for a stay at a technical college in Maidstone.1
116791891322023-09-302024-10-03BY-SAcarsipeEnglishA2 137ACO: Practical cases U30
11680195972023-09-302024-10-03BY-SAcarsipeEnglishA2 142ACO: Practical cases U40
519062012017-04-182017-04-18BY-SAelesegarEnglishA2 532Activity 1: Symmetrical PhotographyThis Unit explains the first activity to carry out during the sessions dedicated to work on Symmetry.0
519454422017-04-182017-04-18BY-SAelesegarEnglishA2 682Activity 2: Symmetrical CompositionThis Unit explains the second activity proposed during the sessions dedicated to work on Symmetry.0
7383394202019-02-21BY-SALidiaHMEnglishA2 61AGATHA CHRISTIE0
7380547302019-02-212019-02-21BY-SALidiaHMEnglishA2 36521AGATHA CHRISTIE0
28761009292015-05-13BY-SAclaudiaEnglishA2 145172age of periclesa short inttroduction to the history of ancient Greece0
1046514832022-05-112022-05-12BY-SAostrowska.joanEnglishA2 231Algorithm0
1279157222013-08-222013-08-23BY-SAangelaEnglishA2 3573An easy program in java to show a fun of rows This is the code to write an easy java program to show a fun made of 7 rows more and more thicker0
451971252016-10-17BY-SAfredEnglishA2 1254An educational Pub Crawl in MaidstoneAn educational Pub Crawl in Maidstone. The video is based on 20 year old slides with a voice over. The Speaker, Phil Curry is British. The story was used for preparing a group of Danish college students for a stay at a technical college in Maidstone.0
291672991042015-05-23BY-SAclaudiablasEnglishA2 328 3:2041ancient greeceIt's a short presentation of the history of Anciente Greece, from their Indo-European origins until after the death of Alexander the Great.0
48843087312017-03-232017-04-08BY-SAteresalexEnglishA2 746 5:29610Ancient Greek CivilizationThe Olympics are a famous world-wide sporting event that takes place every few years. They have a history based in the ancient Greek Olympics, but there are new traditions as well! Come learn about the Olympic medals and the meaning of the Olympic rings and the Olympic flame as well as trivia and information about the Olympic games.0
101692411052022-02-022022-11-11BY-SAClauCarras99EnglishA2 232Ancient Olympic GamesCLIL cross-curricular didactic unit in English and P.E. class about Olympic Games.0
572849442017-05-152017-05-15BY-SASalva88faEnglishA2 441Animal's World0
4941843322017-03-292017-03-31BY-SArocio_valencianaEnglishA2 29987ANIMALSIn this unit we work the classification of animals: vertebrates or invertebrates. We will also study its subclassification and its main characteristics. We will use Clistore in two of the lessons and to review what we have learned.0
9435274372021-06-252021-06-25BY-SAzpecarovaEnglishA2 38114Animals - A Packet of Games (Zásobník hier online)0
3781142432016-03-262016-03-26BY-SAmaloma5EnglishA2 348 1:204Animals and their soundsThe principal objectives of this unit is that students learn the names of the animals and their sounds.0
2862964442015-05-11BY-SAJaneyMcEnglishA2 280 2:06Apple Picking By Robert Frost0
1010616912021-12-19BY-SABogdanEnglishA2 654Aprende Moviéndote0
382868262016-03-302016-03-31BY-SAasalvadorEnglishA2 814 5:031Archaeology from spaceThe video shows how new technologies can be used in the study of ancient Egypt.0
421363812016-04-262016-04-27BYBeisbolruloEnglishA2 711ARCHIMBOLDO0
4134108142016-04-232016-05-01BY-SAazabalzaEnglishA2 342 2:4352Areas and perimetersAreas and perimeters0
42222245342016-04-262016-04-27BY-NDghernEnglishA2 776 6:4141Around the world: The 7 continentsThis video briefly describes each continent and explains some of the most important geographic facts in them.0
4673129642016-12-232016-12-23BYPBV_vlcEnglishA2 27774Arts and Crafts Movement0
743433902019-04-082019-04-08BY-NC-SAVAMMEnglishA2 4011ASSESSMENT0
777326202019-09-232019-09-23BY-SArulesforlifeEnglishA2 911Assignment "optical illusion" or how to draw a hole0
9218244162021-02-222021-02-22BY-SAanasuchEnglishA2 123Athens0
10628221102022-07-292022-07-29BY-SA202508EnglishA2 18641Atom1
1411352222011-11-162014-04-19BY-SAlolEnglishA2 145 1:141Automotive - Apprenticeship Motor cycle0
351269312016-02-11BY-SASUMAGACSEnglishA2 99Balloons0
921125992021-02-212021-02-28BY-SAhazaEnglishA2 518129BASIC & ADVANCED SEARCHKeys to Internet Information Searches0
22881933182014-09-192014-09-19BY-SAfredEnglishA2 23642Basic geometry: language and labelsIntroduction to Euclidean geometry1
4070124582016-04-192016-05-01BY-SAazabalzaEnglishA2 183 2:2436Basic PolygonsPolygon basics.0
39661218242016-04-102016-04-10BY-SAPabloMedina04EnglishA2 1354 5:0022Basketball - Introduction and TerminologyThis lesson is the first one in a Basketball Unit. It is oriented for a group of 28-30 students with ages between 13-14 years, and it takes place in an informatics room, with a computer for a pair or for a group of three students.0
545175612017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAAleixEnglishA2 5741Basketball team Module0
7967393142019-11-202019-11-22BY-SAMileskaEnglishA2 37312Bees0
3638134492016-03-132016-04-25BY-NC-SAMartusyEnglishA2 28863Bees' anatomy and physiologyThis lesson is the first one of the Unit "Bees and their products". It is an introduction to bees' anatomy and physiology. First students are asked to carry out a warm-up activity, after that watch a video twice (subtitled and not)and start with the main activities. There are different kind of activities, individual, in pairs and groupal, carried out visiting different websites. They also need to start the final task of the Unit,a poster that summarizes the whole unit should be done in 4-6 students group and explained in class.0
35081881632016-02-11BY-SALausEnglishA2 693 2:461Bert and Ernie go fishingA short video about Bert and Ernie going fishing0
1704514912014-03-06BY-SAChanel001EnglishA2 407 6:181Bi Beo Songwriting DocumentaryKevin De Las Casas and James McLetchie, both resident in North Uist, write and perform songs with their group “Bi Beò”. The documentary follows the song creation process from initial ideas round a kitchen table through musical arrangement to studio recording.0
61811311742012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 362 6:193BiBeò Songwriting PartnershipMedia Studies. Kevin De Las Casas and James McLetchie, both resident in North Uist, write and perform songs with their group “Bi Beò”. The documentary follows the song creation process from initial ideas round a kitchen table through musical arrangement to studio recording.0
37221180252016-03-212016-04-04BY-SAexxmogranEnglishA2 387 4:082Biotic and Abiotic Factors in EcosystemsThis video speak about what is an ecosystem and what are their components: abiotic and biotic factors.0
405699242016-04-182016-04-23BYchrisvteEnglishA2 693 3:4031Blogging on the Internet0
612056142017-11-062018-03-22BY-SAANNAWITEnglishA2 47374Boolean Algebra Examples0
3873135742016-04-022016-04-21BY-SAgabijoEnglishA2 103Braille0
372011261482016-03-212016-04-26BY-SAJosemaríaCLILEnglishA2 205574Business diagnose in 3 stepsThis lesson is a first simplified approach to the three most important accounting statements: Cash flow statement, Profit & Loss statement and Balance sheet statement. It includes a short presentation in ppt or KeyNote and some links to a web page -investopedia- where the students can go deeper in those concepts, by reading and watching some short videos. There is also a list of suitable vocabulary to be looked up using Multidict.0
619892602017-11-272017-11-27BY-SAAmparo-EnglishA2 243 4:45Button 2 - exercises production possibilities frontier0
25271071192015-02-172015-02-18BY-SAsimocorioEnglishA2 15711carbon cycle0
568079262017-05-072017-05-07BY-SAITudelaEnglishA2 395 3:191Cartesian planeRefresh of already-known concepts in order to introduce functions.0
664566552018-04-062018-04-17BY-NCinseroEnglishA2 5762Cell organelles ResearchDiscover the cell structure and its components: the cell organelles. For that, tREE activities have been proposed to improve listening and writing ability.0
61116081042012-09-102013-12-04BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 509 6:473Ceòlas - Music Summer SchoolMusic summer school, tourism (Ceòlas). The Ceòlas music summer school is held annually in South Uist. It aims to integrate traditional music and dance in a community setting. It has strong links with tutors from Cape Breton in Canada, where old styles of Scottish fiddling and stepdancing have been maintained. The school attracts students from around the world.1
843116282012-10-312012-12-04BY-SAevizanniEnglishA2 5633Ceolas summer school documentaryThe Ceòlas music summer school is held annually in South Uist. It aims to integrate traditional music and dance in a community setting. It has strong links with tutors from Cape Breton in Canada, where old styles of Scottish fiddling and stepdancing have been maintained. The school attracts students from around the world.0
672148002018-04-29BY-SAaolfontEnglishA2 144Chain of infection0
413376942016-04-232016-04-23BY-SApabherbaEnglishA2 1155 3:401Charge and current. Conductive and non-conductive materialsThis lesson has been designed to make students be aware of the electrical properties of some objects and identify between conductive and non-conductive materials.0
413996632016-04-232016-04-29BY-NC-NDjsendraEnglishA2 43311Charles Darwin and the theory of evolutionEvolution is one of the most important theories in Biological Sciences, so it has great importance in student’s scientific knowledge and cultural understanding. Our planet´s biodiversity, current species up to 14 million, can be explained with the theory that Charles Darwin suggested in his book 'On the Origin of Species' in 1859. Evolution is also a topic that normally gets our attention of students. Therefore, it can be used to awake our interest in scientific method. Moreover, it promotes respect for living organisms (animals, plants, etc.) and their conservation.0
502975542017-04-072017-04-08BY-SAlauroialEnglishA2 395 3:1842CHEMICAL CHANGESThroghout this unit students will be able to identify chemical changes and to differentiate them from physical changes.0
6371317162012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 383 5:063Children’s Parliament in BarraYouth work and creativity. Members of the Uist and Barra Children’s Parliament gather with friends and family to clean up a beach. Later in the day they begin work on a piece of communal art in which each MCP invests items of personal significance.0
6402625232012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 353 7:103Children’s Parliament in BenbeculaYouth work and creativity. At their year-end meeting Members of the Uist and Barra Children’s Parliament reflect on all the work they have done during the course of their involvement, collect awards, and stage a dramatic performance to show the local community what they have learnt, and what they think is important.0
7297649422019-01-25BY-SAMagosjaEnglishA2 451christmas traditions0
2886297472015-05-172015-05-30BY-SAmaroceEnglishA2 266 4:00Classification of living beings- IntroductionThis unit introduces students to taxonomy and classification of organisms. First, they have to watch a video about Linneous and his contributions to the taxonomy. Then, they should answer some questions about the video. Finally, they have to watch a video related to hierarchical classification of living beings and they should do an activity in order to differenciate the levels of this classification.0
432460012016-04-30BY-SAAiRaMEnglishA2 11CLIL module0
227322205172014-09-122019-09-16BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 423 2:3526CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 1 - What is CLIL?0
23121057562014-10-082015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 546 3:4428CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 10 - Interaction0
228731393072014-09-182015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 389 2:42214CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 2 - BICS & CALP0
229916201782014-09-242015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 440 2:5327CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 3 - Pronunciation0
22917387632014-09-222015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 404 2:5128CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 4 - The 5 Cs0
22921228532014-09-222015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 359 2:39211CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 5 - Cognition0
22931166682014-09-222015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 409 2:26211CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 6 - What is CLIL for?0
229519031512014-09-232015-02-04BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 423 2:45210CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 7 - Scaffolding & ZPD0
23001101562014-09-262015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 407 2:34215CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 8 - Evaluation & Assessment0
23011162522014-09-272015-01-19BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 440 2:3026CLIL4U Pre-Course Unit 9 - Learner Autonomy0
504984972017-04-092017-04-14BY-SAEBRIDANIEnglishA2 15201CLISTORE UNIT- WE PLAY BASKETBALL!0
10181188292022-02-042025-01-08BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 2673Coffee in the Maltese Sun0
940924482021-06-092021-06-10BY-SAWentingEnglishA2 571 4:501Colin Monroe: Single Vowel SoundSingle vowel sounds learning1
2928913122015-05-26BY-SAvisualartsEnglishA2 185 1:34Colour"Three primary colors". A video clip showing the three primary and secondary colours and the lyric's song, by the artists OK.0
615734001222017-11-152019-09-24BY-SArulesforlifeEnglishA2 530 7:005ColourWheel class 2experimnent with a torch0
995711512742021-11-112024-09-18BY-SAAureliabEnglishA2 400Commonwealth Forum on Water Issue0
1113014882022-10-162022-11-11BY-SAClauCarras99EnglishA2 200Commonwealth Games0
13372112452013-08-292013-08-29BY-SAangelaEnglishA2 31984Computer architectureThe aim of this lesson is to introduce students basic motherboard glossary. the lesson is divided in three parts: first one uses brainstorminas warm up, second part includes a video that describes which basic components are and their function, third part includes summary exercises, it is advised as follow up activity.0
13242848232013-08-282013-08-29BY-SALauraEnglishA2 32184Computer architectureThe aim of this lesson is to introduce students basic glossary in motherboards. The lessons is divided in three parts : first one uses brainstorming as warm up , second part includes a video that describes which basic components are and their functions, third part includes summary exercises, it is advised a follow up activity0
669074732018-04-192018-04-20BY-SAInterclilEnglishA2 541CONCLUSION0
4361248892016-05-032016-05-05BY-NCcvillalongaEnglishA2 1148 4:5021Conditions of structuresStability on structures0
60688661332017-10-292017-11-01BY-SAFreiaEnglishA2 43531Contact ImprovisationDiscover what contact improvisation is. Practice body parts vocabulary, and feelings vocabulary.0
8066422182019-12-112025-01-08BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA2 19421COOL - Il-Quccija1
80134151512019-11-272022-02-08BYetimaltaEnglishA2 2031COOL - Malta0
80215962552019-12-022025-01-08BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA2 2463COOL - Mysteries Of The Hypogeum2
8017588282019-11-292021-04-09BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA2 1844COOL - What's in a country?1
921716102021-02-222021-02-22BY-SAanasuchEnglishA2 89Corinth0
8491466132020-03-302020-04-03BY-NCMVCEnglishA2 9327Course and characteristics of WW11
6011690512012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 281 6:003Craigard Day Care CentreCare for adults with special needs. This is a short documentary about the Craigard Day Centre in Lochmaddy, North Uist. It’s a centre for people with disabilities, run by the Social Services Department of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the Western Isles Council.0
862115132012-11-072012-12-06BY-SAmariampEnglishA2 2812Craigard Day Centre DocumentaryThis is a short documentary about the Craigard Day Centre in Lochmaddy, North Uist. It’s a centre for people with disabilities, run by the Social Services Department of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the Western Isles Council.0
400172022012-06-292014-04-19BY-SAfredEnglishA2 318 5:591Craigard Day Centre DocumentarySummary: This is a short documentary about the Craigard Day Centre in Lochmaddy, North Uist. It’s a centre for people with disabilities, run by the Social Services Department of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the Western Isles Council. This unit was created using an iPhone0
1058815832022-07-232022-07-23BY-NC-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 319 6:021Craigard, with Donald MackinnonShort English documentary showing the work of the Craigard Day Centre in Lochmaddy, North Uist, with client Donald MacKinnon as narrator.1
3733671172016-03-22BY-SAanamartiEnglishA2 81Creating a stop-motion short filmIn this lesson, you will learn what stop-motion is, as well as the steps we must follow in order to complete the project.0
564956542017-05-05BYlukasgc15EnglishA2 1269 7:151Creating a terminological glossaryA short video from which to extract a terminological glossary0
6211337362012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 556 7:023Croft work and HarvestingCrofting and Harvesting Documentary. Roddy Macdonald’s croft at Aird in Benbecula is the location for this documentary which looks first at silage production, and then in more detail at the more traditional practice for harvesting corn, including the construction of stacks. These are welcomed by conservation bodies.0
668748702018-04-182018-04-20BY-SAInterclilEnglishA2 12CROSSWORDS0
669790462018-04-192018-04-30BY-SAmarianaguerreiroEnglishA2 708 3:401cyle wateryuutiruyouyoyio0
16583360322014-02-242014-02-25BY-SAAnneJEEnglishA2 8124Daily life in Pompeii0
401075262016-04-142016-04-22BY-NDjbermaEnglishA2 2622 5:2051DanceWe all use our body on a daily basis, and yet few of us think about our physicality the way Wayne McGregor does. He demonstrates how a choreographer communicates ideas to an audience, working with two dancers to build phrases of dance, live and unscripted, on the TEDGlobal stage.0
9885379262021-10-272021-11-27BY-SAwonderuseEnglishA2 10861Deforestation_finalThis is a unit on deforestation.It is for 10th grade students.0
921620902021-02-222021-02-22BY-SAanasuchEnglishA2 96Delphi0
406166452016-04-192016-04-19BY-SAgemmalopasEnglishA2 767 5:1621Demographic featuresDiscusses social, economic, political, and environmental push and pull factors0
758628602019-07-092019-07-11BY-SALexis2019@EnglishA2 410DIFERENCIES BETWEEN MINERALS AND ROCKS0
362859782016-03-112016-03-14BY-SAaortizEnglishA2 288 4:46312Discovering the moonIn this unit you will learn about the moon phases and other interesting facts about the moon through a rap funny song. It includes different activities to work both individually and in groups.0
28751729252015-05-132015-05-20BY-SArmanyesEnglishA2 12661DNA ReplicationLearn the steps of DNA replication, the enzymes involved, and what it means to be a leading or lagging strand! DNA replication is a very intricate and fascinating process that you don't want to miss.0
5495579132017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAAPLEnglishA2 521DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING?Contexto: Esta secuencia de ejercicios está propuesta para un grupo de 25 alumnos del nivel de 6º de Primaria, en la asignatura de Inglés. DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING? Maestro/a: Repartir a cada alumno un folio con la letra de la canción incompleta. 1. Look at the lyrics. Do you hear the ______ (people) sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the _____ (music) of the people Who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your _____ (heart) Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to _____ (start) When tomorrow comes. Will you join in our crusade? Who will be ______ (strong) and stand with me? Beyond the barricade Is there a ______ (world) you long to see? Then join in the fight That will give you the right to be free! Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of _____ (angry) men It is the music of the people Who will not be ______ (slaves) again! When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the _____ (drums) There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes! Will you give all0
28201396162015-05-012015-05-24BY-SAmcarmenEnglishA2 1172 7:2621drawing - polygons0
4007123742016-04-132016-04-29BY-NC-SAjgrifo10EnglishA2 111772Earth HistoryThis is lesson 3 of this Unit. It is related to Age of the Earth. Here you will study the diferens eons and its main characteristics.0
664252272018-04-052018-04-13BY-SAAngieEnglishA2 474EATING DISORDERS0
5235313962017-04-192017-04-22BY-SAmarineEnglishA2 1183Eating Healthy is better! (SCIENCE)0
52981382362017-04-222017-04-22BY-SAmarineEnglishA2 3111Eating healthy is better! (SCIENCE) 2 hours CLIL module0
8097302102020-01-082020-01-10BY-SAKata_KataEnglishA2 88561Education in MaltaReading on Malta's education system - potentially a basis for a discussion0
12401428102013-07-172013-07-17BY-SAenglishcornerEnglishA2 9371Egypt Not Alone in Its Economic Problems 0
1244117682013-08-072013-08-07BY-SAfredEnglishA2 484 5:011Egyptians Protest Military Ouster of PresidentThis Unit was created using an iPad0
4143695102016-04-242016-04-24BY-SAvcarbonellEnglishA2 11810:2842ELECTRIC CURRENT EFFECTSElectromagnetism shows the relationship between electricity and magnets.It is very useful and it is the basis for electrical devices such as electric motors. In this unit we will learn how an electromagnet works and who discovered this important concept.0
41371086332016-04-232016-05-12BY-SAamlochiEnglishA2 1078Electrical circuits. Series and parallelBrief introduction about electricity and how it works.0
3884617142016-04-032016-04-23BY-SApabherbaEnglishA2 73Electricity and electronics teaching unit0
412183102016-04-222016-04-22BY-SACarlosTovarEnglishA2 2453Electronic circuits_3rd of ESO0
22421876372014-09-052014-09-10BY-SAMethodsEnglishA2 320 2:2826Electronic Starter Kit by Mallinson Electrical0
43564024472016-05-032016-05-04BY-SAjuanjose.morenoEnglishA2 50532Electronics 3 ESO0
493351712017-03-282017-04-06BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 21Electronics_4ESOCover0
409470602016-04-20BY-SArverdugoEnglishA2 1472 9:00Element or compound0
743631902019-04-08BY-SACeliamartinEnglishA2 23Elements and chemical compounds0
5199914212017-04-182017-12-09BY-NC-NDmariolaEnglishA2 41048Elements of Art: LineWhat is the line? How many types of lines are there? Draw using different types of lines.0
11958195312024-05-212024-05-24BY-SAangelika.kubasikEnglishA2 423 2:1295EmotionsThe webquest is about emotions. Teaches naming and recognizing emotions. Develops emotional and social competences and shows how to deal with difficult emotions.0
47911158232017-03-052017-04-17BY-SAlconesaEnglishA2 422 5:0044Energy concernThis module has been created to concern students about the importance of energy in their life and to provide them with a general view of the different sources of energy. Different activities have been designed including audiovisual resources, links and assignments.0
3996160002016-04-122016-04-17BY-NC-NDjeferarEnglishA2 92Energy conservation0
9110236272021-01-192021-01-19BY-SANatkaEnglishA2 1941Engineering0
13651265152013-09-122013-10-30BY-SAdonnekEnglishA2 117English translation for 1356English translation of 13560
1495123332013-10-302013-11-05BY-SAdonnekEnglishA2 111English translation for 1494English translation of 14940
1499126412013-11-05BY-SAdonnekEnglishA2 122English translation for 1498English translation of 14980
15011115132013-11-05BY-SAdonnekEnglishA2 211English translation for 1500English translation of 15000
1018718372022-02-082025-01-08BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 4224Enough or Too Much of Malta?0
7811424222019-10-082019-10-11BY-SABambi1EnglishA2 5675Environmental problems (poster task)0
784837212019-10-112019-10-11BY-SALAJUGIEEnglishA2 567Environmental problems copy0
854420332020-04-272020-05-04BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 1091Everyday activities.0
730636002019-02-05BY-SAMohagirEnglishA2 156Exercise - Renewable0
743141132019-04-082019-05-13BY-NC-SAVAMMEnglishA2 2838Factors and multiples0
6491646112012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 415 5:493Family Fun at Grimsay Boat DayFamily day out. The Grimsay Boat Day is an annual community event in May. This film covers some of the major activities at a typical Boat Day, including exhibitions, sales and stalls, boat trips and demonstrations, and evening entertainment.0
778734262019-09-262019-09-26BY-SAaga.tobolaEnglishA2 46611FERMI PROBLEMS WEBQUEST!0
36491239172016-03-152016-05-03BY-SAistarxativaEnglishA2 255 4:3545Feudalism in Medieval EuropeThe video is a dynamic monologue which includes visual aids: images, diagrams and text. The aim of the task is to gain basic knowledge about Feudalism in Medieval Europe and to become familiar with specific vocabulary about Feudalism.0
11190243162022-11-072022-11-08BY-SAPetraMEnglishA2 14432Films0
506452912017-04-112017-04-11BY-SANURIA_MONEOEnglishA2 560 3:313Finding the area of the rectangleFind the area of a rectangle by counting square shapes and multiplying.0
408766112016-04-202016-04-22BY-SA18972943JEnglishA2 115FINDING VAN GOGHiNSIDE vAN gOGH BRAIN...0
4178713742016-04-252016-04-25BY-SApilarteugeniagEnglishA2 15451First Degree Equations0
414259632016-04-242016-04-24BY-SApilarteugeniagEnglishA2 1254First Degree Equations0
3868961742016-04-022016-04-02BY-NC-SASMateuEnglishA2 117631First Degree EquationsHow to solve First Degree equations0
942116642013-01-242013-01-24BY-SAniallclilstoreEnglishA2 553Fishing in DonegalA short lesson about fishing in Donegal.0
483785272017-03-162017-03-16BY-SArocio_valencianaEnglishA2 17251Food and digestionThat´s a lesson included in the teaching unit "food and digestion". This lesson is about the classification of food, healthy diet and express opinions (I agree/ I disagree)0
11227182162022-12-212022-12-21BY-NC-SAPeteEnglishA2 2421Food TalkFood talk. Making a recipe. Using English to descripe the different steps that need to be taken in order to cook something.0
8437352342020-03-132020-03-13BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 1811Food, please - revision.1
432864032016-04-302016-04-30BY-SAmarcos99EnglishA2 5642FOOTBALL IS FOOTBALL!0
1027817812022-03-072022-03-28BY-SAMohagirEnglishA2 15212:00Forces0
9754284102021-10-122021-10-15BY-SADenisa27EnglishA2 73225Forest - its structure and lifeThis lesson is aimed at Elementary level, aged 10 - 12. It is a lesson about Forest - its structure and life. It teaches food chains, parts of trees, forest layers and forest changes through seasons. Students will describe food chains, changes in forests through seasons using present simple, practice vocabulary online and make a video about changes in forests through seasons.4
122244442025-01-162025-01-16BY-SAMohagirEnglishA2 58Fractions0
370292462016-03-192016-03-19BY-SAmarmessaEnglishA2 692 4:1742Fractions: Introduction to equivalent fractionsEver had to share a pizza and got stuck with a smaller piece? Not fair! We're here to stand up for your delicious, hot EQUAL pizza slice. Watch!0
1243127502013-07-29BY-SAenglishcornerEnglishA2 8241Fresh of Unrest Flares in Liblya0
269270722015-04-02BY-SAgkelly27EnglishA2 19Frozen Multilanguages0
38308199162016-03-302016-04-03BY-SAdiacuEnglishA2 816 4:15Functions in real lifeA brief video to mathematical functions and their use in real life, specially linear or quadratic functions.0
365466862016-03-152016-03-17BY-SAcsantosEnglishA2 16111FUNCTIONS: LINEAR FUNCTIONS.0
370365822016-03-192016-03-19BY-SAcsantosEnglishA2 1972FUNCTIONS: LINEAR FUNCTIONS.LESSON 4.0
6223526172017-12-12BY-SAkate-parasolkaEnglishA2 497Gardens of Britain0
10177189442022-02-032025-01-08BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 2802Gardjola Verb Hunting0
10200368202022-02-112025-02-12BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA2 13433Geographical Features of MaltaIn this unit the students learn about some of Malta's natural geographical features.0
4344922272016-04-302016-05-01BY-SAcanyamelEnglishA2 177Geography - Rivers and seas0
5437175472017-04-252017-04-26BY-SALfgEnglishA2 118621Geometric figures0
5724662142017-05-142017-05-15BY-SAjmgrnaEnglishA2 1181 4:0211Geometrical Optics: refraction and reflectionThis CLIL unit called “Geometrical Optics: refraction and reflection” which is included in the block content called “The Elecytromagnetic and Visible Spectra”is a part of the school curriculum of Science and Technology of “Batxillerat”in “Comunitat Valenciana”, in accordance with the Decree 110/2008, 15th July. This topic covers the properties of different types of waves, being focused, overall, on refraction and total internal reflection of electromagnetic waves, such us light and their laws. It would be interesting if this topic, which includes many opportunities to develop experimental skills and techniques on our students of second grade of “Batxillerat”, was studied by exploring applications of waves, for example, applications in medical physics or applications in music.0
433390282016-04-302016-04-30BY-SACESEnglishA2 3063GEOMETRYA video about propieties about 3D geometry shapes, with links to some interesting webpages with interactive explanation, flashcards, glossary and autocorrective exercises.0
768744772019-08-302019-08-30BY-SATsvetyEnglishA2 3824Global Warming0
768626902019-08-302019-08-30BY-SAdaisy18EnglishA2 3824Global warming0
768335342019-08-292019-08-30BY-SAKasia BEnglishA2 38242Global warming0
4986579192017-04-02BYvefranpeEnglishA2 299Glossary0
3661718202016-03-16BY-SAHauchrogEnglishA2 2674Golden - Brandon Beal0
10194380782022-02-092025-01-08BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 3143Gostra Running Commentary0
413682152016-04-232016-04-23BY-SAmjossaEnglishA2 1167 6:2013GRAPHIC TOOLSThis is an activity to show graphic tools to students from 1ºESO. It contains much more informations than it necessary in this grade but it is an interesting video. The complementary activities are adequate for the students.0
6200454232017-11-28BY-SAkate-parasolkaEnglishA2 443Great Britain0
743332312019-04-082019-05-13BY-NC-SAVAMMEnglishA2 7253Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple0
6967201082018-07-182018-07-20BY-SAThaisEnglishA2 32021Greek Religion0
957122482021-07-302021-07-30BY-SAiwona43EnglishA2 1026Green life.0
3739663122016-03-23BY-SAMariaPachesEnglishA2 105 8:001GREENHOUSE GASESThe lesson is about the Greenhouse Gases: What gases are involved, where they come from, how they act in the atmosphere, and what are the effects over the sea level, forest, soils, biodiversity and human population.0
854022562020-04-232020-05-05BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 1712Guess the job.0
56142522222017-05-042017-05-07BY-SAalfonsogEnglishA2 17422GUIDE TO PASSING IN HANDBALL0
9803450732021-10-232022-03-15BY-SAweronikalEnglishA2 87Halloween0
5684158272017-05-072017-05-07BY-NC-NDalfonsogEnglishA2 18262HANDBALL WORLD0
5626717102017-05-04BY-SAdapEnglishA2 1266Healthy eating0
562369732017-05-042017-05-04BY-SAdapEnglishA2 1859Healthy eating 20
78494552402019-10-112019-10-11BY-SAMarta2202EnglishA2 588Healthy living around the world.0
6091384842012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 380 7:022Hebridean Food: Cookery Demonstration - Taste of UistFood preparation, and local specialities. The “Blas Uibhist” night was put on by the Ceòlas community group in South Uist to celebrate local food as well as music. Local food producers offered tastings of their products, and a well-known hotelier gave a cookery demonstration. The evening finished with live local music. The event was held in Gaelic, with simultaneous translation into English.0
859115312012-11-072012-12-06BY-SAvoulsEnglishA2 3802Hebridean Food: Cookery Demonstration DocumentaryThe “Blas Uibhist” night was put on by the Ceòlas community group in South Uist to celebrate local food as well as music. Local food producers offered tastings of their products, and a well-known hotelier gave a cookery demonstration. The evening finished with live local music. The event was held in Gaelic, with simultaneous translation into English0
607117172012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 414 4:322Hebridean Food: SmokehouseFish Processing. The Hebridean Smokehouse on North Uist processes salmon and other foodstuffs for a global market. This documentary illustrates the preparation and packaging of the product.0
844158802012-10-312012-12-05BY-SAmarian2006EnglishA2 4402Hebridean Smokehouse DocumentaryThe Hebridean Smokehouse on North Uist processes salmon and other foodstuffs for a global market. This documentary illustrates the preparation and packaging of the product0
39751090332016-04-112016-04-25BY-SA73395506EEnglishA2 343 4:4083HikingThis is an easy activity to prepare a hiking bag for a walking day.0
11660309102023-08-292023-09-01BY-SAAgnieszkaRyEnglishA2 124444Hiking in BeskidyThis is the result of my CLIL course I took in ETI School in Malta. The WebQest is addressed to A2 level students and it is about the place where I come from - Beskids Mountains.0
984318202021-10-262021-10-26BY-SArossella campisiEnglishA2 16history of malta0
930619642021-03-262021-03-26BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 69Homework: Cut-outs 70
882932542020-09-152020-09-15BY-SAannieEnglishA2 48Household chores1
268710801082015-03-302015-06-07BY-SARamónEnglishA2 120341Housing Installations. Electricity, water, gas and air conditioning.Housing Installations. Electricity, water, gas and air conditioning.0
4206620132016-04-262016-04-28BY-SAcbernabeuEnglishA2 268How a relay works0
2483956382015-02-102017-09-22BY-SAvaneideEnglishA2 1154 6:151How butterflies self-medicateJust like us, the monarch butterfly sometimes gets sick thanks to a nasty parasite. But biologist Jaap de Roode noticed something interesting about the butterflies he was studying — infected female butterflies would choose to lay their eggs on a specific kind of plant that helped their offspring avoid getting sick. How do they know to choose this plant? Think of it as “the other butterfly effect” — which could teach us to find new medicines for the treatment of human disease.0
492854512017-03-282017-04-06BY-SArosanasolerEnglishA2 1216 5:5911How does a transistor work?Short and funny vdeo about semiconductors0
37851031362016-03-262016-04-14BY-SAcbernabeuEnglishA2 640 4:561How does a transistor work?This 3D animation in English explains what is made a transistor, how it works and an application when a transistor works as a switch. This video has been performed by Thomas Shwenke without transcription.0
477466132017-02-282017-02-28BY-SAandresramos2EnglishA2 202821How electricity is produced0
54872607102017-04-252017-05-10BY-NC-SAlaurosilEnglishA2 1567How the Greek gods were supposed to beThis is a CLIL unit intended to teach Greek Mythology in the Classical Culture subject. It is addressed to 3rd year of Secondary Education students.0
567750302017-05-062017-05-07BY-SAlaurosilEnglishA2 1566How the Greek Heroes were supposed to beThis is a CLIL unit intended to teach Greek Mythology in the Classical Culture subject. It is addressed to 3rd year of Secondary Education students.0
4181432322012-08-192014-04-19BY-SAS1monaDEnglishA2 378 2:411How to build a brick wall0
593417983412017-08-232018-12-14BY-SACindysdeEnglishA2 54232How to chuck a sickie0
22441432202014-09-072025-02-12BY-SAfredEnglishA2 176 3:1816How to Solder - Through-hole SolderingSparkFun (https://www.sparkfun.com/) is an online retail store that sells the bits and pieces to make your electronics projects possible. No matter what your vision is, our products and resources are designed to make the world of electronics more accessible to the average person. In addition to products, SparkFun, through our Department of Education, offers classes and online tutorials designed to help educate individuals in the wonderful world of embedded electronics. Our ever-growing product catalog boasts over 3,500 components and widgets designed to help you unleash your inner inventor.0
241228445962014-12-172014-12-22BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 1461How to use CLILStore0
567857022017-05-062017-05-06BY-SACBlanquesEnglishA2 68126Humans and Space - Lesson 2 - Texts0
38501039662016-03-312016-03-31BY-NC-NDirnaan6EnglishA2 65024I COME FROM THERE. (Migration)Migration. Causes and consequences of migration. Social Studies.0
122336992025-01-252025-01-25BY-SAfredEnglishA2 287I have a dream0
280711651072015-04-282015-06-01BY-SAmariapilesEnglishA2 3181I wish I could be a superhero0
975214402021-10-12BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 2512I'm a student.0
11688164102023-10-242023-10-24BY-SAnaumann2023EnglishA2 422In a Diner - Eating like a New YorkerReferences0
78079738082019-10-072019-10-07BY-SAdagome24EnglishA2 210Industrial revolution0
296565542015-05-282015-05-28BY-SAmferpocEnglishA2 134Inequality0
638127002012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 242 1:583Interview: MCP Sarah MacinnesChildren's Parliament activities and examples. Member of the Uist and Barra Children’s Parliament Sarah Macinnes describes how it meets, and some of its activities. She also recites a jointly composed poem, produced in the course of those activities.0
62012571562012-09-102013-04-18BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 966 5:233Interview: Musician James de Las CasasSong composition, performance, and recording. Kevin De Las Casas talks to James McLetchie about the song creation process, and about his musical background and influences. He also describes his own musical development since arriving in Uist, and the importance of performance experience for both composing and recording.0
29361096182015-05-262015-05-29BY-SAsulhdevrimEnglishA2 29645introduction of malta0
410757052016-04-212016-04-22BY-SAluinalpe_88EnglishA2 300 2:4912Introduction to CartographyGeographic Information Systems (GIS) is a business information management system that helps us capture, analyse and present geographic information on a map. Maps allow us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualise data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends. A map helps businesses answer questions and solve problems by looking at data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.0
2915911532015-05-232015-05-23BY-SAjuliasmEnglishA2 14253Introduction to computer networks and the internet0
386161102016-04-012016-04-02BYkamarena84EnglishA2 1845 9:3031Introduction to functionsIntroduction of how to analyze functions.0
3832632222016-03-302016-04-03BY-SAdiacuEnglishA2 300621Introduction to functionsThis is an introductory activity to know about functions for first time and consider the use of functions in real life.0
4119108332016-04-222016-04-22BY-SAluinalpe_88EnglishA2 163 2:4912Introduction to GISGeographic Information Systems (GIS) is a business information management system that helps us capture, analyse and present geographic information on a map. Maps allow us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualise data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends. A map helps businesses answer questions and solve problems by looking at data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.0
27264084122015-04-072015-05-06BY-NC-SAvmb2010EnglishA2 460 1:10:0011Introduction to Google SketchUpSketchUp is a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural, interior design, civil and mechanical engineering, film, and video game design0
415655922016-04-24BY-SAmjossaEnglishA2 1204 9:45INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONIt is an interesting video about "The language of drawing" where students can see the use of this teaching unit and it is relation with the real world.0
567349972017-05-062017-05-06BY-SASergioTarregaEnglishA2 2632Introduction: Energy0
4528469122016-10-182016-10-20BY-NDbiologeoEnglishA2 19642Invertebrates: introduction0
13202687432013-08-272013-08-28BY-SAAlbisEnglishA2 3841Ireland clil0
66796501492018-04-172018-04-17BY-SAJuliaESLEnglishA2 1392Irregular verbs0
672055352018-04-292018-04-29BY-SAaolfontEnglishA2 6542Isolation precautionsThis unit belongs to the Hospital environment hygiene and cleaning material module of the intermediate degree cycle of Auxiliary Care Technician. It is important that students apply the isolation precautions for the control and prevention of hospital infections.0
24191161332014-12-262021-01-15BY-SAsimocorioEnglishA2 15411Italy Geography0
517764912017-04-182017-04-18BY-SApauavinyoEnglishA2 7Jump Rope Multiple Choice Questions0
15931342672014-01-152014-01-15BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 44415:572Kallin ShellfishThis film was made by Polish and Latvian workers at Kallin Shellfish on the Isle of Grimsay, in the Outer Hebrides, who were attending English language classes run by the Cothrom training group. The learners themselves planned, shot, and edited the pictures, and then scripted and recorded the commentary.0
116682083432023-08-312023-09-01BY-SAjanaterlovaEnglishA2 67422Karlovy Vary0
9425317142021-06-222021-06-25BY-SAMejlaEnglishA2 33151Kinds of meats0
424284482016-04-272016-04-28BY-SASergiRebolletEnglishA2 639 4:19KINETIC THEORY AND CHANGES OF STATEIn this module students will learn about kinetic theory in order to understand the structure of matter and its changes of state.0
1135919312023-04-132023-04-13BY-SAClauCarras99EnglishA2 246 1:00Kings League Rules0
1201565662011-11-042018-06-10BY-SAAnaEnglishA2 221 2:0918Knee ligament anatomy0
921918402021-02-222021-02-22BY-SAanasuchEnglishA2 84Knossos0
967919322021-08-312021-08-31BY-SAAnnaKuzniarskaEnglishA2 911Koty0
8363212222020-02-212020-02-21BY-SATanyaEnglishA2 333Last Christmas0
6271509132012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 394 5:193LazybedsConstructing raised (or "lazy" beds for potato cultivation. This short documentary, filmed in South Uist, illustrates the steps involved in building lazy beds. Angus Macdonald, on a Life Skills course run by the Cothrom training group, passes on his traditional skills to other participants. Some other activities of the group are also shown.0
2442903302015-01-17BY-SAkatepengEnglishA2 793Learn to read Chinese ... with ease!0
76953191712019-09-132019-09-13BY-NCbarbatEnglishA2 42011Lekcja CLIL Bartosz Kobyłecki0
36216124202016-03-102016-03-16BY-SAHauchrogEnglishA2 264 3:50Let it go - Frost0
5349508202017-04-232017-04-23BY-SAJoan MarcEnglishA2 154LET´S SING WITH VEGGIE BOOGIE!1.Initiation to scientific research. - Use the technologies of information and communication to find information about the music style, and the vocabulary. 2.Structure and develop a song with the general characteristics of the chosen plant : color, vitamins, how to eat .....0
534854102017-04-23BY-SAJoan MarcEnglishA2 77LET´S SING WITH VEGGIE BOOGIE!1.Initiation to scientific research. - Use the technologies of information and communication to find information about the music style, and the vocabulary. 2.Structure and develop a song with the general characteristics of the chosen plant : color, vitamins, how to eat .....0
5322498392017-04-232017-05-02BY-SAmirogabEnglishA2 2522Let's do the Pythagoras!Teacher assesses the first exercise about elements of a triangle, the composition and the Pythagoras calculations (they send to her/him a Printed Screen by email) Pupils have to solve the question asked in a Kahoot. (Annex assessment 2.1)0
1198913342024-06-202024-06-21BY-SABea_FollEnglishA2 85154Let's plan your start up0
737349132019-02-212019-02-22BY-SAPMGEnglishA2 4061Let's play with money0
11756166392023-12-052023-12-18BY-SAInezaEnglishA2 1563Let's visit Malta.0
410876772016-04-212016-04-21BY-SAdavseginsEnglishA2 328LET’S PLAY AN ALTERNATIVE SPORT!0
64616531952012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 394 5:313Lifelong Learning and Scotland’s Gaelic CollegeGàidhlig tertiary education. Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is Scotland’s Gaelic college. This short film gives a brief tour of the main campus in the Isle of Skye, outlining some of the main facilities and functions of the college.0
180828011742014-03-24BY-SAroby65EnglishA2 232linear sistem and equations0
10670376892022-08-172023-10-12BY-SAPetraMEnglishA2 3167London sights0
5312060762012-09-042025-01-13BY-SAfredEnglishA2 330 1:572London Underground Unit Five - Getting AroundLearn about the London Underground in a fun way. How to get around on the London Underground, also known as the Tube. A text written by Jeff Clark from the Mining Co. Guide0
5303652702012-09-042025-01-13BY-SAfredEnglishA2 421 2:542London Underground Unit Four - The Map, The Lines & Some Funky StationsLearn about the London Underground in a fun way. The London Tube, The Map, The Lines & Some Funky Stations. A text written by Jeff Clark from the Mining Co. Guide0
52752641962012-09-042025-01-13BY-SAfredEnglishA2 417 2:333London Underground Unit One: An Overview and Brief History of the TubeLearn about the London Underground in a fun way. Getting around on the London Tube and a brief history of the Tube. A text written by Jeff Clark from the Mining Co. Guide. Original Recordings were made on location in November 970
5332833482012-09-042025-01-13BY-SAfredEnglishA2 353 2:222London Underground Unit Seven - Hours of Operation and Tube Trivia TidbitsLearn about the London Underground in a fun way. London Underground, also known as the Tube. Hours of Operation and Tube Trivia Tidbits. A text written by Jeff Clark from the Mining Co. Guide0
5324418882012-09-042025-01-13BY-SAfredEnglishA2 658 3:562London Underground Unit Six - The Good, The Bad, and The AmericansLearn about the London Underground in a fun way. The London Underground, how to behave in the Tube (or how to behave whilst on Public Transport). A text written by Jeff Clark from the Mining Co. Guide0
5294222122012-09-042025-01-13BY-SAfredEnglishA2 370 2:072London Underground Unit Three - Types of Tickets for TouristsLearn about the London Underground in a fun way. The London Tube. Types of Tickets for Tourists. A text written by Jeff Clark from the Mining Co. Guide0
52865341762012-09-042025-01-13BY-SAfredEnglishA2 593 3:402London Underground Unit Two - Fare Cards and ZonesLearn about the London Underground in a fun way. Fare cards and zones in the London Tube. Text written by Jeff Clark from the Mining Co. Guide0
10173309632022-02-032025-02-14BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 2993Maltese Celebrations0
11968245232024-05-212024-05-24BY-SAcadamagnaniEnglishA2 713511Mandela and South AfricaIn this unit students will become more aware of the history dynamics and mechanisms. They will learn facts about people who made a difference in history.0
1020123782022-02-112025-02-14BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 22231Manoel Theatre1
80054652522019-11-252019-11-26BY-SAMonika25EnglishA2 2280Market Segmentation0
7254644612018-12-172018-12-19BY-SAMonika25EnglishA2 26311Market Segmentation0
2975946452015-06-012016-01-02BY-SAevamsvEnglishA2 17986MARKETING MIX0
21651021262014-06-272014-07-03BY-SAcaoimhinsmoEnglishA2 183 1:4511Mary had a little lamb0
41292307112016-04-222016-04-27BY-SASLMEnglishA2 35222Measurement: Time.This CLIL didactic unit is addressed to a group of students of 4rd year Primary Education. Content: Measurement (3rd content D. 108/2014 Valencian Community): Time (second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, lustrum, decade, century).0
41283437782016-04-222016-04-25BY-SASLMEnglishA2 23021Measurement: Weight / mass.This CLIL didactic unit is addressed to a group of students of 4rd year Primary Education. Content: Measurement (3rd content D. 108/2014 Valencian Community): Weight (unit: Kg).0
55472766202017-04-302018-10-10BY-NC-SAjuanipinarEnglishA2 473 2:53811MECHANISMS: LESSON 3. MOTION TRANSFORMATION SYSTEMSReview of 4 mechanical systems that transform motion.0
50841104542017-04-122018-04-17BY-NC-SAjuanipinarEnglishA2 708 3:3961MECHANISMS. LESSON 1. SIMPLE MACHINESA collection of hand tools and toys can be a valuable learning experience for students as they examine them to see how the simple machine parts can be combined to function together as a compound machine.0
512315815292017-04-152018-04-17BY-NC-SAjuanipinarEnglishA2 715710MECHANISMS. LESSON 2. MOTION TRANSMISSIONGoing over the different motion transmission systems, an overview of their components!0
44101070122016-05-20BY-SAreadineuropeEnglishA2 8034Midsummer Night's Dream0
1011449612882022-01-102022-03-02BY-SAwonderuseEnglishA2 29054Migration Period0
1180686192024-02-022024-02-02BY-SASPlgoczankaEnglishA2 25617Migratory Birds in Poland0
526371372017-04-202017-05-06BY-SAfgonmurEnglishA2 577 4:002MIGRATORY BIRDS: A SWALLOW´S MIGRATIONMigratory birds and swallow migration. Unit that briefly explains the existence of migratory birds and resident birds. The unit explains the migration of the swallows from Europe to South Africa.0
10170204422022-02-022022-11-11BY-SAClauCarras99EnglishA2 197Modern Olympic GamesCLIL cross-cultural sequence0
50361102102017-04-082017-05-10BY-SASOGRANGAEnglishA2 1468MODULE TWO HOURS : ATAPUERCA : BECOME A FAMOUS ARCHAEOLOGISTThis two hours clil module is made up of two activities which provide the learners to build critical thinking, important to reasoning about the human evolution. This module is linked with the cliclstore unit and it is a reflection about what we have learned and an effective way to consolidate understanding of new information. All the activities are combiend using the four language skills according to the 4Cs of CLIL0
36271254172016-03-112016-03-14BY-SAaortizEnglishA2 440 4:46Moon phasesThis song explores Earth's beautiful moon. Students will learn the phases of the moon and how they relate to the calendar month. Students will find out the difference between waxing and waning, and add the fun word "gibbous" to their vocabularies with this video.0
1017422462022-02-032025-01-08BY-SAetimaltaEnglishA2 2392Mosta Dome Imperatives0
1328347582013-08-282013-08-29BY-SAroby65EnglishA2 34284motherboardThe aims of this lesson is to introduced the students about basic glossary in motherboard. the lesson is divided in three parts: the first part uses brainstorming as worm up; the second part includes the video that describe which basic components are and their functions; the third part includes three exercises, it is advice at follow up activity0
30232617462015-06-222015-06-24BY-SAramorosEnglishA2 74766Movement and VelocityThis module has been designed to work different situations of Linear Motion and make it easy for students to interpret Distance-time Graphs.0
8545225182020-04-272020-05-06BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 1771Mrs Sanchez and Mr Smith0
11748160602023-11-142023-11-14BY-SASvobidusEnglishA2 273Much or Many?0
79303164842019-11-082019-11-08BY-SAMarioetiEnglishA2 4746Multiculturalism0
792925852019-11-082020-01-10BY-SAIsaSEnglishA2 7576Multiculturalism0
792826002019-11-08BY-SAarmandacEnglishA2 4746Multiculturalism0
6199464142017-11-282017-11-28BY-SAkate-parasolkaEnglishA2 302Music0
9555181142021-07-282021-07-28BY-SAAnnaKuzniarskaEnglishA2 3451My day at Ha Long Bay - blog entry0
7414403122019-03-312019-04-28BY-NC-SAjjalemanyEnglishA2 576 2:3218My first hour of coding0
118667932024-03-202024-03-20BY-SAKarimEnglishA2 4My new unit0
7404505302019-03-122019-05-13BY-NC-SAVAMMEnglishA2 184313Natural numbers. Factors and multiples. GCF and LCM0
1117118832022-10-272022-10-28BY-SAGillesEnglishA2 7621New unit : Play with History, in English, sure !0
4335665122016-04-302016-04-30BY-SAmbmEnglishA2 92714NEWS AND DARESA 2-hour CLIL module that includes fragments of different articles, challenges related to them and extra activities to work what it has been seen in the articles. The main topic is: the Solar System.0
58361317142017-07-132017-07-13BY-SAJanwillemvlcEnglishA2 603 5:001Nile in Ancient EgyptNile in ancient Egypt0
4339492912016-04-30BY-SAcararoEnglishA2 518 1:361Nitric acid and ammoniaChemistry is applied everyday in Industrial sector, nitric acid and ammonia are important products mainly used as fertilisers0
556559632017-05-012017-05-07BY-SAalbus19EnglishA2 304 5:002NutritionThe nutrients of food0
3644732102016-03-142016-03-14BY-SAgemmalopasEnglishA2 88121NutritionIn this video we can see a kid reflecting on our food system.0
54564044152017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAAleixEnglishA2 13362NUTRITION AND FOOD UNIT0
264968332015-03-172015-03-17BY-SAKleoEnglishA2 82Office Adninistration0
8076393132019-12-242025-02-12BY-NC-NDetimaltaEnglishA2 9611Old Maltese Transport0
921518702021-02-222021-02-22BY-SAanasuchEnglishA2 89Olympia0
554646902017-04-302017-04-30BY-NC-SApauavinyoEnglishA2 16Olympic Games: years and places0
617242002017-11-20BY-SAtatyaEnglishA2 319Once upon a time0
4234593402016-04-272016-04-27BY-SAHauchrogEnglishA2 211 4:00One call away0
1062217522022-07-282022-09-27BY-SASonaEnglishA2 14511One of the most important chemical reactionThis lesson is about photosynthesis - about the process, elements, compounds, why it is important. Students create their own posters in groups.0
554546712017-04-302017-04-30BY-SAsanchezasEnglishA2 631OPERATING SYSTEMSThis is an example of some activities that can be done when teaching operating systems.0
548468802017-04-252017-04-25BY-SAsanchezasEnglishA2 1583OPERATING SYSTEMS0
529452872017-04-212017-05-05BY-SAanachuliaEnglishA2 25749OPERATIONS WITH FRACTIONSThis clilstore unit bellows to a Math lesson about fractions for 3rd year high school students. It represents two sessions.0
561872442017-05-042017-11-23BYlukasgc15EnglishA2 1269 7:1531Orienteering, compass course and creating a terminological glossaryA short video that shows how to use and navigate with a compass.0
4072608192016-04-192016-04-19BY-SAximollorkEnglishA2 411212Orienteering: How to read a map.0
423838315222016-04-272016-04-27BY-SAcemuletEnglishA2 130521Our Solar SystemOur Solar System is a 2-hour CLIL module for 3rd level of Primary Education in which students will put into practice the contents they have learnt about the Solar System along the unit. This module consists of making a Glog with the Platform called Glogster. A Glog is an interactive poster where you can publish videos, texts, audios, links, etc.0
84473028892020-03-162020-03-17BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 1422Out and about1
314472342015-08-27BY-SAvuokkoEnglishA2 3PADLET0
621342502017-12-062017-12-06BY-SAalba090287EnglishA2 633Palaeolithic Art0
1112811692022-10-162022-11-11BY-SAClauCarras99EnglishA2 204Paralympic Games0
1014416342022-01-242022-02-21BY-SAMohagirEnglishA2 16715:00Parts of a flowering plant0
3847650102016-03-312016-03-31BY-SAlugmetaEnglishA2 107 7:5611Parts of the flowerOur topic for today is sexual reproduction in flowering plants. We are going to learn about the male and female reproductive parts of flowering plants and about the fertilization process.0
3333215782012-05-162014-04-08BY-SAAstaSEnglishA2 23821Parts of UK0
6241828482012-09-102016-03-23BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 491 6:243Peat cuttingCutting peats. Benbecula resident Archie Campbell cuts peats in the traditional manner with the help of his neighbour Donald Innes. Various stages in the process are shown, as well as the use of the traditional peatknife.0
566644202017-05-062017-05-06BY-SArcerveraEnglishA2 993PERIMETER AND AREA - VIDEOS0
27523552232015-04-092015-05-12BY-SAmariapilesEnglishA2 26921Periodic table0
1272231442013-08-222013-08-23BY-SAAlbisEnglishA2 145 1:523Photosynthesis songPhotosynthesis song for bilingual classes0
432190342016-04-302016-04-30BY-SAmbmEnglishA2 251333Planets of the Solar SystemVideo that explains briefly the Planets in our Solar System and their features.0
39311178262016-04-072016-04-07BY-SAserlicaEnglishA2 274 3:4066PLANETS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM0
10035143142021-12-06BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 230Plural nouns0
8449259232020-03-172020-04-14BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 219Plural nouns0
7332424542019-02-122019-06-08BY-SAOlimpiaEnglishA2 196 1:15Polar Bear Fun FactsThis is a short video about polar bears. It is intended to integrate informational content about polar bears with language.0
524856542017-04-202017-04-25BY-SAfmateu4EnglishA2 12011POLYGONS0
5501670132017-04-262017-06-15BY-SAmarianaguerreiroEnglishA2 4843Polygons-2D0
2858193382015-05-102015-05-27BY-SAmanimarEnglishA2 926 4:2982Post- Impressionism. Pointillism.0
1017117412022-02-022022-02-02BY-SAetimalta2021EnglishA2 1Poznaj Maltę - Get to know Malta!0
561350602017-05-042017-05-06BY-SASOGRANGAEnglishA2 269PREHISTORY : METAL AGES0
561245502017-05-042017-05-12BY-SASOGRANGAEnglishA2 166PREHISTORY : NEOLITHIC AGE0
620451582017-12-022017-12-06BY-SAalba090287EnglishA2 1094Prehistory TimelineStone Age didactic unit: Initial Activity0
561160372017-05-042017-05-12BY-SASOGRANGAEnglishA2 19810PREHISTORY: PALAEOLITHIC AGE0
5723597142017-05-142021-01-15BY-SAFERNANDOEnglishA2 156410:052Principles of MarketingThis unit introduces us in the concept of marketing in order to advance on block 5 and its contents. In it we will see a video in which it illustrates several of the main definitions that the marketing has been adopting. Principles of Marketing introduction first part. This video explains the basics of principles of marketing using flow chart. It also tells you the historic progression of marketing. Topics Covered in this lecture are: 1. Why marketing management is important in business? 2. What is the definition of strategic marketing? 3. What is the concept of marketing? 4. What is a marketing information management? 5. Marketing management Basics 6. What is marketing management concept 7. Marketing management project 8. Marketing management functions 9. Importance of marketing management 10. Scope of marketing management0
85642381282020-05-062020-05-28BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 128Project: A day in a life of a waiter0
856217912020-05-042020-05-06BY-SAMissAgnesEnglishA2 1561Project: A day in a life of a waiter moje0
2874154892015-05-132015-06-04BY-SArmanyesEnglishA2 11711PROTEIN SYNTHESISWe'll go over the steps of transcription and translation and the roles that ribosomes, DNA, and RNA play. Learn how protein is made! Music Credit: Adrian Holovaty, OverClocked ReMix0
564440612017-05-052017-05-05BY-SAraulcor2EnglishA2 511PROVA0
286089952015-05-102015-05-27BY-SAmanimarEnglishA2 85 6:3032Psychology of colors: Van Gogh's paintings0
9876444172021-10-262021-10-29BY-SAbioologEnglishA2 28242pythagorashow to use pythagoreas theorem and some imformation about pythagoras1
655764342018-03-112018-03-11BY-SAjoanviblascoEnglishA2 25211Pythagorean theoremExplanation about how to calculate the hypotenuse in a rectangle triangle0
956319332021-07-292021-07-30BY-SAAnnaKuzniarskaEnglishA2 20024Pythagoriam Theorem1
486997422017-03-202017-03-20BY-SAencarnadolzEnglishA2 2723QUADRATIC EQUATIONS0
484761822017-03-172017-03-22BY-SAencarnadolzEnglishA2 260QUADRATIC EQUATIONS0
630120252012-09-102013-04-19BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 290 4:593RazorfishCatching razorfish. This is a short documentary about how to catch razorfish in South Uist. Alec Beaton demonstrates his technique, and shows others on a Life Skills course how to do it.0
6041261172012-09-102016-11-12BY-SAGuthanNanEileanEnglishA2 189 5:033Re-Store Furniture Recyling ProjectFurniture restoration and recycling. The Re-Store Project is a social enterprise in South Uist. Old furniture is restored and recycled. The project also houses a book recycling scheme, and provides employment and training opportunities in the local community.0
839118102012-10-312012-12-04BY-SADalyEnglishA2 2242Re-Store Project DocumentaryThe Re-Store Project is a social enterprise in South Uist. Old furniture is restored and recycled. The project also houses a book recycling scheme, and provides employment and training opportunities in the local community.0
617042692017-11-202017-11-20BY-SAkate-parasolkaEnglishA2 324Reading0
27341113202015-04-082015-04-08BY-SARomina84EnglishA2 418 2:52Recycling: the four R0
4204873252016-04-262016-04-28BY-SAcbernabeuEnglishA2 28534Relays0
431095892016-04-302016-04-30BY-SAsalvaxEnglishA2 29021Renewable energies0
6013995482017-09-282018-04-30BY-NC-NDelicotteroEnglishA2 108834RENEWABLE ENERGY0
2277144942014-09-162014-09-16BY-SAfredEnglishA2 6432Richard Branson - Chairman of the Virgin GroupPersonal lessons and insights from accomplished entrepreneurs are the basis of this interview series produced by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and Khan Academy. Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We're a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.0
24428647592012-02-092014-04-19BY-SAfredEnglishA2 449 2:241Robomow by Friendly Robotics0
52322719982017-04-192017-04-20BY-SA20851816QEnglishA2 82010:1951ROOM ON THE BROOMRoom on the Broom tells the story of a friendly witch and her faithful cat who enjoy flying around, watching the world go by –that is until the day that the wind blows the witch’s hat right off her head. Luckily a keen dog bounds from the bushes with the hat in his mouth and asks to ride on the broom and…whoosh!, off they fly. But it is not long before the witch loses her bow and then her wand. Again, the witch is in luck as a green bird and a clean frog retrieve them. To show how grateful she is, the witch makes room on her broom for them all. Then calamity strikes as the broom snaps, the passengers tumble downwards into a bog and a fiery dragon licks his lips at the thought of WITCH AND CHIPS! Bravely, the witch’s new friends disguise themselves as a horrible beast to scare away the cowardly dragon and rescue the witch. The wonderful climax to the story sees A TRULY MAGNIFICENT BROOM rise from the witch’s cauldron, cleverly accessorised with something for everyone.0
1135611072023-03-302023-03-30BY-SAcaoimhinsmoEnglishA2 7Rubbish test unit0
923323552021-02-282021-02-28BY-SALauFGEnglishA2 1474Rural life1
98823501062021-10-262024-10-03BY-SAcarsipeEnglishA2 137