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265 | 4540 | 62 | 2012-02-27 | 2012-03-04 | BY-SA | Rita | Lietuvių | | 249 | | 3:10 | | | Kaip pasigaminti veido kremą namuose | | | 0 |
195 | 1249 | 41 | 2012-01-25 | 2012-01-26 | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | | 123 | | 2:31 | | | making acorn coffee/ giliu kava | | | 0 |
256 | 1425 | 4 | 2012-02-13 | 2012-02-13 | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | | 77 | | | | | short lithuanian folk song learnt by spanish | | | 0 |
1929 | 824 | 21 | 2014-04-23 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | A1 | 84 | | 2:30 | | | in the students' canteen | A typical situation from the students’ life. Two students of Kaunas College meet and decide to have lunch. They go to the students’ canteen and choose the typical dishes the Lithuanian students would have for their lunch. | | 0 |
8920 | 180 | 1 | 2020-10-28 | 2020-10-28 | BY-SA | ritama | Lietuvių | A1 | 11 | | | 2 | 2 | Seminaras | | | 0 |
8906 | 167 | 3 | 2020-10-28 | 2020-10-28 | BY-SA | angele | Lietuvių | A1 | 11 | | | | | Seminaras | - | | 0 |
1933 | 894 | 3 | 2014-04-23 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | A2 | 112 | | 1:38 | | | At the airport | A foreigner, whose plane has just landed in the airport of Kaunas, the second largest city of Lithuania, addresses the employee of the Tourist Information centre, as he needs to find a hotel for his stay in Lithuania. He is kindly provided all the necessary information. | | 0 |
1938 | 857 | 3 | 2014-04-28 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | A2 | 106 | | 1:06 | | | At the family doctor | A dialogue between a doctor and a patient takes place at the family doctor’s office. They discuss the patient’s health problems, the symptoms, and the possible ways of overcoming these problems. | | 0 |
1942 | 860 | 0 | 2014-04-28 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | A2 | 148 | | 2:02 | | | At the library | A student comes to the public library. She has never been to this library before, therefore, if she wants to become a reader of this library, she has to get LIBIS reader’s card. The librarian explains the procedure of becoming the library’s reader. The student fills in all the necessary forms and now she may use the services of this library. | | 0 |
1927 | 818 | 1 | 2014-04-23 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | A2 | 223 | | 1:07 | | | In a Health Centre | A student decides to go in for sports and goes to the nearest Health Centre. The action takes place at the Health Centre and depicts the usual scene between a customer and a receptionist. | | 0 |
1931 | 908 | 0 | 2014-04-23 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | A2 | 104 | | 1:15 | | | Telephone inquiries | A girl, at a request of her friend, phones Telephone Inquiries 118, in order to inquire about the buses timetable. She wants to find out when is the next bus from Kaunas to Klaipėda, which is the seaport town in the Western part of Lithuania. A conversation regarding timetables takes place between a Telephone Inquiries operator and the girl | | 0 |
1932 | 898 | 0 | 2014-04-23 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | A2 | 133 | | 1:11 | | | Time | One autumn morning, when the summertime has been changed into the wintertime, three students meet in the college’s lobby. It turns out that one of them has forgotten to set his watch back. | | 0 |
1939 | 908 | 3 | 2014-04-28 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 178 | | 1:54 | | | At the police station | An American tourist was robbed. He comes to the police station. He is asked to make a statement and to describe the circumstances of the incident. The investigator helps him fill in all the necessary documents. | | 0 |
1941 | 817 | 0 | 2014-04-28 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 253 | | 3:43 | | | At the restaurant | Sophy, a foreign student, meets with Marius, a student from Kaunas, in the downtown. They decide to have dinner together. Marius invites Sophy to try some traditional Lithuanian dishes, introduces her to the Lithuanian cuisine. | | 0 |
1930 | 798 | 1 | 2014-04-23 | 2014-04-23 | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 221 | | 2:37 | | | CHOOSING A STUDY PROGRAMME | Two young men meet in front of the main building of Kaunas College. One of them appears to be a student of this college and the other one is a school leaver willing to study here. The school leaver is not sure which study programme to choose. The student shows him around the college and takes to a consultant. The consultant explains him about the possible study programmes at the college. The school leaver is helped to make his choice and he goes to fill in the application form. Some statistics on the applicants and students’ numbers is provided at the end of the video. | | 0 |
1926 | 922 | 0 | 2014-04-23 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 314 | | 4:53 | | | I have bought a computer | A student buys a computer but he does not know how to connect it. He phones a friend and asks for help. The friend is eager to help, but his attempt also ends in failure. One more friend is invited to help. He shows and explains the two friends how to connect the computer. | | 0 |
1120 | 1557 | 0 | 2013-04-23 | 2013-04-23 | BY-SA | S1monaD | Lietuvių | B1 | 175 | | 1:44 | 3 | | Kaip pagaminti saldainių medį | Idėja saldumynų mėgėjams - jūsų rankų darbo saldainių medis. Jis gali būti tiek lapuotis, tiek kalėdinė eglutė, viskas priklauso nuo noro ir vaizduotės. Šiame video pamatysite, išgirsite ir sužinosite kaip pasigaminti patiems saldainių medį. | | 0 |
1928 | 975 | 1 | 2014-04-23 | 2014-04-23 | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 416 | | 7:15 | | | Kaunas - my town | A girl receives a friend from the other town who has never been to Kaunas before. They go sightseeing round Kaunas. They visit a few most famous places in Kaunas. | | 0 |
1943 | 752 | 2 | 2014-04-28 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 256 | | 3:44 | | | Looking for job | Two friends meet after a long time. One of them is in a big trouble. He can’t find a job. He has no money. The friend offers to help find a job and suggests to have a look at some job advertisements in the newspapers and to surf the net. After a successful talk to a possible employer, the future seems much brighter. | | 0 |
285 | 1091 | 3 | 2012-03-30 | 2012-03-30 | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 33 | | | 1 | | Old folk song with views from Lithuania | | | 0 |
1187 | 1163 | 13 | 2013-07-04 | | BY-SA | fred | Lietuvių | B1 | 772 | | 9:40 | | | Studento vaizdo įrašo stenograma | | | 0 |
1118 | 962 | 0 | 2013-04-23 | | BY-SA | S1monaD | Lietuvių | B1 | 211 | | 2:38 | 3 | | STUDIJŲ PROGRAMOS PASIRINKIMAS | Du jauni vaikinai susitinka prieš pagrindinį Kauno kolegijos pastatą. Vienas iš jų yra šios kolegijos studentas, o kitas vaikinas ką tik pabaigęs vidurinę mokyklą ir yra pasiruošęs ir nori čia sudijuoti. Abiturientas nėra apsisprendęs kurią studijų programą pasirinkti. Studentas aprodo kolegiją ir nuveda jį konsultacijai. Konsultantas paaiškina apie galimas studijų programas kolegijoje. Taigi baigęs mokyklą jaunas vaikinas po pokalbio apsisprendžia kur stoti ir nueina užpildyti paraiškos formą. Kai kurių kandidatų bei studentų skaičiaus statistika yra pateikiama vaizdo įrašo pabaigoje. | | 0 |
1119 | 1045 | 0 | 2013-04-23 | 2013-04-23 | BY-SA | S1monaD | Lietuvių | B1 | 114 | | 59 | 3 | | Sveikata | Veiksmas vyksta vaistinėje. Du draugai, Andrius ir Žilvinas susitinka vaistinėje. Jie aptaria savo sveikatos problemas ir priemones, kurių imasi, kad būtų geriau. | | 0 |
1944 | 727 | 14 | 2014-04-28 | | BY-SA | AstaS | Lietuvių | B1 | 152 | | 1:29 | | | Video rent | A student comes to one of the video rents. She has to write a course paper ‘The great names of history’ for her studies and she needs some historical film. The employee at the video rent recommends her a video. She also helps her choose a movie for the weekend | | 0 |
1121 | 1094 | 12 | 2013-04-23 | | BY-SA | S1monaD | Lietuvių | B2 | 255 | | 3:45 | 3 | | Darbo paieška | Jaunas žmogus ieško darbo. Susitinka draugę, kuri jam padeda ieškoti darbo pagal skelbimus. Vaikinas nuėjęs į pokalbį, pasako savo arguemntus, kodėl tinka tam darbui, atsakęs į darbdavio klausimus, darbą gauna. | | 0 |
1130 | 1262 | 15 | 2013-04-25 | 2013-04-26 | BY-SA | RasaZ | Lietuvių | B2 | 582 | | 3:32 | 2 | | Laura Trice siūlo mums visiems sakyti ačiū | Šioje apgaulingai paprastoje 3-jų minučių kalboje dr. Laura Trice permąsto magiškų žodžių "ačiū" galią -- jų poveikį draugystės stiprinimui, ryšio sugrąžinimui ir užtikrinimui, kad kitas žmogus supranta, kiek daug jis jums reiškia. Išmėginkite tai patys. | | 0 |
274 | 1132 | 0 | 2012-03-03 | 2013-04-23 | BY-SA | S1monaD | Lietuvių | B2 | 123 | | | 1 | | Lietuvos tautiška giesmė | Lietuvos tautiška giesmė. | | 0 |
892 | 2144 | 145 | 2012-12-14 | 2013-07-03 | BY-SA | fred | Lietuvių | B2 | 1065 | | 15:39 | 1 | | Vadovas kaip dirbti Clilstore sistemoje | Tai detalus vadovas mokantis, kaip internete sukurti pratimą, sudarytą iš video ir teksto, kuriame visi žodžiai yra susieti su įvairiais internetiniais žodynais | | 0 |
1129 | 879 | 0 | 2013-04-25 | 2013-04-25 | BY-SA | RasaZ | Lietuvių | C1 | 639 | | 4:52 | 1 | | Hannah Brencher: Meilės laiškai nepažįstamiesiems | Hannah Brencher motina visuomet rašydavo jai laiškus. Tad kai ji baigė koledžą ir pasijuto įkritusi į depresijos bedugnę, ėmėsi to, kas atrodė natūralu - ji rašydavo meilės laiškus ir palikdavo juos ten, kur juos rastų nepažįstamieji. Šis veiksmas tapo pasauline iniciatyva "Pasauliui reikia daugiau meilės laiškų" ("The World Needs More Love Letters"), kuri rūpinasi, kad tie, kuriems labiausiai reikia palaikymo, skubiai jo sulauktų ranka rašytų laiškų pavidalu. | | 0 |